
# iDistance project
# R functions to convert data formatted for dsm to a data format for iDistance <- function(seg = NULL, geometry = "euc") {
  # NOTE the parameter seg used to be "seg=segments", which caused CRAN compatibility issues
  # Identify where there is a gap in the effort along a transect (so the segments do not join together)
  # Create an indicator, gap=0 can join to previous segment, gap=1 cannot join
  # To get distance between points, if geometry='geo' uses columns latitude/longitude and great circle distances,
  #    if geometry='euc' uses x/y and trig

  # Segments
  num.seg <- dim(seg)[1]
  # Initialise indicator variable
  gap <- rep(0, num.seg)

  for (i in 1:(num.seg - 1)) {
    # Only need to check segments if the same transect
    if (seg$Transect.Label[i] == seg$Transect.Label[i + 1]) {
      # Check distance between segments
      if (geometry == "euc") dist <- euc.distance.f(seg$x[i], seg$y[i], seg$x[i + 1], seg$y[i + 1])
      if (geometry == "geo") dist <- geo.distance.f(seg$longitude[i], seg$latitude[i], seg$longitude[i + 1], seg$latitude[i + 1])
      # Check the length of the effort (half of one segment + half of the other)
      effort.dist <- (seg$Effort[i] / 2) + (seg$Effort[i + 1] / 2)
      if (dist > effort.dist) gap[i + 1] <- 1
    } # End if
  } # End of segments


define.blocks.f <- function(seg = NULL, covar.col = NULL, geometry = "euc") {
  # NOTE the parameter seg used to be "seg=segments", which caused CRAN compatibility issues
  # samoe for: covar.col=covariate.columns
  # Define blocks - adjoining segments which can be combined because the covariates are the same
  # covar.cols = number of the column in the dataframe containing covariates
  #              thius can be a list of columns (i.e. c(2,6,7))

  num.covar <- length(covar.col)
  if ( print("No covariates used to combined segments - using transects")

  # Number of segments
  num.seg <- dim(seg)[1]

  # Initialise things
  seg$Block.Label <- rep(NA, num.seg)
  j <- 1
  # First segment in data is block 1
  seg$Block.Label[1] <- j

  # See if there is a gap in search effort along transects
  gap <- = seg, geometry = geometry)

  # Loop through remaining segments
  for (i in 2:num.seg) {
    # Update block if transect changes from previous segment
    if (seg$Transect.Label[i] != seg$Transect.Label[i - 1]) j <- j + 1
    # Update block if there is a gap from previous segment
    if (gap[i] == 1) j <- j + 1
    # If same transect, then update block if covars change from previous segment
    if (seg$Transect.Label[i] == seg$Transect.Label[i - 1]) {
      chg <- 0
      if (! {
        # Loop through all covariates
        for (k in 1:num.covar) {
          if (seg[i, covar.col[k]] != seg[i - 1, covar.col[k]]) chg <- 1
        } # End of covars
      } # End of if covars
      j <- j + chg
    } # End of same transect
    seg$Block.Label[i] <- j
  } # End of segments


get.blocks.f <- function(seg = NULL, geometry = "euc") {
  # NOTE the parameter seg used to be "seg=segments", which caused CRAN compatibility issues
  # Create a dataset for the blocks
  # Segments must contain column called Block.Label, Effort
  # geometry defines how the geometry is measured, either euclidean space (x, y) or geometic coords (lon, lat)

  name.blocks <- unique(seg$Block.Label)
  num.blocks <- length(name.blocks)

  blocks <- NULL
  for (i in 1:num.blocks) {
    temp <- seg[seg$Block.Label == name.blocks[i], ]
    num.seg <- dim(temp)[1]
    # Retain first line of each block
    first <- temp[1, ]
    # Add on end of segments
    if (geometry == "euc") {
      first$end.x <- temp$end.x[num.seg]
      first$end.y <- temp$end.y[num.seg]
    if (geometry == "geo") {
      first$end.lon <- temp$end.lon[num.seg]
      first$ <- temp$[num.seg]
    # Total effort for block
    first$Effort <- sum(temp$Effort)
    if (i == 1) blocks <- first
    if (i > 1) blocks <- rbind(blocks, first)
  } # End of blocks

  # Tidy up - get rid of unnecessary columns
  exc.labels <- c("quadrant", "angle", "what.angle", "x", "y", "latitude", "longitude")
  col.names <- names(blocks)
  col.names <- !is.element(col.names, exc.labels)
  # print(col.names)
  blocks <- blocks[, col.names]

