#' fit.gam
#' @param obj CanalogramImages object
#' @param r_bands Number of radial bands to fit
#' @param theta_band_size Degrees per angular band
#' @param fit.grid Whether to fit the models to each grid point
#' @param fit.bands Whether to fit a global model to bands
#' @return CanaogramGAM object describing the fit
#' @export
#' @importFrom dplyr %>%
#' @importFrom mgcv gam s te
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' images <- read.images('./data/Trial-1/one gree_T00', n = 5)
#' plot(images)
#' fit <- fit.gam(images)
#' plot(fit)
#' plot.images(fit)
#' plot.ring(fit)
#' }
fit.gam <- function(obj, r_bands = 5, theta_band_size = 10,
fit.grid = TRUE, fit.bands = TRUE, fit.coarse.bands = FALSE) {
if (! inherits(obj, 'CanalogramImages')) {
stop('Function fit.gam only works on CanalogramImages objects\n')
# Build up the return object
obj$gam <- list(
options = list(r_bands = r_bands,
theta_band_size = theta_band_size),
data = NA,
center = NA,
cornea_radius = NA,
clock_data = NA,
max_radius = NA,
band_width = NA,
grid_metrics = NA,
fit = NA,
metrics = NA,
rings = NA
class(obj) <- c('CanaogramGAM', class(obj))
# Get the raw data as a data.frame
if (inherits(obj$data.low, 'Image')) {
data <- reshape2::melt(obj$data.low)
colnames(data) <- c('x','y','t','I')
obj$gam$data <- data
} else if (inherits(obj$data, 'Image')) {
data <- reshape2::melt(obj$data)
colnames(data) <- c('x','y','t','I')
obj$gam$data <- data
} else {
stop('No data found for function fit.gam')
# Scale data to a 0.0 -- 1.0 range
obj <- update.data.scale(obj)
# Get the base image resolution
obj$gam$resolution <- max(c(obj$gam$data$x, obj$gam$data$y))
# Clean up the data (do after setting the resolution)
obj$gam$data <- na.omit(obj$gam$data)
# Use the known/computed cornea center
center <- list(x = obj$cornea$center.x,
y = obj$cornea$center.y)
obj$gam$center <- center
obj$gam$cornea_radius <- obj$cornea$min.radius * obj$gam$resolution
# Transform to radial basis
obj <- update.radial.basis(obj)
# Generate image masks
obj <- update.masks(obj)
# Generate data bands
obj <- update.bands(obj, theta_band_size = theta_band_size, r_bands = r_bands)
# Generate data by clock hour and radius band
obj <- update.clock.data(obj)
if (fit.grid) {
# Fit the individual model
message('Fitting GAM to grid (individual fits)')
obj <- update.fit.grid(obj)
message('Processing grid metrics')
obj <- update.grid.metrics(obj)
if (fit.bands) {
# Fit the global model
message('Fitting GAM to rings (global fit)')
obj <- update.fit(obj)
# Determine ring metrics
message('Processing global & ring metrics')
obj <- update.metrics(obj, fit.coarse.bands = fit.coarse.bands)
# Determine the quadrant flows
message('Processing quadrants')
obj <- update.quadrants(obj)
# Create rings
message('Updating rings')
obj <- update.rings(obj, fit.coarse.bands = fit.coarse.bands)
update.data.scale <- function(obj) {
if (! inherits(obj, 'CanaogramGAM')) {
stop('Function update.data.scale requires a CanaogramGAM object\n')
# Get the object's data
data <- obj$gam$data
# Rescale the data
data$z <- data$I / max(data$I, na.rm=TRUE)
# Update the object and return it
obj$gam$data <- data
update.radial.basis <- function(obj) {
if (! inherits(obj, 'CanaogramGAM')) {
stop('Function update.radial.basis requires a CanaogramGAM object\n')
if (! 'center' %in% names(obj$gam)) {
stop('Missing corneal center needed for update.radial.basis')
