
Defines functions toLatex.cmpoutput toLatex.micomp tscat_apply tikzscat pvalf.default pvalf pst

Documented in pst pvalf pvalf.default tikzscat toLatex.cmpoutput toLatex.micomp tscat_apply

# Copyright (c) 2017-2018 Nuno Fachada
# Distributed under the MIT License (http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT)

#' Concatenate strings without any separator characters
#' Concatenate strings without any separator characters.
#' This function simply calls \code{\link{paste0}} with the \code{collapse}
#' option set to \code{""}.
#' @param ... one or more \R objects, to be converted to character vectors.
#' @return A character vector of the concatenated values without any separator
#' characters.
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' micompr:::pst("a", "b", "c", c("a", "b", "c"))
#' # [1] "abcaabcbabcc"
pst <- function(...) {
  paste0(..., collapse = "")

#' Format p-values
#' Generic function to format \emph{p}-values.
#' @param pval Numeric \emph{p}-value to format (between 0 and 1).
#' @param params A list of method-dependent options.
#' @return A string representing the formatted \emph{p}-value.
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{pvalf.default}}
pvalf <- function(pval, params) UseMethod("pvalf")

#' Default p-value formatting method
#' Format a \emph{p}-value for printing in a \code{LaTeX} table. Requires the
#' \emph{ulem} \code{LaTeX} package for underlining the \emph{p}-values.
#' @param pval Numeric value between 0 and 1.
#' @param params A list of options. This function accepts the following options:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{minval}{If \emph{p}-value is below this value, return this value
#'         preceded by a "<" sign instead instead.}
#'   \item{lim1val}{If \emph{p}-value is below this value, it will be
#'         double-underlined.}
#'   \item{lim2val}{If \emph{p}-value is below this value, it will be
#'         underlined.}
#'   \item{na_str}{String to use for NAs. By default NAs are returned as is.}
#' }
#' @return A string representing the formatted \code{pval}.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' pvalf(0.1)
#' pvalf(0.000001)
#' pvalf(c(0.06, 0.04, 0.005, 0.00001), list(minval = 0.0001))
pvalf.default <- function(pval, params = list()) {

  if (exists("minval", where = params)) {
    minval <- params$minval
  } else {
    minval <- 0

  if (exists("lim1val", where = params)) {
    lim1val <- params$lim1val
  } else {
    lim1val <- 0.01

  if (exists("lim2val", where = params)) {
    lim2val <- params$lim2val
  } else {
    lim2val <- 0.05

  if (lim1val > lim2val) {
    stop("lim1val must be lower than lim2val.")

  fval <- ifelse(pval > 0.0005,
                 formatC(pval, format = "f", digits = 3),
                 formatC(pval, format = "e", digits = 0))

  fval <- ifelse(pval < minval,
                       ifelse(minval > 0.0005,
                              formatC(minval, format = "f", digits = 3),
                              formatC(minval, format = "e", digits = 0)),
                       sep = ""),

  fval <- ifelse(pval < lim1val,
                 paste("\\uuline{", fval, "}", sep = ""),
                 ifelse(pval < lim2val,
                        paste("\\uline{", fval, "}", sep = ""),

  # Replace NAs with a specific string?
  if (exists("na_str", where = params)) {
    fval <- replace(fval, is.na(fval), params$na_str)



