
Defines functions rtsa.seas

Documented in rtsa.seas

# title         : Seasonal Adjustment analysis of raster time series
# Date          : Jan 2018
# Version       : 0.2
# Licence       : GPL v3
# Maintainer    : Federico Filipponi <federico.filipponi@gmail.com>
#' @title Raster time series Seasonal Adjustment analysis using X-11 and X-13ARIMA-SEATS methods
#' @description This function conducts a Seasonal Adjustment analysis using X-11 and X-13ARIMA-SEATS methods 
#' from monthly raster time series using "seasonal" and "x13binary" packages.
#' @param rasterts Input raster time series as \code{\linkS4class{RasterStackTS}} or \code{\linkS4class{RasterBrickTS}} object.
#' @param rastermask Either a \code{\linkS4class{RasterLayer}} or "compute". Raster layer to use as a mask. When "compute" 
#' is set raster mask is computed to remove all pixels with incomplete time series.
#' @param method Character. Defines the method to be used for the Seasonal Adjustment analysis. Accepts argument 'x11' (default) or 'x13'.
#' @param gapfill Character. Defines the algorithm to be used to interpolate pixels with incomplete temporal profiles. 
#' Accepts argument supported as method in function \code{\link[rtsa]{rtsa.gapfill}}.
#' @param cores Integer. Defines the number of CPU to be used for multicore processing. Default to "1" core for 
#' singlecore processing.
#' @param only.statistics Logical. If TRUE returns only the statistics from seasonal, trend and remainder components.
#' @param keep.original Logical. If TRUE returns the original raster time series values in the 'rts' slot of \code{\link{STDstack-class}} object.
#' @param ... Additional arguments to be passed through to function \code{\link[seasonal]{seas}}.
#' @return Object of class \code{\link{STDstack-class}} containing the following components:
#' \tabular{rll}{
#' \tab \code{std} \tab Seasonal Trend Decomposition method used\cr
#' \tab \code{mask} \tab Final raster mask of computed pixels as \code{\linkS4class{RasterLayer}} object\cr
#' \tab \code{seasonal_amplitude} \tab Amplitude of seasonal component (statistic) as \code{\linkS4class{RasterLayer}} object\cr
#' \tab \code{seasonal_amplitude_stdev} \tab Standard deviation computed from the amplitude of seasonal component (statistic) as \code{\linkS4class{RasterLayer}} object\cr
#' \tab \code{trend_slope} \tab Trend slope computed from trend component (yearly statistic) as \code{\linkS4class{RasterLayer}} object\cr
#' \tab \code{residual_stdev} \tab Standard deviation computed from the remainder component (statistics) as \code{\linkS4class{RasterLayer}} object\cr
#' \tab \code{rts} \tab Input raster time series as \code{\linkS4class{RasterBrickTS}} object (only returned if \code{keep.original = TRUE})\cr
#' \tab \code{seasonality} \tab Seasonal component as \code{\linkS4class{RasterBrickTS}} object\cr
#' \tab \code{trend} \tab Trend component as \code{\linkS4class{RasterBrickTS}} object\cr
#' \tab \code{seasonaladjtrend} \tab Seasonal adjusted trend component as \code{\linkS4class{RasterBrickTS}} object\cr
#' \tab \code{remainder} \tab Remainder component as \code{\linkS4class{RasterBrickTS}} object\cr
#' }
#' @details 
#' @author Federico Filipponi
#' @references
#' Shiskin, J., Young, A.H., Musgrave, J.C. (1967). The X-11 variant of the Census Method II 
#' seasonal adjustment program. Technical Paper No. 15, U.S. Department of Commerce, U. S. Census Bureau.
#' Dagum, E.B. (1978). Modelling, forecasting and seasonally adjusting economic time series with the X-11 ARIMA method. 
#' Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series D (The Statistician), 27(3/4), 203-216.
#' Comprehensive list of R examples from the X-13ARIMA-SEATS manual: 
#' \href{http://www.seasonal.website/examples.html}{manual}
#' Official X-13ARIMA-SEATS manual: 
#' \href{https://www.census.gov/ts/x13as/docX13ASHTML.pdf}{pdf}
#' @keywords x-11 x-13ARIMA-SEATS seasonal adjustment time series analysis
#' @seealso \code{\link[seasonal]{seas}}, \code{\link[stlplus]{stlplus}}, \code{\link[rtsa]{rtsa.seas}}, \code{\link[rtsa]{rtsa.gapfill}}, \code{\link[stats]{stl}}, \code{\link[stats]{decompose}}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ## create raster time series using the 'pacificSST' data from 'remote' package
#' require(remote)
#' data(pacificSST)
#' pacificSST[which(getValues(pacificSST == 0))] <- NA # set NA values
#' # subset input for faster processing
#' pacificSST_clip <- crop(pacificSST, extent(260, 290, -15, 15))
#' # create rts object
#' rasterts <- rts(pacificSST_clip, seq(as.Date('1982-01-15'), as.Date('2010-12-15'), 'months'))
#' ## generate raster mask
#' raster_mask <- pacificSST_clip[[1]] # create raster mask
#' names(raster_mask) <- "mask"
#' values(raster_mask) <- 1 # set raster mask values
#' raster_mask[which(is.na(getValues(pacificSST_clip[[1]])))] <- 0 # set raster mask values
#' ## compute Seasonal Adjustment analysis
#' # use 'x11' (X-11) method to compute only adjusted seasonal trend decomposition statistics
#' std_x11_stats <- rtsa.seas(rasterts, rastermask=raster_mask, method="x11", only.statistics=TRUE)
#' # use 'x11' (X-11) method
#' std_x11_result <- rtsa.seas(rasterts=rasterts, rastermask=raster_mask, method="x11")
#' # use 'x13' (X-13ARIMA-SEATS) method
#' std_x13_result <- rtsa.seas(rasterts=rasterts, rastermask=raster_mask, method="x13")
#' # use 'x11' (X-11) method with multiple cores support and returning the original raster values
#' std_x11_res <- rtsa.seas(rasterts=rasterts, rastermask=raster_mask, cores=2, keep.original=TRUE)
#' }
#' @import raster
#' @import rts
#' @import parallel
#' @import doParallel
#' @import x13binary
#' @importFrom seasonal seas
#' @importFrom xts xts
#' @importFrom xts periodicity
#' @importFrom xts apply.yearly
#' @importFrom parallel detectCores
#' @importFrom parallel makePSOCKcluster
#' @importFrom parallel clusterExport
#' @importFrom parallel parCapply
#' @importFrom parallel stopCluster
#' @importFrom doParallel registerDoParallel
#' @importFrom methods new
#' @importFrom stats time
#' @importFrom stats ts
#' @importFrom stats sd
#' @export

