
##' Make contrast matrix for all (pairwise) many-to-one comparisons
##' @param g Vector of treatment assignments
##' @title Contrasts for many-to-one comparisons
##' @export
##' @author Florian Klinglmueller
make_pw_contrasts <- function(g,control=0){
    levels <- unique(g)
    sapply(levels[levels!=control],function(l) (g == l) - (g == control))

##'  Simulate normal heteroscedastic data with scaling of the variance drawn from a chi-square distribution with \
##' @title Generate heteroskedastic data
##' @param n  number of observations 
##' @param df degrees of freedom for the variance distribution
##' @param delta non-centrality parameter
##' @export
rnorm_hetero <- function(n,df=1,ncp=0){
  rnorm(n)/sqrt(rchisq(n,df)/df) + ncp

##' Simulate from a tail contaminated normal distribution
##' @title Generate contaminated normally distributed data
##' @param n number of observations
##' @param mean mean value
##' @param sd standard deviation 
##' @param cprop proportion of contaminated samples
##' @param csd standard deviation of contaminated samples
##' @return vector with \code{n} pseudo random numbers
##' @author Florian Klinglmueller
##' @export
rnorm_tcont <- function(n,mean=0,sd=1,cprop=.1,csd=3){
    if(n == 1)
    out <- sample(c(rnorm(ceiling(n*(1-cprop)),mean=mean,sd=sd),rnorm(floor(n*cprop),mean=mean,sd=csd)))

##' Simulate from a location shift contaminated normal distribution
##' @title Generate contaminated normally distributed data
##' @param n number of observations
##' @param mean mean value
##' @param sd standard deviation 
##' @param cprop proportion of contaminated samples
##' @param cmean standard deviation of contaminated samples
##' @return vector with \code{n} pseudo random numbers
##' @author Florian Klinglmueller
##' @export
rnorm_scont <- function(n,mean=0,sd=1,cprop=.1,cmean=3,csd=sd){
    if(n == 1)
    m <- ceiling(n*(1-cprop))
    k <- n-m
    out <- sample(c(rnorm(m,mean=mean,sd=sd),

##' Template function to compute the Type 1 error of a trial design
##' @title Type 1 error 
##' @param X Random number generater for first stage observations
##' @param X2 Random number generator for second stage observations (if NULL first stage generator will be used)
##' @param n pre-planned total sample size
##' @param n1 first stagen sample size
##' @param B number of permutations to be used to compute the permutation null distribution
##' @param MCMC number of simulation runs for Type I error estimation
##' @param one_sample should a one-sample test be simulated
##' @param ... additional functions to conditional error rate function
##' @return matrix of p-values from different test procedures
##' @author Florian Klinglmueller
##' @export
type1 <- function(X=rnorm,X2=NULL,n,n1,stat=meandiff,B,MCMC,one_sample=FALSE,...){
  x <- X(n)
  pm <- dplyr::bind_rows(lapply(1:MCMC,function(i) {
    g <- sample(rep(c(-1,1),each=n1/2))
    y <- if(is.null(X2)) x else c(x[1:n1],X2(n-n1))

##' Template function to compute the Type 1 error of a trial design
##' @title Type 1 error 
##' @param X Random number generater for first stage observations
##' @param X2 Random number generator for second stage observations (if NULL first stage generator will be used)
##' @param ncp Non-centrality (shift) paramater 
##' @param n pre-planned total sample size
##' @param n1 first stagen sample size
##' @param stat 
##' @param B number of permutations to be used to compute the permutation null distribution
##' @param MCMC number of simulation runs for Type I error estimation
##' @param one_sample should a one-sample test be simulated
##' @param ... additional functions to conditional error rate function
##' @return matrix of p-values from different test procedures
##' @author Florian Klinglmueller
##' @export
compare_power <- function(X=rnorm,X2=NULL,ncp,n,n1,stat=meandiff,B,MCMC,one_sample=FALSE,...){
  x <- X(n)
  pm <- dplyr::bind_rows(lapply(1:MCMC,function(i) {
    g <- sample(rep(c(-1,1),each=n1/2))
    y <- if(is.null(X2)) x else c(x[1:n1],X2(n-n1))

