
#' Group Broken Adaptive Ridge Regression for Competing Risks Regression
#' @description Fits  groupbroken adaptive ridge regression for competing risks regression.
#' Based on the \strong{crrp} package which performs penalized variable selection using LASSO, SCAD, and MCP.
#' This package allows for ridge and broken adaptive ridge penalties.
#' @param ftime A vector of event/censoring times.
#' @param fstatus A vector with unique code for each event type and a separate code for censored observations.
#' @param X A matrix of fixed covariates (nobs x ncovs)
#' @param failcode Integer: code of \code{fstatus} that event type of interest (default is 1)
#' @param cencode Integer: code of \code{fstatus} that denotes censored observations (default is 0)
#' @param group Vector of group indicators. Must be a vector of consecutive integers.
#' @param lambda Numeric: BAR tuning parameter value
#' @param xi Numeric: tuning parameter for initial ridge regression
#' @param delta Numeric: change from 2 in ridge norm dimension
#' @param eps Numeric: algorithm stops when the relative change in any coefficient is less than \code{eps} (default is \code{1E-6})
#' @param tol Numeric: absolute threshold at which to force coefficients to 0 (default is \code{1E-6})
#' @param lam.min Numeric: smallest value of lambda if performing grid search
#' @param nlambda Numeric: number of \code{lambda} values if performing grid search  (default is 25)
#' @param log Logical: Whether or not the grid search is log10 spaced (default is \code{TRUE})
#' @param max.iter Numeric: maximum iterations to achieve convergence (default is 1000)
#' @details The \code{crrBAR} function penalizes the log-partial likelihood of the proportional subdistribution hazards model
#' from Fine and Gray (1999) with the Broken Adaptive Ridge (BAR) penalty. A cyclic coordinate descent algorithm is used for implementation.
#' For stability, the covariate matrix \code{X} is standardized prior to implementation.
#' Special cases: Fixing \code{xi} and \code{lambda} to 0 results in the standard competing risk regression using \code{crr}.
#' Fixing \code{lambda} to 0 and specifying \code{xi} will result in a ridge regression solution.
#' @return Returns a list of class \code{crrBAR}.
#' @import survival cmprsk Matrix
#' @export
#' @useDynLib crrBAR standardize
#' @examples
#' set.seed(10)
#' ftime <- rexp(200)
#' fstatus <- sample(0:2, 200, replace = TRUE)
#' cov <- matrix(runif(1000), nrow = 200)
#' dimnames(cov)[[2]] <- c('x1','x2','x3','x4','x5')
#' gp <- c(1, 1, 2, 2, 3)
#' fit <- gcrrBAR(ftime, fstatus, cov, group = gp, lambda = log(sum(fstatus == 1)) / 2, xi = 1 / 2)
#' fit$coef
#' @references
#' Breheny, P. and Huang, J. (2011) Coordinate descent algorithms for nonconvex penalized regression, with applications to biological feature selection. \emph{Ann. Appl. Statist.}, 5: 232-253.
#' Fine J. and Gray R. (1999) A proportional hazards model for the subdistribution of a competing risk.  \emph{JASA} 94:496-509.
#' Fu Z., Parikh C. and Zhou B. (2017). Penalized variable selection in competing risks regression. \emph{Lifetime Data Anal} 23:353-376.
#' Breheny, P. and Huang, J. (2015). Group descent algorithms for nonconvex penalized linear and logistic regression models with grouped predictors. \emph{Statistics and Computing} 25: 173-187

gcrrBAR <- function(ftime, fstatus, X, failcode = 1, cencode = 0,
                   group = 1:ncol(X),
                   lambda = 0, xi = 0, delta = 0,
                   eps = 1E-6, tol = 1E-6,
                   lam.min = ifelse(dim(X)[1] > dim(X)[2], 0.001, 0.05),
                   nlambda = 25,
                   log = TRUE,
                   max.iter = 1000){

  ## Error checking
  if(xi < 0) stop("xi must be a non-negative number.")
  if(max.iter < 1) stop("max.iter must be positive integer.")
  if(eps <= 0) stop("eps must be a positive number.")
  if(tol <= 0) stop("tol must be a positive number.")
  if(delta < 0) stop("d must be a non-negative number.")

  # Sort time
  n <- length(ftime)
  p <- ncol(X)
  d <- data.frame(ftime = ftime, fstatus = fstatus)
  if (!missing(X)) d$X <- as.matrix(X)
  d        <- d[order(d$ftime), ]
  ftime    <- d$ftime
  cenind   <- ifelse(d$fstatus == cencode, 1, 0)
  fstatus  <- ifelse(d$fstatus == failcode, 1, 2 * (1 - cenind))
  X <- d$X
  u <- do.call('survfit', list(formula = Surv(ftime, cenind) ~ 1,
                               data = data.frame(ftime, cenind)))

  # uuu is weight function (IPCW)
  u <- approx(c(0, u$time, max(u$time) * (1 + 10 * .Machine$double.eps)), c(1, u$surv, 0),
              xout = ftime * (1 - 100 * .Machine$double.eps), method = 'constant',
              f = 0, rule = 2)
  uuu <- u$y

  penalty.factor <- rep(1, max(group))
  # Reorder groups, if necessary
  xnames <- if (is.null(colnames(X))) paste("V", 1:ncol(X), sep="") else colnames(X)
  colnames(X) <- xnames
  if (any(order(group) != 1:length(group)) | !is.numeric(group)) {
    stop("As of current version. Groups must be ordered in ascending order (e.g. 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, ...) and must be a numeric vector")

  g <- group
  J <- max(g)
  # g = Group ordering (ex. 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, ..., g, g)
  # J = max group.

