
## playwith: interactive plots in R using GTK+
## Copyright (c) 2007 Felix Andrews <felix@nfrac.org>
## GPL version 2 or newer

initClickActions <- function(playState)
    ## add click handler to device
    if (is.null(playState$widgets$buttonPressSignal)) {
        playState$widgets$buttonPressSignal <-
                           device.click_handler, data=playState)
    if (!is.null(playState$click.mode)) {
        ## set initial click.mode
        vals <- clickModeValues()
        val <- vals[[playState$click.mode]]
        if (!is.null(val)) {
            aGroup <- playState$actionGroups[["PlotActions"]]
                silent = TRUE)
        playState$click.mode <- NULL

clickmode.change_handler <- function(action, current, playState)
    if (current["active"]) {
        playState$tmp$click.mode <- gtkActionGetName(current)

updateClickActions <- function(playState)
    if (is.null(playState$tmp$click.mode))
        playState$tmp$click.mode <- "Zoom"
    curs <- switch(playState$tmp$click.mode,
                   Zoom = "crosshair",
                   Pan = "fleur",
                   Identify = "hand1",
                   Brush = "circle",
                   Annotation = "xterm",
                   "left_ptr") ## (otherwise)
    cursor <- gdkCursorNew(GdkCursorType[curs])
    ## work out which actions are possible on current plot
    hasArgs <- playState$accepts.arguments
    isLatt <- playState$is.lattice
    isSplom <- (playState$callName %in% c("splom"))
    isLatt3D <- isLatt && !is.null(playState$trellis$panel.args.common$scales.3d)
    hasPanels <- isLatt && (length(playState$tmp$currentLayout) > 1)
    isBase <- !isLatt && is.null(playState$viewport)
    isBaseMulti <- isBase && any(par("mfrow") > 1)
    canIdent <- isTRUE(playState$tmp$identify.ok)
    actions <- list()
    actions$nav2D <- (hasArgs && !isLatt3D && !isSplom)
    actions$nav3D <- (isLatt3D)
    actions$ident <- (canIdent)
    playState$tmp$ok.actions <- actions
    ## set default statusbar message
    modeOK <- playState$tmp$click.mode
    if ((modeOK == "Pan") && actions$nav3D)
        modeOK <- "Rotate"
    if ((modeOK %in% c("Zoom", "Pan")) &&
        (actions$nav2D == FALSE))
        modeOK <- "Coords"
    if ((modeOK %in% c("Identify", "Brush")) &&
        (actions$ident == FALSE))
        modeOK <- "Coords"
    msg <- switch(modeOK,
                  Zoom = paste("Drag to zoom (hold Shift to constrain)",
                  "Click for coordinates", sep = ", "),
                  Pan = paste("Drag to scroll (hold Shift to constrain)",
                  "Click for coordinates", sep = ", "),
                  Rotate = "Drag to rotate (hold Shift to constrain)",
                  Identify = "Click or drag to identify points",
                  Brush = paste("Click or drag to brush points",
                  "(hold Shift to add, not replace)"),
                  Annotation = "Click or drag to place text",
                  Arrow = "Drag to draw an arrow (hold Shift to constrain)",
                  Line = "Drag to draw a line (hold Shift to constrain)",
                  Rect = "Drag to draw a rectangle",
                  Coords = "Click for coordinates") ## fallback
    ## Zoom actions are always accessible, if possible:
    if (actions$nav2D || actions$nav3D) {
        if (modeOK != "Zoom")
            msg <- paste(msg, "Ctrl-drag to zoom", sep = ", ")
        msg <- paste(msg, "Ctrl-click to zoom out", sep = ", ")
    msg <- paste(msg, "Right-click for more", sep = ", ")
    playState$widgets$statusbar$push(1, msg)

