
Defines functions varHI

Documented in varHI

#' Computation of the variability of the Health Indicators
#' This function computes many iterations of the \code{estimHI} function for compute the variability of the health indicators.
#' @param t year of the projections for health indicators.
#' @param intervention 0 = no change; 1 = reduction by two of risk factor distribution; 2 = risk factor distribution considered as null.
#' @param year_intervention year of the intervention in risk factor distribution takes place.
#' @param nb_people number of people whose trajectory will be simulated for each generation.
#' @param nb_iter number of iterations for the algorithm.
#' @param data_pop data source for demographics data.
#' @param gender gender for computation. "W" for women and "M" for men.
#' @param data_prev data source for the prevalence of the exposition.
#' @param data_incid data source for the incidence of the exposition.
#' @param a010 incidence of disease on non exposed peoples.
#' @param a011 incidence of disease on exposed peoples.
#' @param a01_global global incidence of disease.
#' @param a020 mortality of healthy subjects on non exposed peoples.
#' @param a021 mortality of healthy subjects on exposed peoples.
#' @param a02_global global mortality of healthy subjects.
#' @param a120 mortality of diseased subjects on non exposed peoples.
#' @param a121 mortality of diseased subjects on exposed peoples.
#' @param a12_global global mortality of diseased subjects.
#' @param data_theta01 data source for the relative risks associated with the exposure for disease.
#' @param data_theta02 data source for the relative risks associated with the exposure for mortality among healthy subjects.
#' @param data_theta12 data source for the relative risks associated with the exposure for mortality among diseased subjects.
#' @param RR relative risks associated with the disease for mortality
#' @param prb_dem life-long probability of disease
#' @param age_dem average age at disease onset
#' @param Ncpus The number of processors available.
#' @return a list containing the variability of health indicators
#' @export
#' @examples
#' varHI(t = t,
#' intervention = intervention,
#' year_intervention = year_intervention,
#' nb_people = nb_people,
#' nb_iter = nb_iter,
#' data_pop = data_pop,
#' gender = gender,
#' data_prev = data_prev,
#' data_incid = data_incid,
#' a010 = a010,
#' a011 = a011,
#' a01_global = a01_global,
#' a020 = a020,
#' a021 = a021,
#' a02_global = a02_global,
#' a120 = a120,
#' a121 = a121,
#' a12_global = a12_global,
#' data_theta01 = data_theta01,
#' data_theta02 = data_theta02,
#' data_theta12 = data_theta12,
#' RR = RR,
#' prb_dem = prb_dem,
#' age_dem = age_dem,
#' Ncpus = Ncpus)
varHI <- function(t,


  #setup parallel backend to use many processors
  if (Ncpus == 1) {
    Ncpus <- detectCores()-1
  cl <- makeCluster(Ncpus) #not to overload your computer

  indicateurs <- foreach(it=1:nb_iter, .combine='cbind', .verbose=T, .export="multiResultClass") %dopar% { # number of iterations for each generation

    result <- multiResultClass()

    ###          STEP 1         ###


    year_proj <- t

    ### Computation of number of exposed peoples at least one time

    pr_conso_benzo <- matrix(c(0),
    pr_conso_benzo[,1] <- c(65:105);

    pr_conso_benzo_D <- matrix(c(0),
    pr_conso_benzo_D[,1] <- c(65:105);

    pr_conso_benzo_ND <- matrix(c(0),
    pr_conso_benzo_ND[,1] <- c(65:105);

    conso_benzo <- data_prev[which(data_prev[,3]%in%(gender)),];

    conso_benzo <- conso_benzo[(1+41*(it-1)):(41*it),];

    incid_benzo <- data_incid[which(data_incid[,3]%in%(gender)),];

    incid_benzo <- incid_benzo[(1+40*(it-1)):(40*it),];

    for (age in 65:105) {

      an_naiss <- t-age;

      an0 <- an_naiss + 65;

      annee <- an0;

      etat <- matrix(c(0),

      colnames(etat) <- c(65:105);

      for (i in 1:nrow(etat)) {

        alea0 <- runif(1, 0, 1);

        donnees_conso <- conso_benzo;

        if (alea0 <= donnees_conso[which(donnees_conso[,1]%in%(65) & donnees_conso[,3]%in%(gender)),2]) {

          etat[i,1] <- "01"