} <- function(dists = NULL, obs = NULL, seg = NULL) {
  # NOTE the parameter seg used to be "seg=segments", which caused CRAN compatibility issues
  # same for: dists=distances,obs=obsservations
  # Add segment and block labels to observations
  # distance data and observation data MUST be in the same order

  # Check same number of observations in each dataframe
  num.dists <- dim(dists)[1]
  if (num.dists != dim(obs)[1]) print("Perp distance data and observation data different number of records")

  dists$Sample.Label <- obs$Sample.Label
  dists$Block.Label <- rep(NA, num.dists)

  # Now add blocks - don't merge because merge sorts the data
  for (i in 1:num.dists) {
    temp <- seg[seg$Sample.Label == dists$Sample.Label[i], ]
    # Should only have one record - check
    if (dim(temp)[1] > 1) print(paste("More than one segment chosen for observation, object=", dists$object[i]))
    dists$Block.Label[i] <- temp$Block.Label[1]
  } # End of observations


combine.dsmdata.f <- function(blocks = NULL, dists = NULL) {
  # NOTE: old problematic parameteriation: blocks=blockdata,dists=distdata
  # Combine segments and perp distances into one dataframe for iDistance

  num.blocks <- dim(blocks)[1]

  # Get names of columns in distance data that also occur in blocks
  cols.dists <- names(dists)

  # Get rid of labels that may be repeated in both dataframes
  exc.labels <- c("Sample.Label", "Block.Label", "Transect.Label", "Effort")
  cols.dist <- !is.element(cols.dists, exc.labels)
  one.dists.small <- dists[1, cols.dist]
  # Create missing distance data
  one.dists.small[1, ] <- NA

  # Loop through all blocks adding sightings if there are any in block
  k <- 0
  for (i in 1:num.blocks) {
    # Get any sightings for the block
    one.block <- blocks[i, ]
    temp <- dists[dists$Block.Label == blocks$Block.Label[i], ]
    num.temp <- dim(temp)[1]
    # Sightings exist for block so add info together
    if (num.temp > 0) {
      # Get rid of columns that will be repeated
      dists.small <- temp[, cols.dist]
      for (j in 1:num.temp) {
        block.dist <- cbind(one.block, dists.small[j, ])
        if (j == 1) comb <- rbind(cbind(one.block, one.dists.small), block.dist)
        if (j > 1) comb <- rbind(comb, block.dist)
      } # End of sightings
    # No sightings for block and so combine with missing distance data
    if (num.temp == 0) comb <- cbind(one.block, one.dists.small)
    # Add blocks together
    if (i == 1) all <- comb
    if (i > 1) all <- rbind(all, comb)
  } # End of blocks

  # Tidy up - get rid of unnecessary columns
  exc.labels <- c("quadrant", "angle", "what.angle", "Sample.Label")
  col.names <- names(all)
  col.names <- !is.element(col.names, exc.labels)
  all <- all[, col.names]

  # Rename columns
  col1 <- match("Transect.Label", names(all))
  col2 <- match("Block.Label", names(all))
  col3 <- match("object", names(all))
  names(all)[c(col1, col2, col3)] <- c("trans", "seg", "det")


get.direction.unit.f <- function(data = NULL, is.blocks = TRUE,
                                 geometry = "euc") {
  # NOTE: old param: data=data

  # Get the quadrant and angle (from 0 to 360o) using blocks (is.block=T) or transects (is.block=F)

  if (is.blocks) {
    data$Unit <- data$Block.Label
    name.label <- "Block.Label"
  } else {
    data$Unit <- data$Transect.Label
    name.label <- "Transect.Label"

  if (geometry == "euc") {
    data$new.x <- data$x
    data$new.y <- data$y
  if (geometry == "geo") {
    data$new.x <- data$longitude
    data$new.y <- data$latitude

  name.unit <- unique(data$Unit)
  num.unit <- length(name.unit)

