
Defines functions get_grooves_rollapply get_grooves_quadratic get_grooves_middle get_grooves

Documented in get_grooves get_grooves_middle get_grooves_quadratic get_grooves_rollapply

#' Find the grooves of a bullet land
#' @param bullet data frame with topological data in x-y-z format
#' @param method method to use for identifying grooves. Defaults to "rollapply"
#' @param smoothfactor The smoothing window to use - XXX the smoothing window seems to depend on the resolution at which the data has been collected. 
#' @param adjust positive number to adjust the grooves - XXX should be expressed in microns rather than an index
#' @param groove_cutoff The index at which a groove cannot exist past - XXX this parameter should be expressed in microns rather than as an index to be able to properly deal with different resolutions
#' @param mean_left If provided, the location of the average left groove
#' @param mean_right If provided, the location of the average right groove
#' @param mean_window The window around the means to use
#' @param second_smooth Whether or not to smooth a second time
#' @export
#' @import ggplot2

get_grooves <- function(bullet, method = "rollapply", smoothfactor = 15, adjust = 10, groove_cutoff = 400, mean_left = NULL, mean_right = NULL, mean_window = 100) {
  if (method == "quadratic") {
    grooves <- get_grooves_quadratic(bullet = bullet, adjust=adjust)
    if (method == "rollapply") {
      # make sure there is only one x 
      if (length(unique(bullet$x)) > 1) {
        message(sprintf("summarizing %d profiles by averaging across values\n", length(unique(bullet$x))))
        bullet <- bullet %>% group_by(y) %>% summarize(
          x = mean(x, na.rm = TRUE),
          value = mean(value, na.rm=TRUE)
      grooves <- get_grooves_rollapply(
        bullet = bullet,
        smoothfactor = smoothfactor,
        adjust = adjust,
        groove_cutoff = groove_cutoff, 
        mean_left = mean_left, 
        mean_right = mean_right, 
        mean_window = mean_window,
        second_smooth = TRUE
    if (method == "middle") {
      grooves <- get_grooves_middle(
        bullet = bullet,
        middle = 75


#' Use the center of a crosscut
#' @param bullet data frame with topological data in x-y-z format
#' @param middle middle percent to use for the identification
get_grooves_middle <- function(bullet, middle = 75) {
  groove <- quantile(bullet$y, probs=c((100-middle)/200, (100+middle)/200))
  plot <- bullet %>% ggplot(aes(x = y, y = value)) + geom_line(size = .5) + theme_bw() +
    geom_vline(xintercept=groove[1], colour = "blue") +
    geom_vline(xintercept=groove[2], colour = "blue") 

  return(list(groove = groove, plot = plot))

#' Quadratic fit to find groove locations
#' Use a robust fit of a quadratic curve to find groove locations
#' @param bullet data frame with topological data in x-y-z format
#' @param adjust positive number to adjust the grooves
get_grooves_quadratic <- function(bullet, adjust) {
  lm0 <- MASS::rlm(value~poly(y,2), data=bullet, maxit=100)
  bullet$pred <- predict(lm0, newdata=bullet)

  bullet$absresid <- with(bullet, abs(value-pred))
  bullet$absresid90 <- with(
    bullet, absresid>4*median(bullet$absresid, na.rm=TRUE))

  groove <- range(filter(bullet, !absresid90)$y) + c(adjust, -adjust)
  plot <- bullet %>% ggplot(aes(x = y, y = value)) + geom_line(size = .5) + theme_bw() +
    geom_vline(xintercept=groove[1], colour = "blue") +
    geom_vline(xintercept=groove[2], colour = "blue") 
  return(list(groove = groove, plot = plot))

#' Using rollapply to find grooves in a crosscut
#' @param bullet data frame with topological data in x-y-z format
#' @param smoothfactor The smoothing window to use
#' @param adjust positive number to adjust the grooves
#' @param groove_cutoff The index at which a groove cannot exist past
#' @param mean_left If provided, the location of the average left groove
#' @param mean_right If provided, the location of the average right groove
#' @param mean_window The window around the means to use
#' @param second_smooth Whether or not to smooth a second time
#' @param which_fun Which function to use in the rollapply statement
#' @export
#' @import ggplot2
#' @importFrom zoo rollapply
#' @importFrom zoo na.fill
get_grooves_rollapply <- function(bullet, smoothfactor = 15, adjust = 10, groove_cutoff = 400, mean_left = NULL, mean_right = NULL, mean_window = 100, second_smooth = T, which_fun = mean) {