##' Simulate trial data
##' @title Simulate trials
##' @param MCMC Number of trials to simulate
##' @param n1 First stage sample size
##' @param n Total preplanned sample size
##' @param rfs First stage random number generator
##' @param rss Second stage random number generator
##' @param ncp Non-centrality parameter
##' @param n3 Third stage sample size (maybe a function of \code{x},\code{g2})
##' @param cond Condition on first and second stage observations ("both"), only on first stage observations ("first"), or unconditional of observations
##' @return list object with simulated data
##' @export
##' @author Florian Klinglmueller
simulate_trials <- function(MCMC,n1,n,n3=0,r=1/2,rfs=rnorm,rss=rnorm,ncp=0,cond=c("both","first","none"),restricted=TRUE){
    cond <- match.arg(cond)[1]
    n2 <- n-n1
    ns <- c(n1,n2)
    if(!isTRUE(all.equal(ns*r,as.integer(ns*r),check.attributes=FALSE))) { warning(paste("Relative group size",r,"do not permit whole numbered group sizes:",paste(ns*r,collapse=' ')," will be rounded!")) }
    ks <- floor(ns*r)
    if(ncp != 0 && cond != "none") { stop("Can not condition on observations under the alternative") }
    if(cond == "both"){
        x1 <- rfs(n1)
        x2 <- rss(n2)
        ans <- list(x=c(x1,x2),g=strat_reassignments(ns,ks,restricted=restricted,B=MCMC))
    } else if(cond == "first") {
        g1 <- strat_reassignments(ns[1],ks[1],restricted=restricted,B=MCMC)
        g2 <- if(restricted) matrix(c(rep(0L,ns[2]-ks[2]),rep(1L,ks[2])),ncol=ncol(g1),nrow=ns[2]) else matrix(sample(0L:1L,ns[2]*ncol(g1),replace=TRUE,prob=c(1-r,r)),nrow=ns[2])
        x1 <- rfs(n1)
        x2 <- matrix(rss(n2*ncol(g1)),nrow=n2)
        ans <- list(x=rbind(x1,x2),
    } else if(cond == "none") {
        g1 <- if(restricted) matrix(c(rep(0L,ns[1]-ks[1]),rep(1L,ks[2])),nrow=ns[1],ncol=MCMC) else matrix(sample(0L:1L,ns[1]*MCMC,replace=TRUE,prob=c(1-r,r)),nrow=ns[1])
        g2 <- if(restricted) matrix(c(rep(0L,ns[2]-ks[2]),rep(1L,ks[2])),nrow=ns[2],ncol=MCMC) else matrix(sample(0L:1L,ns[2]*MCMC,replace=TRUE,prob=c(1-r,r)),nrow=ns[2])
        x1 <- matrix(rfs(n1*MCMC),nrow=n1)
        x2 <- matrix(rss(n2*MCMC),nrow=n2)
        x1 <- x1 + ncp*g1
        x2 <- x2 + ncp*g2
        ans <- list(x=rbind(x1,x2),
        n3 <- n3(x1,ans$g[,1:n1])
        k3 <- floor(n3*r)
        ans  <- within(ans,
                               g3 <- lapply(1:ncol(g),function(i) c(rep(0L,n3[i]-k3[i])),rep(1L,k3))
                           } else {
                               g3 <- lapply(1:ncol(g),function(i) sample(0L:1L,n3[i],replace=TRUE,prob=c(1-r,r)))
                           x3 <- lapply(1:ncol(g),rss(n3[i])+ncp*g[i])
    } else if(n3>0) {
        k3 <- floor(n3*r)
        ans <- within(ans,
                          x3 <- matrix(rss(n3*ncol(g)),nrow=n3)+ncp*g3
                          g3 <- if(restricted) matrix(c(rep(0L,n3-k3),rep(1L,k3)),nrow=n3,ncol=ncol(ans$g)) else matrix(sample(0L:1L,n3*ncol(ans$g),replace=TRUE,prob=c(1-r,r)),nrow=n3)

## n1=3
## n=5
## B=10
## expect_warning(s1 <- simulate_trials(B,n1,n))
## expect_equal(length(s1$x),n)
## expect_equal(nrow(s1$g),n)
## expect_equal(ncol(s1$g),pmin(prod(choose(c(n1,n-n1),floor(1/2*c(n1,n-n1)))),B))
## expect_equal(unique(colSums(s1$g)),sum(floor(1/2*c(n1,n-n1))))
## expect_equal(unique(colSums(s1$g[1:n1,])),floor(1/2*n1))
## expect_equal(unique(colSums(s1$g[(n1+1):n,])),floor(1/2*(n-n1)))

##' @title sample size formula one-sample z-test
##' @param power desired power
##' @param delta mean
##' @param sd standard deviation
##' @param sig.level significance level
##' @return sample size
##' @author Florian Klinglmueller
power.z.test <- function(power,delta,sd,sig.level=.025){
    dfact <- qnorm(sig.level,lower.tail=F)+qnorm(1-power,lower.tail=F)
    ceiling(sd/delta^2 * (dfact)^2)
##' Conditional power rule for the one-sample (or paired) z-test using the normal distribution sample size formula. Reestimates the standard deviation from the first stage and recomputes the sample size such that the power to reject the null meets the target power assuming that the mean (paired treatment difference) is equal to a prespecified value.
##' @title Conditional power sample size reassessment rule (z-test)
##' @template power_rules
##' @author Florian Klinglmueller
##' @export
cond_power_rule_norm <- function(x1,m=1,target=.9,alpha=.025,maxN=Inf){
    s <- var(x1)
    dfact <- qnorm(alpha,lower.tail=F)+qnorm(1-target,lower.tail=F)
    min(ceiling(s/m^2 * (dfact)^2),maxN)

##' Conditional power rule for the one-sample (or paired) t-test using the function \code{link{stats::power.t.test}}. Reestimates the standard deviation from the first stage and recomputes the sample size such that the power to reject the null meets the target power assuming that the mean (paired treatment difference) is equal to a prespecified value.
##' @title Conditional power sample size reassessment rule (t-test)
##' @template power_rules
##' @author Florian Klinglmueller
##' @export
cond_power_rule_t <- function(x1,m=1,target=.9,alpha=.025,maxN=Inf){

##' Computes the inverse normal combination (sqrt(w1)*qnorm(1-p1) + sqrt(w2)*qnorm(1-p2)) of two (independent) p-values
##' @title Inverse normal combination function
##' @param p1 First stage p-value
##' @param p2 Second stage p-value
##' @param w1 First stage weight
##' @param w2 Second stage weight
##' @return p-value corresponding to the inverse normal combination z-score
##' @author Florian Klinglmueller
inverse_normal <- function(p1,p2,w1,w2){
    (sqrt(w1) * qnorm(p1,lower=F) + sqrt(w2) * qnorm(p2,lower=F)) %>% pnorm(lower=FALSE)
floatofmath/resamplingMCP documentation built on May 16, 2019, 1:21 p.m.