
Defines functions ctseff

Documented in ctseff

#' @title Estimating average effect curve for continuous treatment
#' @description \code{ctseff} is used to estimate the mean outcomes in a population had all subjects received given levels of a continuous (unconfounded) treatment.
#' @usage ctseff(y, a, x, bw.seq, sl.lib=c("SL.earth","SL.gam","SL.glm","SL.glmnet",
#'   "SL.glm.interaction","SL.mean","SL.ranger"))

#' @param y outcome of interest.
#' @param a continuous treatment.
#' @param x covariate matrix.
#' @param bw.seq sequence of bandwidth values.
#' @param sl.lib algorithm library for SuperLearner.
#' Default library includes "earth", "gam", "glm", "glmnet", "glm.interaction",
#' "mean", and "ranger".
#' @return A list containing the following components:
#' \item{res}{ estimates/SEs/CIs for population means.}
#' \item{bw.risk}{ estimated risk at sequence of bandwidth values.}
#' @examples
#' n <- 500
#' x <- matrix(rnorm(n * 5), nrow = n)
#' a <- runif(n)
#' y <- a + rnorm(n, sd = .5)
#' ce.res <- ctseff(y, a, x, bw.seq = seq(.2, 2, length.out = 100))
#' plot.ctseff(ce.res)
#' # check that bandwidth choice is minimizer
#' plot(ce.res$bw.risk$bw, ce.res$bw.risk$risk)
#' @references Kennedy EH, Ma Z, McHugh MD, Small DS (2017). Nonparametric methods for doubly robust estimation of continuous treatment effects. \emph{Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B}. \href{https://arxiv.org/abs/1507.00747}{arxiv:1507.00747}
ctseff <- function(y, a, x, bw.seq, n.pts = 100, a.rng = c(min(a), max(a)),
                   sl.lib = c("SL.earth", "SL.gam", "SL.glm", "SL.glm.interaction", "SL.mean", "SL.ranger")) {
  kern <- function(t) {

  n <- dim(x)[1]

  # set up evaluation points & matrices for predictions
  a.min <- a.rng[1]
  a.max <- a.rng[2]
  a.vals <- seq(a.min, a.max, length.out = n.pts)
  xa.new <- rbind(cbind(x, a), cbind(x[rep(1:n, length(a.vals)), ], a = rep(a.vals, rep(n, length(a.vals)))))
  x.new <- xa.new[, -dim(xa.new)[2]]
  x <- data.frame(x)
  x.new <- data.frame(x.new)
  colnames(x) <- colnames(x.new)
  xa.new <- data.frame(xa.new)

  # estimate nuisance functions via super learner
  # note: other methods could be used here instead
  pimod <- SuperLearner(Y = a, X = data.frame(x), SL.library = sl.lib, newX = x.new)
  pimod.vals <- pimod$SL.predict
  pi2mod <- SuperLearner(Y = (a - pimod.vals[1:n])^2, X = x, SL.library = sl.lib, newX = x.new)
  pi2mod.vals <- pi2mod$SL.predict
  mumod <- SuperLearner(Y = y, X = cbind(x, a), SL.library = sl.lib, newX = xa.new)
  muhat.vals <- mumod$SL.predict

  # construct estimated pi/varpi and mu/m values
  a.std <- (xa.new$a - pimod.vals) / sqrt(pi2mod.vals)
  pihat.vals <- approx(density(a.std)$x, density(a.std[1:n])$y, xout = a.std)$y / sqrt(pi2mod.vals)
  pihat <- pihat.vals[1:n]
  pihat.mat <- matrix(pihat.vals[-(1:n)], nrow = n, ncol = length(a.vals))
  varpihat <- predict(smooth.spline(a.vals, apply(pihat.mat, 2, mean)), x = a)$y
  varpihat.mat <- matrix(rep(apply(pihat.mat, 2, mean), n), byrow = T, nrow = n)
  muhat <- muhat.vals[1:n]
  muhat.mat <- matrix(muhat.vals[-(1:n)], nrow = n, ncol = length(a.vals))
  mhat <- predict(smooth.spline(a.vals, apply(muhat.mat, 2, mean)), x = a)$y
  mhat.mat <- matrix(rep(apply(muhat.mat, 2, mean), n), byrow = T, nrow = n)

