
Defines functions planet.extremes EFM sMjLX nMjLX smnLX nmnLX spatial.equinox antizenith zenith eq jS dS sky.objects events

Documented in antizenith dS EFM eq jS nMjLX nmnLX planet.extremes sky.objects sMjLX smnLX spatial.equinox zenith

#' @noRd
events <- function(name) {
                'December Solstice' = 'dS',
                'June Solstice' = 'jS',
                'Equinox' = 'eq',
                'Major Lunar Extreme (southern)' = 'sMjLX',
                'Minor Lunar Extreme (southern)' = 'smnLX',
                'Major Lunar Extreme (northern)' = 'nMjLX',
                'Minor Lunar Extreme (northern)' = 'nmnLX',

#' Creates a \emph{skyscapeR.object} for plotting of celestial objects at given epoch
#' This function creates an object containing all the necessary information to
#' plot celestial objects/events unto the many plotting functions of \emph{skyscapeR}
#' package.
#' @param names The name(s) of the celestial object(s) or event(s) of interest.
#' These can be one of the following soli-lunar events: \emph{jS}, \emph{dS}, \emph{eq},
#'  \emph{nmnLX}, \emph{nMjLX},
#' \emph{smnLX}, \emph{sMjLX}, or the name of any star in the database. As shorthand, the names
#' \emph{sun} and \emph{moon} can be used to represent all the above solar and lunar events,
#' respectively. Alternatively, custom declination values can also be used.
#' @param epoch The year or year range (as an array) one is interested in.
#' @param loc (Optional) This can be either a vector with the latitude and longitude of the
#' location, or a \emph{skyscapeR.horizon} object.
#' @param col (Optional) The color for plotting, and differentiating these objects.
#' Defaults to red for all objects.
#' @param lty (Optional) Line type (see \code{\link{par}}) used for differentiation.
#' Only activated for single year epochs.
#' @param lwd (Optional) Line width (see \code{\link{par}}) used for differentiation.
#' Only activated for single year epochs.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Create a object with solar targets for epoch range 4000-2000 BC:
#' tt <- sky.objects('solar extremes', c(-4000,-2000))
#' # Create an object with a few stars for same epoch:
#' tt <- sky.objects(c('Sirius', 'Betelgeuse', 'Antares'), c(-4000,-2000),
#' col=c('white', 'red', 'orange'))
#' # Create an object with solstices and a custom declination value:
#' tt <- sky.objects(c('December Solstice','June Solstice', -13), c(-4000,-2000))
sky.objects = function(names, epoch, loc=FALSE, col = 'red', lty = 1, lwd = 1) {
  if (length(names) > 1 & length(col)==1) { col <- rep(col, length(names)) }
  if (length(names) > 1 & length(lty)==1) { lty <- rep(lty, length(names)) }
  if (length(names) > 1 & length(lwd)==1) { lwd <- rep(lwd, length(names)) }

  i <- which(names=='solar extremes')
  if (length(i)>0) {
    names <- names[-i]
    names <- c('December Solstice','June Solstice',names)
    aux <- col[i]; col <- col[-i]; col <- c(rep(aux,2),col)
    aux <- lty[i]; lty <- lty[-i]; lty <- c(rep(aux,2),lty)
    aux <- lwd[i]; lwd <- lwd[-i]; lwd <- c(rep(aux,2),lwd)

  i <- which(names=='lunar extremes')
  if (length(i)>0) {
    names <- names[-i]
    names <- c('Major Lunar Extreme (southern)', 'Minor Lunar Extreme (southern)', 'Minor Lunar Extreme (northern)', 'Major Lunar Extreme (northern)',names)
    aux <- col[i]; col <- col[-i]; col <- c(rep(aux,4),col)
    aux <- lty[i]; lty <- lty[-i]; lty <- c(rep(aux,4),lty)
    aux <- lwd[i]; lwd <- lwd[-i]; lwd <- c(rep(aux,4),lwd)

