nodesLOSmatrix: Reference of which travel nodes are within Line-Of-Sight of...

nodesLOSmatrixR Documentation

Reference of which travel nodes are within Line-Of-Sight of each other in the Kitimat Fjord System


A symmetrical dataframe that reports the line-of-sight status (yes or no) for every pairwise combination of travel nodes (n=93) in the dataset nodesraw.




A symmetricl data frame (93 rows x 93 columns) Row and column names are the same, and correspond to travel node ID number in dataset nodesraw. If travel nodes i and j are line-of-sight (LOS), then cells [i,j] and [j,i] are 1. If they are not LOS, these cells have 0.


Manually compiled by Eric Keen

ericmkeen/bangarang documentation built on July 24, 2024, 5:43 a.m.