device.click_handler <- function(widget, event, playState)
    if (!isTRUE(playState$tmp$plot.ready)) return(FALSE)
    ## bail out if another tool is handling the click (this ok?)
    if (isTRUE(playState$tmp$now.interacting)) return(FALSE)
    if (playState$tmp$need.reconfig) generateSpaces(playState)
    x <- event$x
    y <- event$y
    ## work out which actions are relevant to the plot
    actions <- playState$tmp$ok.actions
    modeOK <- playState$tmp$click.mode
    if ((modeOK == "Pan") && actions$nav3D)
        modeOK <- "Rotate"
    if ((modeOK %in% c("Zoom", "Pan")) &&
        (actions$nav2D == FALSE))
        modeOK <- "Coords"
    if ((modeOK %in% c("Identify", "Brush")) &&
        (actions$ident == FALSE))
        modeOK <- "Coords"
    pageOK <- (modeOK %in% c("Annotation", "Arrow", "Line", "Rect"))
    isCtrlClick <- (as.flag(event$state) & GdkModifierType["control-mask"])
    if (.Platform$OS.type == "unix") {
        isAltClick <- (as.flag(event$state) & GdkModifierType["mod1-mask"])
    } else {
        isAltClick <- ((as.flag(event$state) & GdkModifierType["mod1-mask"]) ||
                       (as.flag(event$state) & GdkModifierType["mod2-mask"]))
    isShiftClick <- (as.flag(event$state) & GdkModifierType["shift-mask"])
    isPlainClick <- !isCtrlClick && !isAltClick && !isShiftClick
    ## take actions
    ## Alt-click is treated as a right-click, intended for MacOS (untested)
    if ((event$button == 1) && !isAltClick) {
        ## standard (left) mouse button
        dragShape <- "rect"
        if (!isAltClick) {
            if (modeOK %in% c("Pan", "Rotate", "Arrow", "Line"))
                dragShape <- "line"
        scales <- "dynamic"
        if (modeOK %in% c("Identify", "Brush"))
            scales <- c("x", "y")
        ## handle click or drag
        foo <- playClickOrDrag(playState, x0=x, y0=y,
                               shape=dragShape, scales = scales)
        if (is.null(foo)) {
            ## drag went off device
            coordsCore(playState, NULL)
        if (is.null(foo$coords) && !pageOK) {
            ## click/drag outside of a defined space
            coordsCore(playState, NULL)
        if (foo$is.click) {
            coordsCore(playState, foo)
        } else {
            coordsCore(playState, NULL)
        ## standard Ctrl-click actions
        if (isCtrlClick) {
            if (actions$nav2D) {
                ## 2D Zoom
                if (foo$is.click) {
                    zoomoutCore(playState, foo)
                } else {
                    ## drag
                    zoomCore(playState, foo)
            if (actions$nav3D) {
                ## 3D Zoom
                if (foo$is.click) {
                    zoomout3DCore(playState, foo)
                } else {
                    ## drag
                    zoom3DCore(playState, foo)
        } else {
            ## plain click: normal actions
            if (modeOK == "Zoom") {
                if (!foo$is.click)
                    zoomCore(playState, foo)
            if (modeOK == "Pan") {
                panCore(playState, foo)
            if (modeOK == "Rotate") {
                if (!foo$is.click)
                    rotate3DCore(playState, foo)
            if (modeOK == "Identify") {
                identifyCore(playState, foo)
            if (modeOK == "Brush") {
                brushCore(playState, foo, add = isShiftClick)
            if (modeOK == "Annotation") {
                annotateCore(playState, foo)
            if (modeOK == "Arrow") {
                arrowCore(playState, foo)
            if (modeOK == "Line") {
                lineCore(playState, foo)
            if (modeOK == "Rect") {
                rectCore(playState, foo)
    } else {
        coordsCore(playState, NULL)
    if (event$button == 2) {
        ## middle mouse button click: zoom to fit
        if (actions$nav2D || actions$nav3D)
            zoomfit_handler(NULL, playState)
    if ((event$button == 3) || isAltClick) {
        ## right mouse button or alt-click
        foo <- playClickOrDrag(playState, x0=x, y0=y,
        if (is.null(foo))
        ## pop up context menu
        contextCore(playState, foo, event = event)

coordsCore <- function(playState, foo) {
    coords <- foo$coords
    ## convert from log scale if necessary
    coords <- spaceCoordsToDataCoords(playState, coords)
    if (!is.null(coords)) {
        x <- format(coords$x, digits=3)
        y <- format(coords$y, digits=3)
        coordsTxt <- paste("<tt>x:", x, ", y:", y, " </tt>", sep="")
        playState$widgets$coordsLabel["visible"] <- TRUE
    } else {
        playState$widgets$coordsLabel["visible"] <- FALSE

