
Defines functions FLObjs2S3_fleetSTD

# Dorleta Garcia
# 2017/02/05
# 2019/02/17
# Transform the FLR objects into list of arrays in order to be able to work with non-FLR
# R functions.
# Need to check rho and tac and QS.
# rho: Check what sonia has done the last days.

FLObjs2S3_fleetSTD <- function(biols, fleets, BDs, advice, covars, biols.ctrl, fleets.ctrl,  flnm, yr, ss,iters, adv.ss){
  # Fleet's info
  fl    <- fleets[[flnm]]
  # The effort is restricted only by the stocks in 'stocks.restr'    
  # If the restrictors are missing => all the stocks restrict.
  if(is.null(fleets.ctrl[[flnm]][['stocks.restr']]) |  length(fleets.ctrl[[flnm]][['stocks.restr']]) == 0) {
    fleets.ctrl[[flnm]][['stocks.restr']] <- catchNames(fleets[[flnm]])
  sts   <- intersect(fleets.ctrl[[flnm]][['stocks.restr']], catchNames(fl))
  stnms <- names(biols)
  flnms <- names(fleets)
  mtnms <- names(fl@metiers)
  nmt   <- length(mtnms)
  nst <- length(biols)
  nsts <- length(sts)
  ns <- dim(biols[[1]]@n)[4]
  nit <- length(iters)
  # i <- iters
  effort.model <- fleets.ctrl[[flnm]][['effort.model']]

    # Biomass at age.: B[nst,it]
    B    <- matrix(t(sapply(sts, function(x){   # biomass in the middle of the season  [nst,it]
                                      catch.model  <- fleets.ctrl[[flnm]][[x]][['catch.model']]
                                      growth.model <- biols.ctrl[[x]][['growth.model']] 
                                      # 1. CobbDouglass/CobbDouglassComb at age
                                      if(substr(catch.model, 1,4)  == 'Cobb'  & dim(biols[[x]]@n)[1] > 1) return(unitSums(quantSums(biols[[x]]@n*biols[[x]]@wt*exp(-biols[[x]]@m/2)))[,yr,,ss,,iters, drop=T])
                                      # 2. Baranov
                                      if(catch.model == 'Baranov') return(unitSums(quantSums(biols[[x]]@n*biols[[x]]@wt))[,yr,,ss,,iters, drop=T])
                                      # 3. Biomass populations that are fixed (age pops are all in 1 & 2)                              
                                      if(growth.model == 'fixedPopulation') return((biols[[x]]@n*biols[[x]]@wt)[,yr,,ss,,iters, drop=T])
                                      # 4. Biomass populations that have a dyamic growth model.
                                      return((biols[[x]]@n*biols[[x]]@wt + BDs[[x]]@gB)[,yr,,ss,,iters, drop=T])
                                      })), nsts,nit, dimnames = list(sts, iters))
    # Numbers at age.: list(nst)[na_st,nu_st,it]
    # biomass at age in the middle  of the season, list elements: 
    N   <- lapply(setNames(sts, sts), function(x){   # biomass at age in the middle  of the season, list elements: [na,1,nu,1,1,it]
                                na <- dim(biols[[x]]@n)[1]; age <- dimnames(biols[[x]]@n)$age 
                                nu <- dim(biols[[x]]@n)[3]; uni <- dimnames(biols[[x]]@n)$unit
                                catch.model <- fleets.ctrl[[flnm]][[x]][['catch.model']]
                                growth.model <- biols.ctrl[[x]][['growth.model']]
                                # 1. CobbDouglass/CobbDouglassComb at age
                                if(substr(catch.model, 1,4)  == 'Cobb'  & dim(biols[[x]]@n)[1] > 1)       
                                  return(array((biols[[x]]@n*exp(-biols[[x]]@m/2))[,yr,,ss,,iters, drop = TRUE], dim = c(na, nu, nit), dimnames = list(age, uni, iters)))
                                # 2. Baranov
                                if(catch.model == 'Baranov')               
                                  return(array(biols[[x]]@n[,yr,,ss,,iters, drop = TRUE], dim = c(na, nu, nit), dimnames = list(age, uni, iters)))
                                # 3. Biomass populations that are fixed (age pops are all in 1 & 2)                              
                                if(growth.model == 'fixedPopulation')   
                                  return(array(biols[[x]]@n[,yr,,ss,,iters, drop=TRUE], dim = c(na, nu, nit), dimnames = list(age, uni, iters)))
                                # 4. Biomass populations that have a dyamic growth model.
                                return(array((biols[[x]]@n + BDs[[x]]@gB)[,yr,,ss,,iters, drop=F], dim = c(1, 1, nit), dimnames = list(age, uni, iters)))})

