
# this is a script to perform the simulations and analyses, make all the figures
# then typset all the documents for this paper.  

# NOTE: By default this will not re-do the lengthy simulations.  Rather it will
# just read in stored results from the files ./simulations/out_list_01.rda and
# ./simulations/out_list_02.rda.   You can change variables below to force the 
# simulations to be re-done, alter that, but be warned that it will try to run things
# on 20 processors with mclapply and will take a long time...

#### Check to see if necessary packages are installed, and install if necessary ####
message("Checking that required packages are installed")
packages <- c("ggplot2", "grid", "gridExtra", "gtools", "knitr", "parallel", "reshape2", "xtable")
need_these <- setdiff(packages, rownames(installed.packages()))

if(length(need_these) > 0) {
   message("We are going to attempt to install the following packages (which are not yet installed):")

#### Load Packages and Check that We Are in the Right Directory ####

# this script should be run from the directory that includes the directories "simulations", "supplements", 
# and "manuscript"
if(!all(file.exists("simulations", "manuscript", "supplements")))  {
  stop("You must run compile-analyses-and-documents.R in directory that includes: \"simulations\", \"manuscript\", \"supplements\"")

#### Do Simulation And Make Figures for Single Source Population Model  ####
# The following line is commented out because we have the output: out_list_01.rda, already.
# If you wanted to regenerate that output, uncomment it, but plan on using a lot of cores
# to get the job done quickly.

  message("Starting to re-do simulation 1.  This could take a while!")
  source("simulations/01_simulation_1.R")    # this creates the file ./simulations/out_list_01.rda 

# these scripts place the figures and tables where they need to be relative to the LaTeX documents.
message("Making figures from results from simulation 1")

message("Making tables from results from simulation 1")

#### Do Simulation And Make Figures for Mixed Fishery Model  ####
# The following line is commented out because we have the output: out_list_01.rda, already.
# If you wanted to regenerate that output, uncomment it, but plan on using a lot of cores
# to get the job done quickly.

  message("Starting to re-do simulation 2.  This could take a while!")
  set.seed(10)  # for reproducibility of results
  source("simulations/04_simulation_2.R")    # this creates the file ./simulations/out_list_02.rda 

# this script places the figures and tables where they need to be relative to the LaTeX documents.
message("Making figures and tables from the results of simulation 2")

#### Crop Figures As Needed  ####
message("Using pdfcrop to crop PDF figures.  This requires a decent LaTeX installation that has pdfcrop")
# before we start compiling up the documents, we are going to 
# run pdfcrop on all of our figures
# this is a quick funtion to run pdfcrop on all the pdf files in a directory
pdfcrop_dir <- function(path = "manuscript/images/", pattern = "*.pdf", exclude = c("banner.pdf", "DAG_1.pdf", "DAG_2.pdf")) {
  img <- dir(path = path, pattern = pattern)
  img <- img[!(img %in% exclude)]
  for(i in img) {
    system(paste("pdfcrop", file.path(path, i), file.path(path, i)))
# now, do the cropping:
pdfcrop_dir(path = "supplements/images", exclude = NULL)

#### Compile the Manuscript  ####
message("Knitting the manuscript to PDF.  This requires a decent LaTeX installation")
curdir <- getwd()

#### Move Manuscripts and Supplements to an Output Directory ####
# not implemented yet.
eriqande/SNPcontam documentation built on May 16, 2019, 8:44 a.m.