#' Simple \code{TikZ} scatter plot
#' Create a simple 2D \code{TikZ} scatter plot, useful for plotting PCA data.
#' This function creates a simple \code{TikZ} 2D scatter plot within a
#' \code{tikzpicture} environment. The points are plotted on a normalized
#' figure with \emph{x} and \emph{y} axes bounded between [-1, 1]. To render
#' adequately, the final \code{LaTeX} document should load the \code{plotmarks}
#' \code{TikZ} library.
#' @param data Data to plot, \emph{m} x 2 numeric matrix, where \emph{m} is the
#' number of observations or points to plot.
#' @param obs_lvls Levels or groups associated with each observation.
#' @param marks Character vector determining how to draw the points in
#' \code{TikZ}, for example: \code{
#' c("mark=square*,mark options={color=red},mark size=0.8pt",
#'   "mark=diamond*,mark options={color=black},mark size=1pt",
#'   "mark=triangle*,mark options={color=green},mark size=1pt")}.
#' @param tscale The \code{scale} property of the \code{TikZ} figure.
#' @param axes_color Axes color (must be a \code{LaTeX}/\code{TikZ} color).
#' @return A string containing the \code{TikZ} figure code for plotting the
#' specified \code{data}.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' tikzscat(rbind(c(1.5, 2), c(0.5, 1)), factor(c(1,2)),
#'          c("mark=square*,mark options={color=red},mark size=0.8pt",
#'            "mark=diamond*,mark options={color=black},mark size=1pt"),
#'          6)
tikzscat <- function(data, obs_lvls, marks, tscale, axes_color = "gray") {

  # Only two first dimensions
  data <- data[, 1:2]

  # Normalize
  data <- data / max(abs(data))

  # Unique groups
  ugrps <- unique(obs_lvls)

  # Begin tikzfigure
  figstr <- paste("\\begin{tikzpicture}[scale=", tscale, "] ",
                  "\\path (-1.2,-1.2) (1.2,1.2);",
                  "\\draw[very thin,color=", axes_color, "] ",
                  "(0,1.1)--(0,-1.1); ",
                  "\\draw[very thin,color=", axes_color, "] ",
                  sep = "");

  # Cycle
  for (i in 1:length(ugrps)) {

    # Get points in group (make sure result is a matrix if only one point
    # available)
    pts_in_grp <- matrix(data = data[obs_lvls == ugrps[i], ],
                         nrow = sum(obs_lvls == ugrps[i]))

    # Begin plotting points in current group
    figstr <- sprintf("%s \\path plot[%s] coordinates {", figstr, marks[i])

    # Cycle points in group
    for (j in 1:dim(pts_in_grp)[1]) {
      figstr <- sprintf("%s (%5.3f,%5.3f)", figstr, pts_in_grp[j, 1],
                        pts_in_grp[j, 2]);

    # End current group
    figstr <- sprintf("%s}; ", figstr);

  # Close tikzpicture environment
  figstr <- sprintf("%s \\end{tikzpicture}", figstr);

  # Return figure


#' Multiple \code{TikZ} 2D scatter plots for a list of output comparisons.
#' Produce multiple \code{TikZ} 2D scatter plots for a list of
#' \code{\link{cmpoutput}} objects.
#' This function is mainly to be used by the \code{\link{toLatex.micomp}}
#' method.
#' @param cmps List of \code{\link{cmpoutput}} objects.
#' @param marks Character vector determining how to draw the points in
#' \code{TikZ}, for example: \code{
#' c("mark=square*,mark options={color=red},mark size=0.8pt",
#'   "mark=diamond*,mark options={color=black},mark size=0.6pt",
#'   "mark=triangle*,mark options={color=green},mark size=0.7pt")}.
#' @param tscale The \code{scale} property of the \code{TikZ} figure.
#' @param before \code{LaTeX} code to paste before each \code{TikZ} figure.
#' @param after \code{LaTeX} code to paste after each \code{TikZ} figure.
#' @return List of TikZ 2D scatter plots corresponding to the comparisons
#' provided in \code{cmps}.
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
tscat_apply <- function(cmps, marks, tscale, before = "", after = "") {

  # Get data and levels associated with each observation to produce figures
  scores <- lapply(cmps, function(x) x$scores)
  obs_lvls <- lapply(cmps, function(x) x$obs_lvls)