    names(N) <- sts

    # Calculate QS by fleet for the year and season:
    # If maxprofit dimension: matrix [nf,nst]
    # If SMFB: list[nf,it]
    if(effort.model == 'MaxProfit'){
      QS   <- sapply(names(biols), function(x){           # 
                    yr.share    <- advice$quota.share[[x]][flnms,yr,,,,iters, drop=T]           # [nf]
                    ss.share    <- fleets.ctrl$seasonal.share[[x]][flnms,yr,,ss,,iters, drop=T] # [nf]
                    quota.share <- yr.share*ss.share # [nf]
                    quota.share[is.na(quota.share)] <- 0
      # names(QS) <- names(biols)
      QS <- matrix(QS, length(flnms), length(names(biols)), dimnames = list(flnms, names(biols)))
      QS   <- lapply(stnms, function(x){           # list of stocks, each stock [nf,it]
        # Calculate QS by fleet for the year and season
        yr.share    <- advice$quota.share[[x]][flnms,yr,, drop=T]        # [nf,it]
        ss.share    <- fleets.ctrl$seasonal.share[[x]][flnms,yr,,ss, drop=T]   # [nf,it]
        quota.share <- matrix(yr.share*ss.share, length(flnms), nit, dimnames = list(flnms, iters))
        quota.share[is.na(quota.share)] <- 0
        names(QS) <- stnms
    # The following objects are used in  Baranov. Baranov needs the biomass at the beginning of the season and we need to 
    # make some asumptions about fleet dynamics.
    # All have dimension: [na,1,nu,1,1,it]
    Nyr_1   <- lapply(setNames(sts, sts), function(x){   # biomass at age beggining of the season yr-1, list elements: [na,1,nu,1,1,it]
      na <- dim(biols[[x]]@n)[1]; age <- dimnames(biols[[x]]@n)$age
      nu <- dim(biols[[x]]@n)[3]; uni <- dimnames(biols[[x]]@n)$unit
      return(array(biols[[x]]@n[,yr-1,,ss,,iters, drop = TRUE], dim = c(na, nu, nit), dimnames = list(age, uni, iters)))})
    M   <- lapply(setNames(sts, sts), function(x){   
      na <- dim(biols[[x]]@n)[1]; age <- dimnames(biols[[x]]@n)$age # M  yr, list elements: [na,nu,it]
      nu <- dim(biols[[x]]@n)[3]; uni <- dimnames(biols[[x]]@n)$unit
      return(array(biols[[x]]@m[,yr,,ss,,iters,  drop = TRUE], dim = c(na, nu, nit), dimnames = list(age, uni, iters)))})
    Myr_1   <- lapply(setNames(sts, sts), function(x){   
      na <- dim(biols[[x]]@n)[1]; age <- dimnames(biols[[x]]@n)$age # M  yr-1, list elements: [na,nu,it]
      nu <- dim(biols[[x]]@n)[3]; uni <- dimnames(biols[[x]]@n)$unit