# define rsta.stl function
rtsa.seas <- function(rasterts, rastermask=NULL, method="x11", gapfill="none", cores=1L, only.statistics=FALSE, keep.original=FALSE, verbose=FALSE){
  if(!(method %in% c("x11", "x13")))
    stop("'method' argument must be one of the following options: 'x11', 'x13'")
  # check if gapfill argument is set
  if(!(gapfill %in% c("none", "dineof", "gapfill", "linear", "spline", "stine")))
    stop("'gapfill' argument must be one of the following options: 'none', 'dineof', 'gapfill', 'linear', 'spline', 'stine'")
  # require the 'stlplus' package
  if(!requireNamespace("seasonal", quietly = TRUE))
    stop("Package 'seasonal' is required to run this function.\nYou can install using the command:\ninstall.packages('seasonal', dependencies=TRUE)")

  if(method == "x13"){
    # require the 'x13binary' package
    if(!requireNamespace("x13binary", quietly = TRUE))
      stop("Package 'x13binary' is required to run this function.\nYou can install using the command:\ninstall.packages('x13binary', dependencies=TRUE)")
  # check if input file is an object of class 'RasterStackTS', 'RasterBrickTS'
  if(!(class(rasterts) %in% c("RasterStackTS", "RasterBrickTS")))
    stop("'rasterts' argument must be an object of class 'RasterStackTS' or 'RasterBrickTS'.\nUse 'rts()' function to generate 'rasterts' input")
  # set time periodicity
  # define table for periodicity to deltat conversion
  deltatable <- data.frame(scale=c("yearly", "quarterly", "monthly", "weekly", "daily", "hourly", "minute", "seconds"), 
                           deltat=c(1, 1.0/3, 1.0/12, 1.0/52.17857, 1.0/365, 1.0/8760, 1.0/525600, 1.0/31536000), 
                           periodicity=c(1, 3, 12, 52.17857, 365, 8760, 525600, 31536000))
  # convert periodicity to deltat
  periodicity_tprofile <- xts::periodicity(rasterts@time)$scale
  deltats <- as.double(deltatable$deltat[which(deltatable$scale == periodicity_tprofile)])
  seasonal_periodicity <- as.double(deltatable$periodicity[which(deltatable$scale == periodicity_tprofile)])
  # check length of time series and periodicity
  if(length(rasterts@time) > 780)
    stop("Input raster time series should have a maximum length of 780 observations.\nActual length is ", length(rasterts@time), " observations")
  if(seasonal_periodicity != 12) ### check if also > 12 would be feasible for seasonal time series
    stop("Periodicity of raster time series should be monthly")