if (! 'resolution' %in% names(obj$gam)) {
stop('Missing resolution needed for update.radial.basis')
# Get the object's data
data <- obj$gam$data
center <- obj$gam$center
resolution <- obj$gam$resolution
# Transform to radial basis
data$X <- data$x - (center$x * resolution)
data$Y <- data$y - (center$y * resolution)
data$theta <- atan2(-data$X, -data$Y) * 180.0 / pi + 180.0
data$R <- sqrt(data$X * data$X + data$Y * data$Y)
data$X <- NULL
data$Y <- NULL
# Use distance map for radius
mask.dist <- reshape2::melt(obj$mask.dist)
colnames(mask.dist) <- c('x','y','r')
data <- merge(data, mask.dist, by = c('x', 'y'))
# Update the object and return it
obj$gam$data <- data
update.masks <- function(obj) {
if (! inherits(obj, 'CanaogramGAM')) {
stop('Function get.centers requires a CanaogramGAM object\n')
if (! is.finite(obj$gam$cornea_radius)) {
stop('Function update.corneal.radius needs to be run before update.masks')
# Get the object's data
data <- obj$gam$data
mask <- obj$ROI$mask
cornea_radius <- obj$gam$cornea_radius
# Mask those pixels at the border
data$border <- data$x == min(data$x) | data$x == max(data$x) |
data$y == min(data$y) | data$y == max(data$y)
# Determine the maximum radius for a complete dataset
max_radius <- min(data$r[data$border] + 0.5)
# Mask those pixels in the analysis region
data$mask <- data$r <= max_radius
# Update the object and return it
obj$gam$data <- data
obj$gam$max_radius <- max_radius
update.bands <- function(obj, theta_band_size = 10, r_bands = 5) {
if (! inherits(obj, 'CanaogramGAM')) {
stop('Function update.bands requires a CanaogramGAM object\n')
if (! is.finite(obj$gam$cornea_radius)) {
stop('Function update.corneal.radius needs to be run before update.bands')
if (! is.finite(obj$gam$max_radius)) {
stop('Function update.masks needs to be run before update.bands')
# Get the object's data
data <- obj$gam$data
max_radius <- obj$gam$max_radius
cornea_radius <- obj$gam$cornea_radius
# Generate coarser blockings/bands
data$clock <- round(data$theta / 360.0 * 12.0)
data$clock[data$clock == 0] <- 12
data$theta_band <- theta_band_size * round(data$theta / theta_band_size)
band_width <- (max_radius - 1 + 0.1) / r_bands
data$r_band <- floor((data$r - 1) / band_width)
# Update the object and return it
obj$gam$data <- data
obj$gam$band_width <- band_width
update.clock.data <- function(obj) {
if (! inherits(obj, 'CanaogramGAM')) {
stop('Function update.clock.data requires a CanaogramGAM object\n')
if (! 'z' %in% colnames(obj$gam$data)) {
stop('Function update.data.scale needs to be run before update.clock.data')
if (! 'r_band' %in% colnames(obj$gam$data)) {
stop('Function update.bands needs to be run before update.clock.data')
# Get the object's data
data <- obj$gam$data
# Summarize all of the image data by clock hour and radius band (and time)
clock_data <- data %>%
dplyr::filter(mask) %>%
dplyr::group_by(t, clock, r_band) %>%
dplyr::summarize(I = mean(I),
z = mean(z),
area = length(x)) %>%
# Update the object and return it
obj$gam$clock_data <- clock_data
if(getRversion() >= "2.15.1") utils::globalVariables(c('mask',
't', 'clock', 'r_band',
'I', 'z', 'x'))
update.fit <- function(obj) {
if (! inherits(obj, 'CanaogramGAM')) {
stop('Function update.fit requires a CanaogramGAM object\n')
if (! inherits(obj$gam$clock_data, 'data.frame')) {
stop('Function update.clock.data needs to be run before update.fit\n')
# Get the object's data
data <- obj$gam$data