      return(array(biols[[x]]@m[,yr-1,,ss,,iters,  drop = TRUE], dim = c(na, nu, nit), dimnames = list(age, uni, iters)))})
    Cyr_1  <- lapply(setNames(sts, sts), function(x){
      na <- dim(biols[[x]]@n)[1]; age <- dimnames(biols[[x]]@n)$age
      nu <- dim(biols[[x]]@n)[3]; uni <- dimnames(biols[[x]]@n)$unit
      array(catchStock(fleets,x)[,yr-1,,ss,,iters,  drop = TRUE], dim = c(na, nu, nit), dimnames = list(age, uni, iters))})
    Cfyr_1 <- lapply(setNames(sts, sts), function(x){
      na <- dim(biols[[x]]@n)[1]; age <- dimnames(biols[[x]]@n)$age
      nu <- dim(biols[[x]]@n)[3]; uni <- dimnames(biols[[x]]@n)$unit
      array(catchStock.f(fl,x)[,yr-1,,ss,,iters, drop = TRUE], dim = c(na, nu, nit), dimnames = list(age, uni, iters))})
    # If TAC >= B*alpha => TAC = B*alpha.
    # if rho is a numeric => there is only one stock and one iteration wihout names => name it
    # [nst,it]
    TAC.yr  <- matrix(advice$TAC[stnms,yr,drop=T], nst, nit, dimnames = list(stnms, iters))   # [nst,it]
    # when advice season is different to ns: adapt to the advice calendar 
    for (st in stnms)
      if (adv.ss[st] < ns & ss <= adv.ss[st]) TAC.yr[st,] <- advice$TAC[st,yr-1,drop=T] # previous year TAC
    # when tac overshoot
    for(stknm in  sts){
      tacos.fun <- fleets.ctrl[[flnm]][[stknm]]$TAC.OS.model
      if(is.null(tacos.fun))   alpha <- rep(1,nit)
        alpha <- eval(call(tacos.fun, fleets = fleets, TAC = TAC.yr, fleets.ctrl = fleets.ctrl, flnm = flnm, stknm = stknm, year = year, season = season))
      TAC.yr[stknm,] <- TAC.yr[stknm,]*alpha 
    rho       <- fleets.ctrl$catch.threshold[,yr,,ss,,iters,  drop=T]  # [ns,it]
    if(is.null(dim(rho)))  rho <- matrix(rho, length(stnms), nit, dimnames = list(stnms, iters))
    if(effort.model == 'MaxProfit')
      QS.ss    <- matrix(colSums(QS), dim(QS)[2], nit, dimnames = list(colnames(QS), iters))  # [nst,it] 
      QS.ss   <- matrix(t(sapply(stnms, function(x) apply(QS[[x]],2,sum))), nst, nit, dimnames = list(stnms, iters))  # [nst,it]
    # TAC [nstnms, it], limited by rho*B
 #   if(nit > 1){    
      if(length(stnms) == 1) rho <- matrix(rho, 1, nit, dimnames = list(stnms, iters))
      TAC <- ifelse(B[sts,]*rho[sts,] < TAC.yr[sts,]*QS.ss[sts,], B[sts,]*rho[sts,], TAC.yr[sts,]*QS.ss[sts,])
  #  }
 #   else TAC <- ifelse(B[sts,]*rho[sts] < TAC.yr[sts,]*QS.ss[sts,], B[sts,]*rho[sts], TAC.yr[sts,]*QS.ss[sts,])
    TAC <- matrix(TAC, length(sts), nit, dimnames = list(sts, iters))