  # set raster mask
  # check if 'rastermask' argument is present
    if(class(rastermask) %in% c("character")){
      if(rastermask %in% c("compute")){
        # computer raster mask from raster time series (pixels)
          message("Mask raster will be computed from input raster time series\nPixel temporal profiles with missing data will be masked")
        # create matrix with raster time series values
        matrice_full <- as.matrix(getValues(rasterts))
        # define function to mask incomplete pixel temporal profiles
        generateMask <- function(x){
          m <- as.integer(!anyNA(x))
        # generate raster mask
          if(!requireNamespace("parallel", quietly = TRUE)){
            warning("Package 'parallel' is required to run this function.\nGoing on using one core")
            generated_mask <- as.vector(apply(X=matrice_full, FUN=generateMask, MARGIN=1))
          } else {
            # check that machine has available cores
            if(cores > as.integer(parallel::detectCores())){
              cores <- as.integer(parallel::detectCores())
            cl <- parallel::makePSOCKcluster(cores)
            parallel::clusterExport(cl, varlist=c("generateMask"), envir=environment())
            generated_mask <- parallel::parApply(cl=cl, X=matrice_full, FUN=generateMask, MARGIN=1)
        } else {
          generated_mask <- as.vector(apply(X=matrice_full, FUN=generateMask, MARGIN=1))
        # set not NaN pixel list
        na_index_mask <- as.vector(which(generated_mask==1))
    } else {
      if(!(class(rastermask) %in% c("RasterLayer"))){
        warning("'rastermask' argument is not an object of class 'raster'.\nNo raster mask will be used to clip the input raster time series")
        na_index_mask <- as.vector(1:ncell(rasterts))
      } else {
        # compare mask raster extent with the input raster time series
        mask_correspondence <- as.logical(compareRaster(rasterts@raster, rastermask, extent=TRUE, rowcol=TRUE, crs=TRUE, res=TRUE, rotation=TRUE, values=FALSE, stopiffalse=FALSE))
          warning("'rastermask' extent does not correspond to 'rasterts'.\nNo mask will be used to clip the input raster time series")
          na_index_mask <- as.vector(1:ncell(rasterts))
        } else {
          # check mask raster values
            warning("'rastermask' does not contain valid pixels for masking purpose (mask pixel values equal to 1).\nNo mask will be used to clip the input raster time series")
            na_index_mask <- as.vector(1:ncell(rasterts))
          } else {
            # import raster time series applying raster mask
              message("Mask raster is used to mask input raster time series")
            na_index_mask <- as.vector(which(getValues(rastermask)==1))
  } else {
    na_index_mask <- as.vector(1:ncell(rasterts))
      message("Mask raster not supplied. Using the full raster time series")
  # import raster time series values
    message("Importing dataset")
  matrice <- as.matrix(rasterts[na_index_mask])
    message("Masked raster time series has ", ncol(matrice), " pixels and ", nrow(matrice), " temporal observations")
  # check if there are NAs in the masked dataset
  na_check <- anyNA(matrice)
    if(gapfill == "none"){
      warning("Raster time series still contain NA values after masking.\nChange input raster mask or consider the use of the available options\nfor 'gapfill' argument to select a gap-filling method before the seasonal adjustment computation.\nSeasonal adjustment computation does not support gappy raster time series")
  } else {
      message("Raster time series does not contain NA values after masking: OK.\nGap-filling will be not performed before the seasonal adjustment analysis computation") 
  # perform gap-filling
    if(gapfill != "none"){
      # check if gapfill argument is set
      if(!(gapfill %in% c("none", "dineof", "linear", "spline", "stine")))
        stop("'gapfill' argument must be one of the following options: 'none', 'dineof', 'linear', 'spline', 'stine'")
      # generate rastermask layer for gap-filling procedure
      rastermask_gapfill <- raster(rasterts@raster[[1]])
      values(rastermask_gapfill) <- 0
      rastermask_gapfill[na_index_mask] <- 1
      names(rastermask_gapfill) <- "mask"
      # perform gap-filling
        message("Gap-filling using '", gapfill, "' method will be applied to masked raster time series")
      rasterts <- rtsa.gapfill(x=rasterts, rastermask=rastermask_gapfill, method=gapfill)

