
Defines functions ejscreen.create

Documented in ejscreen.create

#' @title Replicate or Create EJSCREEN-like dataset from your own Environmental and Demographic Data
#' @description
#'   NOTE : does not include demographic subgroups yet  see  names.d.subgroups
#'   The EJSCREEN dataset each year is already available as a dataset in this package (as bg21 for example).
#'   But if you want to recreate that kind of dataset from your own environmental data (and demographic data),
#'   this function does that.
#'   This function ejscreen.create() starts with raw environmental indicator data, and/or ACS demographics,
#'   and will create (or replicate) a full EJSCREEN dataset.
#'   The ACS demographics, if not provided to the function, are downloaded from Census and calculated by this function.
#'   The ACS 5-year summary file is used to obtain block group estimates of population count, minorities, low-income, etc.
#'   The source code for this function also contains further comments with an outline of steps involved.
#'   It relies on ejscreen.acsget() which relies on ACSdownload::get.acs(), and uses
#'   ejanalysis::addFIPScomponents() to add FIPS.TRACT, countyname, etc.,
#'   and also uses ejanalysis::make.bin.pctile.cols, ejanalysis::ej.indexes(),
#'   ejanalysis::flagged(), etc.
#'  @details **Note that if non-default fieldnames are used in e and/or acsraw,
#'   those must be specified in parameters including demogvarname0, wtsvarname,
#'   keep.old (and could be reflected in prefix and suffix params as well). \cr\cr
#'   This function does not create lookup tables that are used in EJSCREEN to convert a raw score in a buffer to a US,Region,or state percentile.
#'   Use ejscreen.lookuptables() to create those lookup tables of 100 population weighted percentiles and mean, for US and each EPA Region and each State; for each raw score.
#' @param e Data.frame of raw data for environmental indicators, one row per block group, one column per indicator.
#' @param acsraw Optional data.frame of raw demographic indicators. Downloaded if not provided as parameter.
#' @param folder Optional, default is getwd(). Passed to ACSdownload::get.acs() if demog data must be downloaded.
#'   Passed to but not currently used by ejscreen.acs.rename which uses analyze.stuff::change.fieldnames() in \pkg{analyze.stuff} package.
#'   Not currently passed to ejscreen.acs.calc which uses analyze.stuff::calc.fields() in \pkg{analyze.stuff} package.
#' @param keep.old optional vector of colnames from e that are to be used/returned. For nondefault colnames, this must be used.
#' @param end.year optional to pass to ACSdownload::get.acs() such as end.year="2013" -- otherwise uses default year used by ACSdownload::get.acs()
#' @param mystates optional vector of 2-letter state abbreviations. Default is "all" which specifies all states plus DC (BUT NOT PR - we exclude PR so that calculating US percentiles works right)
#' @param popup optional, default is FALSE, whether to add columns of text that can be used for popup info on maps, with raw value and percentile and units for each envt, demog, and EJ indicator (US Percentiles only?)
#' @param write.lookup.us whether to save file with lookup table of US percentiles and means
#' @param write.lookup.regions whether to save file with lookup table of REGION percentiles and means
#' @param write.lookup.states whether to save file with lookup table of State percentiles and means
#' @param demogvarname0 optional, default is "VSI.eo" used as demographic indicator for EJ Indexes. Must be a colname in acsraw or created and kept by formulas.
#' @param wtsvarname optional, default is "pop" used for weighted percentiles, etc. Must be a colname in acsraw or created and kept by formulas.
#' @param demogvarname0suffix optional, default is "eo" - specifies suffix for colnames of EJ Indexes based on demogvarname0, with a period separating body of colname from suffix
#' @param EJprefix0 optional, default is "EJ.DISPARITY" - specifies prefix for colnames of main EJ Indexes, with a period separating prefix from body of colname
#' @param EJprefix1 optional, default is NULL, none used (old way was "EJ.BURDEN" - specifies prefix for colnames of Alternative 1 version of EJ Indexes, with a period separating prefix from body of colname)
#' @param EJprefix2 optional, default is NULL, none used (old way was "EJ.PCT" - specifies prefix for colnames of Alternative 2 version of EJ Indexes, with a period separating prefix from body of colname)
#' @param formulas optional, see \code{\link{ejscreen.acs.calc}} for details. Defaults are in \code{\link{ejscreenformulas}}$formula
#'   Note that if formulas is specified, ejformulasfromcode is ignored.
#' @param ejtype optional, default is 1, defines which formula to use for ejindex if not using ejscreenformulas. See ejanalysis::ej.indexes But note alt1 and alt2 still use type 5 and 6 ignoring ejtype.
#' @param checkfips optional, default is TRUE. If TRUE, function checks to verify all FIPS codes appear to be valid US FIPS
#'   (correct number of characters, adding any leading zero needed, and checking the first five to ensure valid county). To use something other than actual US FIPS codes, set this to FALSE.
#' @param addflag optional, default is FALSE. Set to TRUE to add a column (called "flagged") to results that is TRUE when one or more of certain percentiles (US EJ Index) in a block group (row) exceed cutpoint.
#'   A field called flagged can also be added via ejanalysis::flagged() ejanalysis::flagged() or via \link{ejscreen.download}( addflag = TRUE )
#' @param threshold optional, default is 0.80 (80th percentile). If addflag == TRUE, then threshold defines the threshold against which percentiles are compared.
#' @param thresholdfieldnames optional, default is standard EJSCREEN EJ Indexes built into code. Otherwise, vector of character class fieldnames, specifying which fields to compare to threshold if addflag is TRUE.
#' @param ejformulasfromcode optional, default is FALSE. If TRUE, use EJ Index formulas built into this function instead of the EJ Index formulas in ejscreenformulas.
#'   The parameters such as demogvarname0 are only used if ejformulasfromcode=TRUE. Note that if formulas is specified, ejformulasfromcode is ignored.
#' @param ... optional extra parameters passed only to ACSdownload::get.acs such as new.geo = FALSE, save.files = TRUE, write.files = TRUE
#' @return Returns a data.frame with full ejscreen dataset of environmental and demographics indicators, and EJ Indexes,
#'   as raw values, US percentiles,
#'   but not actually the text for map popups. Output has one row per block group.
#' @seealso   \code{\link{ejscreen.lookuptables}}
#' @examples
#'  \dontrun{
#'  set.seed(99)
#'  envirodata=data.frame(FIPS=analyze.stuff::lead.zeroes(1:1000, 12),
#'    air=rlnorm(1000), water=rlnorm(1000)*5, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
#'  demogdata=data.frame(FIPS=analyze.stuff::lead.zeroes(1:1000, 12),
#'    pop=rnorm(n=1000, mean=1400, sd=200), mins=runif(1000, 0, 800),
#'    num2pov=runif(1000, 0,500), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
#'  demogdata$povknownratio <- demogdata$pop
#'  # downloads ACS demographics and combines with user provided envirodata:
#'  # bg1=ejscreen.create(envirodata, mystates=c("de","dc"))
#'  # currently does not work for nonstandard colnames
#'  #  unless keep.old used as follows (work in progress):
#'  y=ejscreen.create(e=envirodata, acsraw=demogdata,
#'    keep.old = c(names(envirodata), names(demogdata)),
#'    demogvarname0 = "pctmin",wtsvarname = "pop" )
#'  }
#' @export
ejscreen.create <-
           folder = getwd(),
           mystates = 'all',
           popup = FALSE,
           write.lookup.us = FALSE,
           write.lookup.regions = FALSE,
           write.lookup.states = FALSE,
           demogvarname0 = 'VSI.eo',
           # demogvarname1 = NULL, # "VSI.svi6",
           wtsvarname = 'pop',
           checkfips = TRUE,
           EJprefix0 = 'EJ.DISPARITY',
           EJprefix1 = NULL, # "EJ.BURDEN",
           EJprefix2 = NULL, # "EJ.PCT",
           ejformulasfromcode = FALSE,
           ejtype = 1,
           demogvarname0suffix = 'eo',
           # demogvarname1suffix = NULL, # "svi6",
           addflag = FALSE,
           threshold = 0.80,
           ...) {
    ##################################################################################### #
    # Create EJSCREEN dataset in R (given Demographic and Environmental variables)
    ##################################################################################### #