  N <- NROW(names)

  if (NROW(col)==1) { col <- rep(col,N) }
  if (NROW(lty)==1) { lty <- rep(lty,N) }
  if (NROW(lwd)==1) { lwd <- rep(lwd,N) }

  tt <- c()
  tt.col <- c()
  tt.lty <- c()
  tt.lwd <- c()

  for (i in 1:N) {
    # stars
    test <- try(star(names[i]), silent=T)
    if (!is(test,'try-error')) {
      aux <- array(NA, c(NROW(epoch),1))
      for (j in 1:NROW(epoch)) {
        aux[j,] <- star(names[i], epoch[j])$coord$Dec
      colnames(aux) <- names[i]
      tt <- cbind(tt, aux)
      tt.col <- c(tt.col, col[i])
      tt.lty <- c(tt.lty, lty[i])
      tt.lwd <- c(tt.lwd, lwd[i])
    } else
      # custom dec
      if (!is.na(suppressWarnings(as.numeric(names[i])))) {
        aux <- array(NA, c(NROW(epoch),1))
        aux[,1] <- rep(as.numeric(names[i]),NROW(epoch))
        colnames(aux) <- 'Custom Dec'
        tt <- cbind(tt, aux)
        tt.col <- c(tt.col, col[i])
        tt.lty <- c(tt.lty, lty[i])
        tt.lwd <- c(tt.lwd, lwd[i])
      } else {

        # try calling the functions
        aux <- array(NA, c(NROW(epoch),1))
        for (j in 1:NROW(epoch)) {
          aux[j,] <- do.call(events(names[i]), list(year=epoch[j], loc=loc))
        colnames(aux) <- events(names[i])
        tt <- cbind(tt, aux)
        tt.col <- c(tt.col, col[i])
        tt.lty <- c(tt.lty, lty[i])
        tt.lwd <- c(tt.lwd, lwd[i])

  rownames(tt) <- epoch

  # check min and max decs
  if (NROW(epoch)==2) {
    ind <- which(colnames(tt) != 'Custom Dec')
    for (i in ind) { tt[,i] <- minmaxdec(events(colnames(tt)[i]), from=min(epoch), to=max(epoch)) }
    rownames(tt) <- c('min','max')

  # return result
  object <- c()
  object$n <- NCOL(tt)
  object$decs <- tt
  object$epoch <- epoch
  object$loc <- loc
  object$col <- tt.col
  if (NROW(epoch)==1) {
    object$lty <- tt.lty
    object$lwd <- tt.lwd
  class(object) <- "skyscapeR.object"

#' Declination of December Solstice for a given year
#' This function calculates the declination of the sun
#' at December Solstice for a given year, based upon
#' obliquity estimation and corrected average parallax.
#' @param year Year for which to calculate the declination.
#' Defaults to present year as given by \emph{Sys.Date}.
#' @param loc (Optional) This can be either the latitude of the
#' location, or a \emph{skyscapeR.horizon} object. If missing or \emph{FALSE},
#' function will output geocentric declination.
#' @param parallax (Optional) Average parallax value for the sun.
#'  Defaults to 0.00224.
#' @param altitude (Optional) Altitude of the sun. Defaults to 0 degrees.
#' @param verbose (Optional) Boolean to control output of warnings and messages.
#' Defaults to TRUE.
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{obliquity}}, \code{\link{jS}}, \code{\link{eq}},
#' \code{\link{zenith}}, \code{\link{antizenith}}, \code{\link{spatial.equinox}},
#' \code{\link{parallax.corr}}
#' @examples
#' # December Solstice geocentric declination for year 4001 BC:
#' dS(-4000)
#' # Topocentric declination for same year and latitude of 50 degrees N:
#' dS(-4000, loc=50)
dS = function(year = skyscapeR.env$cur.year, loc = FALSE, parallax = 0.00224, altitude = 0, verbose=TRUE) {
  aux <- -obliquity(year)

  if (is(loc,'logical')) {
    if (verbose) { cat('No location given, therefore outputting geocentric declination.\n') }
  } else {
    aux <- aux - parallax.corr(parallax, loc, altitude)

