#' balance.matched
#' @description tests for balance.
#' @param object a matched object from the match.pair or match.weight functions.
#' @details
#' @value
#' @references
#' @export balanced.matched
#' @example
#' \dontrun{}
balanced.matched <- function(object){
n <- nrow(dat)
out.ps <- correct.ps.model( dat )
fm.ps <- out.ps$fm
X.name <- c( "X0", names(fm.ps$coef)[-1] ) # X0 is a key word
V.name <- setup$V.name
X.mat <- as.matrix( dat[ , X.name, drop=F ] )
V.mat <- as.matrix( dat[ , V.name, drop=F ] )
ps.hat <- out.ps$ps.hat
Z <- as.numeric( dat[,"Z"] ) # Z is a key word
W <- pmin( ps.hat, 1-ps.hat )/( Z*ps.hat + (1-Z)*(1-ps.hat) )
# matching weight
tmp1 <- summary(fm.ps)$coef[ ,c(1,2,4)]
rownames(tmp1)[1] <- "X0"
tmp1 <- cbind( tmp1, CI.lower = tmp1[,"Estimate"] -
1.96*tmp1[,"Std. Error"] )
tmp1 <- cbind( tmp1, CI.upper = tmp1[,"Estimate"] +
1.96*tmp1[,"Std. Error"] )
ps.model <- tmp1
# this is the results of beta from PS model
out1 <- NULL
n1 <- sum(Z==1) n0 <- sum(Z==0)
for (j in 1:length(V.name)) {
this.name <- V.name[j]
this.var <- as.numeric( V.mat[ , this.name ] )
Z1.mean <- wtd.mean( x = this.var[Z==1], weights = rep(1, length=n1) )
Z1.var <- wtd.var( x = this.var[Z==1], weights = rep(1, length=n1) )
Z0.mean <- wtd.mean( x = this.var[Z==0], weights = rep(1, length=n0) )
Z0.var <- wtd.var( x = this.var[Z==0], weights = rep(1, length=n0) )
std.diff <- 100*abs(Z1.mean-Z0.mean)/sqrt((Z1.var + Z0.var)/2)
# NOTE: std.diff is in absoluate value, i.e., non-negative
# Therefore, its mean is strictly positive
out1 <- rbind( out1, c( Z1.mean, Z1.var, Z0.mean, Z0.var, std.diff ) )
rownames(out1) <- V.name
colnames(out1) <- c("Z1.mean","Z1.var","Z0.mean","Z0.var","std.diff.pct")
std.diff.before <- out1
# standardized difference before applying MW
out1 <- NULL
for (j in 1:length(V.name)) {
this.name <- V.name[j]
this.var <- as.numeric( V.mat[ , this.name ] )
Z1.mean <- wtd.mean( x = this.var[Z==1], weights = W[Z==1] )
Z1.var <- wtd.var( x = this.var[Z==1], weights = W[Z==1] )
Z0.mean <- wtd.mean( x = this.var[Z==0], weights = W[Z==0] )
Z0.var <- wtd.var( x = this.var[Z==0], weights = W[Z==0] )
std.diff <- 100*abs(Z1.mean-Z0.mean)/sqrt((Z1.var + Z0.var)/2)
# NOTE: std.diff is in absoluate value, i.e., non-negative
# Therefore, its mean is strictly positive
out1 <- rbind( out1, c( Z1.mean, Z1.var, Z0.mean, Z0.var, std.diff ) )
rownames(out1) <- V.name
colnames(out1) <- c("Z1.mean","Z1.var","Z0.mean","Z0.var","std.diff.pct")
std.diff.after <- out1
# standardized difference after applying MW
mu.B1.hat <- as.numeric( t(V.mat) %*% colVec(W*Z) )/sum(W*Z)
mu.B0.hat <- as.numeric( t(V.mat) %*% colVec(W*(1-Z)) )/sum(W*(1-Z))
eta.B1.hat <- g.fun( mu.B1.hat, fun.type = setup$V.fun.type )
eta.B0.hat <- g.fun( mu.B0.hat, fun.type = setup$V.fun.type )
