#' Power Calculations for Two-Sample Test for Proportions with unequal sample size
#' Compute power of test, or determine parameters to obtain target
#' power for equal and unequal sample sizes.
#' @param n Number of observations (in group 1)
#' @param p1 Probability in one group
#' @param p2 Probability in other group
#' @param sig.level Significance level (Type I error probability)
#' @param power Power of test (1 minus Type II error probability)
#' @param ratio The ratio n2/n1 between the larger group and the smaller group. Should be a value equal to or greater than 1 since n2 is the larger group. Defaults to 1 (equal group sizes)
#' @param alternative String. Can be one- or two-sided test. Can be abbreviated.
#' @param tol Numerical tolerance used in root finding, the default providing (at least) four significant digits
#' @return Object of class \code{power.htest}, a list of the arguments (including the computed one) augmented with \code{method} and \code{note} elements.
#' @details Exactly one of the parameters \code{n}, \code{delta}, \code{power}, \code{sd}, \code{sig.level}, \code{ratio} \code{sd.ratio}
#' must be passed as NULL, and that parameter is determined from the others. Notice that the last two have non-NULL defaults
#' so NULL must be explicitly passed if you want to compute them.
#' @note \code{uniroot} is used to solve power equation for unknowns, so you may
#' see errors from it, notably about inability to bracket the root
#' when invalid arguments are given.
#' @author Claus Ekstrom \email{claus@@rprimer.dk}
#' @seealso \code{\link{power.prop.test}}, \code{\link{power_t_test}}, \code{\link{power.t.test}}
#' @keywords htest
#' @examples
#' power_prop_test(n=NULL, p1=.65, p2=.85, power=.8, ratio=2)
#' @export
power_prop_test <- function (n = NULL, p1 = NULL, p2 = NULL, sig.level = 0.05, power = NULL, ratio=1,
alternative = c("two.sided", "one.sided"),
tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.25)
if (sum(sapply(list(n, p1, p2, power, sig.level, ratio), is.null)) != 1)
stop("exactly one of 'n', 'p1', 'p2', 'power', 'sig.level', and 'ratio' must be NULL")
if (!is.null(sig.level) && !is.numeric(sig.level) || any(0 > sig.level | sig.level > 1))
stop("'sig.level' must be numeric in [0, 1]")
if (!is.null(ratio) && ratio <= 0)
stop("ratio between group sizes must be positive")
alternative <- match.arg(alternative)
tside <- switch(alternative, one.sided = 1, two.sided = 2)
# Adding two "bodies" to improve stability of calculations.
# The sample size can go haywire for small powers
n.body <- quote({
d <- abs(p1 - p2)
q1 <- 1 - p1
q2 <- 1 - p2
pbar <- (p1 + ratio*p2)/(1+ratio)
qbar <- 1 - pbar
mprime <- ( qnorm(sig.level/tside, lower.tail=FALSE) * sqrt(pbar*qbar*(1+ratio)) + qnorm(power) * sqrt(ratio*p1*q1 + p2*q2) )^2 / (ratio*d^2)
mprime/4*(1 + sqrt(1 + 2*(ratio+1)/(ratio*mprime*d)))^2
p.body <- quote({
qu <- qnorm(1-sig.level/tside)
q1 <- 1 - p1
q2 <- 1 - p2
pbar <- (p1 + ratio*p2)/(1+ratio)
qbar <- 1 - pbar
denom <- sqrt(p1*q1/n + p2*q2/n/ratio)
A <- (-qu * sqrt(pbar*qbar/n + pbar*qbar/n/ratio) - (p1 - p2)) / denom
B <- (qu * sqrt(pbar*qbar/n + pbar*qbar/n/ratio) - (p1 - p2)) / denom
pnorm(A) + pnorm(B, lower.tail=FALSE)
if (is.null(n))
n <- eval(n.body)
else if (is.null(power))
power <- eval(p.body)
else if (is.null(p1))
p1 <- uniroot(function(p1) eval(n.body) - n, c(0.000001,
p2), tol = tol, extendInt = "no")$root
else if (is.null(p2))
p2 <- uniroot(function(p2) eval(n.body) - n, c(p1,
.999999), tol = tol, extendInt = "no")$root
else if (is.null(ratio))
ratio <- uniroot(function(ratio) eval(n.body) - n, c(2/n, 1e+07))$root
else if (is.null(sig.level))
sig.level <- uniroot(function(sig.level) eval(n.body) -
n, c(1e-10, 1 - 1e-10), tol = tol, extendInt = "upX")$root
else stop("internal error", domain = NA)
if (ratio!=1) {
n <- c(n, n*ratio)
NOTE <- ifelse(ratio==1, "n is number in *each* group", "n is vector of number in each group")
METHOD <- ifelse(ratio==1,
"Two-sample comparison of proportions power calculation",
"Two-sample comparison of proportions power calculation with unequal sample sizes")
structure(list(n = n, p1 = p1, p2 = p2, sig.level = sig.level,
power = power, alternative = alternative, note = NOTE,
method = METHOD), class = "power.htest")
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