r_bands <- obj$gam$options$r_bands
theta_band_size <- obj$gam$options$theta_band_size
# Make sure there are enough radial data
if (length(unique(data$r)) < r_bands) {
warning('Fewer radial bands can be created than requested: ',
length(unique(data$r)), ' < ', r_bands)
r_bands <- length(unique(data$r))
# Get the object's data
#clock_data <- obj$gam$clock_data
# Fit the GAM model to the clock data alone (coarse)
#message('Fitting clock data (very low resolution)')
#fit.clock <- gam(z ~ s(clock, bs = 'cc', k = 12) +
# s(r_band, bs = 'cs', k = min(r_bands, 5)) +
# s(t, bs = 'cs', k = 5) +
# te(clock, r_band, t, bs = c('cc', 'cs', 'cs'), k = c(12, min(r_bands, 5), 5)),
# weights = clock_data$area,
# knots = list(clock = c(0, 12)),
# data = clock_data)
# Add the prediction to the data
#clock_data <- cbind(clock_data,
# predict(fit.clock, type = 'response', se.fit = TRUE))
#attributes(clock_data$fit) <- NULL
#attributes(clock_data$se.fit) <- NULL
# Update the object
#obj$gam$fit.clock <- fit.clock
#obj$gam$clock_data <- clock_data
# Fit the GAM model to the low-resolution data (finer than clock data)
message('Fitting low-resolution data')
fit <- gam(z ~ s(theta, bs = 'cc', k = 12) +
s(r, bs = 'cs', k = min(r_bands, 5)) +
s(t, bs = 'cs', k = 5) +
te(theta, r, t, bs = c('cc', 'cs', 'cs'), k = c(12, min(r_bands, 5), 5)),
knots = list(theta = c(0, 360)),
data = data)
# Add the prediction to the data
data$fit <- NA
data$se.fit <- NA
x <- predict(fit, type = 'response', se.fit = TRUE)
data$fit <- x$fit
data$se.fit <- x$se.fit
attributes(data$fit) <- NULL
attributes(data$se.fit) <- NULL
# Create a prediction data frame
prediction <- expand.grid(theta = seq(0, 359, by = theta_band_size),
r = seq(min(data$r), max(data$r), by = 0.25),
t = seq(1, max(data$t), by = 1))
prediction$fit <- NA
prediction$se.fit <- NA
x <- predict(fit, type = 'response', se.fit = TRUE, newdata = prediction)
prediction$fit <- x$fit
prediction$se.fit <- x$se.fit
attributes(prediction$fit) <- NULL
attributes(prediction$se.fit) <- NULL
# Update the object and return it
obj$gam$fit <- fit
obj$gam$data <- data
obj$gam$prediction <- prediction
update.fit.grid <- function(obj) {
if (! inherits(obj, 'CanaogramGAM')) {
stop('Function update.fit.grids requires a CanaogramGAM object\n')
if (! 'mask' %in% colnames(obj$gam$data)) {
stop('Function update.masks needs to be run before update.fit.grids\n')
# Get the object's data
data <- obj$gam$data
data$grid.fit <- NA
data$grid.se.fit <- NA
# Get which points need to be fit
coords <- data %>%
dplyr::select(x, y) %>%
message(' Fitting ', nrow(coords), ' individual GAM models')
# Iterate through all points and fit an individual GAM model
for (i in 1:nrow(coords)) {
# Pull out the data to use
sel <- (data$x == coords$x[i]) & (data$y == coords$y[i])
# Fit the GAM model
fit <- gam(z ~ s(t, bs = 'cs', k = 5), data = data[sel,])
y <- predict(fit, type = 'response', se.fit = TRUE)
data$grid.fit[sel] <- y$fit
data$grid.se.fit[sel] <- y$se.fit
# Update the object and return it
obj$gam$data <- data
if(getRversion() >= "2.15.1") utils::globalVariables(c('cornea', 'x', 'y'))
update.metrics <- function(obj, minimum_threshold = 0.05, fit.coarse.bands = FALSE) {
if (! inherits(obj, 'CanaogramGAM')) {
stop('Function update.fit requires a CanaogramGAM object\n')
if (! inherits(obj$gam$clock_data, 'data.frame')) {
stop('Function update.clock.data needs to be run before update.fit\n')