  unit <- NULL
  for (i in 1:num.unit) {
    temp <- data[data$Unit == name.unit[i], ]
    num.temp <- dim(temp)[1]
    unit$Unit[i] <- as.character(name.unit[i])
    quad <- get.quadrant.f(temp$new.x[1], temp$new.y[1], temp$new.x[num.temp], temp$new.y[num.temp])
    unit$quadrant[i] <- quad
    diff.x <- temp$new.x[num.temp] - temp$new.x[1]
    diff.y <- temp$new.y[num.temp] - temp$new.y[1]
    #  what.angle <- atan2(diff.y,diff.x) * (180/pi)
    what.angle <- atan(diff.y / diff.x) * (180 / pi)
    if (quad == 1) unit$angle[i] <- 0
    if (quad == 2) unit$angle[i] <- 90
    if (quad == 3) unit$angle[i] <- 180
    if (quad == 4) unit$angle[i] <- 270
    if (quad == 5) unit$angle[i] <- 90 - abs(what.angle)
    if (quad == 6) unit$angle[i] <- 90 + abs(what.angle)
    if (quad == 7) unit$angle[i] <- 180 + abs(what.angle)
    if (quad == 8) unit$angle[i] <- 270 + abs(what.angle)
    unit$what.angle[i] <- what.angle
  } # End of units

  unit <- data.frame(unit)

  # Rename unit
  names(unit)[1] <- name.label


get.direction.segment.f <- function(data = NULL, geometry = "euc") {
  # NOTE: old param: data=data

  # Get the quadrant and angle (from 0 to 360o clockwise) for each segment
  # Last segment in transect is assumed to be in same direction as penultimate segment.
  # Quadrant=Direction of travel; 1=N, 2=E, 3=S, 4=W, 5=NE, 6=SE, 7=SW, 8=NW

  if (geometry == "euc") {
    data$new.x <- data$x
    data$new.y <- data$y
  if (geometry == "geo") {
    data$new.x <- data$longitude
    data$new.y <- data$latitude

  num.unit <- dim(data)[1]

  # Initialise new vars
  data$quadrant <- rep(NA, num.unit)
  data$angle <- rep(NA, num.unit)
  # data$what.angle <- rep(NA,num.unit)
  # Direction in reverse - this will be used to refine start and end points (not done at present)
  data$quadrant.r <- rep(NA, num.unit)
  data$angle.r <- rep(NA, num.unit)

  for (i in 1:(num.unit - 1)) {
    # Get pair of segments
    j <- i + 1
    temp <- data[i:j, ]
    # Get quadrant on a compass
    quad <- get.quadrant.f(temp$new.x[1], temp$new.y[1], temp$new.x[2], temp$new.y[2])
    data$quadrant[i] <- quad
    diff.x <- temp$new.x[2] - temp$new.x[1]
    diff.y <- temp$new.y[2] - temp$new.y[1]
    data$angle[i] <- what.angle.f(dy = diff.y, dx = diff.x, quad = quad)
    # Check if points are on the same transect
    if (temp$Transect.Label[1] != temp$Transect.Label[2]) {
      # If not the same transect, then check if point is on the same transect as the previous point
      # If so, must be the last point on the transect so set values to be the same as last but one point on transect
      if (data$Transect.Label[i] == data$Transect.Label[i - 1]) {
        data$quadrant[i] <- data$quadrant[i - 1]
        data$angle[i] <- data$angle[i - 1]
        #      data$what.angle[i] <- data$what.angle[i-1]
      if (data$Transect.Label[i] != data$Transect.Label[i - 1]) {
        print(paste("Only one segment in transect", data$Transect.Label[i]))
  } # End of units
  # Make last segment of data same as last but one
  if (data$Transect.Label[num.unit] == data$Transect.Label[num.unit - 1]) {
    data$quadrant[num.unit] <- data$quadrant[num.unit - 1]
    data$angle[num.unit] <- data$angle[num.unit - 1]
    #  data$what.angle[num.unit] <- data$what.angle[num.unit-1]
  if (data$Transect.Label[num.unit] != data$Transect.Label[num.unit - 1]) print("Last segment on its own")

  # Now do the same again only for points going in reverse
  for (i in num.unit:2) {
    # Get pair of segments
    j <- i - 1
    temp <- rbind(data[i, ], data[j, ])
    # Get quadrant on a compass
    quad <- get.quadrant.f(temp$new.x[1], temp$new.y[1], temp$new.x[2], temp$new.y[2])
    data$quadrant.r[i] <- quad
    diff.x <- temp$new.x[2] - temp$new.x[1]
    diff.y <- temp$new.y[2] - temp$new.y[1]
    data$angle.r[i] <- what.angle.f(dy = diff.y, dx = diff.x, quad = quad)
    # Check if the same transect
    if (temp$Transect.Label[1] != temp$Transect.Label[2]) {
      # Check if same as previous transect
      if (data$Transect.Label[i] == data$Transect.Label[i - 1]) {
        data$quadrant.r[i] <- data$quadrant.r[i - 1]
        data$angle.r[i] <- data$angle.r[i - 1]
        #      data$what.angle[i] <- data$what.angle[i-1]
      if (data$Transect.Label[i] != data$Transect.Label[i + 1]) {
        print(paste("Only one segment in transect", data$Transect.Label[i]))
  } # End of units