panCore <- function(playState, foo)
    xdiff <- diff(foo$coords$x)
    ydiff <- diff(foo$coords$y)
    ## update axis scales
    if (!foo$yOnly) {
        xlim <- rawXLim(playState, space=foo$space)
        rawXLim(playState) <- xlim - xdiff
    if (!foo$xOnly) {
        ylim <- rawYLim(playState, space=foo$space)
        rawYLim(playState) <- ylim - ydiff

zoomCore <- function(playState, foo)
    xlim <- range(foo$coords$x)
    ylim <- range(foo$coords$y)
    ## update axis scales, reverse if needed
    if (!foo$yOnly) {
        if (is.unsorted(rawXLim(playState, space=foo$space)))
            xlim <- rev(xlim)
        rawXLim(playState) <- xlim
    if (!foo$xOnly) {
        if (is.unsorted(rawYLim(playState, space=foo$space)))
            ylim <- rev(ylim)
        rawYLim(playState) <- ylim

zoomoutCore <- function(playState, foo)
    nav.x <- !isTRUE(foo$yOnly)
    #nav.y <- !isTRUE(foo$xOnly)
    ## in time.mode, only zoom along x-axis
    nav.y <- (!isTRUE(playState$time.mode) &&
    ## find existing scales
    xlim <- rawXLim(playState, space=foo$space)
    ylim <- rawYLim(playState, space=foo$space)
    ## centre on click location
    xlim <- (xlim - mean(xlim)) + mean(foo$coords$x)
    ylim <- (ylim - mean(ylim)) + mean(foo$coords$y)
    ## zoom out: make range twice the size
    if (nav.x) xlim <- xlim + diff(xlim) * c(-0.5, 0.5)
    if (nav.y) ylim <- ylim + diff(ylim) * c(-0.5, 0.5)
    ## this converts from raw numeric to original format (including unlog)
    if (nav.x) rawXLim(playState) <- xlim
    if (nav.y) rawYLim(playState) <- ylim

zoom3DCore <- function(playState, foo)
    ## work out zoom factor by size of drag
    ## ideally this would set xlim/ylim/zlim to drag region?
    xlim <- rawXLim(playState)
    ylim <- rawYLim(playState)
    xfactor <- abs(diff(foo$coords$x)) / abs(diff(xlim))
    yfactor <- abs(diff(foo$coords$y)) / abs(diff(ylim))
    zoomfactor <- 1 / max(xfactor, yfactor)
    zoom <- callArg(playState, "zoom")
    if (is.null(zoom)) zoom <- 0.8
    callArg(playState, "zoom") <- signif(zoom * zoomfactor, 3)

zoomout3DCore <- function(playState, foo)
    zoom <- callArg(playState, "zoom")
    if (is.null(zoom)) zoom <- 0.8
    callArg(playState, "zoom") <- signif(zoom / 1.25, 3)

rotate3DCore <- function(playState, foo)
    ## work out current viewpoint (rotation)
    screen <- callArg(playState, "screen")
    if (is.null(screen)) screen <- list(z=40, x=-60)
    R.mat <- callArg(playState, "R.mat")
    if (is.null(R.mat)) R.mat <- diag(4)
    ## incorporate existing 'screen' into existing 'R.mat'
    R.mat <- ltransform3dMatrix(screen, R.mat)
    ## apply rotation defined by drag (direction and length)
    ## drag down corresponds to a positive 'x' arg
    ## drag right corresponds to a positive 'y' arg
    ## drag anticlockwise (in corner) corresponds to a positive 'z' arg
    pnl.x <- rawXLim(playState)
    pnl.y <- rawYLim(playState)
    x <- foo$coords$x
    y <- foo$coords$y
    xdelta <- diff(x)
    ydelta <- diff(y)
    angle <- atan2(y[2], x[2]) - atan2(y[1], x[1])
    dist <- c(max(abs(x/pnl.x)[1], abs(y/pnl.y)[1]),
              max(abs(x/pnl.x)[2], abs(y/pnl.y)[2]))
    ## TODO: avoid threshold for changing behaviour -- should be gradual
    if ((abs(angle) < pi/2) && all(dist > 0.5)) {
        rot <- list(z = 180 * angle / (2*pi))
    } else {
        ## TODO: should normalise by panel limits?
        rot <- list(y = xdelta * 180,
                    x = -ydelta * 180)
    R.mat <- ltransform3dMatrix(rot, R.mat)
    R.mat <- round(R.mat, digits = 3)
    callArg(playState, "R.mat") <- call("matrix", c(R.mat), nc = 4)
    callArg(playState, "screen") <- list() ## replace default
    ## keep 3D scales on the same axes
    ## (it is confusing if they switch while rotating)
    ## ## no, bad for long axis labels
    #callArg(playState, "scpos") <- list(x = 1, y = 8, z = 4)