        } else {

          etat[i,1] <- "00"



      for (i in 1:nrow(etat)) {

        for (j in 2:ncol(etat)) {

          annee <- an0 + (j-1)

          alea <- runif(1, 0, 1);

          alea0 <- runif(1, 0, 1);

          donnees_incid <- incid_benzo;

          if (etat[i,j-1] == "00") {

            if (alea0 <= donnees_incid[which(donnees_incid[,1]%in%(j-1+65) & donnees_incid[,3]%in%(gender)),2]) {

              a01 <- a011[(1+40*(it-1)):(40*it),];
              a02 <- a021[(1+40*(it-1)):(40*it),];

              if (alea <= a02[j-1,j+(an0-1950)+1]) {

                etat[i,j] <- "21";

              } else {

                if (alea <= a01[j-1,j+(an0-1950)+1] + a02[j-1,j+(an0-1950)+1]) {

                  etat[i,j] <- "11";

                } else {

                  etat[i,j] <- "01";



            } else {

              a01 <- a010[(1+40*(it-1)):(40*it),];
              a02 <- a020[(1+40*(it-1)):(40*it),];

              if (alea <= a02[j-1,j+(an0-1950)+1]) {

                etat[i,j] <- "20";

              } else {

                if (alea <= a01[j-1,j+(an0-1950)+1] + a02[j-1,j+(an0-1950)+1]) {

                  etat[i,j] <- "10";

                } else {

                  etat[i,j] <- "00";




          } else {

            if (etat[i,j-1] == "01") {

              a01 <- a011[(1+40*(it-1)):(40*it),];
              a02 <- a021[(1+40*(it-1)):(40*it),];

              if (alea <= a02[j-1,j+(an0-1950)+1]) {

                etat[i,j] <- "21";

              } else {

                if (alea <= a01[j-1,j+(an0-1950)+1] + a02[j-1,j+(an0-1950)+1]) {

                  etat[i,j] <- "11";

                } else {

                  etat[i,j] <- "01";



            } else {

              if (etat[i,j-1] == "10") {

                if (alea0 <= donnees_incid[which(donnees_incid[,1]%in%(j-1+65) & donnees_incid[,3]%in%(gender)),2]) {

                  a12 <- a121[(1+40*(it-1)):(40*it),];

                  if (alea <= a12[j-1,j+(an0-1950)+1]) {

                    etat[i,j] <- "21";

                  } else {

                    etat[i,j] <- "11";


                } else {

                  a12 <- a120[(1+40*(it-1)):(40*it),];

                  if (alea <= a12[j-1,j+(an0-1950)+1]) {

                    etat[i,j] <- "20";

                  } else {

                    etat[i,j] <- "10";



              } else {

                if (etat[i,j-1] == "11") {

                  a12 <- a121[(1+40*(it-1)):(40*it),];

                  if (alea <= a12[j-1,j+(an0-1950)+1]) {

                    etat[i,j] <- "21";

                  } else {

                    etat[i,j] <- "11";


                } else {

                  if (etat[i,j-1] == "20") {

                    etat[i,j] <- "20";

                  } else {

                    etat[i,j] <- "21";









      ### Computation of number of exposed peoples at least one time

      if (age <= 105) {

        for (i in 1:41) {

          s0 <- sum(etat[,i]%in%("00") | etat[,i]%in%("10") | etat[,i]%in%("01") | etat[,i]%in%("11"));

          s1 <- sum(etat[,i]%in%("01") | etat[,i]%in%("11"));

          if (s0 != 0) {

            pr_conso_benzo[i,(105-age)+1+i] <- s1/s0;

          } else {

            pr_conso_benzo[i,(105-age)+1+i] <- 0;



        # for diseased people

        for (i in 1:41) {

          s0 <- sum(etat[,i]%in%("10") | etat[,i]%in%("11"));

          s1 <- sum(etat[,i]%in%("11"));

          if (s0 != 0) {

            pr_conso_benzo_D[i,(105-age)+1+i] <- s1/s0;

          } else {

            pr_conso_benzo_D[i,(105-age)+1+i] <- 0;



        # for non-diseased people

        for (i in 1:41) {

          s0 <- sum(etat[,i]%in%("00") | etat[,i]%in%("01"));

          s1 <- sum(etat[,i]%in%("01"));

          if (s0 != 0) {

            pr_conso_benzo_ND[i,(105-age)+1+i] <- s1/s0;

          } else {

            pr_conso_benzo_ND[i,(105-age)+1+i] <- 0;