if (! 'fit' %in% names(obj$gam)) {
stop('Function update.fit needs to be run before update.fit\n')
# # Get the object's data
# clock_data <- obj$gam$clock_data
# clock_metrics <- clock_data %>%
# dplyr::group_by(clock, r_band) %>%
# dplyr::mutate(min_fit = min(fit),
# max_fit = max(fit),
# mid_fit = mean(range(fit))) %>%
# dplyr::filter(fit > max(minimum_threshold, mid_fit)) %>%
# dplyr::arrange(t) %>%
# dplyr::summarize(min_fit = mean(min_fit),
# mid_fit = mean(mid_fit),
# max_fit = mean(max_fit),
# mid_t = dplyr::first(t)) %>%
# dplyr::mutate(mid_rate = mid_fit / mid_t * 100) %>%
# dplyr::ungroup()
# # Update the object
# obj$gam$clock_metrics <- clock_metrics
# Get the object's data
data <- obj$gam$data
# Update the metrics by x-y location
xy_metrics <- data %>%
dplyr::group_by(x, y) %>%
dplyr::filter(sum(fit) > 0.0) %>%
dplyr::mutate(quadrant = floor(theta / 90.0)) %>%
dplyr::mutate(min_fit = max(0, min(fit)),
max_fit = min(1, max(fit))) %>%
dplyr::mutate(mid_fit = 0.5 * (min_fit + max_fit)) %>%
dplyr::filter(fit >= max(minimum_threshold, mid_fit)) %>%
dplyr::arrange(t) %>%
dplyr::ungroup() %>%
dplyr::group_by(x, y, theta, r, clock, r_band, quadrant) %>%
dplyr::summarize(min_fit = mean(min_fit),
mid_fit = mean(mid_fit),
max_fit = mean(max_fit),
mid_t = dplyr::first(t)) %>%
dplyr::mutate(mid_rate = mid_fit / mid_t * 100) %>%
dplyr::mutate(flow = (mid_fit - min_fit) / mid_t) %>%
xy_metrics$clock <- as.integer(xy_metrics$clock)
xy_metrics$r_band <- as.integer(xy_metrics$r_band)
# Get the object's prediction
prediction <- obj$gam$prediction
# Update the metrics by theta-r location
prediction_metrics <- prediction %>%
dplyr::group_by(theta, r) %>%
dplyr::filter(sum(fit) > 0.0) %>%
dplyr::mutate(quadrant = floor(theta / 90.0)) %>%
dplyr::mutate(min_fit = max(0, min(fit)),
max_fit = min(1, max(fit))) %>%
dplyr::mutate(mid_fit = 0.5 * (min_fit + max_fit)) %>%
dplyr::filter(fit >= max(minimum_threshold, mid_fit)) %>%
dplyr::arrange(t) %>%
dplyr::ungroup() %>%
dplyr::group_by(theta, r, quadrant) %>%
dplyr::summarize(min_fit = mean(min_fit),
mid_fit = mean(mid_fit),
max_fit = mean(max_fit),
mid_t = dplyr::first(t)) %>%
dplyr::mutate(mid_rate = mid_fit / mid_t * 100) %>%
dplyr::mutate(flow = (mid_fit - min_fit) / mid_t) %>%
clock_metrics <- xy_metrics %>%
dplyr::group_by(clock, r_band) %>%
dplyr::summarize(min_fit = mean(min_fit),
mid_fit = mean(mid_fit),
max_fit = mean(max_fit),
mid_t = mean(mid_t)) %>%
dplyr::mutate(mid_rate = mid_fit / mid_t * 100) %>%
# Update the object and return it
obj$gam$xy_metrics <- xy_metrics
obj$gam$prediction_metrics <- prediction_metrics
obj$gam$clock_metrics <- clock_metrics
if(getRversion() >= "2.15.1") utils::globalVariables(c('clock', 'r_band',
'min_fit', 'mid_fit', 'max_fit',
update.quadrants <- function(obj) {
if (! inherits(obj, 'CanaogramGAM')) {
stop('Function update.fit requires a CanaogramGAM object\n')
if (! inherits(obj$gam$xy_metrics, 'data.frame')) {
stop('Function update.metrics needs to be run before update.fit\n')
# Get the object's xy_metrics
xy_metrics <- obj$gam$xy_metrics
quadrant_metrics <- xy_metrics %>%
dplyr::group_by(quadrant) %>%
dplyr::summarize(min_theta = floor(min(theta %% 360)),
max_theta = ceiling(max(theta %% 360)),
mean_rate = mean(mid_rate),
mean_flow = mean(flow),
total_flow = sum(flow))
quadrant_metrics$percent_flow <- 100 * quadrant_metrics$total_flow / sum(quadrant_metrics$total_flow)
quadrant_metrics$name <- '??'