    ########################################## #
    # OUTLINE OF STEPS --------------------------------------------------------
    ########################################## #
    # Envt indicators are not made here - get via SEPARATE CODE: # - Obtain Environmental Indicators (E): get raw data and process it, or get scores directly:
    # * proxistat() based on downloaded points and traffic?,
    # * ACSdownload etc. for pre1960,
    # * NATA website, and
    # * EPA website/services?
    # - drop extra fields unless doing replication work, so just importing e.g., 11 or 12 raw E for this purpose
    # - Rename fields using change.fieldnames()  or  escores <- data.frame(); names(escores) <- names.e; etc.
    # via SEPARATE CODE: # - Obtain ACS demographics from Census FTP site,
    # Create derived demographic fields (D)
    # - including creating calculated and other fields etc. using
    # analyze.stuff::change.fieldnames(),
    # get.fips.tract() get.epa.region() get.fips.county() get.fip.st(),
    # calc.fields(), etc.
    # - Calculate EJ indexes given D and E using ej.indexes() OR ejscreen::ejscreenformulas
    #  make.bin.pctile.cols already creates them all:
    #   - Assigns exact US percentiles using make.pctile.cols() (2 independent algorithms compared, verified same results).
    #     Regional/State percentiles not stored in gdb, just lookup tables. State pctiles are in more recent versions though.
    #   - Assigns bins (map color bin number) using make.bin.cols()
    #  This originally was done by Calculate_BG_BinsPercentiles-2014-05.R
    # POPUP TEXT ****
    #    added optionally, via
    # ejscreen::make.popup.d, ejscreen::make.popup.e, ejscreen::make.popup.ej
    # - Create text popup versions of all raw scores and percentiles for display:
    #     -limited significant digits for environmental indicators
    #     -floored percentiles as integer 0-100
    #     -rounded demographic percentages as integer 0-100
    #  This was also done in python using code such as in "EJCalc_TextFields_vz VB FIX NOT FLOOR.py"

