
Defines functions segregate.genes

Documented in segregate.genes

#' Segregate genes through a pedigree
#' Segregate di-allelic genes down through the generations of a pedigree. It is
#' assumed that the founders are independent and that the genes are in Hardy
#' Weinberg equilibrium in the population.
#' @param pedigree a \code{pedigree} object
#' @param maf a vector of minor allele frequencies for each diallelic gene to
#' segregate through the pedigree
#' @return Returns a data frame. Each row matches the order of the individuals
#' in the pedigree and each column corresponds to each of the segregated genes.
#' The data frame contains values 0, 1, or 2 corresponding to the number of
#' copies of the minor allele frequency allele that person has.
#' @author Claus Ekstrom \email{claus@@rprimer.dk}
#' @seealso \code{pedigree}, \code{kinship},
#' @keywords datagen
#' @examples
#' library(kinship2)
#' mydata <- data.frame(id=1:5, 
#'                      dadid=c(NA, NA, 1, 1, 1), 
#'                      momid=c(NA, NA, 2, 2, 2), 
#'                      sex=c("male", "female", "male", "male", "male"), 
#'                      famid=c(1,1,1,1,1))
#' relation <- data.frame(id1=c(3), id2=c(4), famid=c(1), code=c(1))
#' ped <- pedigree(id=mydata$id, dadid=mydata$dadid, momid=mydata$momid, 
#'                 sex=mydata$sex, relation=relation)
#' segregate.genes(ped, c(.1, .3, .5))
#' @export segregate.genes
segregate.genes <- function(pedigree, maf) {

  if (! "pedigree" %in% class(pedigree))
    stop("requires a single pedigree as input")

  if (any(maf>1) | any(maf<0))
    stop("minor allele frequencies must be in the range [0,1]")

  depth <- kinship2::kindepth(pedigree)
  n <- length(depth)

  res <- 
    sapply(maf, function(x) {
      marker <- rep(0, n)
      # Make founders
      marker[depth==0] <- sample(2:0, size=sum(depth==0), replace=TRUE, prob=c(x**2, 2*x*(1-x), (1-x)**2))

      # Count the number of MZ twin pairs
      mztwins <- pedigree$relation[pedigree$relation$code=="MZ twin",]
      nmztwins <- nrow(mztwins)
      # Make the remaining generations
      if (max(depth)>0) {
        for (dep in 1:max(depth)) {
          # pick the individuals for this depth
          select <- (depth==dep)
          idx <- seq(1, n)[select]
          nselect <- sum(select)
          marker[select] <- rbinom(nselect, 1, marker[pedigree$findex[select]]/2) + rbinom(nselect, 1, marker[pedigree$mindex[select]]/2)
          # Fix the MZ twins
          # This is done by running through all MZ twins and copying the
          # alleles of the first found twin to his/her MZ relatives

          if (!is.null(nmztwins)) {
            # Check if they are in this generation
            inthisdepth <- pedigree$relation$indx1[pedigree$relation$indx1 %in% idx]
            # Copy the marker result from indx1 to indx2
            marker[pedigree$relation$indx2[pedigree$relation$indx1 %in% idx]] <- marker[inthisdepth]

  if(max(depth)==0) {
    res <- as.data.frame(matrix(res, ncol=length(maf)))
  colnames(res) <- paste("gene", seq(1,length(maf)), sep="")
ekstroem/MESS documentation built on July 28, 2023, 4:02 a.m.