
Defines functions bru_int_polygon mesh_triangle_integration integration_weight_aggregation int.quadrature

Documented in bru_int_polygon integration_weight_aggregation mesh_triangle_integration

# Gaussian quadrature and other integration point constructors
# Construct integration points for each of lines defined by the start and end points provided.
# The following schemes are available:
# "equidistant" : Equidistant integration points without boundary. All weights are identical and sum uf to the length of a line.
# "gaussian": Points and weight according to the Gaussian quadrature rule. Currently only n=1 and n=2 are supported (Exact integration for linear and quadratic functions).
# "twosided-gaussian": Experimental
# @aliases int.quadrature
# @export
# @param sp Start points of lines
# @param ep End points of lines
# @param scheme Integration scheme (gaussian or equidistant)
# @param n Number of integration points
# @return List with integration poins (ips), weights (w) and weights including line length (wl)
# @author Fabian E. Bachl \email{f.e.bachl@@bath.ac.uk}

int.quadrature <- function(sp = NULL, ep = NULL, scheme = "gaussian", n.points = 1, geometry = "euc", coords = NULL) {
  if (is.null(colnames(sp)) && !is.null(coords)) {
    sp <- data.frame(sp)
    colnames(sp) <- coords
  if (is.null(colnames(ep)) && !is.null(coords) && !(length(ep) == 0)) {
    ep <- data.frame(ep)
    colnames(ep) <- coords

  if (is.vector(sp)) {
    n.lines <- 1
    len <- function(x) {
  } else {
    n.lines <- dim(sp)[1]
    len <- function(x) {
      apply(x^2, MARGIN = 1, function(y) {
  if (scheme == "gaussian") {
    if (n.points == 1) {
      # points
      if (geometry == "euc") {
        ips <- sp + (ep - sp) / 2
        # weights
        w <- rep(1, n.lines)
        wl <- w * len(ep - sp)
      } else if (geometry == "geo") {
        stop("Geometry geo not supported")

      # PD vector
      # pdv = cbind(-(ep[,2]-sp[,2]),ep[,1]-sp[,1])
      # Index of line a point comes from
      line.idx <- 1:n.lines
    } else if (n.points == 2) {
      if (geometry == "geo") {
        stop("Geometry geo not supported")
      # points
      ips1 <- sp + (-0.5 * sqrt(1 / 3) + 1 / 2) * (ep - sp)
      ips2 <- sp + (0.5 * sqrt(1 / 3) + 1 / 2) * (ep - sp)
      ips <- rbind(ips1, ips2)

      # weights
      w <- rep(1, dim(ips)[1]) / 2
      wl <- w * len(ep - sp)

      # PD vector
      # dvec = cbind(-(ep[,2]-sp[,2]),ep[,1]-sp[,1])
      # dvec = rbind(dvec,dvec)

      # Index of line a point comes from
      line.idx <- c(1:n.lines, 1:n.lines)
    } else if (n.points == 3) {
      if (geometry == "geo") {
        stop("Geometry geo not supported")
      # points
      ips1 <- sp + (-0.5 * sqrt(3 / 5) + 1 / 2) * (ep - sp)
      ips2 <- sp + 0.5 * (ep - sp)
      ips3 <- sp + (0.5 * sqrt(3 / 5) + 1 / 2) * (ep - sp)
      ips <- rbind(ips1, ips2, ips3)

