
Defines functions get_index_param map_location_data get_location_data

Documented in get_location_data map_location_data

#' Get data for a location
#' Returns data for a selected location or a list of locations (for
#' [map_location_data]). If data is a character string, the parameter is passed
#' to [read_sf_url], [read_sf_path], or [read_sf_pkg]. This function uses
#' [location_filter()] to filter (using [sf::st_intersects]), crop, or trim data
#' to the provided location. location can also be an an address, county GeoID,
#' state name, abbreviation, or GeoID.
#' @details Working with sf lists for data and locations:
#'   [map_location_data] makes it easier to work with `sf` lists. It supports data
#'   as a character vector, data as an `sf` list when location is a single object,
#'   location as a character vector or `sf` list (including lists of `bbox` or `sfc`
#'   objects), or when both data and location are lists (such as a list created
#'   by [make_location_data_list]).
#' @param location sf object. If multiple areas are provided, they are unioned
#'   into a single sf object using [sf::st_union]
#' @inheritParams st_bbox_ext
#' @param data Character string (e.g. url, file path, or name of data from
#'   package), a `sf`, `sfc`, or `bbox`  object including data in area.
#' @param package Name of the package to search for data.
#' @param filetype File type to use if passing parameters to [read_sf_download]
#'   or [read_sf_pkg] (required for extdata and cached data).
#' @param fn Function to apply to data after filtering by location but before
#'   returning from function.
#' @inheritParams location_filter
#' @param from_crs Coordinate reference system used to match the location CRS to
#'   the source data.
#' @param crs Coordinate reference system to return.
#' @param class Class of object to return.
#' @param index A list of possible location, data, and (optionally) package
#'   values. List must be named and include a value named package and package
#'   must be `NULL`, to set package based on index. If list is not `NULL` and
#'   location and/or data as character or numeric values, the location and data
#'   are assumed to be index values for the index list. The index parameter
#'   supports nested lists created by [make_location_data_list] (using only the
#'   default key names of "location" and "data"). This feature has not be fully
#'   tested and may result in errors or unexpected results.
#' @param label label is optionally used by [map_location_data] to name the data
#'   objects in the list returned by the function.
#' @param ... additional parameters passed to [read_sf_path], [read_sf_url], or
#'   [read_sf_pkg] and [location_filter]
#' @rdname get_location_data
#' @export
#' @importFrom sf st_crs st_crop st_transform st_intersection st_filter
#' @importFrom rlang as_function
get_location_data <- function(location = NULL,
                              dist = getOption("overedge.dist"),
                              diag_ratio = getOption("overedge.diag_ratio"),
                              unit = getOption("overedge.unit", default = "meter"),
                              asp = getOption("overedge.asp"),
                              data = NULL,
                              package = getOption("overedge.data_package"),
                              filetype = getOption("overedge.data_filetype", default = "gpkg"),
                              fn = NULL,
                              crop = TRUE,
                              trim = FALSE,
                              from_crs = getOption("overedge.from_crs"),
                              crs = getOption("overedge.crs"),
                              class = "sf",
                              label = NULL,
                              index = NULL,
                              col = NULL,
                              ...) {
  if (!is.null(index) && is.list(index)) {
    # FIXME: This is set to work with 1 or 2 level list indices with naming conventions that match make_location_data_list
    # This should be clearly documented as alternate index naming conventions supported if possible
    if (("package" %in% names(index)) && is.null(package)) {
      package <- unique(index$package) # could use data as an index
      stopifnot(length(package) == 1)

    location <- get_index_param(index, location = location)
    data <- get_index_param(index, data = data)

  if (!is.null(location) && is.character(location)) {
    location <- as_sf(location)

  # Get adjusted bounding box using any adjustment variables provided
  bbox <-
      x = location,
      dist = dist,
      diag_ratio = diag_ratio,
      unit = unit,
      asp = asp,
      crs = from_crs

  if (is_bbox(data)) {
    data <- as_sf(data)

  # Check if data is not an  sf object
  # FIXME: The read_sf_ext function I started handles this type of checking and switching
  if (!is_sf(data)) {
    type <-
        # Check if data is a url
        is_url(data) ~ "url",
        # Check if data is a path to an existing file
        fs::file_exists(data) ~ "path",
        !is.null(package) ~ "pkg"

    data <-
        "url" = read_sf_url(url = data, bbox = bbox, ...),
        "path" = read_sf_path(path = data, bbox = bbox, ...),
        "pkg" = read_sf_pkg(data = data, bbox = bbox, package = package, filetype = filetype, ...)

