
Defines functions getMetadata fieldsDF dssConfig initialize.dssrip

Documented in dssConfig getMetadata initialize.dssrip

# dssrip2.r
# functions for connecting to the DSS libraries through Java

#' @title dssrip initialization
#' @author Evan Heisman
#' @description
#' Starts a rJava JVM with configuration for dss's jar and dll files.
#' @details
#' This method is typically called by the onLoad function when the package is imported.
#' List of `options` can be passed to this package via the R global `options()` function:
#' - `dss_jvm_parameters` string passed to JVM when initialized, allowing memory settings to be altered or other JVM start-up options set.  This is untested.
#' - `dss_override_location` file path to force dssrip to load a particular set of dss libraries.  This is untested. 
#' - `dss_config_filename` filename that points to a jar_config.json file external to the package's default configuration.
#' - `dss_allowed_states` list, defaults to `c('tested')`, filters config file to only allowed states.
#' - `dss_default_config`, string, forces to only use config going by this `name`.
#' @param quietDSS - if true, don't show 'Z' messages during opening, reading, and writing to a file.
#' @param parameters list of options string to pass to JVM. (defaults to the option `dss_jvm_parameters` or NULL)
#' @param setJavaLoc - override Java location with one in config file. (untested)
#' @param verbose - set to true for debuggering
#' @seealso loadConfig
#' @export
#' @return JVM initialization status - 0 if successful, positive for partial initialization, negative for failure.  See ?.jinit 
initialize.dssrip = function(pkgname="dssrip", quietDSS=TRUE, parameters=options()[["dss_jvm_parameters"]], setJavaLoc=FALSE, verbose=TRUE, ...){
  ## parameters examples: '-Xmx2g -Xms1g' to set up memory requirements for JVM to 2g heap and 1g stack.

  config = dssConfig()
  dss_location = config$dss_location # avoid using this if dssConfig returns value needed
  if(verbose) packageStartupMessage(sprintf("DSS Location is %s\n", dss_location))
  jars = config$jars
  libs = config$libs
  java = config$java
  config = config$config
  path.sep = config$path.sep
  lib.ext = config$lib.ext
  #library.ext = config$library.ext
  ## Set JRE location
  # Still want to do this in .Rprofile... ugh.
    #print(paste("JAVA_HOME is ", Sys.getenv("JAVA_HOME")))
  if(verbose) packageStartupMessage(sprintf("JRE location is %s\n", Sys.getenv("JAVA_HOME")))
  # don't do this until after setting JAVA_HOME

  # is this necessary?
  #Sys.setenv(PATH=paste0(Sys.getenv("PATH"), ";", dss_location, ";", libdir))
  # initialize JVM/rJava
  # Don't use the jars and nativeLibrary path as the DSS libraries are external to this package
  .jpackage(pkgname) #lib.loc, jars=jars) #, java.parameters=libpath)

  # is this necessary? appears so
  javaImport(packages = "java.lang") 
  # is this necessary? appears so
  propertyString = .jnew("java/lang/String","java.library.path")
  libString = .jnew("java/lang/String", libs[1])
  .jcall("java/lang/System", returnSig='S', method="setProperty", propertyString, libString);
  # proper way to do these from rJava 0.9-12
  javaHeclibPath =  paste0(libs[1], path.sep, "javaHeclib.", lib.ext)
  .jaddLibrary("javaHeclib", javaHeclibPath)
    # See heclib programmers manual for this trick.
    messageLevel = 2 # only print errors
    #try(, silent=TRUE)
    .jcall("hec/heclib/util/Heclib", returnSig='V', method="zset", 'MLEVEL', ' ', as.integer(messageLevel))