#' Declination of June Solstice for a given year
#' This function calculates the declination of the sun
#' at June Solstice for a given year, based upon
#' obliquity estimation and corrected average parallax.
#' @param year Year for which to calculate the declination.
#' Defaults to present year as given by \emph{Sys.Date}.
#' @param loc (Optional) This can be either the latitude of the
#' location, or a \emph{skyscapeR.horizon} object. If missing or \emph{FALSE},
#' function will output geocentric declination.
#' @param parallax (Optional) Average parallax value for the sun.
#'  Defaults to 0.00224.
#' @param altitude (Optional) Altitude of the sun. Defaults to 0 degrees.
#' @param verbose (Optional) Boolean to control output of warnings and messages.
#' Defaults to TRUE.
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{obliquity}}, \code{\link{dS}}, \code{\link{eq}},
#' \code{\link{zenith}}, \code{\link{antizenith}}, \code{\link{spatial.equinox}},
#' \code{\link{parallax.corr}}
#' @examples
#' # June Solstice geocentric declination for year 4001 BC:
#' jS(-4000)
#' # Topocentric declination for same year and latitude of 50 degres N:
#' jS(-4000, loc=50)
jS = function(year = skyscapeR.env$cur.year, loc = FALSE, parallax = 0.00224, altitude = 0, verbose=TRUE) {
  aux <- obliquity(year)

  if (is(loc,'logical')) {
    if (verbose) { cat('No location given, therefore outputting geocentric declination.\n') }
  } else {
    aux <- aux - parallax.corr(parallax, loc, altitude)

#' Declination of the sun at the Equinox
#' This function calculates the declination of the sun
#' at the astronomical equinox with corrected average parallax.
#' @param loc (Optional) This can be either the latitude of the
#' location, or a \emph{skyscapeR.horizon} object. If missing or \emph{FALSE},
#' function will output geocentric declination.
#' @param parallax (Optional) Average parallax value for the sun.
#'  Defaults to 0.00224.
#' @param altitude (Optional) Altitude of the sun. Defaults to 0 degrees.
#' @param verbose (Optional) Boolean to control output of warnings and messages.
#' Defaults to TRUE.
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{obliquity}}, \code{\link{jS}}, \code{\link{eq}},
#' \code{\link{zenith}}, \code{\link{antizenith}}, \code{\link{spatial.equinox}}, \code{\link{parallax.corr}}
#' @examples
#' # Equinoctial geocentric declination:
#' eq()
#' # Topocentric declination for same year and latitude of 50 degrees N:
#' eq(loc=50)
eq = function(loc=FALSE, parallax = 0.00224, altitude = 0, verbose=TRUE) {
  aux <- 0

  if (is(loc,'logical') & verbose) {
    if (verbose) { cat('No location given, therefore outputting geocentric declination.\n') }
  } else {
    aux <- aux - parallax.corr(parallax, loc, altitude)

#' Declination of the zenith sun for a given location
#' This function returns the declination of the sun
#' when it is at the zenith for a given location with
#' corrected average parallax. If this phenomena does
#' not occur at given location (i.e. if location is
#' outside the tropical band) the function returns a
#' \emph{NULL} value.
#' @param loc This can be either the latitude of the
#' location, or a \emph{skyscapeR.horizon} object.
#' @param parallax (Optional) Average parallax value for the sun.
#'  Defaults to 0.00224.
#' @param altitude (Optional) Altitude of the sun. Defaults to 0 degrees.
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{jS}}, \code{\link{dS}}, \code{\link{eq}},
#' \code{\link{antizenith}}, \code{\link{spatial.equinox}}, \code{\link{parallax.corr}}
#' @examples
#' # Zenith sun declination for Mexico City:
#' zenith(19.419)
#' # There is no zenith sun phenomenon in London:
#' zenith(51.507)
zenith = function(loc, parallax = 0.00224, altitude = 0) {
  if (is(loc,'skyscapeR.horizon')) {
    lat <- loc$metadata$georef[1]
  } else { lat <- loc[1] }

  if (lat > jS(loc=loc) | lat < dS(loc=loc)) {
  } else {
    aux <- lat
    aux <- aux - parallax.corr(parallax, loc, altitude)