  # Make first segment of data same as second but one
  if (data$Transect.Label[1] == data$Transect.Label[2]) {
    data$quadrant.r[1] <- data$quadrant.r[2]
    data$angle.r[1] <- data$angle.r[2]

  # Tidy up
  exc.labels <- c("new.x", "new.y")
  col.names <- names(data)
  col.names <- !is.element(col.names, exc.labels)
  data <- data[, col.names]


start_end_points_segments_f <- function(seg = NULL, use.tran = FALSE, tran = NULL, geometry = "euc") {
  # NOTE the parameter seg used to be "seg=segments", which caused CRAN compatibility issues
  # same for: tran=transect.quadrant
  # Calculate the start and end points of a block of segments
  # Start and end points based on half the length of the first and last segments in a block
  # Direction is given by direction of segment (use.tran=FALSE) or transect (use.tran=TRUE)
  #   If use.tran=TRUE must supply dataframe containing direction of transects
  #   If use.tran=FALSE, segments must contain angle and quadrant of travel

  num.seg <- dim(seg)[1]

  for (i in 1:num.seg) {
    # Get the angle and quadrant for segment from transects, otherwise info already in segments
    if (use.tran) {
      temp <- tran[tran$Transect.Label == seg$Transect.Label[i], ]
      seg$quadrant[i] <- temp$quadrant[1]
      seg$angle[i] <- temp$angle[1]
    seg.half.len <- seg$Effort[i] / 2
    if (geometry == "euc") {
      if (seg$quadrant[i] == 1) {
        seg$start.x[i] <- seg$x[i]
        seg$start.y[i] <- seg$y[i] - seg.half.len
        seg$end.x[i] <- seg$x[i]
        seg$end.y[i] <- seg$y[i] + seg.half.len
      if (seg$quadrant[i] == 2) {
        seg$start.x[i] <- seg$x[i] - seg.half.len
        seg$start.y[i] <- seg$y[i]
        seg$end.x[i] <- seg$x[i] + seg.half.len
        seg$end.y[i] <- seg$y[i]
      if (seg$quadrant[i] == 3) {
        seg$start.x[i] <- seg$x[i]
        seg$start.y[i] <- seg$y[i] + seg.half.len
        seg$end.x[i] <- seg$x[i]
        seg$end.y[i] <- seg$y[i] - seg.half.len
      if (seg$quadrant[i] == 4) {
        seg$start.x[i] <- seg$x[i] + seg.half.len
        seg$start.y[i] <- seg$y[i]
        seg$end.x[i] <- seg$x[i] - seg.half.len
        seg$end.y[i] <- seg$y[i]
      # Now get width (tri.side element 1) and height (2) of triangles
      if (seg$quadrant[i] == 5) {
        angle <- 90 - seg$angle[i]
        tri.sides <- get.triangle.sides.f(seg.len = seg.half.len, angle = angle)
        seg$start.x[i] <- seg$x[i] - tri.sides[2]
        seg$start.y[i] <- seg$y[i] - tri.sides[1]
        seg$end.x[i] <- seg$x[i] + tri.sides[2]
        seg$end.y[i] <- seg$y[i] + tri.sides[1]
      if (seg$quadrant[i] == 6) {
        angle <- 180.0 - seg$angle[i]
        tri.sides <- get.triangle.sides.f(seg.len = seg.half.len, angle = angle)
        seg$start.x[i] <- seg$x[i] - tri.sides[1]
        seg$start.y[i] <- seg$y[i] + tri.sides[2]
        seg$end.x[i] <- seg$x[i] + tri.sides[1]
        seg$end.y[i] <- seg$y[i] - tri.sides[2]
      if (seg$quadrant[i] == 7) {
        angle <- seg$angle[i] - 180.0
        tri.sides <- get.triangle.sides.f(seg.len = seg.half.len, angle = angle)
        seg$start.x[i] <- seg$x[i] + tri.sides[1]
        seg$start.y[i] <- seg$y[i] + tri.sides[2]
        seg$end.x[i] <- seg$x[i] - tri.sides[1]
        seg$end.y[i] <- seg$y[i] - tri.sides[2]
      if (seg$quadrant[i] == 8) {
        angle <- 360 - seg$angle[i]
        tri.sides <- get.triangle.sides.f(seg.len = seg.half.len, angle = angle)
        seg$start.x[i] <- seg$x[i] + tri.sides[1]
        seg$start.y[i] <- seg$y[i] - tri.sides[2]
        seg$end.x[i] <- seg$x[i] - tri.sides[1]
        seg$end.y[i] <- seg$y[i] + tri.sides[2]
    } # End of if euc
    if (geometry == "geo") {
      print("This option is not implemented yet - use geometry=euc!")
  } # End of segments

