NodesFirstStepsMatrix: Reference of First Steps to take when traveling between node...

NodesFirstStepsMatrixR Documentation

Reference of First Steps to take when traveling between node network in Kitimat Fjord System.


A symmetrical dataframe that reports the first step to take when traveling the straightest possible path between nodes in the network of travel nodes laid out in the Kitimat Fjord System in the dataset nodesraw.




A symmetricl data frame (93 rows x 94 columns (col1 is rownames)) Row and column names correspond to travel node ID number in dataset nodesraw. Cell [i,j] reports which node to travel to next in order to get from node i to node j. If the nodes are line-of-sight of each other, their cell is marked with a lower case "x".


Manually compiled by Eric Keen

ericmkeen/bangarang documentation built on July 24, 2024, 5:43 a.m.