contextCore <- function(playState, foo, event)
    ## pop up context menu
  #cMenu <- gtkMenu()
  #cMenu$popup(button = event$button, activate.time = event$time)
  #cMenu["visible"] <- FALSE
    ## fill in menu items
    space <- foo$space
    canIdent <- playState$tmp$identify.ok
    if ((space != "page") && isTRUE(canIdent)) {
        foo$is.click <- TRUE
        foo <- playSelectData(playState, foo = foo, multiview = FALSE)
        id <- foo$subscripts
        pos <- foo$pos
        if (length(id) > 0) {
            id <- id[1]
            ## clicked on a data point, don't show general stuff
            cMenu <- gtkMenu()
            cMenu$popup(button = event$button, activate.time = event$time)
            #cMenu["visible"] <- TRUE
            ## action to add label to plot (current label value only)
            if (length(playState$labels) >= id) {
                item <- gtkMenuItem("Add label to plot:")
                item["sensitive"] <- FALSE
                label <- toString(playState$labels[[id]])
                item <- gtkMenuItem(label)
                gSignalConnect(item, "activate",
                               function(widget, ...) {
                                   ## store newly identified points in playState
                                   playSetIDs(playState, id, pos = pos,
                                              type = "labelled",
                                              space = space,
                                              add = TRUE)
            ## covariate values
            item <- gtkMenuItem("Annotate this data point:")
            item["sensitive"] <- FALSE
            ## show values of x / y / other variables
            isLatt3D <-
                (playState$is.lattice &&
            x <- foo$x
            y <- foo$y
            if (is.numeric(x)) x <- round(x, 7)
            if (is.numeric(y)) y <- round(y, 7)
            dat <- getDataArg(playState)
            if (!is.null(dat)) {
                rn <- row.names(dat)
                itemtxt <- character()
                if (!is.null(rn)) {
                    itemtxt <- rn[id]
                cn <- colnames(dat)
                if (length(cn) > 0) {
                    itemtxt <- c(itemtxt, paste(cn, ": ", dat[id,], sep = ""))
                itemtxt <- sapply(itemtxt, toString, width = 33)
                for (txt in itemtxt) {
                    item <- gtkMenuItem(txt)
                    gSignalConnect(item, "activate",
                               function(widget, txt) {
                                   if (isLatt3D) {
                                       if (!gconfirm(paste("Annotation will be positioned in 2D only,",
                                                          "so will not match if you rotate the plot",
                                                          "(use 'Add label to plot', with 'Set labels to...' if you want that).",
                                   ## add corresponding label
                                   annot <- call("panel.usertext", x, y, txt, pos = pos)
                                   playAnnotate(playState, annot, space = space)
                               }, data = txt)
            } else {
                item <- gtkMenuItem(paste("x:", toString(x, width = 30)))
                item <- gtkMenuItem(paste("y:", toString(y, width = 30)))
            ## "set labels to..."
            aGroup <- playState$actionGroups[["PlotActions"]]
            while (gtkEventsPending()) gtkMainIterationDo(blocking=FALSE)
    ## did not click on a point, so show general stuff
    cMenu <- playState$uiManager$getWidget("/ContextMenu")
    cMenu$popup(button = event$button, activate.time = event$time)
    while (gtkEventsPending()) gtkMainIterationDo(blocking=FALSE)
floybix/playwith documentation built on May 16, 2019, 1:25 p.m.