    # - Create lookup tables of 100 population weighted percentiles and mean, for US and each EPA Region and each State; for each raw score.
    # - Could also create lookup tables (means, 100 percentiles) by county, or just county means.
    #  This was originally done using "CalculateLookupTables-2014-05.R"
    # then was working on  ejscreen.lookuptables()
    #  BUT ejanalysis::write.wtd.pctiles.by.zone()  could be used now?

    # ROLLUPS to lower resolution versions of the data
    # SEPARATE CODE: # - Create rollup files/layers, such as tract, county, state, Region rollups of raw/percentile/bin & text versions.
    # using rollup()
    ##################################################################################### #

    #   require(ACSdownload)
    #   require(analyze.stuff)
    #   require(proxistat)
    #   require(UScensus2010blocks)
    #   require(countyhealthrankings)


    # GET DEMOGRAPHICS --------------------------------------------------------

    ########################################################################################################## #
    ########################################################################################################## #

    mystates <- ACSdownload::clean.mystates(mystates = mystates)
    # *** note that if mystates = "all", this no longer returns "pr" (Puerto Rico) as one of the states,
    # since that should be excluded to do percentiles on US without PR.

    # Created file called "variables needed.csv" specific to EJSCREEN
    # and now that is in  data(vars.ejscreen.acs) from ejscreen package as default list of acs variables like B01001.001
    # but vars.ejscreen.acs probably has way more than are really needed...
    #   not all of those are in ejscreen::ejscreenformulas$acsfieldname
    if (missing(acsraw)) {
      if (!missing(end.year)) {
        end.year <- as.character(end.year)
        # Should be available via lazy loading or
        # data(vars.ejscreen.acs, package = "ejscreen")
        acsraw <-
            tables = 'ejscreen',
            vars = vars.ejscreen.acs,
            base.path = folder,
            end.year = end.year,
            mystates = mystates,
      } else {
        acsraw <-
            tables = 'ejscreen',
            vars = vars.ejscreen.acs,
            base.path = folder,
            mystates = mystates,
      acsraw  <- acsraw$bg
      # NOTE THIS DOES NOT PRESERVE tracts data downloaded

    if (1 == 0) {
      # older examples:
      # load(file.path(mypath, "ACS - download and parse/ACS DOWNLOADED/FTP raw 20135 ACS", "ACS 2009-2013 EJSCREEN BG w calc vars via FTP.RData"))
      # load(file= "8D-2014-06.RData")
      #		 load(file.path(mypath, "ACS - download and parse/ACS DATA/FTP as source/20125 ACS", "ACS 2008-2012 EJSCREEN BG w calc vars via FTP.RData"))
      #    load(file.path(mypath, "bg EJSCREEN plus race eth subgrps ACS0812.RData"))
      # bg.d <- read.csv(file="8D-2014-06.csv", as.is=TRUE)