    # Re-scale QS to fleet share within the season instead of season-fleet share within year.
    if(effort.model == 'MaxProfit'){ 
      QS   <- sweep(QS, 2, apply(QS,2, sum), "/")  # [nf,nst]
      QS[is.na(QS)] <- 0
      QS   <- lapply(sts, function(x){          # list of stocks, each stock [nf,it]
        res <- sweep(QS[[x]], 2, apply(QS[[x]],2, sum), "/")
        res[is.na(res)] <- 0 
      names(QS) <- sts
    # flinfo: matrix with information on which metier catch which stock.
    fl.        <- FLFleetsExt(fl)
    names(fl.) <- flnm
    flinfo     <- stock.fleetInfo(fl.)
    flinfo <-  strsplit(apply(flinfo, 1,function(x) names(which(x == 1))[1]), '&&')
    # effort share: In MaxProift previous year effort share because we don't know the effort share this year: [nmt]
    yr.efs <- ifelse(effort.model == 'MaxProfit', yr-1, yr)
    efs.m <- matrix(t(sapply(mtnms, function(x) fl@metiers[[x]]@effshare[,yr.efs,,ss,,iters, drop=T])), 
                            length(mtnms), nit, dimnames = list(metier = mtnms, iters))
    # Economic input factors to compute profits
    vc.m <- fc <- crewS <- NULL
    if(effort.model == 'MaxProfit'){
      # variable cost per unit of effort [nmt] 
      vc.m <- sapply(mtnms, function(x) fl@metiers[[x]]@vcost[,yr,,ss,,iters, drop=T])  #[nmt]
      # fixed cost per vessel
      fc    <- fl@fcost[,yr,,ss,,iters, drop=T]*covars$NumbVessels[flnm,yr,,ss,,iters, drop=T] # [1]
      # Crew-share [it]
      crewS <- fl@crewshare[,yr,,ss,,iters, drop=T] # [i]

    effs <- matrix(NA,length(sts), nit, dimnames = list(sts, iters))
    Cr.f <- matrix(NA,length(sts), nit, dimnames = list(sts, iters))

    q.m <- alpha.m <- beta.m  <- pr.m <- ret.m <- wd.m <- wl.m <-vector('list', length(sts))
    names(q.m) <- names(pr.m) <- names(alpha.m) <- names(beta.m) <- names(ret.m) <- names(wl.m) <- names(wd.m) <- sts