  # Produce figures
  plts <- mapply(tikzscat, scores, obs_lvls, MoreArgs = list(marks, tscale))

  # Wrap figures with before and after latex code
  figs <- paste(before, plts, after)

  # Return TikZ figures


#' Convert \code{micomp} object to \code{LaTeX} table
#' This method converts \code{\link{micomp}} objects to character vectors
#' representing \code{LaTeX} tables.
#' This method is inspired by the functionality provided by the \code{xtable}
#' and \code{print.xtable} functions (from the
#' \href{https://cran.r-project.org/package=xtable}{xtable}
#' package), but follows the standard behavior of the
#' \code{\link[utils]{toLatex}} generic.
#' @param object A \code{\link{micomp}} object.
#' @param ... Currently ignored.
#' @param orientation If TRUE, outputs are placed along columns, while data is
#' placed along rows. If FALSE, outputs are placed along rows, while data is
#' placed along columns.
#' @param data_show Vector of strings specifying what data to show. Available
#' options are:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{npcs-i}{Number of principal components required to explain i-th
#'         user-specified percentage of variance.}
#'   \item{mnvp-i}{MANOVA \emph{p}-values for the i-th user-specified percentage
#'         of variance to explain.}
#'   \item{parp-j}{Parametric test \emph{p}-values for the j-th principal
#'         component.}
#'   \item{nparp-j}{Non-parametric test \emph{p}-values for the j-th principal
#'         component.}
#'   \item{aparp-j}{Parametric test \emph{p}-values adjusted with weighted
#'         Bonferroni procedure for the j-th principal component.}
#'   \item{anparp-j}{Non-parametric test \emph{p}-values adjusted with weighted
#'         Bonferroni procedure for the j-th principal component.}
#'   \item{varexp-j}{Explained variance for the j-th principal component.}
#'   \item{scoreplot}{Output projection on the first two principal components.}
#'   \item{sep}{Place a separator (e.g. midrule) between data.}
#' }
#' @param data_labels Vector of strings specifying the labels of the data to
#' show. If NULL, default labels are used for all elements. If individual
#' elements are set to NA, default labels will be used for those elements.
#' @param labels_cmp_show Show the column containing the comparison labels?
#' @param labels_col_show Show the column containing the data labels
#' (\code{orientation == T}) or the output labels (\code{orientation == F})?
#' @param label_row_show Show the \code{tag_outputs} tag? If TRUE, the row
#' identifier part will have two levels, the \code{tag_outputs} label and output
#' names (\code{orientation == T}), or the \code{tag_data} and data labels
#' (\code{orientation == F}). If FALSE only the output names or data labels are
#' shown.
#' @param tag_comp Tag identifying comparison labels.
#' @param tag_data Tag identifying data labels.
#' @param tag_outputs Tag identifying outputs.
#' @param table_placement \code{LaTeX} table placement.
#' @param latex_envs Wrap table in the specified \code{LaTeX}
#' environments.
#' @param booktabs Use \code{booktabs} table beautifier package?
#' @param booktabs_cmalign How to align \code{cmidule} when using the
#' \code{booktabs} package.
#' @param caption Table caption.
#' @param caption_cmd Command used for table caption.
#' @param label Table label for cross-referencing.
#' @param col_width Resize table to page column width?
#' @param pvalf_f \emph{P}-value formatter function, which receives a numeric
#' value between 0 and 1 and returns a string containing the formatted value.
#' Default is \code{\link{pvalf.default}} (requires \code{ulem} \code{LaTeX}
#' package).
#' @param pvalf_params Parameters for \code{pvalf_f} function. Default is empty
#' list.
#' @param scoreplot_marks Vector of strings specifying how \code{TikZ} should
#' draw points belonging to each group in the score plot.
#' @param scoreplot_scale \code{TikZ} scale for each score plot figure.
#' @param scoreplot_before \code{LaTeX} code to paste before each \code{TikZ}
#' score plot figure.
#' @param scoreplot_after \code{LaTeX} code to paste after each \code{TikZ}
#' score plot figure.
#' @return A character vector where each element holds one line of the
#' corresponding \code{LaTeX} table.
#' @export
#' @importFrom utils toLatex
#' @examples
#' # Create a micomp object, use provided dataset, three first outputs, plus
#' # a fourth concatenated output
#' mic <- micomp(4, 0.8,
#'               list(list(name = "NLOKvsJEXOK", grpout = pphpc_ok),
#'                    list(name = "NLOKvsJEXNOSHUFF", grpout = pphpc_noshuff),
#'                    list(name = "NLOKvsJEXDIFF", grpout = pphpc_diff)),
#'               concat = TRUE)
#' # Print latex table source to screen
#' toLatex(mic)
toLatex.micomp <- function(
  orientation = T,
  data_show = c("npcs-1", "mnvp-1", "parp-1", "nparp-1", "scoreplot"),
  data_labels = NULL,
  labels_cmp_show = T,
  labels_col_show = T,
  label_row_show = T,
  tag_comp = "Comp.",
  tag_data = "Data",
  tag_outputs = "Outputs",
  table_placement = "ht",
  latex_envs = c("center"),
  booktabs = F,
  booktabs_cmalign = "l",
  caption = NULL,
  caption_cmd = "\\caption",
  label = NULL,
  col_width = F,
  pvalf_f = pvalf.default,
  pvalf_params = list(),
  scoreplot_marks = c(
    "mark=square*,mark options={color=red},mark size=0.8pt",
    "mark=diamond*,mark options={color=black},mark size=1pt",
    "mark=triangle*,mark options={color=green},mark size=1pt"),
  scoreplot_scale = 6,
  scoreplot_before = "\\raisebox{-.5\\height}{\\resizebox {1.2cm} {1.2cm} {",
  scoreplot_after = "}}") {

