
Defines functions create_ckmr

Documented in create_ckmr

#' prepare to simulate pairwise relationships from locus data
#' Starting from a data frame of marker information like that
#' in \code{\link{microhaps}} or \code{\link{long_markers}}. This
#' function takes care of all the calculations necessary to simulate
#' log-likelihood ratios of genotypes given different pairwise relationships.
#' @param  D a data frame in the format of \code{\link{long_markers}}.  Monomorphic loci should have
#' been removed and the whole thing run through \code{\link{reindex_markers}} before passing it
#' to this function.
#' @param kappa_matrix  A matrix like that in the supplied data \code{\link{kappas}}.  It should have
#' three columns, and rownames giving the abbreviated name of the pairwise relationship.  Each row
#' is a three-vector which are the Cotterman coefficients for the relationship. The first element is the
#' probability that the pair shares 0 gene copies IBD, the second is the prob that they share 1 gene
#' copy IBD, and the third is the prob that they share 2 gene copies IBD, all assuming no inbreeding.
#' By default, this just uses the "MZ", "PO", "FS", "HS", and "U" rows from \code{\link{kappas}}.
#' @inheritParams insert_C_l_matrices
#' @export
create_ckmr <- function(
  kappa_matrix = kappas[c("MZ", "PO", "FS", "HS", "U"), ],
  ge_mod_assumed = ge_model_TGIE,
  ge_mod_true = ge_model_TGIE,
  ge_mod_assumed_pars_list = list(epsilon = 0.1),
  ge_mod_true_pars_list = list(epsilon = 0.1)
  ) {

  # first, make sure there are no missing data allele in D
  if(any(is.na(D$Allele))) stop("Some entries in Allele column in D are NA.  This cannot be so.  Please fix.  Aborting...")

  # read in the "linked mhaps" but treat them as unlinked
  mhlist <- long_markers_to_X_l_list(D = D,
                                     kappa_matrix = kappa_matrix)

  # add the matrices that account for genotyping error
  mhlist2 <- insert_C_l_matrices(XL = mhlist,
                                 ge_mod_assumed = ge_mod_assumed,
                                 ge_mod_true = ge_mod_true,
                                 ge_mod_assumed_pars_list = ge_mod_assumed_pars_list,
                                 ge_mod_true_pars_list = ge_mod_true_pars_list

  # do the matrix multiplication that gives the Y_l matrices
  mhlist3 <- insert_Y_l_matrices(mhlist2)

  # put the original data back on there
  ret <- list(orig_data = D, loci = mhlist3)


eriqande/CKMRsim documentation built on Aug. 2, 2024, 7:23 a.m.