    # could allow user to pass formulafile here but would need to ensure correctly treated as missing if left out
    bg.d <-
      ejscreen.acs.rename(acsraw, folder = folder) # normally just uses default folder and filename

    # PUT E AND D IN SAME DATA.FRAME   #  & get names of those fields ---------

    ########################################################################################################## #
    #  & get names of those fields
    ########################################################################################################## #
    if (!('FIPS' %in% names(bg.d)) |
        !('FIPS' %in% names(e))) {
      stop('FIPS must be a colname in acsraw and e')
    bg.d <- bg.d[order(bg.d$FIPS),]
    e <- e[order(e$FIPS),]

    if (checkfips) {
      #*** this used to fail in an ugly fashion if the values passed are not actually FIPS at all but are e.g., characters like "NY"
      # clean up adding leading zero and saving as character in case 11 digit numeric missing leading zero for example
      # but note that will not allow use of simple ordinal numbers in lieu of FIPS, since clean.fips requires fips to be valid state, county, etc., not just any number or string

      e$FIPS    <- ejanalysis::clean.fips(e$FIPS)
      bg.d$FIPS <- ejanalysis::clean.fips(bg.d$FIPS)

    # na.omit() should at least avoid some errors?
    if (any(na.omit(e$FIPS != bg.d$FIPS))) {
      stop('Environment and Demographic datasets must match FIPS in 100% of cases')

    # WOULD NEED TO USE merge() below instead of data.frame()
    # na.omit() should at least avoid some errors?

    mynames.d <- names(bg.d)[names(bg.d) != 'FIPS']
    mynames.e <- names(e)[names(e) != 'FIPS']
    if (any(mynames.d %in% mynames.e) |
        any(mynames.e %in% mynames.d)) {
        'fieldnames in environmental and demographic data must not overlap except for FIPS field'
    # this was already available as names.d or names.e for EJSCREEN2014, but this is now more generic
    # NOTE: pctpre1960 is in environmental dataset but also demographic since obtained from ejscreen.acs.calc below, so it will be duplicated below.

    # CALCULATE DEMOGRAPHIC derived fields (D) (and EJ Index fields -----------

    ########################################################################################################## #
    # CALCULATE DEMOGRAPHIC derived fields (D) (and EJ Index fields if ejformulasfromcode=FALSE )
    # (Check that keep.old missing will work as intended)
    ########################################################################################################## #

    # include environmental dataset along with demographic when sending bg to ejscreen.acs.calc
    bg <- data.frame(bg.d, e[, mynames.e], stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    rm(bg.d) # rm(e); gc() # need e later

    if (ejformulasfromcode & missing(formulas)) {
      # if (ejformulasfromcode & missing(formulafile) & missing(formulas) ) { #xxx in case formulafile gets implemented here
      # # use the version of the default formulas that leaves out the EJ formulas. They are in code below instead.
      formulas <- ejscreen::ejscreenformulasnoej # lazyloaded data

    # keep.old default is to be missing here,
    # and default in ejscreen.acs.calc should be the hardwired ejscreen-specific fields including FIPS and key raw demographics

    bg <-
      ejscreen.acs.calc(bg, keep.old = keep.old, formulas = formulas)

    # can fix that later to optimize this
    bg <- data.frame(bg, e[, mynames.e], stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    # now pctpre1960.1 is here
    bg <-
      bg[, names(bg) != 'pctpre1960.1'] # get rid of case where this was in e and d since came from acs.calc
    # now focus on just those colnames that have been retained, not all the raw acs fields, etc.
    mynames.d <-
      names(bg)[!(names(bg) %in% c('FIPS', mynames.e))] # but that might include some fields we do not want? should have all returned by ejscreen.acs.calc other than FIPS
    #mynames.d <- mynames.d[mynames.d %in% names(bg) ]     # but that leaves out the new d fields

    # BINS AND PERCENTILES for DEMOG AND ENVT ---------------------------------

    ########################################################################################################## #
    # BINS AND PERCENTILES for DEMOG AND ENVT (and EJ -- if created by formulas not code below):
    #  add US percentile and map color bin cols
    ########################################################################################################## #

