#' @export
print.feR_describe_numeric <- function(obj, raw=FALSE) {
if (raw) {
digits <- attr(obj, "digits")
show.markdown.division <- attr(obj, "show.markdown.division")
markdown.division.prefix <- attr(obj, "markdown.division.prefix")
stats <- c()
print.values <- c()
for (v in names(obj)) {
value <- obj[1, v]
if (is.numeric(value)) value <- round(value, digits = digits)
stats <- c(stats, v)
print.values <- c(print.values,value)
x.final <- data.frame(stats = stats, value = print.values)
if (show.markdown.division) cat("\n", markdown.division.prefix,
" Descripción de **", attr(obj, "x.name"),
"**\n", sep = "")
print(knitr::kable(x.final, caption = attr(obj, "x.name")))
# cat("\n decimals ",decimals,"\n")
# print(toString(obj))
# print(attr(obj, "p.norm"))
if (is.numeric(obj$norm.p.value) & !is.na(obj$norm.p.value)) {
p.val <- round(obj$norm.p.value,digits = (digits + 1))
zeroes <- paste0(rep(0,digits),collapse = "")
p.val <- round(obj$norm.p.value,digits = digits)
if (p.val == 0) p.val <- paste0("<0.",zeroes,"1")
} else {
p.val <- NA
if ("nor.test" %in% names(attributes(obj))) {
n.test <- attr(obj,"nor.test")
if ("p.sig" %in% names(attributes(n.test))) {
norm = (n.test$p.value < attr(n.test,"p.sig"))
cat("\nNormality test:", n.test$test,
"; p.value:", n.test$p.val, ";",ifelse(norm, " Does not follow a normal distribution",
" Follows a normal distribution"),"\n", sep = "")
} else {
cat("\nNormality test:", n.test$test,
"; p.value:", n.test$p.val, "\n", sep = "")
#' @export
print.feR_describe_numeric_list <- function(obj) {
digits <- attr(obj, "digits")
show.markdown.division <- attr(obj, "show.markdown.division")
markdown.division.prefix <- attr(obj, "markdown.division.prefix")
show.general <- !is.null(attr(obj, "result.general"))
rownames(obj) <- obj$group
obj$group <- NULL
if (show.markdown.division) cat("\n",markdown.division.prefix,
" Descripción de **", attr(obj, "x.name"),
"** por **",
attr(obj, "y.name"), "**\n", sep = "")
if (show.general) {
if (show.markdown.division) cat("\n", paste0(markdown.division.prefix,"#"),
" Descripción general de ", attr(obj, "x.name"), "\n", sep = "")
obj.general <- attr(obj, "result.general")
attr(obj.general, "show.markdown.division") <- FALSE
for (v in names(obj)) {
value <- obj[, v]
if (is.numeric(value)) obj[, v] <- round(value, digits = digits)
result <- t(obj)
if (show.markdown.division & show.general) cat("\n",paste0(markdown.division.prefix,"#"),
" Descripción de **", attr(obj, "x.name"),
"** por grupos de **",
attr(obj, "y.name"), "**\n", sep = "")
print(knitr::kable(result, caption = paste(attr(obj, "x.name"), "vs", attr(obj, "y.name"))))
for (g in names(attr(obj, "nor.test"))) {
# print(attr(obj, "norm.p.value")[[g]])
if ("norm.p.value" %in% names(attributes(obj))) {
p.norm <- attr(obj, "norm.p.value")[[g]]
if (is.numeric(p.norm) & !is.na(p.norm)) {
p.val <- round(p.norm,digits = (digits + 1))
if (p.val == 0) p.val <- paste0("<0.",rep(0,digits),1) #<------------------------------------ diferenciar entre p.val y p.val texto
else p.val <- round(p.norm,digits = digits)
} else {
p.val <- p.norm
cat("\nNormality test ", g, ":", attr(obj, "nor.test")[[g]],
"; p.value:", p.val, "\n")
.feR_describe_factor.pipe.fable <- function(obj) {
digits <- attr(obj, "digits")
table.format.prefix = attr(obj,"table.format.prefix")
table.format.sufix = attr(obj,"table.format.sufix")
table.format.sep = attr(obj,"table.format.sep")
table.format.n = attr(obj,"table.format.n")
table.format.row = attr(obj,"table.format.row")
table.format.col = attr(obj,"table.format.col")
as.percentage = attr(obj,"as.percentage")
result_n <- attr(obj,"n")
# print(names(attributes(obj)))
if (!is.null(attr(obj, "y.name"))) {