#' Declination of the anti-zenith sun for a given location
#' This function returns the declination of the sun
#' when it is at the anti-zenith for a given location with
#' corrected average parallax. If this phenomena does
#' not occur at given location (i.e. if location is
#' outside the tropical band) the function returns a
#' \emph{NULL} value.
#' @param loc This can be either the latitude of the
#' location, or a \emph{skyscapeR.horizon} object.
#' @param parallax (Optional) Average parallax value for the sun.
#'  Defaults to 0.00224.
#' @param altitude (Optional) Altitude of the sun. Defaults to 0 degrees.
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{jS}}, \code{\link{dS}}, \code{\link{eq}},
#' \code{\link{zenith}}, \code{\link{spatial.equinox}}, \code{\link{parallax.corr}}
#' @examples
#' # Anti-zenith sun declination for Mexico City:
#' antizenith(19.419)
#' # There is no anti-zenith sun phenomena in London:
#' antizenith(51.507)
antizenith = function(loc, parallax = 0.00224, altitude = 0) {
  if (is(loc,'skyscapeR.horizon')) {
    lat <- loc$metaata$georef[1]
  } else { lat <- loc[1] }

  if (lat > jS(loc=loc) | lat < dS(loc=loc)) {
  } else {
    aux <- -lat
    aux <- aux - parallax.corr(parallax, loc, altitude)

#' Azimuth and declination of the spatial equinox for a given location
#' @param hor This should be a \emph{skyscapeR.horizon} object.
#' @param parallax (Optional) Average parallax value for the sun.
#'  Defaults to 0.00224.
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{jS}}, \code{\link{dS}}, \code{\link{eq}},
#' \code{\link{zenith}}, \code{\link{antizenith}}, \code{\link{parallax.corr}}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' hor <- createHWT(34.174051531543405, 110.81299818694872, name='Xipo, Lingbao')
#' spatial.equinox(hor)
#' }
spatial.equinox = function(hor, parallax = 0.00224) {
  if (!is(hor,'skyscapeR.horizon')) stop('Full horizon profile required for spatial equinox calculation.')

  obj <- sky.objects('solar extremes', 2000, loc=hor)
  rise <- c(); set <- c();
  for (i in 1:2) {
    orb <- orbit(obj$decs[i], obj$loc, refraction=FALSE)
    forb <- approxfun(orb$az, orb$alt, yleft=-9999, yright=-9999)
    riset <- approxfun(hor$data$az,forb(hor$data$az)-hor$data$alt, yleft=-9999, yright=-9999)
    rise[i] <- uniroot(riset, interval=c(0, 180))$root
    set[i] <- uniroot(riset, interval=c(180, 360))$root
  out <- c()
  out$azimuth <- c()
  out$azimuth$rise <- mean(rise)
  out$azimuth$set <- mean(set)
  out$declination <- c()
  out$declination$rise <- az2dec(mean(rise), loc=hor) - parallax.corr(parallax, hor, hor2alt(hor, mean(rise)))
  out$declination$set <- az2dec(mean(set), loc=hor) - parallax.corr(parallax, hor, hor2alt(hor, mean(set)))


#' Declination of northern minor Lunar Extreme for a given year
#' This function calculates the declination of the northern
#' minor Lunar Extreme for a given year, based upon
#' obliquity estimation and corrected average parallax.
#' @param year Year for which to calculate the declination.
#' Defaults to present year as given by \emph{Sys.Date}.
#' @param loc (Optional) This can be either the latitude of the
#' location, or a \emph{skyscapeR.horizon} object. If missing or \emph{FALSE},
#' function will output geocentric declination.
#' @param parallax (Optional) Average parallax value for the moon
#'  Defaults to 0.952.
#' @param altitude (Optional) Altitude of the sun. Defaults to 0 degrees.
#' @param verbose (Optional) Boolean to control output of warnings and messages.
#' Defaults to TRUE.
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{smnLX}}, \code{\link{nMjLX}}, \code{\link{sMjLX}},
#' \code{\link{parallax.corr}}
#' @examples
#' # Northern minor Lunar Extreme geocentric declination for year 2501 BC:
#' nmnLX(-2500)
#' # Topocentric declination for same year and latitude of 50 degrees N:
#' nmnLX(-2500, loc=50)
nmnLX = function(year = skyscapeR.env$cur.year, loc=FALSE, parallax = 0.952, altitude = 0, verbose = TRUE) {
  aux <- obliquity(year) - (5.145+0.145)

  if (is(loc,'logical')) {
    if (verbose) { cat('No location given, therefore outputting geocentric declination.\n') }
  } else {
    aux <- aux - parallax.corr(parallax, loc, altitude)