    ### Computation of transition intensities

    ### Incidence of disease on non exposed peoples

    a010_values <- matrix(c(0),

    data_a01_values <- a010[(1+40*(it-1)):(40*it),c(1,which(colnames(a010)<=year_proj+40 & colnames(a010)>=year_proj-40))]

    new_data_theta01 <- data_theta01[which(data_theta01[,3]%in%(gender)),]

    data_theta01_values <- new_data_theta01[(1+41*(it-1)):(41*it),];

    for (a in 2:ncol(a010_values)){

      a010_values[,a] <- as.numeric(data_a01_values[which(data_a01_values[,1] != 65),a]) / (data_theta01_values[which(data_theta01_values[,1] != 65 & data_theta01_values[,3]%in%(gender)),2]*pr_conso_benzo_ND[which(pr_conso_benzo_ND[,1] != 65),a] - pr_conso_benzo_ND[which(pr_conso_benzo_ND[,1] != 65),a] + 1);


    ### Incidence of disease on exposed peoples

    a011_values <- matrix(c(0),

    for (a in 2:ncol(a011_values)){

      a011_values[,a] <- a010_values[,a]*data_theta01_values[which(data_theta01_values[,1] != 65 & data_theta01_values[,3]%in%(gender)),2];


    ### Global incidence of disease

    a01_global_values <- matrix(c(0),

    for (a in 2:ncol(a01_global_values)){

      a01_global_values[,a] <- pr_conso_benzo_ND[which(pr_conso_benzo_ND[,1] != 65),a]*a010_values[,a]*data_theta01_values[which(data_theta01_values[,1] != 65 & data_theta01_values[,3]%in%(gender)),2] + (1-pr_conso_benzo_ND[which(pr_conso_benzo_ND[,1] != 65),a])*a010_values[,a];


    ### Mortality of healthy subjects on non exposed peoples

    a020_values <- matrix(c(0),

    data_a02_values <- a020[(1+40*(it-1)):(40*it),c(1,which(colnames(a020)<=year_proj+40 & colnames(a020)>=year_proj-40))]

    new_data_theta02 <- data_theta02[which(data_theta02[,3]%in%(gender)),]

    data_theta02_values <- new_data_theta02[(1+41*(it-1)):(41*it),];

    for (a in 2:ncol(a020_values)){

      a020_values[,a] <- as.numeric(data_a02_values[which(data_a02_values[,1] != 65),a]) / (data_theta02_values[which(data_theta02_values[,1] != 65 & data_theta02_values[,3]%in%(gender)),2]*pr_conso_benzo_ND[which(pr_conso_benzo_ND[,1] != 65),a] - pr_conso_benzo_ND[which(pr_conso_benzo_ND[,1] != 65),a] + 1);


    ### Mortality of healthy subjects on exposed peoples

    a021_values <- matrix(c(0),

    for (a in 2:ncol(a021_values)){

      a021_values[,a] <- a020_values[,a]*data_theta02_values[which(data_theta02_values[,1] != 65 & data_theta02_values[,3]%in%(gender)),2];


    ### Global mortality of healthy subjects

    a02_global_values <- matrix(c(0),

    for (a in 2:ncol(a02_global_values)){

      a02_global_values[,a] <- pr_conso_benzo_ND[which(pr_conso_benzo_ND[,1] != 65),a]*a020_values[,a]*data_theta02_values[which(data_theta02_values[,1] != 65 & data_theta02_values[,3]%in%(gender)),2] + (1-pr_conso_benzo_ND[which(pr_conso_benzo_ND[,1] != 65),a])*a020_values[,a];


    ### Mortality of diseased subjects on non exposed peoples

    a120_values <- matrix(c(0),

    new_data_theta12 <- data_theta12[which(data_theta12[,3]%in%(gender)),]

    data_theta12_values <- new_data_theta12[(1+41*(it-1)):(41*it),];

    for (a in 2:ncol(a120_values)){

      a120_values[,a] <- as.numeric(RR[(1+40*(it-1)):(40*it),2])*a02_global_values[,a] / (data_theta12_values[which(data_theta12_values[,1] != 65 & data_theta12_values[,3]%in%(gender)),2]*pr_conso_benzo_D[which(pr_conso_benzo_D[,1] != 65),a] - pr_conso_benzo_D[which(pr_conso_benzo_D[,1] != 65),a] + 1);