  # ######################## #
  # Obtain basic useful data #
  # ######################## #

  # Data to show, without separators
  data_show_nosep <- data_show[data_show != "sep"]

  # How many "lines" each comparison will have, not including separators
  ndata <- length(data_show_nosep)

  # Indexes of separators
  sep_idxs <- which(data_show == "sep")

  # Output names
  out_names <- rownames(object)

  # Number of outputs
  nout <- length(out_names)

  # Comparison names
  cmp_names <- colnames(object)

  # Number of comparisons
  ncmp <- length(cmp_names)

  # Get vector of variances to explain
  ve_npcs <- attr(object, "ve_npcs")

  # ########################### #
  # Determine final data labels #
  # ########################### #

  # Allocate empty final data labels vector
  dlabels_final <- vector(mode = "character", length = ndata)

  # Cycle through data labels
  for (i in 1:ndata) {

    # Try to use user-specified label, if a valid one was given

    # Is data_labels null?
    if (!is.null(data_labels)) {

      # Is there enough elements in data_labels for current data value?
      if (length(data_labels) >= i) {

        # Is current label a character and not NA?
        if (!is.na(data_labels[i]) && is.character(data_labels[i])) {

          # Use user-specified label
          dlabels_final[i] <- data_labels[i]

    # If we were unable to use a user-specified label, use default label
    if (dlabels_final[i] == "") {

      # Data to show in current row
      cdata <- data_show_nosep[i]

      # Split field name
      cdata_split <- unlist(strsplit(cdata, "-"))

      # Get first part of field name
      cdata_cmd <- cdata_split[1]

      # Does a second part of the field name exist? If so, it represents the
      # index of the variance to explain for the "npcs" and "mnvp" commands and
      # the principal component for the "parp", "nparp", "aparp", "anparp" and
      # "varexp" commands. If not specified, 1 is assumed in both cases.
      cdata_arg <-
        if (length(cdata_split) > 1) {
        } else {

      # Treat value in ve as percentage of variance or as number of PCs?
      if ((cdata_cmd == "npcs") || (cdata_cmd == "mnvp")) {
        ve_npcs_str <-
          if (ve_npcs[cdata_arg] < 1) {
            pst(100 * ve_npcs[cdata_arg], "\\% var.")
          } else {
            pst(ve_npcs[cdata_arg], " PCs")