#' Declination of southern minor Lunar Extreme for a given year
#' This function calculates the declination of the southern
#' minor Lunar Extreme for a given year, based upon
#' obliquity estimation and corrected average parallax.
#' @param year Year for which to calculate the declination.
#' Defaults to present year as given by \emph{Sys.Date}.
#' @param loc (Optional) This can be either the latitude of the
#' location, or a \emph{skyscapeR.horizon} object. If missing or \emph{FALSE},
#' function will output geocentric declination.
#' @param parallax (Optional) Average parallax value for the moon
#'  Defaults to 0.952.
#' @param altitude (Optional) Altitude of the sun. Defaults to 0 degrees.
#' @param verbose (Optional) Boolean to control output of warnings and messages.
#' Defaults to TRUE.
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{nmnLX}}, \code{\link{nMjLX}}, \code{\link{sMjLX}},
#' \code{\link{parallax.corr}}
#' @examples
#' # Southern minor Lunar Extreme geocentric declination for year 2501 BC:
#' smnLX(-2500)
#' # Topocentric declination for same year and latitude of 50 degrees N:
#' smnLX(-2500, loc=50)
smnLX = function(year = skyscapeR.env$cur.year, loc=FALSE, parallax = 0.952, altitude = 0, verbose = TRUE) {
  aux <- -(obliquity(year) - (5.145+0.145))

  if (is(loc,'logical')) {
    if (verbose) { cat('No location given, therefore outputting geocentric declination.\n') }
  } else {
    aux <- aux - parallax.corr(parallax, loc, altitude)

#' Declination of northern major Lunar Extreme for a given year
#' This function calculates the declination of the northern
#' major Lunar Extreme for a given year, based upon
#' obliquity estimation and corrected average parallax.
#' @param year Year for which to calculate the declination.
#' Defaults to present year as given by \emph{Sys.Date}.
#' @param loc (Optional) This can be either the latitude of the
#' location, or a \emph{skyscapeR.horizon} object. If missing or \emph{FALSE},
#' function will output geocentric declination.
#' @param parallax (Optional) Average parallax value for the moon
#'  Defaults to 0.952.
#' @param altitude (Optional) Altitude of the sun. Defaults to 0 degrees.
#' @param verbose (Optional) Boolean to control output of warnings and messages.
#' Defaults to TRUE.
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{nmnLX}}, \code{\link{smnLX}}, \code{\link{sMjLX}},
#' \code{\link{parallax.corr}}
#' @examples
#' # Northern major Lunar Extreme geocentric declination for year 2501 BC:
#' nMjLX(-2500)
#' # Topocentric declination for same year and latitude of 50 degrees N:
#' nMjLX(-2500, loc=50)
nMjLX = function(year = skyscapeR.env$cur.year, loc=FALSE, parallax = 0.952, altitude = 0, verbose = TRUE) {
  aux <- obliquity(year) + (5.145+0.145)

  if (is(loc,'logical')) {
    if (verbose) { cat('No location given, therefore outputting geocentric declination.\n') }
  } else {
    aux <- aux - parallax.corr(parallax, loc, altitude)

#' Declination of southern major Lunar Extreme for a given year
#' This function calculates the declination of the southern
#' major Lunar Extreme for a given year, based upon
#' obliquity estimation and corrected average parallax.
#' @param year Year for which to calculate the declination.
#' Defaults to present year as given by \emph{Sys.Date}.
#' @param loc (Optional) This can be either the latitude of the
#' location, or a \emph{skyscapeR.horizon} object. If missing or \emph{FALSE},
#' function will output geocentric declination.
#' @param parallax (Optional) Average parallax value for the moon
#'  Defaults to 0.952.
#' @param altitude (Optional) Altitude of the sun. Defaults to 0 degrees.
#' @param verbose (Optional) Boolean to control output of warnings and messages.
#' Defaults to TRUE.
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{nmnLX}}, \code{\link{smnLX}}, \code{\link{nMjLX}},
#' \code{\link{parallax.corr}}
#' @examples
#' # Southern major Lunar Extreme geocentric declination for year 2501 BC:
#' sMjLX(-2500)
#' # Topocentric declination for same year and latitude of 50 degrees N:
#' sMjLX(-2500, loc=50)
sMjLX = function(year = skyscapeR.env$cur.year, loc=FALSE, parallax = 0.952, altitude = 0, verbose = TRUE) {
  aux <- -(obliquity(year) + (5.145+0.145))

  if (is(loc,'logical')) {
    if (verbose) { cat('No location given, therefore outputting geocentric declination.\n') }
  } else {
    aux <- aux - parallax.corr(parallax, loc, altitude)

