
Defines functions `as.matrix.mrf_penalty` `get_penalty.mrf_penalty` `get_penalty.default` `get_penalty` `check_delta` `get_type.mrf_config` `get_type.mrf_penalty` `get_type.default` `get_type` `get_config` `get_labels` `as_mrf_penalty` `mrf_config` `check_penalty` `print.mrf_penalty` `get_mrf.gam` `get_mrf.list` `get_mrf.gamm` `get_mrf.bam` `get_mrf.default` `get_mrf`

#' @title Extract a fitted MRF
#' @param object An object from which to extract the fitted MRF. Currently only
#'   for objects of classes `gam`, `bam`, and `gamm`, and GAMMs fitted by
#'   [gamm4::gamm4()].
#' @param ... Arguments passed to other methods.
#' @return A object representing the fitted MRF
#' @export
`get_mrf` <- function(object, ...) {

#' @export
`get_mrf.default` <- function(object, ...) {
    ## want to bail with a useful error;
    ## see Jenny Bryan's Code Smells UseR 2018 talk: rstd.io/code-smells
    stop("Don't know how to extract an MRF penalty from <",
         class(object)[[1L]], ">",
         call. = FALSE)           # don't show the call, simpler error

#' @export
#' @rdname get_mrf
`get_mrf.bam` <- function(object, ...) {

#' @export
#' @rdname get_mrf
`get_mrf.gamm` <- function(object, ...) {
  object <- object[["gam"]]
  get_mrf(object, ...)

#' @export
#' @rdname get_mrf
`get_mrf.list` <- function(object, ...) {
  if(!"gam" %in% names(object)){
    stop("Not a gamm or gamm4 object. No smooth object for get_mrf to use")
  object <- object[["gam"]]
  get_mrf(object, ...)

#' @param term character; the MRF term to extract. Can be a partial match to a
#'   term, which is matched against the smooth label.
#' @export
#' @rdname get_mrf
#' @importFrom gratia which_smooths get_smooths_by_id is_mrf_smooth
`get_mrf.gam` <- function(object, term, ...) {
  ids <- which_smooths(object, term)
  smooths <- get_smooths_by_id(object, ids)
  mrfs <- vapply(smooths, FUN = is_mrf_smooth, FUN.VALUE = logical(1))
  smooths <- smooths[[mrfs]]

#' @export
`print.mrf_penalty` <- function(x, ...) {
  ## grab the configuration of the MRF
  conf <- get_config(x)
  # type of MRF
  type <- get_type(conf)
  ## print out info on MRF
  writeLines("Markov Random Field penalty")
  writeLines(paste0("Type: ", gsub("_", " ", type)))
  writeLines(paste0("N   : ", nrow(x)))

`check_penalty` <- function(...) {

`mrf_config` <- function(type = NULL,
                         node_labels = NULL,
                         delta = NULL,
                         geometry = NULL,
                         phylogeny = NULL,
                         random_walk = NULL,
                         dendrogram = NULL,
                         graph  = NULL,
                         dissimiliarities = NULL) {
    ## could return:
    ## unique factor levels associated with the data
    ## MRF type
    ## information for plotting (e.g. the graph, phylogeny, etc.)
    ## geographic information
    config <- list(type = type,
                   node_labels = node_labels,
                   delta = delta,
                   geometry = geometry,
                   phylogeny = phylogeny,
                   random_walk = random_walk,
                   dendrogram = dendrogram,
                   graph  = graph,
                   dissimiliarities = dissimiliarities)
    class(config) <- "mrf_config"

`as_mrf_penalty` <- function(penalty, config){
  #need to check if penalty is a matrix
  dimnames(penalty) <- list(config[["node_labels"]], config[["node_labels"]])
  class(penalty) <-  c(paste0(config[["type"]], "_mrf_penalty"),
    "mrf_penalty", "matrix")
  attr(penalty, which = "mrf_config") <- config

#' @title Extract MRF node labels from an MRF penalty
#' @param penalty an object of class `"mrf_penalty"`
#' @export
`get_labels` <- function(penalty) {
    config <- get_config(penalty)

#' @title Extract configuration details of an MRF penalty
#' @param penalty an object of class `"mrf_penalty"`
#' @return An object of class `"mrf_config"`, a list.
#' @export
`get_config` <- function(penalty) {
    attr(penalty, which = "mrf_config")

#' @title Extract the type of MRF from the penalty
#' @param object an object of class `"mrf_penalty"` or `"mrf_config"`.
#' @return A length 1 character vector containing the type of MRF penalty.
#' @export
`get_type` <- function(object) {

#' @export
`get_type.default` <- function(object, ...) {
    ## want to bail with a useful error;
    ## see Jenny Bryan's Code Smells UseR 2018 talk: rstd.io/code-smells
    stop("Don't know how to identify the type MRF penalty from <",
         class(object)[[1L]], ">",
         call. = FALSE)           # don't show the call, simpler error

#' @export
#' @rdname get_type
`get_type.mrf_penalty` <- function(object) {

#' @export
#' @rdname get_type
`get_type.mrf_config` <- function(object) {

`check_delta` <- function(add_delta) {
    if (length(add_delta) > 1) {
        stop("'add_delta' has to be a single value, either logical or numeric")
    if (!(is.logical(add_delta) || is.numeric(add_delta))) {
        stop("'add_delta' has to be either logical or numeric")
    if (is.numeric(add_delta) && add_delta < 0) {
        stop("'add_delta' has to be zero or a positive number")

#' @title Extract a MRF penalty matrix
#' @param penalty an R object from which to extract the MRF penalty matrix.
#' @param ... arguments passed to other methods.
#' @return A penalty matrix of class `"matrix"`.
#' @export
`get_penalty` <- function(penalty, ...) {

#' @export
`get_penalty.default` <- function(penalty, ...) {
    ## want to bail with a useful error;
    ## see Jenny Bryan's Code Smells UseR 2018 talk: rstd.io/code-smells
    stop("Don't know how to extract a penalty matrix from <",
         class(penalty)[[1L]], ">",
         call. = FALSE)           # don't show the call, simpler error

#' @rdname get_penalty
#' @export
`get_penalty.mrf_penalty` <- function(penalty, ...) {
    attr(penalty, "mrf_config") <- NULL
    class(penalty) <- "matrix"

#' Convert a MRF penalty object to a matrix
#' @param x an object inheriting from class `"mrf_penalty"`
#' @param ... arguments passed to other methods
#' @export
#' @examples
#' p <- mrf_penalty(1:10)
#' as.matrix(p)
`as.matrix.mrf_penalty` <- function(x, ...) {
eric-pedersen/MRFtools documentation built on Jan. 28, 2024, 2:13 a.m.