  data <-
      data = data,
      location = location,
      bbox = bbox,
      trim = trim,
      crop = crop

  data <- use_fn(data = data, fn = fn)

  as_sf_class(x = data, class = class, crs = crs, col = col)

#' @name map_location_data
#' @rdname get_location_data
#' @param load If `TRUE` and class is "list", load data to local environment;
#'   defaults `FALSE`.
#' @example examples/map_location_data.R
#' @export
#' @importFrom rlang list2
#' @importFrom janitor make_clean_names
#' @importFrom purrr set_names map_chr map map2 discard
map_location_data <- function(location = NULL,
                              dist = NULL,
                              diag_ratio = NULL,
                              unit = NULL,
                              asp = NULL,
                              data = NULL,
                              package = NULL,
                              filetype = "gpkg",
                              fn = NULL,
                              crop = TRUE,
                              trim = FALSE,
                              from_crs = NULL,
                              crs = NULL,
                              class = "list",
                              label = NULL,
                              load = FALSE,
                              index = NULL,
                              ...) {
  # FIXME: This triggers an alert with lintr but it is used
  params <- rlang::list2(...)

  is_data <-

  if (!grepl("list", is_data) && (length(data) > 1)) {
    data <- as.list(data)
    is_data <- "list"

    # FIXME: The addition of a index parameter to get_location_data should allow the use of the index as a secondary source of name data for map_location_data
    if (!rlang::is_named(data)) {
      if (!is.null(label)) {
        label <- janitor::make_clean_names(label)

      data <-
          nm = purrr::map_chr(
            ~ paste0(
              collapse = "_"

      is_data <- "nm_list"

  data_is_list <-
    grepl("list", is_data)

  is_location <-

  if (!grepl("list", is_location) && (length(location) > 1)) {
    location <- as.list(location)
    is_location <- "list"

  location_is_list <-
    grepl("list", is_location)

  if (data_is_list) {
    data <-
        ~ get_location_data(
          location = location,
          dist = dist,
          diag_ratio = diag_ratio,
          unit = unit,
          asp = asp,
          data = .x,
          package = package,
          filetype = filetype,
          fn = fn,
          crop = crop,
          trim = trim,
          from_crs = from_crs,
          crs = crs,
          name_col = params$name_col,
          name = params$name,
          index = index
  } else if (location_is_list) {
    data <-
        ~ get_location_data(
          location = .x,
          dist = dist,
          diag_ratio = diag_ratio,
          unit = unit,
          asp = asp,
          data = data,
          package = package,
          filetype = filetype,
          fn = fn,
          crop = crop,
          trim = trim,
          from_crs = from_crs,
          crs = crs,
          name_col = params$name_col,
          name = params$name,
          index = index
  } else if (data_is_list && location_is_list && (length(data) == length(location))) {
    data <-
        ~ get_location_data(
          location = .x,
          dist = dist,
          diag_ratio = diag_ratio,
          unit = unit,
          asp = asp,
          data = .y,
          package = package,
          filetype = filetype,
          fn = fn,
          crop = crop,
          trim = trim,
          from_crs = from_crs,
          crs = crs,
          name_col = params$name_col,
          name = params$name,
          index = index

  data <- purrr::discard(data, ~ nrow(.x) == 0)
  data <- as_sf_class(x = data, class = class, crs = crs) # , ...)

  if (load && is_sf_list(data, named = TRUE)) {
    list2env(data, envir = .GlobalEnv)
  } else {

#' Get value of location of data parameter from list index
#' @noRd
get_index_param <- function(index = NULL,
                            location = NULL,
                            type = NULL,
                            data = NULL) {

  # Return data from index list if provided (may include bbox, sfc, or sf
  # objects)
  if (!is.null(location)) {
    if ((is.character(data) || is.numeric(data))) {
      if ("location" %in% names(index)) {
        location <- index$location[[location]]
      } else {
        location <- index[[location]]

  # Return data from index list if provided (may include character (e.g. url, file path, data name if in package), bbox, sfc, or sf objects)
  if (!is.null(data)) {
    if ((is.character(data) || is.numeric(data))) {
      if ("data" %in% names(index)) {
        data <- index$data[[data]]
      } else {
        data <- index[[data]]

  if (!is.null(index$type)) {
    type <- unique(index$type)
  } else if (!is.null(type) && (is.character(type) || is.numeric(type))) {
    # Return data from index list if provided
    type <- index[[type]]

elipousson/overedge documentation built on Aug. 13, 2022, 7:41 p.m.