
# FLModelSim.R - A class for models used in simulation
# FLCore/R/FLModelSim.R

# Copyright 2003-2013 FLR Team. Distributed under the GPL 2 or later
# Maintainer: FLR Team

# FLModelSim {{{

#' Class FLModelSim
#' A virtual class for statistical simulation models
#' The \code{FLModelSim} class provides a virtual class that developers of various
#' statistical models can use to implement classes that allow those models to
#' be tested, fitted and presented.
#' Slots in this class attempt to map all the usual outputs for a modelling
#' exercise, together with the standard inputs. Input data are stored in slots
#' created by a specified class that is based on \code{FLModelSim}. See for example
#' \code{\linkS4class{FLSR}} for a class used for stock-recruitment models.
#' Various fitting algorithms, similar to those present in the basic R packages,
#' are currently available for \code{FLModelSim}, including \code{\link{fmle}},
#' \code{\link{nls-FLCore}} and \code{\link[stats]{glm}}.
#' @name FLModelSim
#' @aliases FLModelSim-class FLModelSim FLModelSim-methods FLModelSim,formula-method
#' FLModelSim,missing-method FLModelSim,character-method FLModelSim,function-method
#' @docType class
#' @section Slots: \describe{
#' \item{params}{Estimated parameter values. \code{FLPar}.}
#' \item{distr}{\code{character}}
#' \item{vcov}{\code{array}}
#' \item{model}{\code{formula}}}
#' @author The FLR Team
#' @seealso \link[stats]{AIC}, \link[stats]{BIC}, \link{fmle},
#' \link[stats]{nls}
#' @keywords classes

		model = "formula",
		params = "FLPar",
		vcov = "array",
		distr = "character"),
	prototype = prototype(
		model = ~1,
		params = new("FLPar"),
		vcov = new("array"),
		distr = "norm"),

    	pars <- object@params
    	frm <- object@model
    	vc <- object@vcov
      # check vcov has the same names
    	dnms <- dimnames(vc)
    	v1 <- all.equal(dnms[[1]], dnms[[2]])

    	# check that the params and the model have the same params names
    	dps <- dimnames(pars)$params
    	if(any(dps != ""))
		    v2 <- dimnames(pars)$params %in% all.vars(frm)
		    v2 <- TRUE

    	# check that the params and the vcov have the same params names
        v3 <- TRUE
        v3 <- dnms[[1]] %in% dimnames(pars)$params

    	if(sum(!c(v1, v2, v3))>0)
		    return("Object is not valid. Check that the names of the parameters in the params matrix and the vcov match the names of the formula parameters.")


invisible(createFLAccesors("FLModelSim", include=c("model", "params", "vcov", "distr")))  # }}}

# FLModelSim {{{

#' @rdname FLModelSim
#' @aliases FLModelSim,missing-method

setMethod("FLModelSim", signature(object="missing"),
  function(...) {
    # empty
    # or not
  	} else {
      args <- list(...)
      if("vcov" %in% names(args))
      	if(length(dim(args$vcov))==1) dim(args$vcov) <- c(1,1) 
	  args$Class <- 'FLModelSim'
      do.call("new", args)
) # }}}

# mvrnorm {{{
setMethod("mvrnorm", signature(n="numeric", mu="FLModelSim", Sigma="missing",
	tol="missing", empirical="missing", EISPACK="missing"),
	function(n, mu) {
		object <- mu
		mu <- iterMedians(params(object))
		dm <- dim(mu)
		dnm <- dimnames(mu)

		# check that params second dim is "iter"
		if(names(dnm)[2]!="iter") stop("To apply this method params must have 2 dimensions only and the second has to be \"iter\".")	

		Sigma = apply(vcov(object),c(1,2),median)
		res <- do.call("mvrnorm", list(mu=c(mu), Sigma=Sigma, n=n))
			res <- t(res)
			res <- matrix(res, ncol=1)

		dnm$iter <- 1:n
		dimnames(res) <- dnm
		res <- FLPar(res)
		units(res) <- units(mu)
		return(FLModelSim(model=model(object), params=res))

setMethod("mvrnorm", signature(n="FLModelSim", mu="missing", Sigma="missing",
	tol="missing", empirical="missing", EISPACK="missing"),
	function(n) {
		object <- n	
		mu <- params(object)
		dm <- dim(mu)
		dnm <- dimnames(mu)

		# check that params second dim is "iter"
		if(names(dnm)[2]!="iter") stop("To apply this method params must have 2 dimensions only and the second has to be \"iter\".")	

		Sigma = vcov(object)
			res <- array(NA, dim=dm, dimnames=dnm)

			for(i in 1:dm[2])
				res[,i] <- do.call("mvrnorm", list(mu=mu[,i], Sigma=Sigma[,,i]))
			res <- FLPar(res)
			units(res) <- units(mu)
			res <- FLModelSim(model=model(object), params=res)
		} else {
			res <- mvrnorm(1,object)
) # }}}

# predict {{{
setMethod("predict", signature(object="FLModelSim"),
	function(object, ...) {

	args <- list(...)
	pr <- params(object)
	res <- apply(pr,2,function(x) {
		lst <- as.list(x)
		eval(as.list(model(object))[[2]], envir=c(args, lst))
	res <- matrix(res, ncol=dim(pr)[2])
	dimnames(res) <- list(1:nrow(res), iter=1:dim(pr)[2])
) # }}}
flr/FLCore documentation built on May 4, 2024, midnight