    ### Mortality of diseased subjects on exposed peoples

    a121_values <- matrix(c(0),

    for (a in 2:ncol(a121_values)){

      a121_values[,a] <- a120_values[,a]*data_theta12_values[which(data_theta12_values[,1] != 65 & data_theta12_values[,3]%in%(gender)),2];


    ### Global mortality of diseased subjects

    a12_global_values <- matrix(c(0),

    for (a in 2:ncol(a12_global_values)){

      a12_global_values[,a] <- pr_conso_benzo_D[which(pr_conso_benzo_D[,1] != 65),a]*a120_values[,a]*data_theta12_values[which(data_theta12_values[,1] != 65 & data_theta12_values[,3]%in%(gender)),2] + (1-pr_conso_benzo_D[which(pr_conso_benzo_D[,1] != 65),a])*a120_values[,a];


    ###          STEP 2         ###

    for (age in 65:105) {

      an_naiss <- t-age;

      an0 <- an_naiss + 65;

      annee <- an0;

      etat <- matrix(c(0),

      colnames(etat) <- c(65:105);

      for (i in 1:nrow(etat)) {

        alea0 <- runif(1, 0, 1);

        if (intervention == 0) {

          donnees_conso <- pr_conso_benzo
          donnees_conso_D <- pr_conso_benzo_D
          donnees_conso_ND <- pr_conso_benzo_ND

        } else {

          if (intervention == 1) {

            if (annee < year_intervention) {

              donnees_conso <- pr_conso_benzo
              donnees_conso_D <- pr_conso_benzo_D
              donnees_conso_ND <- pr_conso_benzo_ND

            } else {

              donnees_conso <- pr_conso_benzo

              incidence <- (1-((1-pr_conso_benzo[1,42-(year_proj-year_intervention)])/(1-(pr_conso_benzo[1,42-(year_proj-year_intervention)]/2)))^(1/20))/2

              diff <- an0-year_intervention

              if (diff==0) {
                proportion <- donnees_conso[which(donnees_conso[,1]%in%(65)),42-(year_proj-year_intervention)]
              } else {
                proportion <- donnees_conso[which(donnees_conso[,1]%in%(65)),42-(year_proj-year_intervention)];
                for (a in 1:diff) {
                  proportion <- (proportion-incidence) / (1-incidence)
                donnees_conso[which(donnees_conso[,1]%in%(65)),42-(year_proj-year_intervention)+diff] <- proportion


          } else {

            if (intervention == 2) {

              if (annee < year_intervention) {

                donnees_conso <- pr_conso_benzo
                donnees_conso_D <- pr_conso_benzo_D
                donnees_conso_ND <- pr_conso_benzo_ND

              } else {

                donnees_conso <- pr_conso_benzo

                incidence <- 1-((1-pr_conso_benzo[1,42-(year_proj-year_intervention)])/(1-(pr_conso_benzo[1,42-(year_proj-year_intervention)]/2)))^(1/20)

                diff <- an0-year_intervention

                if (diff==0) {
                  proportion <- donnees_conso[which(donnees_conso[,1]%in%(65)),42-(year_proj-year_intervention)]
                } else {
                  proportion <- donnees_conso[which(donnees_conso[,1]%in%(65)),42-(year_proj-year_intervention)];
                  for (a in 1:diff) {
                    proportion <- (proportion-incidence) / (1-incidence)
                  donnees_conso[which(donnees_conso[,1]%in%(65)),42-(year_proj-year_intervention)+diff] <- proportion





        if (alea0 <= donnees_conso[which(donnees_conso[,1]%in%(65)),42+(an0-year_proj)]) {

          etat[i,1] <- "01"

        } else {

          etat[i,1] <- "00"



      for (i in 1:nrow(etat)) {

        for (j in 2:ncol(etat)) {

          annee <- an0 + (j-1)

          alea <- runif(1, 0, 1);

          alea0 <- runif(1, 0, 1);

          if (intervention == 0) {

            donnees_incid <- incid_benzo

          } else {

            if (intervention == 1) {

              if (annee < year_intervention) {

                donnees_incid <- incid_benzo

              } else {

                donnees_incid <- incid_benzo
                donnees_incid[,2] <- incid_benzo[,2] / 2