      # Determine default label for data to show in current row
      dlabels_final[i] <-

               # Number of principal components
               npcs = pst("$\\#$PCs (", ve_npcs_str, ")"),

               # MANOVA p-values
               mnvp = pst("MNV (", ve_npcs_str, ")"),

               # Parametric p-values (raw)
               parp = pst("Par. test (PC", cdata_arg, ")"),

               # Non-parametric p-values (raw)
               nparp = pst("Non-par. test (PC", cdata_arg, ")"),

               # Parametric p-values (adjusted)
               aparp = pst("Par. test* (PC", cdata_arg, ")"),

               # Non-parametric p-values (adjusted)
               anparp = pst("Non-par. test* (PC", cdata_arg, ")"),

               # Percentage of explained variance
               varexp = pst("\\% var. (PC", cdata_arg, ")"),

               # Score plot
               scoreplot = "PCS ",

               # Default, throw error
               stop(pst("Unknown data type '", cdata_cmd, "'")))

  # ################################## #
  # Populate array with data for table #
  # ################################## #

  # Create table data array
  tabdata <- array(dim = c(ndata, nout, ncmp),
                   dimnames = list(
                     dlabels_final, out_names, cmp_names))

  # Cycle through comparisons
  for (cidx in 1:ncmp) {

    # Name of current comparison
    cmp <- cmp_names[cidx]

    # Get list of compared outputs for current comparison
    micmp <- object[, cmp]

    # Rows with comparison data
    for (didx in 1:length(data_show_nosep)) {

      # Data to show in current row
      cdata <- data_show_nosep[didx]

      # Split field name
      cdata_split <- unlist(strsplit(cdata, "-"))

      # Get first part of field name
      cdata_cmd <- cdata_split[1]

      # Does a second part of the field name exist? If so, it represents the
      # index of the variance to explain for the "npcs" and "mnvp" commands and
      # the principal component for the "parp", "nparp", "aparp", "anparp" and
      # "varexp" commands. If not specified, 1 is assumed in both cases.
      cdata_arg <-
        if (length(cdata_split) > 1) as.numeric(cdata_split[2])
      else 1

      # Obtain data line
      tabdata[didx, , cidx] <-

               # Number of principal components
               npcs = sapply(micmp, function(mc) mc$npcs[cdata_arg]),

               # MANOVA p-values
               mnvp = pvalf_f(
                 sapply(micmp, function(mc) mc$p.values$manova[cdata_arg]),

               # Parametric p-values (raw)
               parp = pvalf_f(
                 sapply(micmp, function(mc) mc$p.values$parametric[cdata_arg]),

               # Non-parametric p-values (raw)
               nparp = pvalf_f(
                        function(mc) mc$p.values$nonparametric[cdata_arg]),

               # Parametric p-values (adjusted)
               aparp = pvalf_f(
                   function(mc) mc$p.values$parametric_adjusted[cdata_arg]),

               # Non-parametric p-values (adjusted)
               anparp = pvalf_f(
                   function(mc) mc$p.values$nonparametric_adjusted[cdata_arg]),

               # Percentage of explained variance
               varexp = sapply(
                   if (x$varexp[cdata_arg] < 0.0001) {
                   } else {
                     sprintf("%6.1f", x$varexp[cdata_arg] * 100)

               # Score plot
               scoreplot = tscat_apply(object[, cmp],

               # Default, throw error
               stop(pst("Unknown data type '", cdata_cmd, "'")))



  # ########### #
  # Build table #
  # ########### #

  # Determine type of lines/rules to use in table
  hlines <- if (booktabs) {
    list(top = "\\toprule", mid = "\\midrule", bot = "\\bottomrule",
         c = pst("\\cmidrule(", booktabs_cmalign, ")"))
  } else {
    list(top = "\\hline", mid = "\\hline", bot = "\\hline", c = "\\cline")