      # weights
      w <- c(rep(5 / 9, n.lines), rep(8 / 9, n.lines), rep(5 / 9), n.lines) / 2
      wl <- w * len(ep - sp)

      # Index of line a point comes from
      line.idx <- c(1:n.lines, 1:n.lines)
    } else {
      stop("Gaussian quadrature with n>3 not implemented")
  } else if (scheme == "twosided-gaussian") {
    if (geometry == "geo") {
      stop("Geometry geo not supported")
    ips1 <- int.quadrature(sp, sp + 0.5 * (ep - sp), scheme = "gaussian", n.points = n.points, geometry, coords)
    ips2 <- int.quadrature(sp + 0.5 * (ep - sp), ep, scheme = "gaussian", n.points = n.points, geometry, coords)
    ips <- rbind(ips1$ips, ips2$ips)
    w <- 0.5 * rbind(ips1$w, ips2$w)
    wl <- 0.5 * rbind(ips1$wl, ips2$wl)
    line.idx <- rbind(ips1$line.idx, ips2$line.idx)
  } else if (scheme == "equidistant") {
    if (geometry == "geo") {
      stop("Geometry geo not supported")
    # points
    mult <- seq(0 - 1 / (2 * n.points), 1 + 1 / (2 * n.points), length.out = n.points + 2)[2:(n.points + 1)]
    nips <- list()
    for (k in 1:n.points) {
      nips[[k]] <- sp + mult[k] * (ep - sp)
    ips <- do.call(rbind, nips)
    # weights
    w <- rep(1, dim(ips)[1]) / n.points
    wl <- w * (len(ep - sp)[rep(1:n.lines, n.points)])
    # Index of line a point comes from
    line.idx <- rep(1:n.lines, n.points)
  } else if (scheme == "trapezoid") {
    if (geometry == "geo") {
      stop("Geometry geo not supported")
    # points
    mult <- seq(0, 1, length.out = n.points)
    nips <- list()
    for (k in 1:n.points) {
      nips[[k]] <- sp + mult[k] * (ep - sp)
    ips <- do.call(rbind, nips)
    # weights
    w <- rep(1, dim(ips)[1]) / (n.points - 1)
    w[1] <- 0.5 * w[1]
    w[length(w)] <- 0.5 * w[length(w)]
    wl <- w * (len(ep - sp)[rep(1:n.lines, n.points)])
    # Index of line a point comes from
    line.idx <- rep(1:n.lines, n.points)
  } else if (scheme == "fixed") {
    ips <- data.frame(tmp = sp)
    # colnames(ips) = coords
    w <- rep(1, length(sp))
    wl <- rep(1, length(sp))
    line.idx <- rep(NaN, length(sp))
  return(list(ips = ips, w = w, wl = wl, line.idx = line.idx))

# New integration methods ----

#' Aggregate integration weights onto mesh nodes
#' `r lifecycle::badge("deprecated")` Use [fm_vertex_projection()] instead.
#' @param mesh Mesh on which to integrate
#' @param integ `list` of `loc`, integration points,
#'   and `weight`, integration weights,
#'   or a `SpatialPointsDataFrame`. Only the coordinates and `weight` column
#'   are handled.
#' @author Finn Lindgren \email{finn.lindgren@@gmail.com}
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
integration_weight_aggregation <- function(mesh, integ) {

  fm_vertex_projection(points = integ, mesh = mesh)

#' @describeIn inlabru-deprecated
#' Integration scheme for mesh triangle interiors
#' `r lifecycle::badge("deprecated")` Use [fm_int_mesh_2d_core()] instead.
#' @param mesh Mesh on which to integrate
#' @param tri_subset Optional triangle index vector for integration on a subset
#' of the mesh triangles (Default `NULL`)
#' @param nsub number of subdivision points along each triangle edge, giving
#'    `(nsub + 1)^2` proto-integration points used to compute
#'   the vertex weights
#'   (default `NULL=9`, giving 100 integration points for each triangle)
#' @return * `mesh_triangle_integration` returns a `list` with elements `loc`
#' and `weight` with integration points for the mesh
#' @author Finn Lindgren \email{finn.lindgren@@gmail.com}
#' @keywords internal
mesh_triangle_integration <- function(mesh, tri_subset = NULL, nsub = NULL) {

  fmesher::fm_int_mesh_2d_core(mesh = mesh, tri_subset = tri_subset, nsub = nsub)

#' Integration points for polygons inside an inla.mesh
#' @export
#' @param mesh An inla.mesh object
#' @param method Which integration method to use ("stable",
#'   with aggregation to mesh vertices, or "direct")
#' @param samplers If non-NULL, a SpatialPolygons* object
#' @param ... Arguments passed to the low level integration method (`make_triangle_integration`)
#' @author Finn Lindgren \email{finn.lindgren@@gmail.com}
#' @keywords internal

bru_int_polygon <- function(mesh,
                            method = NULL,
                            samplers = NULL,
                            ...) {
  method <- match.arg(method, c("stable", "direct"))

  ipsl <- list()

  # Compute direct integration points
  # TODO: Allow blockwise construction to avoid
  # overly large temporary coordinate matrices (via tri_subset)
  integ <- fm_int_mesh_2d_core(mesh, ...)

