# Copyright 2016 Open Connectome Project (http://openconnecto.me)
# Written by Da Zheng (zhengda1936@gmail.com)
# This file is part of FlashR.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

esti.cov.full <- function(X, resp, nk, means, reg.covar)
	k <- nrow(means)
	d <- ncol(means)
	covs <- list()
	for (i in 1:k) {
		diff <- sweep(X, 2, means[i,], "-")
		covs[[i]] <- t(resp[,i] * diff) %*% diff / nk[i]
	lapply(covs, function(x) as.matrix(x) + diag(rep(reg.covar, d)))

# In this case, we assume all Gaussian distribution has the same covariance matrix.
esti.cov.tied <- function(X, resp, nk, means, reg.covar)
	avg.X2 <- t(X) %*% X
	avg.means2 <- t(means * nk) %*% means
	as.matrix((avg.X2 - avg.means2) / sum(nk)) + diag(rep(reg.covar, d))

esti.cov.diag <- function(X, resp, nk, means, reg.covar)
	avg.X2 <- t(resp) %*% (X * X) / nk
	avg.means2 <- means^2
	avg.Xmeans <- means * (t(resp) %*% X) / nk
	covars <- as.matrix(avg.X2 - 2*avg.Xmeans + avg.means2)
	ifelse(covars < reg.covar, reg.covar, covars)

esti.cov.spherical <- function(X, resp, nk, means, reg.covar)
	rowMeans(esti.cov.diag(X, resp, nk, means, reg.covar))

# This estimate the parameters of Mixture of Gaussian
esti.gaussian.params <- function(X, resp, reg.covar, cov.type)
	n <- nrow(X)
	nk <- colSums(resp)
	# a k x d matrix. Each row is the mean of a component.
	means <- t(resp) %*% X / nk
	# a list of covariance matrices for all components.
	covs <- if (cov.type == "full") esti.cov.full(X, resp, nk, means, reg.covar)
		else if (cov.type == "tied") esti.cov.tied(X, resp, nk, means, reg.covar)
		else if (cov.type == "diag") esti.cov.diag(X, resp, nk, means, reg.covar)
		else if (cov.type == "spherical") esti.cov.spherical(X, resp, nk, means, reg.covar)
		else NULL
	list(weights=as.vector(nk)/n, means=as.matrix(means), covs=covs)

init.params <- function(X, k, reg.covar, method, cov.type)
	N <- nrow(X)
	if (method == "kmeans") {
		res <- fm.kmeans(X, k, 100)
		resp <- fm.matrix(0, nrow(X), k)
		idx <- cbind(fm.seq.int(1, nrow(X), 1), res$cluster)
		resp[idx] <- 1
		# Estimate weights, means and covariances
		params <- esti.gaussian.params(X, resp, reg.covar, cov.type)
		list(weights=params$weights, means=params$means, covs=params$covs)
	else if (method == "random") {
		resp <- fm.runif.matrix(N, k, in.mem=fm.in.mem(X))
		# each row needs to sum up to 1.
		resp <- resp / rowSums(resp)
		# Estimate weights, means and covariances
		params <- esti.gaussian.params(X, resp, reg.covar, cov.type)
		list(weights=params$weights, means=params$means, covs=params$covs)
	else if (method == "random_params") {
		m <- dim(X)[1]
		rand.k <- floor(runif(k, 1, m))
		mus <- X[rand.k,]
		init.covar <- cov(X)
		covars <- list()
		for (i in 1:k)
			covars[[i]] <- init.covar
		phi <- rep.int(1/m, k)
		list(weights=phi, means=mus, covs=covars)
		stop("unknown init method")

est.logprob <- function(X, means, covars, cov.type)
	n <- nrow(X)
	d <- ncol(X)
	k <- nrow(means)

	comp.logprob.vec <- function(X, mu, covar.vec) {
		X1 <- sweep(X, 2, mu, "-")
		X2 <- sweep(X1, 2, covar.vec, "/")
		rowSums(X2 * X1)

	if (cov.type == "full") {
		logprob <- list()
		for (i in 1:k)
			logprob[[i]] <- fm.dmvnorm(X, means[i,], covars[[i]], log=TRUE)
		return(do.call(cbind, logprob))
	else if (cov.type == "tied") {
		logprob <- list()
		for (i in 1:k)
			logprob[[i]] <- fm.dmvnorm(X, means[i,], covars, log=TRUE)
		return(do.call(cbind, logprob))
	else if (cov.type == "diag") {
		logprob <- list()
		for (i in 1:k) {
			logprob[[i]] <- comp.logprob.vec(X, means[i,], covars[i,])
			logprob[[i]] <- -sum(log(covars[i,]))/2 - 0.5 * (d * log(2 * pi) + logprob[[i]])
		return(do.call(cbind, logprob))
	else if (cov.type == "spherical") {
		logprob <- list()
		for (i in 1:k) {
			logprob[[i]] <- comp.logprob.vec(X, means[i,], rep(covars[i], d))
			logprob[[i]] <- -log(covars[i])*d/2 - 0.5 * (d * log(2 * pi) + logprob[[i]])
		return(do.call(cbind, logprob))