  # form adjusted/pseudo outcome xi
  pseudo.out <- (y - muhat) / (pihat / varpihat) + mhat

  # leave-one-out cross-validation to select bandwidth
  w.fn <- function(bw) {
    w.avals <- NULL
    for (a.val in a.vals) {
      a.std <- (a - a.val) / bw
      kern.std <- kern(a.std) / bw
      w.avals <- c(w.avals, mean(a.std^2 * kern.std) * (kern(0) / bw) /
        (mean(kern.std) * mean(a.std^2 * kern.std) - mean(a.std * kern.std)^2))
    return(w.avals / n)
  hatvals <- function(bw) {
    approx(a.vals, w.fn(bw), xout = a)$y
  cts.eff.fn <- function(out, bw) {
    approx(locpoly(a, out, bandwidth = bw), xout = a)$y
  # note: choice of bandwidth range depends on specific problem,
  # make sure to inspect plot of risk as function of bandwidth
  risk.fn <- function(h) {
    hats <- hatvals(h)
    mean(((pseudo.out - cts.eff.fn(pseudo.out, bw = h)) / (1 - hats))^2)
  risk.est <- sapply(bw.seq, risk.fn)
  h.opt <- bw.seq[which.min(risk.est)]
  bw.risk <- data.frame(bw = bw.seq, risk = risk.est)
  # alternative approach:
  # h.opt <- optimize(function(h){ hats <- hatvals(h); mean( ((pseudo.out-cts.eff.fn(pseudo.out,bw=h))/(1-hats))^2) } ,
  #  bw.seq, tol=0.01)$minimum

  # estimate effect curve with optimal bandwidth
  est <- approx(locpoly(a, pseudo.out, bandwidth = h.opt), xout = a.vals)$y

  # estimate pointwise confidence band
  # note: other methods could also be used
  se <- NULL
  for (a.val in a.vals) {
    a.std <- (a - a.val) / h.opt
    kern.std <- kern(a.std) / h.opt
    beta <- coef(lm(pseudo.out ~ a.std, weights = kern.std))
    Dh <- matrix(c(
      mean(kern.std), mean(kern.std * a.std),
      mean(kern.std * a.std), mean(kern.std * a.std^2)
    ), nrow = 2)
    kern.mat <- matrix(rep(kern((a.vals - a.val) / h.opt) / h.opt, n), byrow = T, nrow = n)
    g2 <- matrix(rep((a.vals - a.val) / h.opt, n), byrow = T, nrow = n)
    intfn1.mat <- kern.mat * (muhat.mat - mhat.mat) * varpihat.mat
    intfn2.mat <- g2 * kern.mat * (muhat.mat - mhat.mat) * varpihat.mat
    int1 <- apply(matrix(rep((a.vals[-1]-a.vals[-length(a.vals)]),n),
      byrow=T,nrow=n)*(intfn1.mat[,-1] + intfn1.mat[,-length(a.vals)]) / 2, 1,sum)
    int2 <- apply(matrix(rep((a.vals[-1]-a.vals[-length(a.vals)]),n),
      byrow=T,nrow=n)* ( intfn2.mat[,-1] + intfn2.mat[,-length(a.vals)]) /2, 1,sum)
    sigma <- cov(t(solve(Dh) %*%
        kern.std * (pseudo.out - beta[1] - beta[2] * a.std) + int1,
        a.std * kern.std * (pseudo.out - beta[1] - beta[2] * a.std) + int2
    se <- c(se, sqrt(sigma[1, 1]))

  ci.ll <- est - 1.96 * se / sqrt(n)
  ci.ul <- est + 1.96 * se / sqrt(n)
  res <- data.frame(a.vals, est, se, ci.ll, ci.ul)

  return(invisible(list(res = res, bw.risk = bw.risk)))
ehkennedy/npcausal documentation built on Feb. 26, 2021, 2:43 a.m.