            } else {

              if (intervention == 2) {

                if (annee < year_intervention) {

                  donnees_incid <- incid_benzo

                } else {

                  donnees_incid <- incid_benzo
                  donnees_incid[,2] <- 0





          if (etat[i,j-1] == "00") {

            if (alea0 <= donnees_incid[which(donnees_incid[,1]%in%(j-1+65) & donnees_incid[,3]%in%(gender)),2]) {

              a01 <- a011_values;
              a02 <- a021_values;

              if (alea <= a02[j-1,j+(65-age)+41]) {

                etat[i,j] <- "21";

              } else {

                if (alea <= a01[j-1,j+(65-age)+41] + a02[j-1,j+(65-age)+41]) {

                  etat[i,j] <- "11";

                } else {

                  etat[i,j] <- "01";



            } else {

              a01 <- a010_values;
              a02 <- a020_values;

              if (alea <= a02[j-1,j+(65-age)+41]) {

                etat[i,j] <- "20";

              } else {

                if (alea <= a01[j-1,j+(65-age)+41] + a02[j-1,j+(65-age)+41]) {

                  etat[i,j] <- "10";

                } else {

                  etat[i,j] <- "00";




          } else {

            if (etat[i,j-1] == "01") {

              a01 <- a011_values;
              a02 <- a021_values;

              if (alea <= a02[j-1,j+(65-age)+41]) {

                etat[i,j] <- "21";

              } else {

                if (alea <= a01[j-1,j+(65-age)+41] + a02[j-1,j+(65-age)+41]) {

                  etat[i,j] <- "11";

                } else {

                  etat[i,j] <- "01";



            } else {

              if (etat[i,j-1] == "10") {

                if (alea0 <= donnees_incid[which(donnees_incid[,1]%in%(j-1+65) & donnees_incid[,3]%in%(gender)),2]) {

                  a12 <- a121_values;

                  if (alea <= a12[j-1,j+(65-age)+41]) {

                    etat[i,j] <- "21";

                  } else {

                    etat[i,j] <- "11";


                } else {

                  a12 <- a120_values;

                  if (alea <= a12[j-1,j+(65-age)+41]) {

                    etat[i,j] <- "20";

                  } else {

                    etat[i,j] <- "10";



              } else {

                if (etat[i,j-1] == "11") {

                  a12 <- a121_values;

                  if (alea <= a12[j-1,j+(65-age)+41]) {

                    etat[i,j] <- "21";

                  } else {

                    etat[i,j] <- "11";


                } else {

                  if (etat[i,j-1] == "20") {

                    etat[i,j] <- "20";

                  } else {

                    etat[i,j] <- "21";









      ### Computation of health indicators :

      ### Overall life-expectancy

      if (age < 101) {

        n0 <- vector(length = ncol(etat));

        s0 <- sum(etat[,age-64]%in%("00") | etat[,age-64]%in%("01") | etat[,age-64]%in%("10") | etat[,age-64]%in%("11"));

        if (s0 != 0) {

          for (j in (age-63):ncol(etat)) {

            n0[j] <- sum(etat[,j]%in%("00") | etat[,j]%in%("01") | etat[,j]%in%("10") | etat[,j]%in%("11"))


          result$LE_overall[age-64] <- 1 + sum(n0) / s0;

        } else {

          n0 <- NA;

          result$LE_overall[age-64] <- NA;



      ###	Overall life-expectancy on exposed peoples

      if (age < 101) {

        n0 <- vector(length = ncol(etat));

        s0 <- sum(etat[which(etat[,age-64]%in%("01") | etat[,age-64]%in%("11")),age-64]%in%("01") | etat[which(etat[,age-64]%in%("01") | etat[,age-64]%in%("11")),age-64]%in%("11"));

        if (s0 != 0) {

          for (j in (age-63):ncol(etat)) {

            n0[j] <- sum(etat[which(etat[,age-64]%in%("01") | etat[,age-64]%in%("11")),j]%in%("01") | etat[which(etat[,age-64]%in%("01") | etat[,age-64]%in%("11")),j]%in%("11"))


          result$LE_overall_exp[age-64] <- 1 + sum(n0) / s0;

        } else {

          n0 <- NA;

          result$LE_overall_exp[age-64] <- NA;



