addturn: Helper functions for routeKFS

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addturnR Documentation

Helper functions for routeKFS


Helper functions for routeKFS



closest2end(startpt, endpt, nextnodes, nodepts)

find.LOS.nodes(node, nodepts, toprint = TRUE)

dist2nodes(pt1, pt2)

find.unusables(currentID, currentnode, endpt, nextnodes, nodepts)


  • closest2end(): Determine node closest to end destination

  • find.LOS.nodes(): Determine which nodes are line-of-sight of a point

  • dist2nodes(): Calculated distance between two nodes

  • find.unusables(): Eliminate potential nodes based on their distance from the current node

ericmkeen/bangarang documentation built on July 24, 2024, 5:43 a.m.