#' @TODO: Añadir un comando para separar tablas unas de otras en el print, de forma que se puedan poner cabeceras de markdown
#' describe
#' `describe()` give descriptive statistics about the vector/data.frame
#' passed as argument.
#' If it is a vector it will discriminate between **numeric** and **factor**
#' (it will even try to guess if a numeric variable is a factor) and will
#' give the correct descriptive statistics.
#' @param x DESCRIPTION.
#' @param ... DESCRIPTION.
#' @param x.name DESCRIPTION.
#' @param y DESCRIPTION.
#' @param y.name DESCRIPTION.
#' @param digits DESCRIPTION.
#' @param guess.factor DESCRIPTION.
#' @param max.factor.cat DESCRIPTION.
#' @param na.rm DESCRIPTION.
#' @param ci DESCRIPTION.
#' @param total.by.row DESCRIPTION.
#' @param total.by.column DESCRIPTION.
#' @param show.general DESCRIPTION.
#' @examples
#' @export
describe <- function(x, y = NULL,
x.name = NULL,
y.name = NULL,
digits = 4,
guess.factor = TRUE,
max.factor.cat = 10,
na.rm = TRUE,
ci = 0.95,
#----------------------- factors
total.by.row = TRUE,
total.by.column = FALSE,
show.na = FALSE,
table.format.prefix = " (",
table.format.sufix = ")",
table.format.sep =", ",
#----------------------- printing options
show.general = TRUE,
show.title = TRUE,
show.markdown.division = TRUE,
markdown.title.prefix = "##",
#------------------------ convencience
stop.on.error = TRUE,
#----------------------- comparisons
#----------------------- coding
#--------------------------------- GET FULL ARGUMENTS LIST--------------------
passed.args <- as.list(match.call(expand.dots = TRUE)[-1])
if (!missing(x)) passed.args$x <- x
if (!missing(y)) passed.args$y <- y
if (is.null(x.name)) passed.args$x.name = feR:::.var.name(deparse(substitute(x, env = environment())))
if (is.null(y.name)) passed.args$y.name = feR:::.var.name(deparse(substitute(y, env = environment())))
final.args <- get.fun.args(passed.args, "describe")
if (DEBUG) feR:::.show.args(final.args,"describe")
if (guess.factor) final.args$x <- do.call(feR::guess.factor, final.args)
result <- do.call(feR:::.describe, final.args)
fable.args <- get.fun.args(passed.args, "feR::fable")
for (a in names(final.args)) {
attr(result,a) <- final.args[[a]]
for (a in names(fable.args)) {
attr(result,a) <- fable.args[[a]]
attr(result, "digits") <- digits
attr(result, "show.general") <- show.general
attr(result, "show.title") <- show.title
attr(result, "show.markdown.division") <- show.markdown.division
attr(result, "markdown.title.prefix") <- markdown.title.prefix
# attr(result, "X.NAME") <- x.name
if (!is.null(y)) {
if (!is.null(y.name)) attr(result, "y.name") <- y.name
else attr(result, "y.name") <- "y.name"
} else attr(result,"y.name") <- NULL
.describe <- function(x, ..., DEBUG = FALSE, show.general = TRUE) {
if (is.character(x)) x <- factor(x)
if (is.logical(x)) x <- factor(x)
UseMethod(".describe", x)
.describe.data.frame <- function(x, ..., digits = 4,
stop.on.error = TRUE,
show.general = TRUE,
show.markdown.division = TRUE,
markdown.division.prefix = "##",
guess.factor = TRUE,
args <- list(...)