quadrant_metrics$name[quadrant_metrics$min_theta < 45 & 45 < quadrant_metrics$max_theta] <- 'SN'
quadrant_metrics$name[quadrant_metrics$min_theta < 135 & 135 < quadrant_metrics$max_theta] <- 'IN'
quadrant_metrics$name[quadrant_metrics$min_theta < 225 & 225 < quadrant_metrics$max_theta] <- 'IT'
quadrant_metrics$name[quadrant_metrics$min_theta < 315 & 315 < quadrant_metrics$max_theta] <- 'ST'
# Update the object and return it
obj$gam$quadrant_metrics <- quadrant_metrics
update.rings <- function(obj, fit.coarse.bands = FALSE) {
if (! inherits(obj, 'CanaogramGAM')) {
stop('Function update.fit requires a CanaogramGAM object\n')
if (! inherits(obj$gam$clock_metrics, 'data.frame')) {
stop('Function update.metrics needs to be run before update.fit\n')
# Get the object's data
clock_metrics <- obj$gam$clock_metrics
data <- obj$gam$data
rings <- merge(data %>%
dplyr::filter(t == 1 & mask) %>%
dplyr::select(-t, -I, -mask, -border),
clock_metrics, all.x = TRUE)
rings$min_fit[is.na(rings$min_fit)] <- 0
rings$mid_fit[is.na(rings$mid_fit)] <- 0
rings$max_fit[is.na(rings$max_fit)] <- 0
rings$mid_t[is.na(rings$mid_t)] <- max(data$t)
rings$mid_rate[is.na(rings$mid_rate)] <- 0
# Update the object and return it
obj$gam$rings <- rings
if(getRversion() >= "2.15.1") utils::globalVariables(c('t', 'mask', 'cornea', 'border'))
update.grid.metrics <- function(obj, minimum_threshold = 0.0) {
if (! inherits(obj, 'CanaogramGAM')) {
stop('Function update.grid.metrics requires a CanaogramGAM object\n')
if (! 'grid.fit' %in% colnames(obj$gam$data)) {
stop('Function update.fit.grid needs to be run before update.grid.metrics\n')
# Get the object's data
data <- obj$gam$data
grid_metrics <- data %>%
dplyr::group_by(x, y, r_band, theta_band) %>%
dplyr::mutate(min_fit = min(grid.fit),
mid_fit = mean(range(grid.fit)),
max_fit = max(grid.fit)) %>%
dplyr::filter(grid.fit > max(minimum_threshold, mid_fit)) %>%
dplyr::arrange(t) %>%
dplyr::summarize(min_fit = mean(min_fit),
mid_fit = mean(mid_fit),
max_fit = mean(max_fit),
mid_t = dplyr::first(t)) %>%
dplyr::mutate(mid_rate = mid_fit / mid_t * 100) %>%
# Update the object and return it
obj$gam$grid_metrics <- grid_metrics
if(getRversion() >= "2.15.1") utils::globalVariables(c('x', 'y',
'r_band', 'theta_band',
'mid_fit', 'min_fit', 'max_fit', 't'))
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