beta.hat <- as.numeric( coef(fm.ps) )
theta.hat <- c( eta.B1.hat, eta.B0.hat, beta.hat )
B.hat <- eta.B1.hat - eta.B0.hat
n.mu.B1 <- length( mu.B1.hat )
n.mu.B0 <- length( mu.B0.hat ) # NOTE: n.mu.B1 = n.mu.B1 = length(B.hat)
n.beta <- length( beta.hat )
n.theta <- length(theta.hat)
D.mat <- cbind( diag(n.mu.B1), -diag(n.mu.B0),
matrix(0, nrow=n.mu.B1, ncol=n.beta) )
# point estimators
calc.ei <- function( X, beta ) {
# Both X and beta are vectors
tmp1 <- exp(sum(X*beta))
calc.ei.deriv <- function( X, beta ) {
# Both X and beta are vectors
tmp1 <- exp(sum(X*beta))
tmp2 <- tmp1/(1+tmp1)
as.numeric( tmp2*(1-tmp2)*X )
calc.W.Ze <- function( Z, e ) {
# Both Z and e are scalar
if ( e < 0.5 - setup$delta | e > 0.5 + setup$delta ) {
ans <- min(e, 1-e)
} else {
a <- solve.a()
ans <- a[1] + a[2]*e + a[3]*e*e + a[4]*e*e*e
ans/( Z*e + (1-Z)*(1-e) )
calc.W.deriv.Ze <- function( Z, e ) {
# Both Z and e are scalar
tmp0 <- Z*e + (1-Z)*(1-e)
if ( e < 0.5 - setup$delta ) {
ans <- (1-Z)/(tmp0^2)
} else if ( e > 0.5 + setup$delta ) {
ans <- -Z/(tmp0^2)
} else {
a <- solve.a()
tmp1 <- a[2] + 2*a[3]*e + 3*a[4]*e*e
tmp2 <- a[1] + a[2]*e + a[3]*e*e + a[4]*e*e*e
ans <- ( tmp1*tmp0 - (2*Z-1)*tmp2 )/(tmp0^2)
solve.a <- function() {
delta <- setup$delta
tmp1 <- c( 0.5-delta, 1, 0.5-delta, -1 )
tmp2 <- matrix( c( 1, 0.5-delta, (0.5-delta)**2, (0.5-delta)**3 ,
0, 1, 2*(0.5-delta), 3*(0.5-delta)**2 ,
1, 0.5+delta, (0.5+delta)**2, (0.5+delta)**3 ,
0, 1, 2*(0.5+delta), 3*(0.5+delta)**2 ),
nrow=4, ncol=4, byrow=T )
a.vec <- as.numeric( solve(tmp2) %*% colVec(tmp1) )
Meat.mat <- Bread.mat <- 0 # the meat and bread of the sandwich variance
for (i in 1:n) {
this.V <- as.numeric( V.mat[i,] )
this.X <- as.numeric( X.mat[i,] )
this.Z <- Z[i]
this.ei <- calc.ei( this.X, beta.hat )
this.ei.deriv <- calc.ei.deriv( this.X, beta.hat )
this.Wi <- calc.W.Ze( this.Z, this.ei )
this.Wi.deriv <- calc.W.deriv.Ze( this.Z, this.ei )*this.ei.deriv
tmp1 <- this.Wi*this.Z*( this.V - g.inv(eta.B1.hat, setup$V.fun.type) )
tmp2 <- this.Wi*(1-this.Z)*( this.V - g.inv(eta.B0.hat, setup$V.fun.type) )
tmp3 <- (this.Z-this.ei)*this.X
this.phi <- c(tmp1, tmp2, tmp3)
Meat.mat <- Meat.mat + outer( this.phi, this.phi )
Block.11 <- -this.Wi*this.Z*diag( g.inv.deriv(eta.B1.hat, setup$V.fun.type) )
Block.12 <- matrix(0, nrow=n.mu.B1, ncol=n.mu.B0)
Block.13 <- this.Z*( colVec( this.V - g.inv(eta.B1.hat, setup$V.fun.type) )
%*% rowVec( this.Wi.deriv ) )
Block.21 <- matrix(0, nrow=n.mu.B0, ncol=n.mu.B1)
Block.22 <- -this.Wi*(1-this.Z)*diag( g.inv.deriv(eta.B0.hat, setup$V.fun.type) )
Block.23 <- (1-this.Z)*( colVec( this.V - g.inv(eta.B0.hat, setup$V.fun.type) )
%*% rowVec( this.Wi.deriv ) )
Block.31 <- matrix(0, nrow=n.beta, ncol=n.mu.B1)
Block.32 <- matrix(0, nrow=n.beta, ncol=n.mu.B0)