  # Initialize table variable
  ltxtab <- list()
  idx <- 1

  # Set table float environment
  ltxtab[[idx]] <- pst("\\begin{table}[", table_placement, "]")
  idx <- idx + 1

  # Set specified LaTeX environments
  ltxtab[[idx]] <- pst("\\begin{", latex_envs ,"}")
  idx <- idx + 1

  # Set a resize box?
  if (col_width) {
    ltxtab[[idx]] <- "\\resizebox{\\columnwidth}{!}{%"
    idx <- idx + 1

  # What type of table orientation?
  if (orientation) {
    # Orientation: outputs along columns, data along rows
    tag_row <- tag_outputs
    tag_col <- tag_data
    ncol_or <- nout
    nrow_or <- ndata
    labels_in_row <- paste(out_names, collapse = " & ", sep = "")
  } else {
    # Orientation: outputs along rows, data along columns
    tag_row <- tag_data
    tag_col <- tag_outputs
    ncol_or <- ndata
    nrow_or <- nout
    labels_in_row <- paste(dlabels_final, collapse = " & ", sep = "")

  # Do we have a column with the comparison labels?
  if (labels_cmp_show) {
    clpos <- "c"
    clheader <- pst("\\multirow{", 1 + label_row_show, "}{*}{", tag_comp, "}")
    clsep <- " & "
  } else {
    clpos <- ""
    clheader <- ""
    clsep <- ""

  # Do we have a column with the data labels (orientation == T) / output names
  # (orientation == F)?
  if (labels_col_show) {
    dlpos <- "l"
    dlheader <- pst(clsep,
                    "\\multirow{", 1 + label_row_show, "}{*}{", tag_col, "}")
    dlsep <- " & "
  } else {
    dlpos <- ""
    dlheader <- ""
    dlsep <- ""

  # Do we have either a comparison or data label column?
  lsep <- if (labels_cmp_show || labels_col_show) {
    " & "
  } else {

  # Alignmnet of output/data columns
  col_align <- rep("r", ncol_or)

  # If orientation = F (i.e. data along columns) we may have separators
  if (!orientation) {
    for (sidx in sep_idxs) {
      col_align <- append(col_align, "|", after = sidx - 1)

  # Set tabular environment
  ltxtab[[idx]] <-
    pst("\\begin{tabular}{", clpos, dlpos, pst(col_align), "}")
  idx <- idx + 1

  # Add top line/rule
  ltxtab[[idx]] <- hlines$top
  idx <- idx + 1

  # Show output/data tag?
  if (label_row_show) {

    # Add comparison, data and outputs tags
    ltxtab[[idx]] <- pst(clheader, dlheader, lsep,
                         "\\multicolumn{", ncol_or, "}{c}{",
                         tag_row, "} \\\\")
    idx <- idx + 1

    # Add intermediate line/rule
    ltxtab[[idx]] <- pst(hlines$c, "{", 1 + labels_col_show + labels_cmp_show,
                         labels_col_show + labels_cmp_show  + ncol_or, "}")
    idx <- idx + 1

    # Add output names
    ltxtab[[idx]] <- pst(clsep, dlsep, labels_in_row, "\\\\")
    idx <- idx + 1

  } else {
    # Do not show outputs tag, only output names

    # Add comparison and data tags, and output names
    ltxtab[[idx]] <- pst(clheader, dlheader, lsep,
                         paste(labels_in_row, collapse = " & ", sep = ""),
                         " \\\\")
    idx <- idx + 1


  # Cycle through comparisons
  for (cmp in cmp_names) {

    # Put a midrule
    ltxtab[[idx]] <- hlines$mid
    idx <- idx + 1

    # Multi-row with comparison name
    if (labels_cmp_show) {
      ltxtab[[idx]] <- pst("\\multirow{", nrow_or, "}{*}{", cmp, "}")
      idx <- idx + 1

