
Defines functions corrOrthologTE

Documented in corrOrthologTE

#' Estimate correlation comparing orthologs and TEs
#' @description To estimate correlation comparing orthologs and TEs one-by-one 
#' from inputs. You can specify the correlation and adjusted p-value methods 
#' (see details in parameters). If you want to save your outputs instead of 
#' just returning them, please specify the fileDir and fileName with the 
#' extension .csv. The default fileName is TEKRABber_geneTECorrReusult.csv.
#' @usage corrOrthologTE(geneInput, teInput, corrMethod = "pearson", 
#' padjMethod = "fdr", fileDir=NULL, fileName="TEKRABber_geneTECorrResult.csv")
#' @param geneInput gene count input for correlation from using DECorrInputs()
#' @param teInput te count input for correlation from using DECorrInputs()
#' @param corrMethod correlation method, including pearson, kendall, spearman. 
#' Default is pearson.
#' @param padjMethod method to return adjusted p-value, and default is fdr. 
#' See ?p.adjust
#' @param fileDir the name of directory for saving output files. 
#' Default is NULL.
#' @param fileName the name for saving output files. 
#' Default is "TEKRABber_geneTECorrResult.csv"
#' @return a dataframe includes correlation coefficient, pvalue, padj
#' @useDynLib TEKRABber
#' @importFrom stats p.adjust
#' @importFrom Rcpp sourceCpp
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(ctInputDE)
#' geneInputDE <- ctInputDE$gene
#' teInputDE <- ctInputDE$te
#' metaExp <- data.frame(experiment = c(rep("control", 5), rep("treatment", 5)))
#' rownames(metaExp) <- colnames(geneInputDE)
#' metaExp$experiment <- factor(
#'     metaExp$experiment, 
#'     levels = c("control", "treatment")
#' )
#' resultDE <- DEgeneTE(
#'     geneTable = geneInputDE,
#'     teTable = teInputDE,
#'     metadata = metaExp,
#'     expDesign = FALSE
#' )
#' controlCorr <- corrOrthologTE(
#'     geneInput = resultDE$geneCorrInputRef[c(1:10),],
#'     teInput = resultDE$teCorrInputRef[c(1:10),],
#'     corrMethod = "pearson",
#'     padjMethod = "fdr"
#' )
corrOrthologTE <- function(
    corrMethod = "pearson", 

    df.ortholog <- t(geneInput)
    df.te <- t(teInput)
    df.corr <- rcpp_corr(df.ortholog, df.te, corrMethod)
    colnames(df.corr)[c(1,2)] <- c("geneName", "teName")
    df.corr$padj <- p.adjust(
    rownames(df.corr) <- seq_len(nrow(df.corr))
    # if user has specify file directory and file name
    if (!is.null(fileDir)){
        write.table(df.corr, file = file.path(fileDir, fileName), sep=",")
ferygood/TEKRABber documentation built on Jan. 29, 2024, 6:34 p.m.