  # Change name of x,y cols
  if (geometry == "euc") {
    x.col <- match("x", names(seg))
    y.col <- match("y", names(seg))
    names(seg)[c(x.col, y.col)] <- c("mid.x", "mid.y")

} # End of function

get.quadrant.f <- function(start.x, start.y, end.x, end.y, tol = 0.0000001) {
  # Get the quadrant of the points

  x.diff <- (start.x - end.x)
  y.diff <- (start.y - end.y)

  if (abs(x.diff) < tol && abs(y.diff) < tol) print("Segments on top of each other!")

  quad <- NA

  if (abs(x.diff) < tol) {
    # Points N
    if (end.y > start.y) quad <- 1
    # S
    if (end.y < start.y) quad <- 3
  if (abs(y.diff) < tol) {
    # Points E
    if (end.x > start.x) quad <- 2
    # W
    if (end.x < start.x) quad <- 4
  # NE
  if (end.x > start.x && end.y > start.y) quad <- 5
  # SE
  if (end.x > start.x && end.y < start.y) quad <- 6
  # SW
  if (end.x < start.x && end.y < start.y) quad <- 7
  # NW
  if (end.x < start.x && end.y > start.y) quad <- 8

  if ( print("Quadrant not assigned")


euc.distance.f <- function(x1, y1, x2, y2) {
  # Calculate the Euclidean distance between two points, (x1,y1) and (x2,y2)

  x.diff <- abs(x1 - x2)
  y.diff <- abs(y1 - y2)

  hypot <- sqrt(x.diff^2 + y.diff^2)


geo.distance.f <- function(lon1, lat1, lon2, lat2) {
  # This function calculates distance in km between two points following
  # a great circle route. Points defined as (lon1,lat1) and (lon2,lat2)
  # Coded from Jeff Laake's Excel Geometry Functions

  rad <- pi / 180
  nm2km <- 1.852

  if ((lat1 == lat2) && (lon1 == lon2)) {
    posdist <- 0
  } else {
    rlat1 <- lat1 * rad
    rlat2 <- lat2 * rad

    rlon <- (lon2 - lon1) * rad
    posdist <- 60 * (1 / rad) * acos(sin(rlat1) * sin(rlat2) + cos(rlat1) * cos(rlat2) * cos(rlon))

  # Convert to km
  posdist <- posdist * nm2km

get.triangle.sides.f <- function(seg.len = NULL, angle = NULL) {
  # NOTE: old parameterization: seg.len=half.segment.length,angle=angle

  # Calculate the height and length of triangle given length of hypotenuse and angle

  deg2rad <- pi / 180

  x <- seg.len * sin(angle * deg2rad)
  y <- seg.len * cos(angle * deg2rad)

  triangle <- c(x, y)


generate_obs_location_f <- function(seg = NULL, dists = NULL, geometry = "euc",
                                    do.plot = FALSE) {
  # NOTE the parameter seg used to be "seg=segments", which caused CRAN compatibility issues
  # same for
  # Generate coords for an observation if not contained in observations
  # Location is randomly generated along segment and random side of segment at perp distance of sighting
  # Side of line; 1=above and -1=below segment
  # Plots segment, position along segment (green dot) and at perp distance (red dot) from line

  deg2rad <- pi / 180

  # Get the number of sightings
  num.sgt <- dim(dists)[1]

  # Create dataframe for coordinates
  new.sgt <- NULL
  new.sgt$x <- rep(NA, num.sgt)
  new.sgt$y <- rep(NA, num.sgt)
  new.sgt <- data.frame(new.sgt)