    tacos <- logical(length(sts))
    names(tacos) <- sts
    K <- c(fl@capacity[,yr,,ss,,iters,drop=T])
    # q.m, alpha.m.... by metier but stock specific
    for(st in sts){    
      # identify the first metier that catch stock st
      mtst <- flinfo[[st]][2]
      age.q     <- dimnames(fl@metiers[[mtst]]@catches[[st]]@catch.q)[[1]]
      age.alpha <- dimnames(fl@metiers[[mtst]]@catches[[st]]@alpha)[[1]]
      age.beta  <- dimnames(fl@metiers[[mtst]]@catches[[st]]@beta)[[1]]
      age.pr    <- dimnames(fl@metiers[[mtst]]@catches[[st]]@price)[[1]]
      unit.q     <- dimnames(fl@metiers[[mtst]]@catches[[st]]@catch.q)[[3]]
      unit.alpha <- dimnames(fl@metiers[[mtst]]@catches[[st]]@alpha)[[3]]
      unit.beta  <- dimnames(fl@metiers[[mtst]]@catches[[st]]@beta)[[3]]
      unit.pr    <- dimnames(fl@metiers[[mtst]]@catches[[st]]@price)[[3]]
      q.m[[st]]     <- array(0, dim = c(length(mtnms), length(age.q),     length(unit.q),     nit), dimnames = list(metier = mtnms, age = age.q,    unit = unit.q,     iter = iters))
      alpha.m[[st]] <- array(0, dim = c(length(mtnms), length(age.alpha), length(unit.alpha), nit), dimnames = list(metier = mtnms, age = age.q,    unit = unit.alpha, iter = iters))
      beta.m[[st]]  <- array(0, dim = c(length(mtnms), length(age.beta),  length(unit.beta),  nit), dimnames = list(metier = mtnms, age = age.beta, unit = unit.beta,  iter = iters))
      ret.m[[st]]   <- array(0, dim = c(length(mtnms), length(age.beta),  length(unit.beta),  nit), dimnames = list(metier = mtnms, age = age.beta, unit = unit.beta,  iter = iters))
      wl.m[[st]]    <- array(0, dim = c(length(mtnms), length(age.beta),  length(unit.beta),  nit), dimnames = list(metier = mtnms, age = age.beta, unit = unit.beta,  iter = iters))
      wd.m[[st]]    <- array(0, dim = c(length(mtnms), length(age.beta),  length(unit.beta),  nit), dimnames = list(metier = mtnms, age = age.beta, unit = unit.beta,  iter = iters))
      pr.m[[st]]    <- array(0, dim = c(length(mtnms), length(age.beta),  length(unit.beta),  nit), dimnames = list(metier = mtnms, age = age.beta, unit = unit.beta,  iter = iters))
      # if TAC overshoot is not discarded, it is sold and it contributes to the revenue.
      tacos[st] <- ifelse(is.null(fleets.ctrl[[flnm]][[st]][['discard.TAC.OS']]), TRUE,fleets.ctrl[[flnm]][[st]][['discard.TAC.OS']])
      for(mt in mtnms){
        if(!(st %in% names(fl@metiers[[mt]]@catches))) next
        q.m[[st]][mt,,,]     <- fl@metiers[[mt]]@catches[[st]]@catch.q[,yr,,ss, ,iters,drop = TRUE]
        alpha.m[[st]][mt,,,] <- fl@metiers[[mt]]@catches[[st]]@alpha[,yr,,ss, ,iters,drop = TRUE]
        beta.m[[st]][mt,,,]  <- fl@metiers[[mt]]@catches[[st]]@beta[,yr,,ss, ,iters,drop = TRUE]
        ret.m[[st]][mt,,,]   <- fl@metiers[[mt]]@catches[[st]]@landings.sel[,yr,,ss, ,iters,drop = TRUE]
        wl.m[[st]][mt,,,]    <- fl@metiers[[mt]]@catches[[st]]@landings.wt[,yr,,ss, ,iters,drop = TRUE]
        wd.m[[st]][mt,,,]    <- fl@metiers[[mt]]@catches[[st]]@discards.wt[,yr,,ss, ,iters,drop = TRUE]
        # The price is taken from the year before, because price for the current year is updated after catch is produced,
        # if the price was dynamically updated inside this function the optimizer could crash.
        pr.m[[st]][mt,,,]    <- fl@metiers[[mt]]@catches[[st]]@price[,yr-1,,ss,,iters, drop = TRUE]
      # identify the first metier that catch stock st
      mtst <- flinfo[[st]][2]
      if(effort.model == 'MaxProfit') Cr.f[st,] <- TAC[st,]*QS[flnm,st]
      else Cr.f[st,] <- TAC[st,]*QS[[st]][flnm,]
      LO <- ifelse(length(fleets.ctrl[[flnm]]$LandObl)==1, fleets.ctrl[[flnm]]$LandObl, fleets.ctrl[[flnm]]$LandObl[yr])
        if(fleets.ctrl[[flnm]]$LandObl_yearTransfer[yr-1] == TRUE){ # If landing Obligation = TRUE discount possible quota transfer from previous year.
          Cr.f[st,] <- Cr.f[st,] - fleets.ctrl[[flnm]]$LandObl_discount_yrtransfer[st,yr-1,]
          Cr.f[st,] <- ifelse(Cr.f[st,]<0, 0, Cr.f[st,])  # if lower than 0 , set it to 0.

    return(list(B = B,
                N = N,
                QS = QS,
                TAC = TAC,
                rho = rho,
                efs.m = efs.m,
                vc.m = vc.m,
                fc = fc,
                crewS = crewS,
                effs = effs, 
                Cr.f = Cr.f,
                TAC.yr = TAC.yr,
                tacos = tacos,
                q.m = q.m,
                alpha.m = alpha.m,
                beta.m = beta.m,
                pr.m = pr.m,
                ret.m = ret.m,
                wd.m = wd.m,
                wl.m = wl.m,
                K = K,
                Nyr_1 = Nyr_1,
                Myr_1 = Myr_1,
                M = M,
                Cfyr_1 = Cfyr_1,
                Cyr_1  = Cyr_1,
                LO = LO))
flr/FLBEIA documentation built on July 14, 2024, 11:36 a.m.