      ###	Overall life-expectancy on non exposed peoples

      if (age < 101) {

        n0 <- vector(length = ncol(etat));

        s0 <- sum(etat[which(etat[,age-64]%in%("00") | etat[,age-64]%in%("10")),age-64]%in%("00") | etat[which(etat[,age-64]%in%("00") | etat[,age-64]%in%("10")),age-64]%in%("10"));

        if (s0 != 0) {

          for (j in (age-63):ncol(etat)) {

            n0[j] <- sum(etat[which(etat[,age-64]%in%("00") | etat[,age-64]%in%("10")),j]%in%("00") | etat[which(etat[,age-64]%in%("00") | etat[,age-64]%in%("10")),j]%in%("10") | etat[which(etat[,age-64]%in%("00") | etat[,age-64]%in%("10")),j]%in%("01") | etat[which(etat[,age-64]%in%("00") | etat[,age-64]%in%("10")),j]%in%("11"))


          result$LE_overall_nonexp[age-64] <- 1 + sum(n0) / s0;

        } else {

          n0 <- NA;

          result$LE_overall_nonexp[age-64] <- NA;



      ###	Life-expectancy without disease

      if (age < 101) {

        n0 <- vector(length = ncol(etat));

        s0 <- sum(etat[which(etat[,age-64]%in%("00") | etat[,age-64]%in%("01")),age-64]%in%("00") | etat[which(etat[,age-64]%in%("00") | etat[,age-64]%in%("01")),age-64]%in%("01"));

        if (s0 != 0) {

          for (j in (age-63):ncol(etat)) {

            n0[j] <- sum(etat[which(etat[,age-64]%in%("00") | etat[,age-64]%in%("01")),j]%in%("00") | etat[which(etat[,age-64]%in%("00") | etat[,age-64]%in%("01")),j]%in%("01"))


          result$LE_without_dis[age-64] <- 1 + sum(n0) / s0;

        } else {

          n0 <- NA;

          result$LE_without_dis[age-64] <- NA;



      ###	Life-expectancy without disease on exposed peoples

      if (age < 101) {

        n0 <- vector(length = ncol(etat));

        s0 <- sum(etat[which(etat[,age-64]%in%("01")),age-64]%in%("01"));

        if (s0 != 0) {

          for (j in (age-63):ncol(etat)) {

            n0[j] <- sum(etat[which(etat[,age-64]%in%("01")),j]%in%("01"))


          result$LE_without_dis_exp[age-64] <- 1 + sum(n0) / s0;

        } else {

          n0 <- NA;

          result$LE_without_dis_exp[age-64] <- NA;



      ###	Life-expectancy without disease on non exposed peoples

      if (age < 101) {

        n0 <- vector(length = ncol(etat));

        s0 <- sum(etat[which(etat[,age-64]%in%("00")),age-64]%in%("00"));

        if (s0 != 0) {

          for (j in (age-63):ncol(etat)) {

            n0[j] <- sum(etat[which(etat[,age-64]%in%("00")),j]%in%("00") | etat[which(etat[,age-64]%in%("00")),j]%in%("01"))


          result$LE_without_dis_nonexp[age-64] <- 1 + sum(n0) / s0;

        } else {

          n0 <- NA;

          result$LE_without_dis_nonexp[age-64] <- NA;



      ### Life-expectancy for diseased subject

      if (age < 101) {

        n0 <- vector(length = ncol(etat));

        s0 <- sum(etat[which(etat[,age-64]%in%("10") | etat[,age-64]%in%("11")),age-64]%in%("10") | etat[which(etat[,age-64]%in%("10") | etat[,age-64]%in%("11")),age-64]%in%("11"));

        if (s0 != 0) {

          for (j in (age-63):ncol(etat)) {

            n0[j] <- sum(etat[which(etat[,age-64]%in%("10") | etat[,age-64]%in%("11")),j]%in%("10") | etat[which(etat[,age-64]%in%("10") | etat[,age-64]%in%("11")),j]%in%("11"))


          result$LE_dis[age-64] <- 1 + sum(n0) / s0;

        } else {

          n0 <- NA;

          result$LE_dis[age-64] <- NA;



      ### Life-expectancy for diseased subject on exposed peoples

      if (age < 101) {

        n0 <- vector(length = ncol(etat));

        s0 <- sum(etat[which(etat[,age-64]%in%("11")),age-64]%in%("11"));

        if (s0 != 0) {

          for (j in (age-63):ncol(etat)) {

            n0[j] <- sum(etat[which(etat[,age-64]%in%("11")),j]%in%("11"))


          result$LE_dis_exp[age-64] <- 1 + sum(n0) / s0;

        } else {

          n0 <- NA;

          result$LE_dis_exp[age-64] <- NA;