  # Standardize design matrix here
  std    <- .Call("standardize", X, PACKAGE = "crrBAR")
  XX     <- std[[1]]
  center <- std[[2]]
  scale  <- std[[3]]
  nz <- which(scale > 1e-6) #- Only keep columns that have s.d. > 1E-6
  zg <- setdiff(unique(g), unique(g[nz]))
  XX <- XX[ , nz, drop = FALSE]
  g  <- g[nz]
  XX <- orthogonalize(XX, g)
  g  <- attr(XX, "group")
  K  <- as.numeric(table(g)) #Number of covariates per group.

  if (length(zg)) {
    J  <- J - length(zg)
    penalty.factor <- penalty.factor[-zg]

  # If lambda is MISSING, create lambda path
  if(missing(lambda)) {
    lambda <- createLambdaGrid(ftime, fstatus, XX, uuu, lam.min = lam.min,
                               nlambda = nlambda, log = log)
  } else {
    lambda <- lambda
  if(min(lambda) < 0) stop("lambda must be a non-negative number.")

  ## Fit the PSH Ridge Model here w/ tuning parameter xi
  ridgeFit   <- .Call("ccd_ridge", XX, as.numeric(ftime), as.integer(fstatus), uuu,
                      xi, eps, as.integer(max.iter),
                      penalty.factor = rep(1, p), PACKAGE = "crrBAR")
  ridgeCoef  <- ridgeFit[[1]] / scale #Divide coeff estimates by sdev

  K1 <- as.integer(c(0, cumsum(K))) # (0, g1, g1 + g2, g1 + g2 + g3, ...)
  #Results to store:
  coefMatrix           <- matrix(NA, nrow = p, ncol = length(lambda))
  colnames(coefMatrix) <- round(lambda, 3)

  scoreMatrix           <- matrix(NA, nrow = n, ncol = length(lambda))
  colnames(scoreMatrix) <- round(lambda, 3)

  hessMatrix           <- matrix(NA, nrow = n, ncol = length(lambda))
  colnames(hessMatrix) <- round(lambda, 3)

  logLik  <- numeric(length(lambda))
  iter   <- numeric(length(lambda))
  conv   <- logical(length(lambda))

  btmp <- ridgeFit[[1]]
  #Enter BAR Fit here (for different lambdas)
  for(l in 1:length(lambda)) {
    lam  <- lambda[l]
    continue <- TRUE;  count <- 0; converged <- FALSE
    while(continue) {
      count  <- count + 1
      #Modify BAR weight for grouped covariates
      bar_wt <- numeric(length(K1) - 1)

      #- Create weights: sqrt(p_j) / ||\beta_j||_2^(2 - delta)
      for (jj in 1: (length(K1) - 1)){
        #bar_wt[jj] <- sqrt(K1[jj + 1] - K1[jj]) / sqrt(sum(btmp[(K1[jj] + 1):K1[jj + 1]])^2)^(2 - delta)
        bar_wt[jj] <- 1 / sqrt(sum(btmp[(K1[jj] + 1):K1[jj + 1]])^2)^(2 - delta)

      #BAR Fit
      barFit <- .Call("ccd_gridge", XX, as.numeric(ftime), as.integer(fstatus), uuu, K1,
                      lam, eps, as.integer(max.iter),
                      penalty.factor = bar_wt, PACKAGE = "crrBAR")
      beta0 <- barFit[[1]]

      #Convergence criterion: Max absolute difference between updates is less than eps.
      if(max(abs(beta0 - btmp)) < eps) {
        converged <- TRUE
      } else {
        btmp <- beta0
      if(converged || count >= max.iter) continue <- FALSE
    #Unorthogonalize and standardize AFTER convergence
    beta0 <- ifelse(abs(beta0) < tol, 0, beta0)
    beta0 <- unorthogonalize(beta0, XX, g)
    coefMatrix[, l]  <- beta0 / scale[nz]
    scoreMatrix[, l] <- barFit[[5]]
    hessMatrix[, l]  <- barFit[[6]]
    logLik[l]        <- -barFit[[2]] / 2 #barFit[[2]] = deviance = -2 * ll
    iter[l]          <- count
    conv[l]          <- converged
    grouping         <- group

  ## Output
  val <- structure(list(coef = coefMatrix,
                        logLik = logLik,
                        iter = iter,
                        lambda = lambda,
                        converged = conv,
                        ridgeCoef = ridgeCoef,
                        xi = xi,
                        call = sys.call()),
                   class = "crrBAR")

erickawaguchi/crrBAR documentation built on June 6, 2019, 7:56 a.m.