    # What type of table orientation?
    if (orientation) {
      # Orientation: outputs along columns, data along rows

      # Aux. variable for separator insertion
      isep <- 0

      # Rows with comparison data
      for (dlbl in dlabels_final) {

        # Insert a separator?
        isep <- isep + 1
        if (any(isep == sep_idxs)) {
          # Yes, insert a separator

          # Increment aux. variable
          isep <- isep + 1

          # Insert separator
          ltxtab[[idx]] <- pst(hlines$c, "{",
                               labels_col_show + labels_cmp_show, "-",
                               labels_col_show + labels_cmp_show  + nout, "}")
          idx <- idx + 1

        # Insert a data label?
        if (labels_col_show) {
          dlbl_f <- dlbl
        } else {
          dlbl_f <- ""

        # Add data row
        ltxtab[[idx]] <- pst(clsep, dlbl_f, dlsep,
                             paste0(tabdata[dlbl, , cmp], collapse = " & "),

        idx <- idx + 1


    } else {
      # Orientation: outputs along rows, data along columns

      # Rows with compared outputs
      for (oname in out_names) {

        if (labels_col_show) {
          oname_f <- oname
        } else {
          oname_f <- ""

        # Current row
        ltxtab[[idx]] <-
            pst(clsep, oname_f, dlsep,
                paste0(tabdata[, oname, cmp], collapse = " & "),

        # Next row
        idx <- idx + 1



  # Set the bottom line
  ltxtab[[idx]] <- hlines$bot
  idx <- idx + 1

  # Close the tabular environment
  ltxtab[[idx]] <- "\\end{tabular}"
  idx <- idx + 1

  # If open, close the resize box
  if (col_width) {
    ltxtab[[idx]] <- "} % resize box"
    idx <- idx + 1

  # Add a caption, if specified
  if (!is.null(caption)) {
    ltxtab[[idx]] <- pst(caption_cmd, "{", caption,"}")
    idx <- idx + 1

  # Add reference label, if specified
  if (!is.null(label)) {
    ltxtab[[idx]] <- pst("\\label{", label,"}")
    idx <- idx + 1

  # Close specified LaTeX environments
  ltxtab[[idx]] <- pst("\\end{", rev(latex_envs) ,"}")
  idx <- idx + 1

  # Close table float environment
  ltxtab[[idx]] <- "\\end{table}"
  idx <- idx + 1

  # Setup final table object
  ltxtab <- unlist(ltxtab)
  class(ltxtab) <- "Latex"

  # Return table


#' Convert \code{cmpoutput} object to \code{LaTeX} table
#' This method converts \code{\link{cmpoutput}} objects to character vectors
#' representing \code{LaTeX} tables.
#' This method simply wraps the \code{\link{cmpoutput}} object into a
#' \code{\link{micomp}} object, and invokes \code{\link{toLatex.micomp}} on the
#' wrapped object.
#' @param object A \code{\link{cmpoutput}} object.
#' @param cmp_name Comparison name (to appear in table).
#' @param ... Any options accepted by the \code{\link{toLatex.micomp}} function.
#' @return A character vector where each element holds one line of the
#' corresponding \code{LaTeX} table.
#' @export
#' @importFrom utils toLatex
#' @examples
#' # Create a cmpoutput object by comparing the first output ("Pop.Sheep") of
#' # one the provided datasets.
#' cmp <-
#'  cmpoutput("SheepPop", 0.9, pphpc_ok$data[["Pop.Sheep"]], pphpc_ok$obs_lvls)
#' # Print latex table source to screen
#' toLatex(cmp)
toLatex.cmpoutput <- function(object, cmp_name = "Comp. 1", ...) {

  mic <- vector("list", length = 1)
  dim(mic) <- c(1, 1)
  mic[[1, 1]] <- object
  class(mic) <- "micomp"
  attr(mic, "ve_npcs") <- object$ve
  rownames(mic) <- object$name
  colnames(mic) <- cmp_name
  toLatex.micomp(mic, ...)

fakenmc/micompr documentation built on Feb. 3, 2024, 1:30 a.m.