      ### Life-expectancy for diseased subject on non exposed peoples

      if (age < 101) {

        n0 <- vector(length = ncol(etat));

        s0 <- sum(etat[which(etat[,age-64]%in%("10")),age-64]%in%("10"));

        if (s0 != 0) {

          for (j in (age-63):ncol(etat)) {

            n0[j] <- sum(etat[which(etat[,age-64]%in%("10")),j]%in%("10") | etat[which(etat[,age-64]%in%("10")),j]%in%("11"))


          result$LE_dis_nonexp[age-64] <- 1 + sum(n0) / s0;

        } else {

          n0 <- NA;

          result$LE_dis_nonexp[age-64] <- NA;



      ### Life-expectancy for non diseased subject

      if (age < 101) {

        n0 <- vector(length = ncol(etat));

        s0 <- sum(etat[which(etat[,age-64]%in%("00") | etat[,age-64]%in%("01")),age-64]%in%("00") | etat[which(etat[,age-64]%in%("00") | etat[,age-64]%in%("01")),age-64]%in%("01"));

        if (s0 != 0) {

          for (j in (age-63):ncol(etat)) {

            n0[j] <- sum(etat[which(etat[,age-64]%in%("00") | etat[,age-64]%in%("01")),j]%in%("00") | etat[which(etat[,age-64]%in%("00") | etat[,age-64]%in%("01")),j]%in%("01") | etat[which(etat[,age-64]%in%("00") | etat[,age-64]%in%("01")),j]%in%("10") | etat[which(etat[,age-64]%in%("00") | etat[,age-64]%in%("01")),j]%in%("11"))


          result$LE_non_dis[age-64] <- 1 + sum(n0) / s0;

        } else {

          n0 <- NA;

          result$LE_non_dis[age-64] <- NA;



      ### Life-expectancy for non diseased subject on exposed peoples

      if (age < 101) {

        n0 <- vector(length = ncol(etat));

        s0 <- sum(etat[which(etat[,age-64]%in%("01")),age-64]%in%("01"));

        if (s0 != 0) {

          for (j in (age-63):ncol(etat)) {

            n0[j] <- sum(etat[which(etat[,age-64]%in%("01")),j]%in%("01") | etat[which(etat[,age-64]%in%("01")),j]%in%("11"))


          result$LE_non_dis_exp[age-64] <- 1 + sum(n0) / s0;

        } else {

          n0 <- NA;

          result$LE_non_dis_exp[age-64] <- NA;



      ### Life-expectancy for non diseased subject on non exposed peoples

      if (age < 101) {

        n0 <- vector(length = ncol(etat));

        s0 <- sum(etat[which(etat[,age-64]%in%("00")),age-64]%in%("00"));

        if (s0 != 0) {

          for (j in (age-63):ncol(etat)) {

            n0[j] <- sum(etat[which(etat[,age-64]%in%("00")),j]%in%("00") | etat[which(etat[,age-64]%in%("00")),j]%in%("01") | etat[which(etat[,age-64]%in%("00")),j]%in%("10") | etat[which(etat[,age-64]%in%("00")),j]%in%("11"))


          result$LE_non_dis_nonexp[age-64] <- 1 + sum(n0) / s0;

        } else {

          n0 <- NA;

          result$LE_non_dis_nonexp[age-64] <- NA;



      ### Prevalence of disease

      if (age > 65 & age < 100) {

        d0 <- sum(etat[,age-64]%in%("00") | etat[,age-64]%in%("01") | etat[,age-64]%in%("10") | etat[,age-64]%in%("11")) + 0.5 * sum((etat[,age-64]%in%("20") | etat[,age-64]%in%("21")) & (etat[,age-65]%in%("00") | etat[,age-65]%in%("01"))) + 0.5 * sum((etat[,age-64]%in%("20") | etat[,age-64]%in%("21")) & (etat[,age-65]%in%("10") | etat[,age-65]%in%("11")));

        s0 <- sum(etat[,1]%in%("00") | etat[,1]%in%("01") | etat[,1]%in%("10") | etat[,1]%in%("11"));

        s1 <- sum((etat[,age-64]%in%("10") | etat[,age-64]%in%("11")) & (etat[,age-65]%in%("10") | etat[,age-65]%in%("11"))) + 0.5 * sum((etat[,age-64]%in%("10") | etat[,age-64]%in%("11")) & (etat[,age-65]%in%("00") | etat[,age-65]%in%("01"))) + 0.5 * sum((etat[,age-64]%in%("20") | etat[,age-64]%in%("21")) & (etat[,age-65]%in%("10") | etat[,age-65]%in%("11")));

        if (s0 != 0) {

          p01 <- s1/s0;

          result$tp_dis[age-64] <- s1/d0;

          nb <- p01*data_pop[which(data_pop[,1]%in%(an0) & data_pop[,3]%in%(gender)),2];

          result$np_age[age-64] <- nb;



