#' make a rudimentary colony input file
#' This takes a long format data frame of CKMR frequencies and a corresponding
#' one of genotypes of individuals (gotta have LocIdx and alle1 and alle2 columns,
#' which give the integer representation of the alleles). Then it spits out
#' a colony file with allele freqs either specified (by default) or not.
#' The idea is that you use this to follow up on clusters of pairs that look like
#' they might be sibs of some sort. This spits out a Colony2.dat file that can
#' be run with Colony. To change different settings and options for the run, you
#' just hand edit that output file.
#' @param CKF a data frame like long_markers that has the allele freqs and indexes, etc.
#' @param CKG a data frame of genotype data. It needs to have these columns:
#' \describe{
#' \item{id}{the identifier of the individual}
#' \item{Locus}{the names of the loci}
#' \item{LocIdx}{the index of the locus (should correspond exactly to CKF)}
#' \item{alle1}{The integer index of the allelic type of the first gene copy in the indiv.}
#' \item{alle2}{The integer index of the allelic type of the second gene copy in the indiv.}
#' }
#' @param freqs_known set to FALSE if you want Colony to estimate the allele freqs. Otherwise
#' it will just use the freqs from CKF (This makes a lot of sense if you have 10,000 individuals
#' but you don't want to run all of them in Colony)
#' @param outfile path to the output file to send this to
#' @param err_rate the per-locus rate of mis-genotyped loci assumed for the analysis. Recycles to the
#' proper length.
#' @param drop_rate the per-locus rate of assumed for the analysis. Recycles to the proper length.
#' @export
ckmr2colony <- function(CKF, CKG, freqs_known = TRUE, outfile = "Colony2.dat", err_rate = c(0.01), drop_rate = c(0.01)) {
NumLoci <- max(CKF$LocIdx)
cd <- colony_template()
cd[3, 1] <- length(unique(CKG$id)) # number of individuals
cd[4, 1] <- NumLoci
if(freqs_known == FALSE) {
cd[14, 1] <- 0
freqs <- afreq_str(CKF)
# now make a nice wide frame of the genotypes, denote NAs with O's if they are present
# and if they are absent as well
wide_genos <- CKG %>%
dplyr::mutate(a1 = ifelse(is.na(alle1), 0, alle1),
a2 = ifelse(is.na(alle2), 0, alle2),
genostr = paste(a1, a2, sep = " ")) %>%
dplyr::select(id, LocIdx, genostr) %>%
tidyr::spread(data = ., key = LocIdx, value = genostr, fill = "0 0")
# now start writing stuff out to the file
write.table(cd[1:14,], row.names = F, col.names = F, quote = F, sep = "\t", file = outfile)
# if allele frequencies are known, spew those out
if(freqs_known == TRUE) {
cat(freqs, file = outfile, append = TRUE, sep = "\n")
# then spit the rest of the template out
write.table(cd[15:21,], row.names = F, col.names = F, quote = F, sep = "\t", file = outfile, append = TRUE)
# now spew the locus names out
tmp <- CKG %>%
dplyr:: group_by(Locus, LocIdx) %>%
dplyr::tally() %>%
cat(tmp$Locus, file = outfile, append = TRUE, sep = " ", eol = "\n")
# and spew out the codominant 0's
cat(rep(0, length.out = NumLoci), sep = " ", eol = "\n", file = outfile, append = TRUE)
# and then the genotyping error rates
cat(rep(err_rate, length.out = NumLoci), sep = " ", eol = "\n", file = outfile, append = TRUE)
cat(rep(drop_rate, length.out = NumLoci), sep = " ", eol = "\n", file = outfile, append = TRUE)
# now spew out the genotypes
write.table(wide_genos, file = outfile, append = TRUE, row.names = F, col.names = F, quote = F, sep = "\t")
# then, finally spew the postamble out
cat("\n\n0.0 0.0\n0 0\n\n0\n\n0\n\n0\n\n0\n\n0\n\n0\n\n0\n\n0", file = outfile, append = TRUE)
#### These are some non-exported helper functions ####
colony_template <- function() {
comments <- c(
"! data set name",
"! outfile prefix",
"! Number of offspring in the sample",
"! Number of loci",
"! Seed for random number generator",
"! 0/1=Not updating/updating allele frequency",
"! 2/1=Dioecious/Monoecious species",
"! 0/1=No inbreeding/inbreeding",
"! 0/1=Diploid species/HaploDiploid species",
"! 0/1=Polygamy/Monogamy for males & females",
"! 0/1=Clone inference =No/Yes",
"! 0/1=Scale full sibship=No/Yes",
"! 0/1/2/3=No/Weak/Medium/Strong sibship prior; 4=optimal sibship prior",
"! 0/1=Unknown/Known population allele frequency",
"! Number of runs",
"! 1/2/3/4=short/medium/long/very long run",
"! 0/1=Monitor method by Iterate#/Time in second",
"! Monitor interval in Iterate# / in seconds",
"! Windows version",
"! 0/1/2=PairLikelihood score/Fulllikelihood/FPLS",
"! 0/1/2/3=Low/Medium/High/Very high precision with Fulllikelihood")
defaults <- c(
"0 0",
data.frame(values = defaults, comments = comments, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
#' prints out the integer allele names and their freqs into alternating
#' strings in a vector, so all you have to do is cat it with sep = "backslash n" to
#' get it to print to the colony file.
#' @keywords internal
afreq_str <- function(CKF) {
cl <- split(CKF, CKF$LocIdx)
nums <- unname(unlist(lapply(cl, nrow)))
numstr <- paste(nums, collapse = " ")
freqs <- unlist(lapply(cl, function(x) {
idxstr <- paste(sprintf("%d", x$AlleIdx), collapse = " ")
freqstr <- paste(sprintf("%.8f", x$Freq), collapse = " ")
c(idxstr, freqstr)
c(numstr, freqs)
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