  if (do.plot) stop("do.plot code has been removed") # par(ask=T)
  for (i in 1:num.sgt) {
    temp <- seg[seg$Sample.Label == dists$Sample.Label[i], ]
    # Randomly choose location along line
    new.coords <- get.point.along.segment.f(temp$start.x[1], temp$start.y[1], temp$end.x[1], temp$end.y[1], quad = temp$quadrant[1], seg.angle = temp$angle[1])
    new.x <- new.coords[1]
    new.y <- new.coords[2]
    # Choose side of line at random
    what.side <- sample(c(-1, 1), 1)
    # Sort out coords of sighting
    pd <- dists$distance[i]
    sgt.coords <- get.coords.f(quad = temp$quadrant[1], alpha = temp$angle[1], new.x = new.x, new.y = new.y, pd = pd, side = what.side)
    # Save coordinates of sighting
    new.sgt$x[i] <- sgt.coords[1]
    new.sgt$y[i] <- sgt.coords[2]
    # Plot segment and location if requested
    if (do.plot) {
      stop("do.plot=TRUE. This code has been removed.")
      # plot.segment.f(temp$start.x,temp$start.y,temp$end.x,temp$end.y)
      # points(new.x,new.y,col=3,pch=16)
      # points(sgt.coords[1],sgt.coords[2],pch=19,col=2)
      # segments(new.x,new.y,sgt.coords[1],sgt.coords[2],lty=2)
      # print(paste("Sighting",i," perp. dist=",format(pd)))
      # title(temp$Sample.Label[1])
  } # End of sgts


get.point.along.segment.f <- function(x1, y1, x2, y2, quad = NULL, seg.angle) {
  # NOTE: old parameterization: quad=quadrant

  # Get a random point along the segment (at which object was detected)
  # Segment end points defined by (x1,y1) and (x2,y2)
  # Direction of travel defined by quadrant and angle

  deg2rad <- pi / 180
  if (quad == 1) {
    new.x <- x1
    new.y <- runif(1, min = y1, max = y2)
  if (quad == 2) {
    new.x <- runif(1, min = x1, max = x2)
    new.y <- y1
  if (quad == 3) {
    new.x <- x1
    new.y <- runif(1, min = y2, max = y1)
  if (quad == 2) {
    new.x <- runif(1, min = x2, max = x1)
    new.y <- y1
  if (quad == 5) {
    theta <- 90 - seg.angle
    diffx <- x2 - x1
    diffy <- y2 - y1
    # Get length of hypotenuse
    hyp <- get.hypot.f(diffx, diffy)
    # Get random length along hypotenuse
    smallhyp <- runif(1, 0, hyp)
    smallx <- cos(theta * deg2rad) * smallhyp
    smally <- sin(theta * deg2rad) * smallhyp
    new.x <- x1 + smallx
    new.y <- y1 + smally
  if (quad == 6) {
    theta <- 180 - seg.angle
    diffx <- x2 - x1
    diffy <- y1 - y2
    # Get length of hypotenuse
    hyp <- get.hypot.f(diffx, diffy)
    # Get random length along hypotenuse
    smallhyp <- runif(1, 0, hyp)
    smallx <- sin(theta * deg2rad) * smallhyp
    smally <- cos(theta * deg2rad) * smallhyp
    new.x <- x1 + smallx
    new.y <- y1 - smally
  if (quad == 7) {
    theta <- seg.angle - 180
    diffx <- x2 - x1
    diffy <- y1 - y2
    # Get length of hypotenuse
    hyp <- get.hypot.f(diffx, diffy)
    # Get random length along hypotenuse
    smallhyp <- runif(1, 0, hyp)
    smallx <- sin(theta * deg2rad) * smallhyp
    smally <- cos(theta * deg2rad) * smallhyp
    new.x <- x1 - smallx
    new.y <- y1 - smally
  if (quad == 8) {
    theta <- seg.angle - 270
    diffx <- x1 - x2
    diffy <- y1 - y2
    # Get length of hypotenuse
    hyp <- get.hypot.f(diffx, diffy)
    # Get random length along hypotenuse
    smallhyp <- runif(1, 0, hyp)
    smallx <- cos(theta * deg2rad) * smallhyp
    smally <- sin(theta * deg2rad) * smallhyp
    new.x <- x1 - smallx
    new.y <- y1 + smally

  new.coords <- c(new.x, new.y)

get.coords.f <- function(quad = NULL, alpha = NULL, new.x = NULL, new.y = NULL, pd = NULL, side = NULL) {
  # NOTE old parameterization:
  # quad=quadrant,alpha=angle,new.x=x.reference,new.y=y.reference,pd=perp.dist,side=side.of.segment