#' Equinoctial Full Moons
#' This function calculates the date, rise/set times, azimuth and declination
#' for sun and moon on the days of the Spring Full Moon (SFM) and Autumn Full
#' Moon (AFM), for a given year and location.
#' @param season (Optional) Either 'spring' or 'autumn'. Default is 'spring.
#' @param rise (Optional) Boolean to choose whether to calculate Equinoctial Full
#' Moon rises or sets. Defaults to \emph{TRUE}.
#' @param year Epoch(s) for which to do calculations. Can be either a single value (the year),
#' two values (range of years), or a vector of years.
#' @param loc This can be either a \emph{skyscapeR.horizon} object, or a vector with the
#' latitude, longitude and elevation of the site, in this order.
#' @param min.phase (Optional) Minimum lunar phase (between 0 and 1) for which a
#' moon is considered to be full. Defaults to 0.99.
#' @param refraction (Optional) Boolean for whether or not atmospheric refraction should be taken into account.
#' Defaults to \emph{TRUE}.
#' @param atm (Optional) Atmospheric pressure (in mbar). Only needed if \emph{refraction} is set to \emph{TRUE}.
#' Default is 1013.25 mbar.
#' @param temp (Optional) Atmospheric temperature (in Celsius). Only needed if \emph{refraction} is set to \emph{TRUE}.
#' Default is 15 degrees.
#' @param calendar (Optional) Calendar used to output dates. G for gregorian and J for julian. Defaults to \emph{Gregorian}.
#' @param timezone (Optional) Timezone for output of rising and setting time either as a known acronym
#' (e.g. "GMT", "CET") or a string with continent followed by country capital (e.g. "Europe/London"). See
#' \link{timezones} for details. Defaults to system timezone.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Spring Full Moon from a location in Portugal in the year 2018
#' EFM(year=2018, loc=c(35,-8,100))
#' # Autumn Full Moons in the last three years
#' \dontrun{
#' EFM(season='autumn', year=c(2019,2021), loc=c(35,-8,100))
#' }
EFM <- function(season='spring', rise=T, year, loc, min.phase=.99, refraction, atm, temp, timezone, calendar) {
  if (missing(timezone)) { timezone <- skyscapeR.env$timezone }
  if (missing(calendar)) { calendar <- skyscapeR.env$calendar }
  if (missing(refraction)) { refraction <- skyscapeR.env$refraction }
  if (missing(atm)) { atm <- skyscapeR.env$atm }
  if (missing(temp)) { temp <- skyscapeR.env$temp }

  if (length(year)==2) { year <- seq(year[1], year[2], 1) }

  suns <- data.frame(year=NA, date=NA, time=NA, azimuth=NA, declination=NA, stringsAsFactors = F); moons <- suns
  if (length(year) > 1) { pb <- txtProgressBar(max = length(year), style=3) }

  for (k in 1:length(year)) {
    jd0 <- time2jd(paste(year[k],'01','01',sep='/'), timezone, calendar)

    # find celestial crossovers (i.e. declination-based)
    jd <- seq(jd0, jd0+365, 1)
    sun <- body.position('sun', jd, loc=loc, refraction = refraction, atm=atm, temp=temp)$equatorial[,2]
    moon <- body.position('moon', jd, loc=loc, refraction = refraction, atm=atm, temp=temp)$equatorial[,2]
    phase <- moonphase(jd, timezone, calendar)

    ind <- which(c(0,diff(sign(sun[phase >= min.phase] - moon[phase >= min.phase]))) != 0)
    crossovers <- jd[phase >= min.phase][ind]

    if (season=='spring') { i <- which(month(jd2time(crossovers)) < 6) } else { i <- which(month(jd2time(crossovers)) > 6)  }