  # Keep points with positive weights (This should be all,
  # but if there's a degenerate triangle, this gets rid of it)
  ok <- (integ$weight > 0)
  integ$loc <- integ$loc[ok, , drop = FALSE]
  integ$weight <- integ$weight[ok]

  if (!is.null(samplers)) {
    mesh_crs <- fm_CRS(mesh)
    samplers_crs <- fm_CRS(samplers)
    integ_sp <- sp::SpatialPoints(integ$loc, proj4string = mesh_crs)
    if (!identical(mesh_crs, samplers_crs) &&
      !fm_crs_is_null(mesh_crs) &&
      !fm_crs_is_null(samplers_crs)) {
      integ_sp <- fm_transform(integ_sp,
        crs = samplers_crs,
        passthrough = TRUE

    #    idx_ <- sp::over(samplers, integ_sp, returnList = TRUE)
    samplers_sf <- sf::st_as_sf(samplers)
    integ_sp_sf <- sf::st_as_sf(integ_sp)
    idx <- sf::st_contains(samplers_sf, integ_sp_sf, sparse = TRUE)

    for (g in seq_along(idx)) {
      if (length(idx[[g]]) > 0) {
        integ_ <- list(
          loc = integ$loc[idx[[g]], , drop = FALSE],
          weight = integ$weight[idx[[g]]]

        if (method %in% c("stable")) {
          # Project integration points and weights to mesh nodes
          integ_ <- fm_vertex_projection(integ_, mesh)

        if (ncol(integ_$loc) > 2) {
          ips <- data.frame(
            x = integ_$loc[, 1],
            y = integ_$loc[, 2],
            z = integ_$loc[, 3],
            weight = integ_$weight,
            .block = g
        } else {
          ips <- data.frame(
            x = integ_$loc[, 1],
            y = integ_$loc[, 2],
            weight = integ_$weight,
            .block = g

        ipsl <- c(ipsl, list(ips))
  } else {
    if (method %in% c("stable")) {
      # Project integration points and weights to mesh nodes
      integ <- fm_vertex_projection(integ, mesh)

    if (ncol(integ$loc) > 2) {
      ipsl <- list(data.frame(
        x = integ$loc[, 1],
        y = integ$loc[, 2],
        z = integ$loc[, 3],
        weight = integ$weight,
        .block = 1
    } else {
      ipsl <- list(data.frame(
        x = integ$loc[, 1],
        y = integ$loc[, 2],
        weight = integ$weight,
        .block = 1

  do.call(rbind, ipsl)

# From plotsample test, comparing before and after code refactor to avoid
# recreating the full integration scheme for every polygon
# print(bench::mark(
#   A=bru_int_polygon_old(domain,
#     polylist=poly_segm,method=int.args$method,
#     nsub=int.args$nsub2),
#   B=bru_int_polygon(
#     domain,
#     polylist = poly_segm,
#     method = int.args$method,
#     nsub = int.args$nsub2),
#   check = FALSE))
## A tibble: 2 × 13
## expression      min median `itr/sec` mem_alloc `gc/sec` n_itr  n_gc total_time result memory time  gc
## <bch:expr> <bch:tm> <bch:>     <dbl> <bch:byt>    <dbl> <int> <dbl>   <bch:tm> <list> <list> <lis> <lis>
##  1 A            14.03s 14.03s    0.0713        NA     2.28     1    32     14.03s <NULL> <NULL> <ben… <tib…
##  2 B             8.05s  8.05s    0.124         NA     2.61     1    21      8.05s <NULL> <NULL> <ben… <tib…

# With a SPDF samplers object:
# bench::mark(
#   ips_old = ipoints(
#     samplers = gorillas$plotsample$plots,
#     domain = gorillas$mesh,
#     int.args = list(use_new = FALSE)
#   ),
#   ips_new = ipoints(
#     samplers = gorillas$plotsample$plots,
#     domain = gorillas$mesh,
#     int.args = list(use_new = TRUE)
#   ),
#   check = FALSE)
# expression      min   median `itr/sec` mem_alloc `gc/sec` n_itr  n_gc total_time result memory time    gc
# <bch:expr> <bch:tm> <bch:tm>     <dbl> <bch:byt>    <dbl> <int> <dbl>   <bch:tm> <list> <list> <list>  <list>
#   1 ips_old      10.04s   10.04s    0.0996        NA    1.10      1    11     10.04s <NULL> <NULL> <bench… <tibbl…
# 2 ips_new       2.91s    2.91s    0.343         NA    0.343     1     1      2.91s <NULL> <NULL> <bench… <tibbl…
fbachl/inlabru documentation built on May 23, 2024, 8:31 p.m.