
Defines functions set_zeta_phylo

Documented in set_zeta_phylo

#' Set zeta hyperparameter for coalescent data
#' Calculate a value for the hyperparameter on the global smoothing prior for coalescent data
#' This function can be used to calculate reasonable values for the hyperparameter \code{zeta}, which controls the scale (and median) of the half-Cauchy prior on the global smoothing parameter for the latent field of trend parameters (on the log scale) of an \code{spmrf} model applied to coalescent data. 
#' @param phylo A list containing a numeric vector of coalescent times (\code{coal_times}), a numeric vector of sampling times (\code{samp_times}, and a integer vector of number of samples taken at each sampling time (\code{n_sampled})
#' @param ncell The number of grid cells from the uniformly spaced grid over which effective population size is to be estimated. 
#' @param upBound Upper bound on the expected value of the marginal standard deviations of the log latent trend (field) parameters. This value is rarely known \emph{a priori} and here is assumed to equal the standard deviation of the observed data (skyline estimates in this case) unless otherwise specified.
#' @param alpha The probability of exceeding \code{upBound}. 
#' @param order The order of the SPMRF model (1 or 2).
#' @details   Making \code{alpha} smaller will decrease the size of \code{zeta}, which will result in smoother latent trends if the information in the data does not overcome the prior information. 
#' The methods for calculation of the hyperparameter \code{zeta} are outlined in Faulkner and Minin (2018) and are based on methods introduced by Sorbye and Rue (2014) for setting hyperparameters for the precision of Gaussian Markov random field priors.

#' @return A numeric scalar value for the hyperparmeter \code{zeta}, where \code{zeta} > 0.
#' @references Faulkner, J. R., and V. N. Minin. 2018. Locally adaptive smoothing with Markov random fields and shrinkage priors. \emph{Bayesian Analysis} 13(1):225-252.
#' Sorbye, S. and H. Rue.  2014.  Scaling intrinsic Gaussian Markov random field priors in spatial modelling. \emph{Spatial Statistics} 8:39-51. 
#' @seealso \code{\link{spmrf}}, \code{\link{set_zeta}} 
#' @export

set_zeta_phylo <- function(phylo, ncell, upBound=NULL, alpha=0.05, order=1){
  zsky <- skyLine(phylo)
  vld <- var(log(zsky$theta))
  if (order==1)	cmr <- varRef(ncell, 1,  vld, order=1)
  if (order==2)	cmr <- varRef(ncell, 1,  vld, order=2)
  if (order>=3) stop("Orders >= 3 are currently not supported")
  sref <- exp(mean(0.5*log(cmr)))
  if (is.null(upBound)) upBound <- sqrt(vld)
  zz <- upBound/(sref*(tan((pi/2)*(1-alpha))))
faulknerjam/bnps documentation built on Sept. 26, 2020, 8:07 p.m.