    # cat("\n")
    # print("mynames.d");print(mynames.d);cat("\n")
    # print("mynames.e");print(mynames.e);cat("\n")
    # print("names(bg)");print(names(bg));cat("\n")

    #	DEMOG
    # (if EJ Index formulas were in ejscreen::ejscreenformulas variable lazy loaded from data, or specified by user formulas,
    # then they will be here as well!)
    bg <-
                 ejanalysis::make.bin.pctile.cols(bg[, gsub('FIPS', '', mynames.d)], bg[, wtsvarname]),
                 stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

    #	ENVT
    bg <-
                 ejanalysis::make.bin.pctile.cols(bg[, mynames.e], bg[, wtsvarname]),
                 stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

    # CALCULATE and name the EJ INDEXES & add those cols and bin pctil --------

    if (ejformulasfromcode & missing(formulas)) {
      ########################################################################################################## #
      #  CALCULATE and name the EJ INDEXES & add those cols to bg
      # and the bin and percentile cols
      ########################################################################################################## #

      #   Warning - Did not specify us.demog= fraction of US population that is in the given demographic group
      #   Using calculated us.demog= NaN , based on all locations with valid demographics (which may be a bit different than those with valid envt scores)
      # and using bg[ , wtsvarname] (default is pop) as denominator, which is not exactly right for pctlowinc, pctlths, pctlingiso, (&pctpre1960).
      #   (bg$povknownratio)
      #   (bg$age25up)
      #   (bg$hhlds)
      #   (bg$builtunits)

      # EJ Index raw values cols
      EJ.basic.eo   <-
            env.df = bg[, mynames.e],
            demog = bg[, demogvarname0],
            weights = bg[, wtsvarname],
            type = ejtype
          stringsAsFactors = FALSE
        ) # note this calculates overall VSI.eo.US   on the fly
      # basic.eo already has names created by ej.indexes() function. WOULD USE demogvarname0suffix

      # if (!is.null(demogvarname1)) {
      #   EJ.basic.svi6 <-
      #     data.frame(
      #       ejanalysis::ej.indexes(
      #         env.df = bg[, mynames.e],
      #         demog = bg[, demogvarname1],
      #         weights = bg[, wtsvarname],
      #         type = ejtype
      #       ),
      #       stringsAsFactors = FALSE
      #     ) # note this calculates overall VSI.svi6.US on the fly
      #   names(EJ.basic.svi6) <-
      #     paste(EJprefix0, mynames.e, demogvarname1suffix, sep = ".")
      # }

      # add to bg
      # if (!is.null(demogvarname1)) {
      #   bg <-
      #     data.frame(bg, EJ.basic.eo, EJ.basic.svi6, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
      #   # EJ bin/percentile cols
      #   bg <-
      #     data.frame(bg,
      #                ejanalysis::make.bin.pctile.cols(bg[, c(names(EJ.basic.eo), names(EJ.basic.svi6))], weights = bg[, wtsvarname]),
      #                stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
      #   rm(EJ.basic.eo, EJ.basic.svi6)
      # } else {
        bg <-
          data.frame(bg, EJ.basic.eo, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

        # EJ bin/percentile cols
        bg <-
                     ejanalysis::make.bin.pctile.cols(bg[, c(names(EJ.basic.eo))], weights = bg[, wtsvarname]),
                     stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
      # }
      ### #

      # Supplementary/ alt1 EJ Indexes raw values cols
      #EJ.alt1.eo   <- sapply(bg[ , mynames.e], function(x) {x * bg[ , wtsvarname] * bg[,demogvarname0]  })
      EJ.alt1.eo   <-
          env.df = bg[, mynames.e],
          demog = bg[, demogvarname0],
          weights = bg[, wtsvarname],
          type = 5
      names(EJ.alt1.eo) <-
        paste(EJprefix1, mynames.e, demogvarname0suffix, sep = '.')

      # # if (!is.null(demogvarname1)) {
      # #
      # # }
      # #EJ.alt1.svi6 <- sapply(bg[ , mynames.e], function(x) {x * bg[ , wtsvarname] * bg[ , demogvarname1]})
      # EJ.alt1.svi6 <-
      #   ejanalysis::ej.indexes(
      #     env.df = bg[, mynames.e],
      #     demog = bg[, demogvarname1],
      #     weights = bg[, wtsvarname],
      #     type = 5
      #   )
      # names(EJ.alt1.svi6) <-
      #   paste(EJprefix1, mynames.e, demogvarname1suffix, sep = ".")