      ### Survival

      if (age == 65) {

        result$nsurvival[age-64] <- data_pop[which(data_pop[,1]%in%(an0) & data_pop[,3]%in%(gender)),2]


      if (age > 65 & age < 100) {

        d0 <- sum(etat[,age-65]%in%("00") | etat[,age-65]%in%("01") | etat[,age-65]%in%("10") | etat[,age-65]%in%("11"));

        s0 <- sum(etat[,1]%in%("00") | etat[,1]%in%("01") | etat[,1]%in%("10") | etat[,1]%in%("11"));

        s1 <- sum(etat[,age-64]%in%("00") | etat[,age-64]%in%("01") | etat[,age-64]%in%("10") | etat[,age-64]%in%("11"));

        if (s0 != 0) {

          p01 <- s1/s0;

          result$rsurvival[age-64] <- s1/d0;

          nb <- p01*data_pop[which(data_pop[,1]%in%(an0) & data_pop[,3]%in%(gender)),2];

          result$nsurvival[age-64] <- nb;



      ### Mean number of years spent with disease

      if (age < 101) {

        result$nb_dis[age-64] <- result$LE_non_dis[age-64] - result$LE_without_dis[age-64]

      } else {

        n0 <- NA


      ### Mean number of years spent with disease on exposed peoples

      if (age < 101) {

        result$nb_dis_exp[age-64] <- result$LE_non_dis_exp[age-64] - result$LE_without_dis_exp[age-64];

      } else {

        n0 <- NA;


      ###  Mean number of years spent with disease on non exposed peoples

      if (age < 101) {

        result$nb_dis_nonexp[age-64] <- result$LE_non_dis_nonexp[age-64] - result$LE_without_dis_nonexp[age-64];

      } else {

        n0 <- NA;


      ### Life-long probability of disease

      if (age == 65) {

        for (i in (age-63):nrow(prb_dem)) {

          result$p_dis[i] <- sum(etat[which(etat[,i-1]%in%("00") | etat[,i-1]%in%("01")),i]%in%("10") | etat[which(etat[,i-1]%in%("00") | etat[,i-1]%in%("01")),i]%in%("11"))



      ### Average age at disease onset

      if (age == 65) {

        for (i in (age-63):nrow(age_dem)) {

          result$a_dis[i] <- sum(etat[which(etat[,i-1]%in%("00") | etat[,i-1]%in%("01")),i]%in%("10") | etat[which(etat[,i-1]%in%("00") | etat[,i-1]%in%("01")),i]%in%("11"))



      ### Mean number of years of exposition

      if (age == 65) {

        for (i in (age-63):nrow(age_dem)) {

          result$m_exp[i] <- sum(etat[which(etat[,1]%in%("00") | etat[,1]%in%("10")),i]%in%("01") | etat[which(etat[,1]%in%("00") | etat[,1]%in%("10")),i]%in%("11"))



      ### Number of exposed peoples at least one time

      if (age <= 105) {

        s0 <- sum(etat[,age-64]%in%("00") | etat[,age-64]%in%("10") | etat[,age-64]%in%("01") | etat[,age-64]%in%("11"));

        s1 <- sum(etat[,age-64]%in%("01") | etat[,age-64]%in%("11"));

        if (s0 != 0) {

          result$p_exp[age-64] <- s1/s0;

        } else {

          result$p_exp[age-64] <- NA;



      ### Mortality rate

      if (age > 65 & age < 100) {

        s0 <- sum(etat[,age-64]%in%("00") | etat[,age-64]%in%("10") | etat[,age-64]%in%("01") | etat[,age-64]%in%("11"));

        s1 <- sum(etat[,age-64]%in%("20") | etat[,age-64]%in%("21")) - sum(etat[,age-65]%in%("20") | etat[,age-65]%in%("21"));

        if (s0 != 0) {

          result$mortality_r[age-64] <- s1/s0;

        } else {

          result$mortality_r[age-64] <- NA;






  #stop cluster


floguillet/MCSPCD documentation built on Dec. 16, 2019, 2:08 a.m.