    # find visible crossovers (i.e. rising/setting azimuth-based)
    jd <- seq(crossovers[i]-33, crossovers[i]+33, 1/4)
    phase <- moonphase(jd, timezone, calendar); excl <- which(phase < min.phase); jd <- jd[-excl]
    jd <- time2jd(unique(substr(jd2time(jd, timezone, calendar),1,which(strsplit(jd2time(jd, timezone, calendar), "")[[1]]==" ")-1)), timezone, calendar)

    ss <- c()
    for (j in 1:length(jd)) {  ### TODO parallelise this
      if (rise) {
        sun <- riseset('sun', jd=jd[j], loc=loc, calendar=calendar, timezone=timezone, refraction=refraction, atm=atm, temp=temp)$rise
        moon <- riseset('moon', jd=jd[j], loc=loc, calendar=calendar, timezone=timezone, refraction=refraction, atm=atm, temp=temp)$rise
      } else {
        sun <- riseset('sun', jd=jd[j], loc=loc, calendar=calendar, timezone=timezone, refraction=refraction, atm=atm, temp=temp)$set
        moon <- riseset('moon', jd=jd[j], loc=loc, calendar=calendar, timezone=timezone, refraction=refraction, atm=atm, temp=temp)$set
      ss[j] <- sign(sun$azimuth-moon$azimuth)
      jd[j] <- time2jd(paste(substr(jd2time(jd[j], timezone, calendar),1,which(strsplit(jd2time(jd[j], timezone, calendar), "")[[1]]==" ")-1), moon$time), timezone, calendar)
    phase <- moonphase(jd, timezone, calendar); excl <- which(phase < min.phase); if (length(excl)>0) { jd <- jd[-excl]; ss <- ss[-excl] }

    if (sum(c(0,diff(ss))!=0)) { ind <- which(c(0,diff(ss))!=0) } else { stop('Error: No crossover found. Check with package maintainer.') }
    jd <- jd[ind]
    if (rise) {
      sun <- riseset('sun', jd=jd, loc=loc, calendar=calendar, timezone=timezone, refraction=refraction, atm=atm, temp=temp)$rise
      moon <- riseset('moon', jd=jd, loc=loc, calendar=calendar, timezone=timezone, refraction=refraction, atm=atm, temp=temp)$rise
    } else {
      sun <- riseset('sun', jd=jd, loc=loc, calendar=calendar, timezone=timezone, refraction=refraction, atm=atm, temp=temp)$set
      moon <- riseset('moon', jd=jd, loc=loc, calendar=calendar, timezone=timezone, refraction=refraction, atm=atm, temp=temp)$set
    date <- jd2time(jd)

    dates <- substr(date,1,which(strsplit(date, "")[[1]]==" ")-1)
    suns[k,] <- c(year[k], dates, sun$time, sun$azimuth, sun$declination)
    moons[k,] <- c(year[k], dates, moon$time, moon$azimuth, moon$declination)

    if (length(year) > 1) { setTxtProgressBar(pb, k) }

  suns$year <- as.numeric(suns$year); suns$azimuth <- as.numeric(suns$azimuth); suns$declination <- as.numeric(suns$declination)
  moons$year <- as.numeric(moons$year); moons$azimuth <- as.numeric(moons$azimuth); moons$declination <- as.numeric(moons$declination)
  out <- list(Event = paste0(season, ' full moon'), Moon= moons, Sun= suns)

#' Extreme declinations for five visible planets
#' This function calculates the maximum and minimum declinations of the five visible planets
#' for a given epoch. This is done by calculating the declination for one entire orbital period centred
#' around the epoch.
#' @param obj The name of the planet.
#' @param epoch Epoch for which to do calculations.
#' @param loc (Optional) This can be either a \emph{skyscapeR.horizon} object, or a vector with the
#' latitude, longitude and elevation of the site, in this order.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' planet.extremes('Jupiter', 2023)
#' planet.extremes('Venus', -4000)
planet.extremes <- function(obj, epoch, loc = NULL) {
  start <- round(epoch - period(obj)*3/4,0); end <- round(epoch + period(obj)*3/4,0)
  if (start-end==0) { end <- start+1 }
  start <- time2jd(paste0(start,'/01/01 12:00:00'))
  end <- time2jd(paste0(end,'/01/01 12:00:00'))
  tt <- seq(start, end)
  dec <- c()
  for (i in 1:length(tt)) {
    dec[i] <- body.position(obj, time=tt[i], loc=loc, verbose=F)$equatorial$Dec
  out <- c()
  out$planet <- obj
  out$min.dec <- min(dec)
  out$max.dec <- max(dec)
f-silva-archaeo/skyscapeR documentation built on June 29, 2024, 5:18 p.m.