  # Get the coordinates of the sighting based on
  # 1. the reference point (new.x,new.y)
  # 2. the perp distance of the sighting
  # 3. which side of line sighting is
  # 4. quadrant is quadrant on compass
  # 5. angle is angle from N going clockwise

  deg2rad <- pi / 180

  # Quadrants 1 and 3 (i.e. heading directly N or S, respectively)
  if (quad == 1 || quad == 3) {
    sgt.x <- new.x + (side * pd)
    sgt.y <- new.y
  # Quadrants 2 and 4 (i.e. heading directly E or W, respectively)
  if (quad == 2 || quad == 4) {
    sgt.x <- new.x
    sgt.y <- new.y + (side * pd)
  # Quadrant 5 (NE)
  if (quad == 5) {
    theta <- 90 - alpha
    x1 <- sin(theta * deg2rad) * pd
    y1 <- sqrt(pd^2 - x1^2)
    if (side == 1) {
      sgt.x <- new.x - x1
      sgt.y <- new.y + y1
    if (side == (-1)) {
      sgt.x <- new.x + x1
      sgt.y <- new.y - y1
  } # End of quad=5
  # Quadrant 6 (SE)
  if (quad == 6) {
    theta <- alpha - 90
    x1 <- pd / tan(deg2rad * theta)
    y1 <- sin(theta * deg2rad) * x1
    x2 <- sqrt(pd^2 - y1^2)
    if (side == 1) {
      sgt.x <- new.x + x2
      sgt.y <- new.y + y1
    if (side == (-1)) {
      sgt.x <- new.x - x2
      sgt.y <- new.y - y1
  } # End of quad=6
  # Quadrant 7 (SW)
  if (quad == 7) {
    theta <- 270 - alpha
    x1 <- sin(theta * deg2rad) * pd
    y1 <- sqrt(pd^2 - x1^2)
    if (side == 1) {
      sgt.x <- new.x - x1
      sgt.y <- new.y + y1
    if (side == (-1)) {
      sgt.x <- new.x + x1
      sgt.y <- new.y - y1
  } # End of quad=7
  # Quadrant 8 (NW)
  if (quad == 8) {
    theta <- 360 - alpha
    x1 <- pd / tan(deg2rad * theta)
    x2 <- sin(theta * deg2rad) * x1
    y1 <- sqrt(pd^2 - x2^2)
    if (side == 1) {
      sgt.x <- new.x + x2
      sgt.y <- new.y + y1
    if (side == (-1)) {
      sgt.x <- new.x - x2
      sgt.y <- new.y - y1
  } # End of quad=8

  sgt.coord <- c(sgt.x, sgt.y)

get.hypot.f <- function(side1, side2) {
  # Get the length of the hypotenuse of triangle with sides of length side1 and side2
  hyp <- sqrt(side1^2 + side2^2)

# plot.segment.f <- function(x1,y1,x2,y2) {
#   # Plots segment defined by (x1,y1) and (x2,y2)
#   minx <- min(x1,x2)
#   maxx <- max(x1,x2)
#   miny <- min(y1,y2)
#   maxy <- max(y1,y2)
#   plot(x1,y1,xlim=c(minx,maxx),ylim=c(miny,maxy),asp=1)
#   points(x2,y2,pch=2)
#   segments(x1,y1,x2,y2)
# }

what.angle.f <- function(dy = NULL, dx = NULL, quad = NULL) {
  # NOTE old parameterization: dy=diff.y,dx=diff.x,quad=quadrant

  # Get the angle between two points (from 0 to 360) using trig and the direction (quadrant)

  what.angle <- atan(dy / dx) * (180 / pi)
  if (quad == 1) angle <- 0
  if (quad == 2) angle <- 90
  if (quad == 3) angle <- 180
  if (quad == 4) angle <- 270
  if (quad == 5) angle <- 90 - abs(what.angle)
  if (quad == 6) angle <- 90 + abs(what.angle)
  if (quad == 7) angle <- 180 + (90 - abs(what.angle))
  if (quad == 8) angle <- 270 + abs(what.angle)

fbachl/inlabru documentation built on May 23, 2024, 8:31 p.m.