  # compute Seasonal Trend Decomposition with seasonal adjustment using 'x11' or 'x13-arima-seats' using 'seasonal' and 'x13binary' packages'

  # define parallel 'rtsa.seaspar' function
  # create time variable for the computation
  rtime <- as.integer(time(rasterts@time))
  # define seas function based on method
  if(method == "x11"){
    rtsa.seasfun <- function(x){
      result <- tryCatch(expr=seasonal::seas(x, x11=""), error=function(e) NA)
  if(method == "x13"){
    rtsa.seasfun <- function(x){
      result <- tryCatch(expr=seasonal::seas(x), error=function(e) NA)

  rtsa.seaspar <- function(x){
    # create temporal object
    tprofile <- xts::xts(as.vector(x), as.Date(rtime, origin="1970-01-01", tz="GMT"))

    # convert xts to ts object (required by seasonal)
    tprofile2 <- stats::ts(data=as.vector(tprofile), start=c(as.integer(format(time(tprofile[1]), "%Y")), as.integer(format(time(tprofile[1]), "%m")), as.integer(format(time(tprofile[1]), "%d"))), end=c(as.integer(format(time(tprofile[length(tprofile)]), "%Y")), as.integer(format(time(tprofile[length(tprofile)]), "%m")), as.integer(format(time(tprofile[length(tprofile)]), "%d"))), deltat=deltats) 

    # compute seasonal trend adjustment analysis
    res_seas <- suppressMessages(rtsa.seasfun(tprofile2))
    # manage errors generated in function 'seas'
        output <- as.vector(rep(NA, as.integer(4)))
      } else {
        output <- as.vector(rep(NA, as.integer(length(x)*4+4)))
    } else {
          output <- as.vector(rep(NA, as.integer(4)))
        } else {
          output <- as.vector(rep(NA, as.integer(length(x)*4+4)))
      } else {
        # compute statistics from stlplus results
        tseasonal <- xts::xts(as.vector(res_seas$data[,2]), as.Date(rtime, origin="1970-01-01", tz="GMT"))
        seasonality_amplitude <- as.double(mean(xts::apply.yearly(tseasonal, max) - xts::apply.yearly(tseasonal, min)))
        seasonality_amplitude_stdev <- as.double(stats::sd(xts::apply.yearly(tseasonal, max) - xts::apply.yearly(tseasonal, min)))
        Xmin_pos <- 1
        Xmax_pos <- length(tprofile2)
        Xmin <- time(tprofile2)[Xmin_pos]
        Xmax <- time(tprofile2)[Xmax_pos]
        Ymin <- res_seas$data[,4][Xmin_pos]
        Ymax <- res_seas$data[,4][Xmax_pos]
        trend_slope <- as.double((Ymax-Ymin)/(Xmax-Xmin))
        remainder_stdev <- as.double(sd(res_seas$data[,5], na.rm=TRUE))
        # create function output
          output <- as.vector(c(seasonality_amplitude, seasonality_amplitude_stdev, trend_slope, remainder_stdev))
        } else {
          output <- as.vector(c(seasonality_amplitude, seasonality_amplitude_stdev, trend_slope, remainder_stdev, res_seas$data[,2], res_seas$data[,3], res_seas$data[,4], res_seas$data[,5]))