est.weighted.logprob <- function(X, means, covars, cov.type, weights)
	sweep(est.logprob(X, means, covars, cov.type), 2, log(weights), "+")

logsumexp <- function(X)
	max.X <- fm.agg.mat(X, 1, fm.bo.max)
	log(rowSums(exp(X - max.X))) + max.X

# Estimate the log likelihood
# @return norm
# @return resp is a n x k matrix. It indicates the probability
#        that a data point belongs to a cluster.
fm.estep <- function(X, params, cov.type)
	weighted.logprob <- est.weighted.logprob(X, params$means,
											 params$covs, cov.type,
	logprob.norm <- logsumexp(weighted.logprob)
	log.resp <- weighted.logprob - logprob.norm
	norm <- mean(logprob.norm)
	fm.materialize(log.resp, logprob.norm, norm)
	list(norm=as.vector(norm), resp=log.resp)

# This estimate the parameters.
fm.mstep <- function(X, log.resp, reg.covar, cov.type)
	params <- esti.gaussian.params(X, exp(log.resp), reg.covar, cov.type)
	list(weights=params$weights, means=params$means, covs=params$covs)

compute.lower.bound <- function(log.resp, log.norm)

# Fit a mixture of Gaussian distribution on the data.
# @param X is a n x d matrix. It's the input data.
# @param k the number of components.
# @param reg.covar is a real value. It's added to the diagonal of
#        the covariance matrix to make it non-singular.
# @param cov.type is the type of covariance matrix. It can be
#        one of {"full", "tied", "diag", "spherical"}.
#        \itemize{
#        \item{"full"}{each component has its own general covariance matrix.}
#        \item{"tied"}{all components share the same general covariance matrix.}
#        \item{"diag"}{each component has its own diagonal covariance matrix.}
#        \item{"spherical"}{each component has its own single variance.}
#        }
# @return 
#        \itemize{
#        \item{loglik}{a n x k matrix, whose \code{[i, k]}th entry is
#                the conditional probability of the ith observation
#                belonging to the kth component of the mixture.}
#        \item{iter}{the number of iterations}
#        \item{parameters}{parameters of the mixture of Gaussian distribution.
#             \itemize{
#             \item{weights}{a vector of k elements. Each element is
#              the weight of the Gaussian distribution in the mixture.}
#             \item{means}{a k x d matrix. Each row is the mean of a Gaussian distribution.}
#             \item{covs}{a list of matrices, a matrix or a vector, depending on \code{cov.type}}}
#        }
GMM.fit <- function(X, k, max.iter=100, tol=1e-3, reg.covar=1e-6,
					method=c("random", "random_params", "kmeans"),
					cov.type=c("full", "tied", "diag", "spherical"))
	method <- match.arg(method)
	cov.type <- match.arg(cov.type)
	params <- init.params(X, k, reg.covar, method, cov.type)
	for (i in 1:max.iter) {
		eret <- fm.estep(X, params, cov.type)
		params <- fm.mstep(X, eret$resp, reg.covar, cov.type)
		lb <- compute.lower.bound(eret$resp, eret$norm)
		if (i > 5 && abs(lb - prev.lb) < tol)
		prev.lb <- lb
	structure(list(loglik=eret$resp, score=eret$norm, iter=i,
				   cov.type=cov.type, parameters=params), class="GMM")

get.nparameters <- function(object)
	cov.params <- 0
	if (object$cov.type == "full")
		cov.params <- length(object$parameters$covs[[1]]) * length(object$parameters$covs)
		cov.params <- length(object$parameters$covs)
	cov.params + length(object$parameters$means) + length(object$parameters$weights) - 1

BIC.GMM <- function(object, ...)
	n <- nrow(object$loglik)
	k <- nrow(object$parameters$centers)
	d <- ncol(object$parameters$centers)
	-2 * object$score * n + log(n)*get.nparameters(object)

AIC.GMM <- function(object, ..., k=2)
	n <- nrow(object$loglik)
	k <- nrow(object$parameters$centers)
	d <- ncol(object$parameters$centers)
	-2 * object$score * n + 2*get.nparameters(object)
flashxio/FlashR-learn documentation built on May 6, 2019, 12:05 a.m.