#' @title dssrip read dss configuration file
#' @author Evan Heisman
#' @description
#' Reads dss configuration file from .json internal to package or externally selected by user.  Useful for managing multiple dss versions for linking to dssrip.
#' @details
#' Reads the jar_config.json file to find DSS libraries for use by dssrip.
#' @param configFileName defaults to package jar_config.json, otherwise can point to set of libraries from `options()`'s `dss_config_filename`
#' @param defaultConfig name of configuration to use if you know _exactly_ which one you want, defaults to option `dss_default_config`
#' @param allowedStates only allow loading of configs in these states, defaults to `tested` or `dss_allowed_states` option
#' @param dssOverrideLocation only allow dss libraries from this directory, will try all the configs at this location. can be set by option `dss_override_location`
#' @export
dssConfig = function(configFileName=options()[["dss_config_filename"]], 
  # libraries needed
  # populate default values
  # dss_override_location handled later
    configFileName = "./config/jar_config.json"
    defaultConfig = "none"
    allowedStates =   c("tested")
  # read jar config file and match first platform and allowed states with files that exist
  configfile = rjson::fromJSON(file=configFileName, simplify=TRUE)
  if(defaultConfig == "none" & ("default_config" %in% names(configfile))){
    defaultConfig = configfile$default_config
  for(config in configfile$configs){
    # don't know this yet
    foundJars = FALSE
    foundConfig = FALSE
    # check files exist in dss_location
      dss_location = config$dss_location
    } else {
      dss_location = dssOverrideLocation
    # add path.sep if needed
    if(str_sub(dss_location, -1) != config$path.sep){
      dss_location = paste0(dss_location, config$path.sep)
    jarList = paste0(dss_location, config$jars)
    libList = paste0(dss_location, config$libs)
    javaLocation = paste0(dss_location, config$JAVA_HOME)
    # if ext.resources in config, for each external resource, check if they exist and if not, download
    if("ext.resources" %in% names(config)){
      for(destination in names(config$ext.resources)){
        remoteLocation = config$ext.resources[[destination]]
        absoluteDestination = paste0(dss_location, destination)
          # insert try clause here to warn about failed downloads
          # TODO: if remote ends in .zip and destination does not, unzip it.
          mustUnzip = str_ends(remoteLocation, fixed(".zip")) # & !str_ends(destination, fixed(".zip"))
          download.file(remoteLocation, absoluteDestination, method="curl")
            unzip(absoluteDestination, exdir=dirname(absoluteDestination))
    # check if this config is can be used
    matchPlatform = config$platform == platform # use only if this is true
    foundJars = (all(file.exists(jarList)) & all(file.exists(libList))) # check if these exists
    isDefaultConfig = config$name == defaultConfig # use this if true
    isAllowedState = config$state %in% allowedStates # only use if allowed state

    # debug block
      checks = c(matchPlatform=matchPlatform, foundJars=foundJars, isDefaultConfig=isDefaultConfig, isAllowedState=isAllowedState)
      system = c(matchPlatform=platform, foundJars="", isDefaultConfig=defaultConfig, isAllowedState="")
      setting = c(matchPlatform=config$platform, foundJars="", isDefaultConfig=config$name, isAllowedState=config$state)
      checksdf = data.frame(SYSTEM=system, SETTING=setting, CHECKS=checks)
    if(matchPlatform & (foundJars | isDefaultConfig) & isAllowedState){
      foundConfig = TRUE
    # else go to the next one
  # check that the found config will work?
  if(!foundConfig | length(jarList) == 0 | length(libList) == 0){
    stop("Could not find any config with matching jars and libraries.")
  return(list(dss_location=dss_location, jars=jarList, libs=libList, java=javaLocation, config=config))

## used to help with introspection on Java Objects
sigConversions = list(boolean="Z", byte="B", char="C", 
                      short="T", void="V", int="I", 
                      long="J", float="F", double="D")
fieldsDF <- function(jObject){
  fields = ldply(.jfields(jObject), function(x) data.frame(FULLNAME=x, 
                                                           SHORTNAME=last(str_split(x, fixed("."))[[1]]), 
                                                           CLASS=str_split(x, fixed(" "))[[1]][2], 
  fields$SIGNATURE = llply(fields$CLASS, function(x){
    out = str_replace_all(x, "\\[\\]", "")
    if(out %in% names(sigConversions)){
      out = sigConversions[[out]]
    } else {
      out = paste0("L", str_replace_all(out, fixed("."), "/"), ";")
    ## If vector, add [
    if(grepl(fixed("\\[\\]"), x)){
      out = paste0("[", out)

#' getMetadata get fields from a java object and convert to R list
#' Get a list of fields in the java object and their values.
#' @return data.frame containing metadata 
#' @note NOTE
#' @author Evan Heisman
#' @export 
getMetadata <- function(dc, colnamesSource="parameter"){
  EXCLUDE_FROM_METADATA = c("values", "times", "modified", "quality", "xOrdinates", "yOrdinates", "xData", "yData")
  dcClass = .jclass(dc)
  fieldsDF = get(dcClass, envir=hecJavaObjectsDB)
  metadata = dlply(fieldsDF, "SHORTNAME", function(df){
    #cat(sprintf("%s\t%s\t%s\n", df$FULLNAME, df$SHORTNAME, df$SIGNATURE))
    val = try(.jfield(dc, name=df$SHORTNAME, sig=as.character(df$SIGNATURE)), silent=T)
    if(.jnull() == val){ # this if empty
  # this next line is probably redundant
  metadata = metadata[!(names(metadata) %in% EXCLUDE_FROM_METADATA)]
eheisman/dssrip documentation built on Feb. 10, 2024, 2:40 p.m.