knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE, message = FALSE, warning = TRUE)

Combine multiple TreeSummarizedExperiment objects

Multiple TreeSummarizedExperiemnt objects (TSE) can be combined by using rbind or cbind. Here, we create a toy TreeSummarizedExperiment object using makeTSE() (see ?makeTSE()). As the tree in the row/column tree slot is generated randomly using ape::rtree(), set.seed() is used to create reproducible results.


# TSE: without the column tree
(tse_a <- makeTSE(include.colTree = FALSE))

# combine two TSEs by row
(tse_aa <- rbind(tse_a, tse_a))

The generated tse_aa has 20 rows, which is two times of that in tse_a. The row tree in tse_aa is the same as that in tse_a.

identical(rowTree(tse_aa), rowTree(tse_a))

If we rbind two TSEs (e.g., tse_a and tse_b) that have different row trees, the obtained TSE (e.g., tse_ab) will have two row trees.

tse_b <- makeTSE(include.colTree = FALSE)

# different row trees
identical(rowTree(tse_a), rowTree(tse_b))

# 2 phylo tree(s) in rowTree
(tse_ab <- rbind(tse_a, tse_b))

In the row link data, the whichTree column gives information about which tree the row is mapped to. For tse_aa, there is only one tree named as phylo. However, for tse_ab, there are two trees (phylo and phylo.1).


The name of trees can be accessed using rowTreeNames. If the input TSEs use the same name for trees, rbind will automatically create valid and unique names for trees by using make.names. tse_a and tse_b both use phylo as the name of their row trees. In tse_ab, the row tree that originates from tse_b is named as phylo.1 instead.


# The original tree names in the input TSEs

Once the name of trees is changed, the column whichTree in the rowLinks() is updated accordingly.

rowTreeNames(tse_ab) <- paste0("tree", 1:2)

To run cbind, TSEs should agree in the row dimension. If TSEs only differ in the row tree, the row tree and the row link data are dropped.

cbind(tse_a, tse_a)
cbind(tse_a, tse_b)

Subset a TSE object

We obtain a subset of tse_ab by extracting the data on rows 11:15. These rows are mapped to the same tree named as phylo.1. So, the rowTree slot of sse has only one tree.

(sse <- tse_ab[11:15, ])

[ works not only as a getter but also a setter to replace a subset of sse.

tse_c <- makeTSE(include.colTree = FALSE)
rowTreeNames(tse_c) <- "new_tree"

# the first two rows are from tse_c, and are mapped to 'new_tree'
sse[1:2, ] <- tse_c[5:6, ]

The TSE object can be subset also by nodes or/and trees using subsetByNodes

# by tree
sse_a <- subsetByNode(x = sse, whichRowTree = "new_tree")

# by node
sse_b <- subsetByNode(x = sse, rowNode = 5)

# by tree and node
sse_c <- subsetByNode(x = sse, rowNode = 5, whichRowTree = "tree2")

Change specific trees of TSE

By using colTree, we can add a column tree to sse that has no column tree before.


col_tree <- rtree(ncol(sse))

# To use 'colTree` as a setter, the input tree should have node labels matching
# with column names of the TSE.
col_tree$tip.label <- colnames(sse)

colTree(sse) <- col_tree

sse has two row trees. We can replace one of them with a new tree by specifying whichTree of the rowTree.

# the original row links

# the new row tree
row_tree <- rtree(4)
row_tree$tip.label <- paste0("entity", 5:7)

# replace the tree named as the 'new_tree'
nse <- sse
rowTree(nse, whichTree = "new_tree") <- row_tree

In the row links, the first two rows now have new values in nodeNum and nodeLab_alias. The name in whichTree is not changed but the tree is actually updated.

# FALSE is expected
identical(rowTree(sse, whichTree = "new_tree"),
          rowTree(nse, whichTree = "new_tree"))

# TRUE is expected
identical(rowTree(nse, whichTree = "new_tree"),

If nodes of the input tree and rows of the TSE are named differently, users can match rows with nodes via changeTree with rowNodeLab provided.

Session Info



fionarhuang/TreeSummarizedExperiment documentation built on Aug. 18, 2021, 12:15 p.m.