has_rows <- !is.null(attr(obj,"prop.row"))
has_cols <- !is.null(attr(obj,"prop.col"))
# cat("rows: ",has_rows," cols: ", has_cols,"\n")
if (has_rows & has_cols) {
result <- feR:::.paste.proportions(result_n,
rows = attr(obj,"prop.row"),
cols = attr(obj,"prop.col"),
format.prefix = table.format.prefix,
format.sufix = table.format.sufix,
format.sep = table.format.sep,
format.n = table.format.n,
format.row = table.format.row,
format.col = table.format.col,
as.percentage = as.percentage
} else if (has_rows & !has_cols) {
result <- feR:::.paste.proportions(result_n,
rows = attr(obj,"prop.row"),
format.prefix = table.format.prefix,
format.sufix = table.format.sufix,
format.sep = table.format.sep,
format.n = table.format.n,
format.row = table.format.row,
format.col = table.format.col,
as.percentage = as.percentage
} else if (has_cols & !has_rows) {
result <- feR:::.paste.proportions(result_n,
cols = attr(obj,"prop.col"),
format.prefix = table.format.prefix,
format.sufix = table.format.sufix,
format.sep = table.format.sep,
format.n = table.format.n,
format.row = table.format.row,
format.col = table.format.col,
as.percentage = as.percentage
} else result <- feR:::.paste.proportions(result_n)
#.... fin de tabla con DOS variables
} else {
#... hacer tabla con una sola variable
#' @export
print.feR_describe_factor <- function(obj) {
show.title <- ifelse("show.title" %in% names(attributes(obj)), attr(obj, "show.title"), FALSE)
markdown.title.prefix <- attr(obj, "markdown.title.prefix")
total.by.row <- ifelse("total.by.row" %in% names(attributes(obj)), attr(obj, "total.by.row"), FALSE)
total.by.column <- ifelse("total.by.column" %in% names(attributes(obj)), attr(obj, "total.by.column"), FALSE)
#--------------------------------- GET FULL ARGUMENTS LIST--------------------
# passed.args <- attributes(obj)
# print(passed.args)
# if (!missing(x)) passed.args$x <- x
# if (!missing(y)) passed.args$y <- y
# if (is.null(x.name)) passed.args$x.name = feR:::.var.name(deparse(substitute(x)))
# if (is.null(y.name)) passed.args$y.name = feR:::.var.name(deparse(substitute(y)))
# final.args <- get.fun.args(passed.args, "fable")
x.name <- attr(obj, "x.name")
y.var = ("y.name" %in% names(attributes(obj)))
if (y.var) {
y.name <- attr(obj, "y.name")
titulo <- paste0(x.name, "** vs **", y.name)
} else {
titulo <- paste(x.name)
if (show.title) cat("\n",paste0(markdown.title.prefix,"#")," Descripción de **",titulo,"** \n\n",sep = "")
#--------------------------------- GET FULL ARGUMENTS LIST--------------------
fun.args <- formals(fable)
fun.args$... <- NULL
passed.args <- attributes(obj)
final.args <- as.list(modifyList(fun.args, passed.args))
final.args <- final.args[names(final.args) %in% names(fun.args)]
final.args <- lapply(final.args, eval)
final.args$x <- obj
if (final.args$DEBUG) print(as.data.frame(obj))
fable.args <- final.args[ !(names(final.args) %in% c("x","y") )]
tabla.merged <- .feR_describe_factor.pipe.fable(obj)
final.args$x <- tabla.merged
ft <- do.call(feR:::.fable,final.args)
# print(ft)
if (y.var) {
if (final.args$colnames) {
new.line <- c(rep(" ", times = ncol(attr(ft,"FINAL")) - (1 + as.numeric(total.by.row))),y.name,rep(" ", times = as.numeric(total.by.row)))
ft <- feR::fable.add.row(ft, row = new.line , pos = 0, row.to.copy.lines = 3)
if(final.args$rownames) ft <- feR::fable.set.cell(ft, row = 1, col = 1, item = x.name)
ft <- feR::fable.merge.cells(ft, colIni = (1 + as.numeric(total.by.column)), colEnd = (ncol(attr(ft,"FINAL")) - as.numeric(total.by.row)), align = "center", lines = "r")
#' @export
print.feR_describe_data_frame <- function(obj) {
for (x in obj) {
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