  original_bullet <- bullet
  if (!is.null(mean_left) && !is.null(mean_right)) {
    mean.left.ind <- which.min(abs(bullet$y - mean_left))
    mean.right.ind <- which.min(abs(bullet$y - mean_right))
    window.left.left <- max(1, mean.left.ind - mean_window)
    window.left.right <- mean.left.ind + mean_window
    window.right.left <- mean.right.ind - mean_window
    window.right.right <- min(length(bullet$y), mean.right.ind + mean_window)
    bullet <- bullet[c(window.left.left:window.left.right, window.right.left:window.right.right), ]
    groove_cutoff <- Inf
  value_filled <- na.fill(bullet$value, "extend")
  smoothed <- rollapply(value_filled, smoothfactor, function(x) which_fun(x))
  # Add in an if statement, to only do the first smoothing if the second_smooth parameter is equal to FALSE
  if (second_smooth == T){
    smoothed_truefalse <- rollapply(smoothed, smoothfactor, function(x) which_fun(x), partial = TRUE)
  else {smoothed_truefalse <- smoothed}
  lengthdiff <- length(bullet$value) - length(smoothed_truefalse)
  peak_ind_smoothed <- head(which(rollapply(smoothed_truefalse, 3, function(x) which.max(x) == 2)), n = 1)
  peak_ind <- peak_ind_smoothed + floor(lengthdiff / 2)
  if (length(peak_ind) == 0) groove_ind <- peak_ind else groove_ind <- head(which(rollapply(tail(smoothed_truefalse, n = -peak_ind_smoothed), 3, function(x) which.min(x) == 2)), n = 1) + peak_ind
  peak_ind2_smoothed_temp <- head(which(rollapply(rev(smoothed_truefalse), 3, function(x) which.max(x) == 2)), n = 1)
  peak_ind2_temp <- peak_ind2_smoothed_temp + floor(lengthdiff / 2)
  if (length(peak_ind2_temp) == 0) groove_ind2_temp <- peak_ind2_temp else groove_ind2_temp <- head(which(rollapply(tail(rev(smoothed_truefalse), n = -peak_ind2_smoothed_temp), 3, function(x) which.min(x) == 2)), n = 1) + peak_ind2_temp
  peak_ind2 <- length(bullet$value) - peak_ind2_temp + 1
  groove_ind2 <- length(bullet$value) - groove_ind2_temp + 1
  ## Check that it actually FOUND a groove...
  if (length(groove_ind) == 0 || groove_ind > groove_cutoff) groove_ind <- 1
  if (length(groove_ind2) == 0 || groove_ind2 < length(bullet$value) - groove_cutoff) groove_ind2 <- length(bullet$value)
  xvals <- original_bullet$y
  yvals <- original_bullet$value
  plot_peak_ind <- which(original_bullet$y == bullet$y[peak_ind])
  plot_groove_ind <- which(original_bullet$y == bullet$y[groove_ind])
  plot_peak_ind2 <- which(original_bullet$y == bullet$y[peak_ind2])
  plot_groove_ind2 <- which(original_bullet$y == bullet$y[groove_ind2])
  center <- which.min(abs(xvals - mean(xvals)))
  if (plot_groove_ind > center) {
    plot_groove_ind2 <- plot_groove_ind
    plot_groove_ind <- 0
  if (plot_groove_ind2 < center) {
    plot_groove_ind <- plot_groove_ind2
    plot_groove_ind2 <- length(xvals)

  smoothed_diff <- floor(lengthdiff/2)
  p <- ggplot() + geom_point(aes(xvals, yvals), size = .3) + 
    #geom_line(aes(xvals[((smoothed_diff+1):(length(xvals)-smoothed_diff))], smoothed_truefalse), colour = "red") + 
    theme_bw() +
    # geom_vline(xintercept = xvals[plot_peak_ind], colour = "red") +
    geom_vline(xintercept = xvals[plot_groove_ind], colour = "blue") +
    #geom_vline(xintercept = xvals[plot_peak_ind2], colour = "red") +
    geom_vline(xintercept = xvals[plot_groove_ind2], colour = "blue") + 
    labs(title = bullet$id_name[1])
  return(list(groove = c(original_bullet$y[plot_groove_ind + adjust], 
                         original_bullet$y[plot_groove_ind2 - adjust]), plot = p))
erichare/bulletr documentation built on May 3, 2024, 10:14 p.m.