#' Toda and Yamamoto Causality Test
#' @param data object of class mts created with ts()
#' @param p lag order for VAR, use vars::VARselect(), if NULL (default) automatic value is calculated
#' @param d max integration order I(d), if NULL (default) automatic value is calculated
#' @param criteria information criteria for automatic p order, used in vars::VARselect()
#' @param test Type of unit root test to use for automatic d value, used in forecast::ndiffs()
#' @param ... extra parameters used in vars::VAR()
#' @return list object with VAR and Toda-Yamamoto causality test
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(tseries.plot)
#' library(vars)
#' data("Canada")
#' tsp.toda_yamamoto(Canada,1,1,type="both")
tsp.toda_yamamoto <- function(data,p=NULL,d=NULL,criteria = c("aic","hq","sc","fpe"),test = c("adf","kpss","pp"),...){
stop("Only numeric variables on matrix")
stop("NA values in data")
if (length(colnames(data))==0) {
stop("Only named columns matrix supported")
warning("manual selection for d")
warning("manual selection for p")
test <- match.arg(test,c("adf","kpss","pp"))
d <- max(sapply(data, function(x){forecast::ndiffs(x,test = test)}))
print(paste("Automatic selection for 'd' using",test,"test:d_max=",d))
ic <- match.arg(stringr::str_to_upper(criteria),c("AIC","HQ","SC","FPE"))
ic <- paste(ic,"(n)",sep = "")
p <- getElement(vars::VARselect(Canada),"selection")[ic]
print(paste("Automatic selection for 'p' using",ic,"criteria:p=",p))
result <- vector(length = 0L)
model <- vars::VAR(y = data,p = {p+d},...)
for (i in 1:ncol(data)) {
caused <- colnames(data)[i]
cause <- colnames(data)[colnames(data) != caused]
test <- model$varresult[[caused]]
criteria_1 <- paste(colnames(data),sep = ".")
criteria_1 <- stringr::str_flatten(criteria_1,"|")
test_1 <- stringr::str_starts(names(coef(test)),criteria_1)
criteria_2 <- paste("l",{p+1}:{p+d},sep = "")
criteria_2 <- stringr::str_flatten(criteria_2,"|")
test_2 <- !{stringr::str_ends(names(coef(test)),criteria_2)}
#Variable a comprobar
for (c in 1:length(cause)) {
variable <- cause[c]
test_3 <- stringr::str_starts(names(coef(test)),variable)
index <- 1:length(coef(test))
Terms <- index[test_1 & test_2 & test_3]
t <- aod::wald.test(Sigma = vcov(test),
b = coef(test),
Terms = Terms)
result[length(result)+1]<- list(data.frame(caused = caused,
sign = "<-",
cause = variable,
chisq = t$result$chi2[[1]],
df = t$result$chi2[[2]],
p = t$result$chi2[[3]],
H0 = stringr::str_flatten(paste(names(t$b)[t$Terms],t$H0,sep = "="),collapse = ",")))
ty_result <- tidyr::unnest(dplyr::rowwise(tibble::tibble(result)),cols = result)
res <- list("model" = model,
"result" = ty_result)
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