
#' Reverse Complement
#' lifted from dada2 https://github.com/benjjneb/dada2/blob/master/R/misc.R
#' @param sqs DNA sequences
#' @importFrom Biostrings DNAString
#' @importFrom Biostrings DNAStringSet
#' @importFrom Biostrings reverseComplement
rc <- function(sqs) {
  if(length(sqs) < 1) {
  } else if(length(sqs) == 1) {
    as(reverseComplement(DNAString(sqs)), "character")
  } else {
    as(reverseComplement(DNAStringSet(sqs)), "character")
#' Take An MSA Object and trim it
#' use trimaligment.pl to trim an MSA object. DEGEPRIMER is optimized for gapless alignments. This
#' scripts will remove the gaps but mark the locations of gaps.
#' @param msa A multiple sequence alignmenst as a DNAStringSet
#' @importFrom Biostrings DNAStringSet
#' @importFrom Biostrings writeXStringSet
trimMSA <- function(msa) {
  temp1  <- tempfile()
  temp2 <- tempfile()

  dnaSS  <- as(msa, "DNAStringSet")
  writeXStringSet(dnaSS, file=temp1)

  trimmed <- readDNAStringSet(temp2)
#' run the Degen script on a character vector
#' @param infile
#' @param method
makedegenerate <- function(infile, method="S") {
  if (!method %in% c("S","Z","SZ")) stop("Degeneracy method is only one one of 'S','Z'. or 'SZ'")
  table        <- paste0("-t=","\'",method,"\'")
  degescript   <- system.file("Degen/Degen_v1_4.pl", package="DegeneratePrimerTools")
  cli          <- paste("perl", degescript, infile, table)
#' make codons degenerate
#' use the Degen synonymous and nonsynonymous mutations
#' @param sequences
#' @param method
#' @importFrom purrr map_chr
#' @export
makedegenerateseqs <- function(sequences, method="S") {
  if (!method %in% c("S","Z","SZ")) stop("Degeneracy method is only one one of 'S','Z'. or 'SZ'")
  if (!is.character(sequences)) stop("makedegenerate requires characters as input")


  if (method == "S") {
    deglist <- degenS
  } else if (method == "Z") {
    deglist <- degenZ
  } else if  (method == "SZ") {
    deglist <- degenSZ

  if (length(sequences) == 1) {
    # handle single string
    if (nchar(sequences) == 3) {
      return( as.character( deglist[sequences] ))
    } else if (nchar(sequences) < 3 ){
    } else if (nchar(sequences) > 3 ) {
      #get triplets, get deenerate codons, return a single string
      codons <- strsplit(gsub("([[:alnum:]]{3})", "\\1 ", sequences), " ")[[1]]
      degcodons <- map_chr(codons, function(x) {makedegenerateseqs(x, method = method)})
      return( paste(degcodons, collapse = ""))
  } else {
    # handle a series of strings
    return(map_chr(sequences, function(x){makedegenerateseqs(x, method = method)}))
#' Find Primers matching A Set of Reference Sequences
#' Return the best hit from each.
#' @param refseq. Required. DNAStringSet
#' @param fp Required. Character DNA Sequence
#' @param rp Required. Character DNA Sequence
#' @param max.mismatch Required. Integer of the maximum mismatched
#' @importFrom Biostrings matchPattern 
#' @importFrom Biostrings reverseComplement
#' @export
find_primers <- function(refseq, fp, rp, max.mismatch) {
  if (!class(refseq) == "DNAStringSet") {
    stop("refseq must be a DNAStringSet")
  # determine if the FP/RP match the sequences.
  primermatches <- lapply(refseq, function(x){
    p1    <- matchPattern(pattern=fp, subject=x, fixed=FALSE, max.mismatch=max.mismatch)
    p2    <- matchPattern(pattern=reverseComplement(rp), subject=x, fixed=FALSE, max.mismatch=max.mismatch)
    p1loc <- start(p1)[1]
    p2loc <- end(p2)[1]
    if (length(p1) == 0) warning("No Matches for the Forward Primer")
    if (length(p2) == 0) warning("No Matches for the Reverse Primer")
    if (length(p1) >  1) warning("Multiple matches for the forward primer, using the first.")
    if (length(p2) >  1) warning("Multiple matches for the forward primer, using the first.")
    df <- data.frame(start=p1loc,end=p2loc)
  # combine and calculate stats
  df <- Reduce(rbind, primermatches)
  df$expected <- df$end - df$start
  df$sequence <- names(primermatches)
#' get_GC
#' get GC content of a \code{\link[Biostrings]{DNAStringSet}}
#' @importFrom Biostrings alphabetFrequency
#' @params seqs
#' @export
get_GC <- function(seqs) {
  alph <- alphabetFrequency(seqs)
  gc   <- mapply(FUN = function(a,c,g,t) { 
    (g + c)/ (a + c + t + g)
  }, alph[,1], alph[,2], alph[,3], alph[,4] )
  gc <- data.frame(gc)
  row.names(gc) <- names(seqs)
esnapd/DegeneratePrimerTools documentation built on May 16, 2019, 8:52 a.m.