Block.33 <- -this.ei*(1-this.ei)*outer(this.X, this.X)
Bread.mat <- Bread.mat + rbind( cbind( Block.11, Block.12, Block.13 ) ,
cbind( Block.21, Block.22, Block.23 ) ,
cbind( Block.31, Block.32, Block.33 ) )
B.mat <- Meat.mat/n
A.mat <- Bread.mat/n
A.mat.inv <- solve(A.mat)
Sigma.theta.hat <- ( A.mat.inv %*% B.mat %*% t(A.mat.inv) )/n
Sigma.B.hat <- D.mat %*% Sigma.theta.hat %*% t(D.mat)
# Sandwich variance estimator
d <- qr(Sigma.B.hat)$rank
test.stat <- as.numeric( t(B.hat) %*% solve(Sigma.B.hat) %*% B.hat )
pvalue <- pchisq( test.stat, df = d, lower.tail = FALSE )
# chi-squared test for overall comparison
var.beta.hat <-
Sigma.theta.hat[(n.mu.B1 + n.mu.B0 + 1):(n.mu.B1 + n.mu.B0 + n.beta),
(n.mu.B1 + n.mu.B0 + 1):(n.mu.B1 + n.mu.B0 + n.beta)]
sd.beta.hat <- sqrt(diag(var.beta.hat))
beta.hat.lower <- beta.hat - 1.96*sd.beta.hat
beta.hat.upper <- beta.hat + 1.96*sd.beta.hat
# variance and CI of beta.hat
tmp1 <- sqrt(diag(Sigma.B.hat))
tmp2 <- B.hat/tmp1
tmp3 <- 2*pnorm( -abs(tmp2) )
V.test <- cbind( Estimate = B.hat , SD = tmp1 , Z = tmp2 ,
pvalue = tmp3 , reject = as.numeric(tmp3 <= 0.05) )
rownames(V.test) <- V.name
V.test.reject <- as.numeric( any( V.test[,"reject"] == 1 ) )
# individual test of each of V.name, after g() transformation
# if any individual Z test rejects, the overall V.test rejects
names(mu.B1.hat) <- paste("mu.B1.", V.name, sep="")
names(mu.B0.hat) <- paste("mu.B0.", V.name, sep="")
names(eta.B1.hat) <- paste("eta.B1.", V.name, sep="")
names(eta.B0.hat) <- paste("eta.B0.", V.name, sep="")
names(beta.hat) <- X.name
names(theta.hat) <- c( names(eta.B1.hat), names(eta.B0.hat), names(beta.hat) )
names(B.hat) <- c( paste("B.hat.", V.name, sep="") )
rownames(Sigma.theta.hat) <- colnames(Sigma.theta.hat) <- names(theta.hat)
rownames(Sigma.B.hat) <- colnames(Sigma.B.hat) <- names(B.hat)
rownames(var.beta.hat) <- colnames(var.beta.hat) <- names(beta.hat)
names(sd.beta.hat) <- names(beta.hat.lower) <-
names(beta.hat.upper) <- names(beta.hat)
# Add names to point and variance estimators
return( list( X.name = X.name ,
V.name = V.name ,
n1 = sum(Z==1) ,
n0 = sum(Z==0) ,
eff.n1 = sum( W[Z==1] ) ,
eff.n0 = sum( W[Z==0] ) ,
std.diff.before = std.diff.before ,
std.diff.after = std.diff.after ,
mu.B1.hat = mu.B1.hat ,
mu.B0.hat = mu.B0.hat ,
eta.B1.hat = eta.B1.hat ,
eta.B0.hat = eta.B0.hat ,
beta.hat = beta.hat ,
var.beta.hat = var.beta.hat ,
sd.beta.hat = sd.beta.hat ,
beta.hat.lower = beta.hat.lower ,
beta.hat.upper = beta.hat.upper ,
ps.model = ps.model ,
theta.hat = theta.hat ,
Sigma.theta.hat = Sigma.theta.hat ,
B.hat = B.hat ,
Sigma.B.hat = Sigma.B.hat ,
V.test = V.test ,
V.test.reject = V.test.reject ,
test.stat = test.stat,
d = d,
pvalue = pvalue,
reject = as.numeric(pvalue <= 0.05)
) )
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