
# testthat for gg_partial function
context("gg_partial tests")

test_that("gg_partial classifications",{
  ## Load the cached forest
  data(rfsrc_iris, package="ggRandomForests")
  # Test the cached forest type
  expect_is(rfsrc_iris, "rfsrc")
  # Test the forest family
  expect_equal(rfsrc_iris$family, "class")
  # Load saved partial plot data.
  data(partial_iris, package="ggRandomForests")
  expect_equivalent(length(partial_iris$pData), length(rfsrc_iris$xvar.names))
  ## Create the correct gg_error object
  gg_dta <- gg_partial(partial_iris)
  # Test object type
  expect_is(gg_dta, "gg_partial_list")
  # Test varselect is the same
  #expect_equivalent(select(gg_dta$varselect, -names), rfsrc_iris$importance)
  ## Test plotting the gg_error object
  gg_plt <- plot.gg_partial(gg_dta[[2]])
  # Test return is s ggplot object
  expect_is(gg_plt, "ggplot")
  ## Test plotting the gg_error object
  gg_plt <- plot.gg_partial_list(gg_dta)
  # Test return is s ggplot object
  expect_is(gg_plt[[1]], "ggplot")
  expect_equivalent(length(gg_plt),length(partial_iris$pData) )

test_that("gg_partial survival",{
  ## Load the cached forest
  data(rfsrc_pbc, package="ggRandomForests")
  # Test the cached forest type
  expect_is(rfsrc_pbc, "rfsrc")
  ## Get the partial data.
  data(partial_pbc, package="ggRandomForests")
  ## Create the correct gg_error object
  gg_dta <- gg_partial(partial_pbc[[1]])
  # Test object type
  expect_is(gg_dta, "gg_partial_list")
  ## Test plotting the gg_data object
  gg_plt <- plot(gg_dta[[1]])
  # Test return is s ggplot object
  expect_is(gg_plt, "ggplot")
  ## Test plotting the gg_error object
  gg_plt <- plot(gg_dta)
  # Test return is s ggplot object
  expect_is(gg_plt[[1]], "ggplot")
  expect_equivalent(length(gg_plt) , length(gg_dta))
  ## Test plotting the gg_error object
  gg_plt <- plot(gg_dta, panel=TRUE)
  # Test return is s ggplot object
  expect_is(gg_plt, "ggplot")
  data(rfsrc_pbc, package="ggRandomForests")
  data("varsel_pbc", package="ggRandomForests")
  # Data generation
  ggrf <- gg_variable(rfsrc_pbc, time = c(1, 3), 
                      time.labels = c("1 Year", "3 Years"))
  # Plot the bilirubin variable dependence plot
  gg_plt <- plot(ggrf, xvar = "bili", alpha = .3)
  gg_plt <- gg_plt+ geom_smooth(se=.95)
  xvar <- varsel_pbc$topvars
  xvar.cat <- c("edema", "stage")
  xvar <- xvar[-which(xvar %in% xvar.cat)]
  # plot the next 5 continuous variable dependence plots.
  gg_plt <- plot(ggrf, xvar = xvar[2:6], panel = TRUE)
  gg_plt <- gg_plt + geom_smooth(se = FALSE, alpha = .3, 
                                 method = "glm", formula = y~poly(x,2))
  expect_warning(gg_plt <- plot(ggrf, xvar = xvar.cat, panel=TRUE))

test_that("gg_partial regression",{
  ## Load the cached forest
  data(rfsrc_Boston, package="ggRandomForests")
  # Test the cached forest type
  expect_is(rfsrc_Boston, "rfsrc")
  ## Create the correct gg_error object
  data(partial_Boston, package="ggRandomForests")
  gg_dta <- gg_partial(partial_Boston)
  # Test object type
  expect_is(gg_dta, "gg_partial_list")
  ## Test plotting the gg_error object
  gg_plt <- plot.gg_partial(gg_dta[[1]])
  # Test return is s ggplot object
  expect_is(gg_plt, "ggplot")
  ## Test plotting the gg_error object
  gg_plt <- plot.gg_partial_list(gg_dta)
  # Test return is s ggplot object
  expect_is(gg_plt, "list")
  expect_equivalent(length(gg_plt) , length(gg_dta))
  # gg_partial exceptions
  # Remove all but one partial data.
  partial_Boston$xvar.names <- "lstat"
  partial_Boston$nvar <- 1
  for(ind in length(partial_Boston$pData):2){
    partial_Boston$pData[[ind]] <- NULL
  gg_dta <- gg_partial(partial_Boston)
  # Test object type
  expect_is(gg_dta, "gg_partial")
  # generate a list of gg_partial objects, one per xvar.
  expect_error(gg_p <- gg_partial(gg_dta), "gg_partial")
  expect_is(plot(gg_dta, error="bars"), "ggplot")
  expect_is(plot(gg_dta, error="none"), "ggplot")
  expect_is(plot(gg_dta, error="lines"), "ggplot")
  expect_is(plot(gg_dta, error="shade"), "ggplot")
  # Test object type
  expect_is(plot(gg_dta), "ggplot")
  gg_plt <- plot(gg_dta, error="shade")+ geom_smooth(se=.95)

test_that("gg_partial combine",{
  # Load a set of plot.variable partial plot data
  # A list of 2 plot.variable objects
  expect_is(partial_pbc, "list")
  expect_gt(length(partial_pbc), 1) 
  for(ind in 1:length(partial_pbc)){
    expect_is(partial_pbc[[ind]], "rfsrc")
    expect_is(partial_pbc[[ind]], "plot.variable")
    expect_is(partial_pbc[[ind]], "surv")
  # Create gg_partial objects
  gg_prtl <- lapply(partial_pbc, gg_partial)
  for(ind in 1:length(partial_pbc)){
    expect_is(gg_prtl[[ind]], "gg_partial_list")
  # Combine the objects to get multiple time curves 
  # along variables on a single figure.
  ggpart <- combine.gg_partial(gg_prtl[[1]], gg_prtl[[2]], 
                               lbls = c("30 day", "6 month"))
  expect_is(ggpart, "gg_partial_list")
  # We should have at least 5 
  expect_gt(length(ggpart), 5)
  # Plot each figure separately
  gg_plt <- plot(ggpart)                                  
  expect_is(gg_plt, "list")
  expect_gt(length(gg_plt), 5)
  expect_equal(length(gg_plt), length(ggpart))
  for(ind in 1:length(gg_plt)){
    expect_is(gg_plt[[ind]], "ggplot")
  # Get the continuous data for a panel of continuous plots.
  ggcont <- ggpart
  ggcont$celltype <- ggcont$trt <- ggcont$prior <- NULL
  expect_gt(length(ggcont), 5 - 3)
  gg_plt <- plot(ggcont, panel=TRUE) 
  expect_is(gg_plt, "ggplot")
  # And the categorical for a panel of categorical plots.
  ggpart$karno <- ggpart$diagtime <- ggpart$age <- NULL
  expect_gt(length(ggpart), 5 - 3)
  gg_plt <- plot(ggpart, panel=TRUE) 
  expect_is(gg_plt, "ggplot")
  # Test coverage, auto labels
  ggpart <- combine.gg_partial(gg_prtl[[1]], gg_prtl[[2]])
  expect_is(ggpart, "gg_partial_list")
  expect_error(combine.gg_partial(gg_prtl, gg_prtl))
ehrlinger/ggRFVignette documentation built on May 16, 2019, 12:16 a.m.