passed.args <- as.list(match.call()[-1])
final.args <- as.list(modifyList(args, passed.args))
args <- final.args
args$stop.on.error = stop.on.error
args$guess.factor = guess.factor
args$digits = digits
args$show.general = show.general
args$show.markdown.division = show.markdown.division
args$markdown.division.prefix = markdown.division.prefix
if (!("x.name" %in% names(passed.args))) args$x.name <- passed.args$x.name
if (!("y.name" %in% names(passed.args))) {
if (("y" %in% names(passed.args))) args$y.name <- passed.args$y.name
else args$y.name <- NULL
if (DEBUG) feR:::.show.args(args,".describe.data.frame")
results <- list()
# var.args <- args
for (var.name in names(x)) {
if (DEBUG) cat("\n[.describe.data.frame] Var in process:",var.name,"\n")
# var.args <- args[names(args) %in% names(formals(feR:::.describe))]
var.args <- args
x.var <- x[, var.name]
if (guess.factor) x.var <- feR::guess.factor(x.var)
var.args$x <- x.var
var.args$x.name <- var.name
var <- do.call(feR:::.describe, var.args)
results[[var.name]] <- var
attr(results, "x.name") <- args[["x.name"]]
attr(results, "digits") <- digits
attr(results, "show.general") <- show.general
attr(results, "show.markdown.division") <- show.markdown.division
attr(results, "markdown.division.prefix") <- markdown.division.prefix
class(results) <- c("feR_describe_data_frame", class(results))
.describe.default <- function(x, ..., y = NULL, digits = 4,
show.general = TRUE,
show.markdown.division = TRUE,
markdown.division.prefix = "##",
return(data.frame(description = "Not possible"))
.describe.numeric <- function(x, y = NULL,
x.name= NULL,
y.name = NULL,
digits = 4,
show.general = TRUE,
show.markdown.division = TRUE,
markdown.division.prefix = "##",
#--------------------------------- GET FULL ARGUMENTS LIST--------------------
passed.args <- as.list(match.call(expand.dots = TRUE)[-1])
if (!missing(x)) passed.args$x <- x
if (!missing(y)) passed.args$y <- y
if (is.null(x.name)) passed.args$x.name = feR:::.var.name(deparse(substitute(x, env = environment())))
if (is.null(y.name)) passed.args$y.name = ifelse(!is.null(y),feR:::.var.name(deparse(substitute(y, env = environment()))),NULL)
final.args <- get.fun.args(passed.args, "describe")
desc.args <- get.fun.args(passed.args = final.args, FUN = "feR::desc_num")
norm.args <- get.fun.args(passed.args = final.args, FUN = "feR::normal.test")
if (is.null(y) || (length(levels(factor(y))) < 2)) { #.... no comparison group
result.general <- do.call(feR::desc_num, desc.args)
result.general.norm <- do.call(feR::normal.test, norm.args)
result.general$norm.p.value <- ifelse(!is.null(result.general.norm$p.value) & !is.na(result.general.norm$p.value),
attr(result.general,"nor.test") <- result.general.norm
} else {
#----- DESCRIBING GROUPS---------------
#... there are GROUPS but no show.general was called (or it was already resolved)
# if (DEBUG) cat("\n[",.current.call,"]GROUPS\n")
result.temp <- tapply(x, factor(y), function(xValue) {
temp.desc.args <- desc.args
temp.desc.args$x <- xValue
temp.desc.args$y <- NULL
t.norm.args <- norm.args
t.norm.args$x <- xValue
if (sum(!is.na(xValue)) > 0) {
r.temp <- do.call(feR::desc_num, temp.desc.args)
r.temp.norm <- do.call(feR::normal.test, t.norm.args)
r.temp$norm.p.value <- ifelse(!is.null(r.temp.norm$p.value) & !is.na(r.temp.norm$p.value),
attr(r.temp,"nor.test") <- r.temp.norm
else {
cat("\nNo hay valores para alguno de los grupos")
# print(result.temp)
result.groups <- data.frame()
nor.test <- list()
p.norm <- list()
for (r in names(result.temp)) {
r.temp <- result.temp[[r]]
if (length(r.temp) == 1) {
if (is.na(r.temp)) {
cat("añadir grupo vacio")
} else {
r.g <- cbind( r, as.data.frame(r.temp))
names(r.g)[1] <- "grupo"
result.groups <- rbind(result.groups, r.g)
nor.test <- append(nor.test, attr(r.temp, "nor.test"))
p.norm <- append(p.norm, attr(r.temp, "p.norm"))