      # Supplementary/ alt2 EJ Indexes raw values cols
      #EJ.alt2.eo   <- sapply(bg[ , mynames.e], function(x) {x * bg[ , demogvarname0]  })
      EJ.alt2.eo   <-
        ejanalysis::ej.indexes(env.df = bg[, mynames.e],
                               demog = bg[, demogvarname0],
                               type = 6)
      names(EJ.alt2.eo) <-
        paste(EJprefix2, mynames.e, demogvarname0suffix, sep = '.')
      #EJ.alt2.svi6 <- sapply(bg[ , mynames.e], function(x) {x * bg[ , demogvarname1]})
      # EJ.alt2.svi6 <-
      #   ejanalysis::ej.indexes(env.df = bg[, mynames.e],
      #                          demog = bg[, demogvarname1],
      #                          type = 6)
      # names(EJ.alt2.svi6) <-
      #   paste(EJprefix2, mynames.e, demogvarname1suffix, sep = ".")

      # add alt raw EJ cols to bg
      bg <-
                   # EJ.alt1.svi6,
                   # EJ.alt2.svi6,
                   stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

      # EJ alt bin/percentile cols
      bg <-
                   ejanalysis::make.bin.pctile.cols(bg[, c(
                     names(EJ.alt1.eo) #,
                     # names(EJ.alt1.svi6)
                     )], bg[, wtsvarname]),
                   stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
      bg <-
                   ejanalysis::make.bin.pctile.cols(bg[, c(names(EJ.alt2.eo) #,
                                                           # names(EJ.alt2.svi6)
                                                           )], bg[, wtsvarname]),
                   stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

      rm(EJ.alt1.eo,  EJ.alt2.eo)


    # Add threshold flag if requested -----------------------------------------
    # The field called flagged can also be added via ejanalysis::flagged() or via ejscreen.download( addflag = TRUE )
    if (addflag) {
      #  add threshold flag if requested
      # later could allow user specified fields to be applied to threshold 

      if (missing(thresholdfieldnames)) {

        thresholdfieldnames <- names.ej.pctile

      if (all(thresholdfieldnames %in% names(bg))) {
        bg$flagged <-
          ejanalysis::flagged(bg[, thresholdfieldnames] / 100, threshold = threshold)
      } else {
          'threshold field requested but thresholdfieldnames are not all found in the dataset'

    # Add FIPS, countyname, statename, State etc --------
    # add the other FIPS components as individual columns
    bg <- ejanalysis::addFIPScomponents(bg)
    # or if func rewritten to use fips not whole bg, then need to call like this:
    #  bg <- cbind(addFIPSparts(bg$FIPS), bg[ , names(bg)[names(bg) != "FIPS"]])

    if (popups) {
      bg <- cbind(bg, ejscreen::make.popup.d(d = bg[ , names.d], pctile = bg[ , names.d.pctile]))
      bg <- cbind(bg, ejscreen::make.popup.e(e = bg[ , names.e], pctile = bg[ , names.e.pctile]))
      bg <- cbind(bg, ejscreen::make.popup.ej(pctile = bg[ , names.ej.pctile]))

    if (write.lookup.us) {
      ejanalysis::write.wtd.pctiles(mydf = bg[ , c(names.e, names.d, names.ej)], wts = bg$pop, filename =  'lookupUSA')
    if (write.lookup.regions) {
      if (!('REGION' %in% names(bg))) {
        message('requires a column called REGION to create lookup table of percentiles')
        } else {
        ejanalysis::write.wtd.pctiles.by.zone(mydf = bg[ , c(names.e, names.d, names.ej)], wts = bg$pop,
                                              zone.vector = bg$REGION, filename =  'lookupRegions')
    if (write.lookup.states) {
      if (!('ST' %in% names(bg))) {
        message('requires a column called ST to create lookup table of percentiles')
      } else {
        ejanalysis::write.wtd.pctiles.by.zone(mydf = bg[ , c(names.e, names.d, names.ej)], wts = bg$pop,
                                            zone.vector = bg$ST, filename =  'lookupStates')

ejanalysis/ejscreen documentation built on April 2, 2024, 10:15 a.m.