
Defines functions ejscreen.rollup

Documented in ejscreen.rollup

#' @title Aggregate EJSCREEN Dataset at Lower Resolution (e.g., Tracts)
#' @description
#'   Start with full EJSCREEN dataset at one resolution (typically block groups),
#'   and create aggregated data at a higher geographic scale (e.g., tracts or counties)
#' @details **default fieldnames are assumed for now. Uses \code{\link{ejscreen.create}}
#' @param bg Data.frame of raw data for environmental and demographic counts, one row per block group typically, one column per indicator.
#' @param enames Default is \code{\link{names.e}}, the colnames of raw envt indicators in bg
#' @param sumnames Default is a vector of colnames in bg, those which should be rolled up as sums with na.rm=TRUE (e.g., sum of all block group population counts in the tract)
#'   including 'pop', 'povknownratio', 'age25up', 'hhlds', 'builtunits',
#'   'mins', 'lowinc', 'lths', 'lingiso', 'under5', 'over64',
#'   'VNI.eo', 'VNI.svi6', 'VDI.eo', 'VDI.svi6',
#'   'hisp', 'nhaa', 'nhaiana', 'nhba',  'nhmulti', 'nhnhpia', 'nhotheralone', 'nhwa', 'nonmins',
#'   'area',
#'   'pre1960'
#' @param avgnames Default is ejscreen::enames, a vector of colnames in bg, those which should be rolled up as weighted averages (e.g., pop wtd mean of air pollution level)
#' @param wts Default is 'pop', the colname in bg specifying the field to use when calculating the weighted mean of all blockgroups in a tract, for example.
#' @param acsnames Not used. Default is a vector of demographic colnames in bg, used in default ejscreen dataset (see code or \code{\link{ejscreenformulas}})
#' @param ... Optional parameters to pass to \code{\link{ejscreen.create}} which uses formulas to create indicators from raw values.
#' @param fipsname Default is 'FIPS.TRACT' - specifies colname of unique ID field FIPS used to group by. Can be FIPS.TRACT, FIPS.COUNTY, FIPS.ST, or REGION in default dataset.
#' @param checkfips Whether to try to validate FIPS, passed to ejscreen.create(). See source for default.
#' @param scalename ***Not used. Default is 'tracts' - specifies text to use in naming the saved file.
#' @param folder ***Not used. Optional, default is getwd().
#' @return Returns a data.frame with ejscreen dataset of environmental and demographics indicators, and EJ Indexes,
#'   as raw values, US percentiles, but not text for popups.
#'   *** Output has one row per tract, county, state, or region, depending on what is specified.
#' @seealso \code{\link{ejscreen.create}}
#' @export
#' @examples
#'  \dontrun{
#'   # load("~/Dropbox/EJSCREEN/R analysis/bg 2015-04-22 Rnames plus subgroups.RData")
#'   # Do this for each of several levels of resolution
#'   #
#'   fipsnames <- c('FIPS.TRACT', 'FIPS.COUNTY', 'FIPS.ST', 'REGION')
#'   scalenames <- c('tracts', 'counties', 'states', 'regions')
#'   # or just for tracts, say this:
#'   #   fipsnames <- 'FIPS.TRACT'; scalenames <- 'tracts'
#'   for (i in 1:length(fipsnames)) {
#'   ##################################### #
#'   # Specify resolution of interest
#'   fipsname <- fipsnames[i] # 'FIPS.TRACT'
#'   scalename <- scalenames[i] # 'tracts'
#'   ##################################### #
#'   # Get results, using the function
#'   myrollup <- ejscreen.rollup(bg = bg, fipsname = fipsname)
#'   ##################################### #
#'   # Save results
#'   save(myrollup, file = paste('EJSCREEN 202o', scalename, 'data.RData') )
#'   write.csv(myrollup, row.names = FALSE, file = paste('EJSCREEN 2020', scalename, 'data.csv'))
#'   }
#'  }
ejscreen.rollup <- function(bg, fipsname = 'FIPS.TRACT', scalename = 'tracts', enames, folder = getwd(), sumnames, avgnames, wts, acsnames, checkfips, ...) {

  ##################################### #
  # Get packages (available via http://www.ejanalysis.com)
  # require(analyze.stuff); require(ejanalysis); require(ejscreen)

  ##################################### #
  # Get the wtd.mean for E (and other maybe some other fields?)
   if (missing(enames)) {enames <- names.e}
  if (missing(avgnames)) {avgnames <- enames}
  if (missing(wts)) {wts <- bg$pop}
  tracts.avg   <- ejanalysis::rollup(bg[ , avgnames], wts = wts, by = bg[ , fipsname], prefix = '' )
  names(tracts.avg) <- gsub('by', fipsname, names(tracts.avg))
  tracts.avg$sum.no.wts.used <- NULL

  ##################################### #
  # Get the sum for raw count fields and area (assuming here you've already calculated the blockgroup demographics)
  if (missing(sumnames)) {
    sumnames1 <- c('pop', 'povknownratio', 'age25up', 'hhlds', 'builtunits',
                   'mins', 'lowinc', 'lths', 'lingiso', 'under5', 'over64',
                   'VNI.eo', 'VNI.svi6', 'VDI.eo', 'VDI.svi6',
                   'hisp', 'nhaa', 'nhaiana', 'nhba',  'nhmulti', 'nhnhpia', 'nhotheralone', 'nhwa', 'nonmins',
  sumnames <- sumnames1[sumnames1 %in% names(bg)]
  if (!setequal(sumnames1, sumnames)) {warning('Fields not found: ', setdiff(sumnames1, sumnames))}
  tracts.sum <- ejanalysis::rollup(bg[ , sumnames], by = bg[ , fipsname], FUN = function(z) sum(z, na.rm = TRUE), prefix = '')
  names(tracts.sum) <- gsub('by', fipsname, names(tracts.sum))
  tracts.sum$sum.no.wts.used <- NULL

  ##################################### #
  # Merge sums and averages
  tracts <- merge(tracts.sum, tracts.avg, by = fipsname)
  tracts <- tracts[ order(tracts[ , fipsname]), ]
  rm(tracts.sum, tracts.avg)

  ##################################### #
  # Calculate the calculated fields (like EJ Index, percentiles, bins) from the E means and D counts
  acsfields <- names(tracts)
  acsfields <- acsfields[acsfields != fipsname]
  acsfields <- acsfields[!(acsfields %in% enames)]
  acsfields <- acsfields[acsfields != 'area']
  # the fips field has to be called FIPS to work in ejscreen.create()
  # so even though we might be passing a region, state, county, tract, or bg fips,
  # it always will be called FIPS when passed to ejscreen.create, and its type is figured out there.
  if (missing('checkfips')) {
    checkfips <- ifelse(fipsname == 'REGION', FALSE, TRUE)
  tracts <- ejscreen.create(
    e =      data.frame(FIPS = tracts[ , fipsname], tracts[ , names(tracts) %in% enames]),
    acsraw = data.frame(FIPS = tracts[ , fipsname], tracts[ , acsfields] ),
    checkfips = checkfips,
ejanalysis/ejscreen documentation built on April 2, 2024, 10:15 a.m.