    message(paste(paste("Seasonal adjustment analysis using method '", method, "' started at: ", sep=""), Sys.time(), sep=""))
    message("It may take a long time ...")
  ptm <- proc.time()
    if(!requireNamespace("doParallel", quietly = TRUE)){
      warning("Package 'doParallel' is required to run this function.\nYou can install using the command:\ninstall.packages('doParallel', dependencies=TRUE)\nGoing on using one core")
      res_seas <- apply(X=matrice, MARGIN=2, FUN=rtsa.seaspar)
    } else {
      # check that machine has available cores
      if(cores > as.integer(parallel::detectCores())){
        cores <- as.integer(parallel::detectCores())
        message("Running Seasonal Adjustment analysis using ", cores, " cores")
      # run 'seasonal adjustment' computation in parallel
      # start cluster for parallel computation
      cl <- parallel::makePSOCKcluster(cores)
      # export 'seasonal' arguments to the cluster environment
      parallel::clusterExport(cl=cl, varlist=c("rtime", "deltats", "rtsa.seasfun", "only.statistics"), envir=environment())
      # perform 'seasonal adjustment' computation
      res_seas <- parallel::parCapply(cl=cl, x=matrice, FUN=rtsa.seaspar)
      # stop cluster
    } else {
      # run function using one core
      res_seas <- apply(X=matrice, MARGIN=2, FUN=rtsa.seaspar)
  # stop cluster
  #parallel::stopCluster(cl) ### check why it is not stopping inside the function
    message(paste(c("Seasonal adjustment computation ended at: "), Sys.time(), sep=""))
    message(paste("Elapsed time ", as.character(paste(as.integer(as.numeric(proc.time() - ptm)[3]/3600), ":", sprintf("%02i", as.integer((as.numeric(proc.time() - ptm)[3]/3600 - as.integer(as.numeric(proc.time() - ptm)[3]/3600)) * 60)), ":", sprintf("%02i", as.integer((as.numeric(proc.time() - ptm)[3]/60 - as.integer(as.numeric(proc.time() - ptm)[3]/60)) * 60)), sep="")), " hours", sep=""))
  # create output object
  # assemble results to matrix object
    res_seas_matrix <- matrix(data=res_seas, nrow=ncol(matrice), ncol=4L, byrow=TRUE)
  } else {
    res_seas_matrix <- matrix(data=res_seas, nrow=ncol(matrice), ncol=as.integer(4+(nrow(matrice)*4)), byrow=TRUE)
  # assemble results in a object of class 'STDstack' (Seasonal Trend Decomposition)
  seasreturn <- new("STDstack")
  seasreturn@std <- as.character(method)
  # fill in with mask and statistics
  void_raster <- raster(rasterts@raster[[1]])
  values(void_raster) <- NA
  names(void_raster) <- validNames("seasonal_amplitude")
  void_raster[na_index_mask] <- as.vector(res_seas_matrix[,1])
  seasreturn@seasonal_amplitude <- void_raster
  values(void_raster) <- NA
  names(void_raster) <- validNames("seasonal_amplitude_stdev")
  void_raster[na_index_mask] <- as.vector(res_seas_matrix[,2])
  seasreturn@seasonal_amplitude_stdev <- void_raster
  values(void_raster) <- NA
  names(void_raster) <- validNames("trend_slope")
  void_raster[na_index_mask] <- as.vector(res_seas_matrix[,3])
  seasreturn@trend_slope <- void_raster
  values(void_raster) <- NA
  names(void_raster) <- validNames("remainder_stdev")
  void_raster[na_index_mask] <- as.vector(res_seas_matrix[,4])
  seasreturn@remainder_stdev <- void_raster

  # store final mask
  names(void_raster) <- validNames("mask")
  na_index_mask_final <- which(!is.na(getValues(seasreturn@trend_slope)))

  values(void_raster) <- 0
  void_raster[na_index_mask_final] <- 1
  seasreturn@mask <- void_raster
    # create empty 'rts' object to store results
    void_rasterts <- rasterts
    values(void_rasterts@raster) <- NA
    #stl_seasonality <- void_rasterts
    void_rasterts@raster[na_index_mask] <- as.vector(res_seas_matrix[,5:(nrow(matrice)+4)])
    seasreturn@seasonality <- void_rasterts
    values(void_rasterts@raster) <- NA
    void_rasterts@raster[na_index_mask] <- as.vector(res_seas_matrix[,((nrow(matrice)+5):((nrow(matrice)*2)+4))])
    seasreturn@trend <- void_rasterts
    values(void_rasterts@raster) <- NA
    void_rasterts@raster[na_index_mask] <- as.vector(res_seas_matrix[,(((nrow(matrice)*2)+5):((nrow(matrice)*3)+4))])
    seasreturn@seasonaladjtrend <- void_rasterts
    values(void_rasterts@raster) <- NA
    void_rasterts@raster[na_index_mask] <- as.vector(res_seas_matrix[,(((nrow(matrice)*3)+5):((nrow(matrice)*4)+4))])
    seasreturn@remainder <- void_rasterts

    seasreturn@rts <- rasterts

  # return function result
  # stop cluster
ffilipponi/rtsa documentation built on Oct. 18, 2019, 12:37 a.m.