
# If a package wants to install other binaries (for example executable programs),
# it should provide an R script src/install.libs.R which will be run as part of the installation
# in the src build directory instead of copying the shared objects/DLLs.
# The script is run in a separate R environment containing the following variables:
# R_PACKAGE_NAME: the name of the package
# R_PACKAGE_SOURCE: the path to the source directory of the package
# R_PACKAGE_DIR: the path of the target installation directory of the package
# R_ARCH: the arch-dependent part of the path, often empty
# SHLIB_EXT: the extension of shared objects
# WINDOWS: TRUE on Windows, FALSE elsewhere

print("Run install.libs.R script ...")
print(paste0("R_PACKAGE_NAME: ", R_PACKAGE_NAME))
print(paste0("R_PACKAGE_DIR: ", R_PACKAGE_DIR))
print(paste0("R_ARCH: ", R_ARCH))
print(paste0("SHLIB_EXT: ", SHLIB_EXT))
print(paste0("WINDOWS: ", WINDOWS))

# Copy the c++ dll into package dir
files <- Sys.glob(paste0("*", SHLIB_EXT))
dest <- file.path(R_PACKAGE_DIR, 'libs', gsub("/", "", R_ARCH))
print(sprintf("Copy the compiled C++ %s in %s", files, dest))
dir.create(dest, recursive = TRUE, showWarnings = FALSE)
file.copy(files, dest, overwrite = TRUE)

# install the dotnet sdk
dotnet_install_folder <- file.path(R_PACKAGE_SOURCE, "cli-tools")
if (WINDOWS) {
  commandLine <- "[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12; &([scriptblock]::Create((Invoke-WebRequest -useb '')))"
  arguments <- paste("-InstallDir", dotnet_install_folder, sep = ' ')
    args = c(
      "-ExecutionPolicy", "unrestricted",
      paste(commandLine, arguments, sep = ' ')))
} else {
  commandLine <- " | bash /dev/stdin"
  arguments <- paste("-InstallDir", dotnet_install_folder, sep = ' ')
    args = c(
      paste(commandLine, arguments, sep = ' ')))

# Build csharp projects
command = file.path(dotnet_install_folder, "dotnet")

output_bin_folder = file.path(R_PACKAGE_SOURCE, "inst", "bin")
output_test_folder = file.path(R_PACKAGE_SOURCE, "inst", "tests")
configuration = "Release"
runtime = ifelse(WINDOWS, "win", "unix")

print("Publish the Sharper dotnet project")
publish_args <- c(
  file.path(R_PACKAGE_SOURCE, "src", "dotnet", "Sharper", "Sharper.csproj"),
  "-o", output_bin_folder,
  "-c", configuration,
  "-r", runtime)
system2(command, publish_args)

print("Publish the dotnet test assembly for unit tests")
publish_args <- c(
  file.path(R_PACKAGE_SOURCE, "tests", "dotnet", "AssemblyForTests", "AssemblyForTests.csproj"),
  "-o", output_test_folder,
  "-c", configuration, 
  "-r", runtime,
system2(command, publish_args)
fdieulle/sharper documentation built on Aug. 1, 2020, 4:19 p.m.