names(nor.test)[length(nor.test)] <- r
names(p.norm)[length(p.norm)] <- r
} #... groups loop end
class(result.groups) <- c("feR_describe_numeric_list", class(result.groups))
attr(result.groups, "nor.test") <- nor.test
# attr(result.groups, "p.norm") <- p.norm
# attr(result.groups, "y.name") <- args[["y.name"]]
#-------------- END ---- DESCRIBING GROUPS -------------
if (show.general) { #... there are groups but a show.general was called too
if (DEBUG) cat("\n[desc_num] show.general requested\n")
# args.general <- desc.args
# result.general <- do.call(feR::desc_num, args.general)
result.general <- do.call(feR::desc_num_norm, desc.args)
# print(attributes(result.general))
} #.... end !is.null(y)
class(result.general) <- c("feR_describe_numeric", class(result.general))
if (exists("result.groups")) {
result <- result.groups
class(result.groups) <- c("feR_describe_numeric_list", class(result.groups))
if (show.general & exists("result.general")) {
attr(result, "result.general") <- result.general
} else {
result <- result.general
# attr(result, "digits") <- digits
# attr(result, "show.general") <- show.general
# attr(result, "show.markdown.division") <- show.markdown.division
# attr(result, "markdown.division.prefix") <- markdown.division.prefix
attr(result, "x.name") <- final.args$x.name
if (!is.null(y)) attr(result, "y.name") <- final.args$y.name
#' @export
.describe.factor <- function(x, y = NULL, ...,
digits = 4,
totals = "row",
# total.by.row = TRUE,
# total.by.column = FALSE,
# show.markdown.division = TRUE,
# markdown.division.prefix = "##",
table.format.prefix = "(",
table.format.sufix = ")",
table.format.sep =", ",
if (DEBUG) cat("\n[.describe.factor] Called ----\n")
#--------------------------------- GET FULL ARGUMENTS LIST--------------------
passed.args <- as.list(match.call(expand.dots = TRUE)[-1])
# print(names(passed.args))
if (!missing(x)) passed.args$x <- x
if (!missing(y)) passed.args$y <- y
# if (is.null(x.name)) passed.args$x.name = feR:::.var.name(deparse(substitute(x)))
# if (is.null(y.name)) passed.args$y.name = feR:::.var.name(deparse(substitute(y)))
final.args <- get.fun.args(passed.args, "feR:::.describe.feR_math.factor")
#--------------------------------- GET FULL ARGUMENTS LIST--------------------
# fun.args <- formals(.describe.feR_math.factor)
# fun.args$... <- NULL
# passed.args <- as.list(match.call(expand.dots = TRUE)[-1])
# final.args <- as.list(modifyList(fun.args, passed.args))
# final.args <- final.args[names(final.args) %in% names(fun.args)]
# final.args <- lapply(final.args, eval)
# args <- list(...)
# args$x <- x
# args$DEBUG <- DEBUG
# args$total.by.row = total.by.row
# args$total.by.column = total.by.column
# if ("x.name" %in% names(args)) x.name = args[["x.name"]]
# else x.name = "var"
# if (!is.null(y)) {
# args$y <- y
# if ("y.name" %in% names(args)) y.name = args[["y.name"]]
# else y.name = "group"
# }
# if (DEBUG) cat("\n HAY Y: ",!is.null(y),"\n")
result <- do.call(feR:::.describe.feR_math.factor, final.args)
class(result) <- c("feR_describe_factor",class(result))
attr(result,"table.format.prefix") = table.format.prefix
attr(result,"table.format.sufix") = table.format.sufix
attr(result,"table.format.sep") = table.format.sep
attr(result,"table.format.n") = table.format.n
attr(result,"table.format.row") = table.format.row
attr(result,"table.format.col") = table.format.col
attr(result,"as.percentage") = as.percentage
# attr(result, "digits") <- digits
# attr(result, "show.markdown.division") <- show.markdown.division
# attr(result, "markdown.division.prefix") <- markdown.division.prefix
# attr(result, "x.name") <- x.name
# if (!is.null(y)) attr(result, "y.name") <- y.name
#' @export
is.feR_describe <- function(obj) {
desc <- c("feR_desc_num","feR_describe_factor")
return( any(class(obj) %in% desc) )
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