Man pages for fmsan51/blvibmjp
Individual Based Model of Bovine Leukemia Virus Spread in a Dairy Herd in Japan

add_1_to_monthIncrement age and months_in_area in a cow table
add_newbornsAdd newborns to a cow_table
areasSetup of 'tie_stall_table'
area_tableA data.table to manage areas in a farm
assign_chambersAssign chamber_id to cows allocated to tie-stall barns
assign_newbornsAssign 'chamber_id' to newborns
blvibmjp-packageblvibmjp: Simulation model of BLV infection in a Japanese...
calc_aiCalculate the number of conducted AI
calc_infection_in_barnsCalculate infection in barns
calc_paramCalculate parameters necessary to the simulation.
calc_param_bothCalculate parameters used in both of prepare_data() and...
calc_param_preCalculate parameters necessary to prepare_data()
calc_prevCalculate prevalence from 'cow_table' or a csv file
calculate_area_assignmentMake area_assignment list
causes_infected_in_exposed_chamberWhether cows are infected in chambers next to infected cows...
change_areaCheck and move cows between areas
change_infection_statusCheck change of infection status of cows
change_stageChange stage of cows accordinglly
check_removalCheck death and sale of current cows
classify_date_columnCheck date_xxx columns whether they are numeric, date or...
cow_tableA data.table to store status of cows
cull_infected_cowsCull infected cows
days_per_monthDays per month (365 / 12)
define_msgDefine plot title and labels
do_aiConduct AI and check chance of infection
do_testConduct BLV test
est_coef_inf_insectsLikelihood function of a coefficient for infection by insects
extract_owned_cowsExtract owned cows from a cow_table
format_dateFormat and validate date columns
heat_cycleHeat cycle
infectChange infection status of new infected cows
integerizeConvert non-integer to integer
is_ai_started_heiferWhether the first AIs for hifers are conducted
is_ai_started_milkingWhether the first AIs for milking cows are conducted
is_ai_succeededWhether a cow is concepted at the first or later AI
is_driedWhether a cow is dried
is_ebl_detectedWhether a EBL cow is detected
is_heat_detectedWhether a heat is detected
is_infected_by_colostrumWheter newborns are infected by colostrum milk
is_infected_in_free_stallWhether cows are infected in free pastures
is_infected_in_non_exposed_chamberWhether cows are infected in chambers not next to infected...
is_infected_pastureWhether cows are infected in a communal pasture
is_infected_rpWhether cows are infected by rectal palpation
is_infected_verticalWheter newborns are infected vertically
is_replacementWhether a newborn will be a replacement
is_stillbirthWhether a delivery end up in stillbirth or abortion
is.wholenumbersTest if a numeric vector is consisted of whole numbers or not
longevityExpected age of death or slaugher
movement_tableA data.table to manage cows' movement between areas
n_month_to_progressCalculate months to progress the disease
n_month_until_ebl_dieThe number of months until EBL cows die
n_newborn_per_damThe number of newborns per dam
paramParameters about a simulation which should be set by users
plot_prevPlot the change in prevalence
plot_routePlot monthly infection routes nicely
prepare_areaProcess raw area data to suitable form
prepare_cowsProcess raw cow data to suitable form
prepare_dataProcess raw data to suitable forms
prepare_movementProcess raw movement data to suitable form
process_paramCalculate parameters based on other parameters
q97597.5% quantile of normal distribution
read_cowsRead cow information from simulation csvs
read_paramRead parameters from a txt file
redefine_route_levelsRedefine infection routes
remove_cowsRemove cows from a herd
remove_from_areasRemove cows from areas
remove_naRemove NA from a vector
replace_selected_cowsReplace selected cows
resamplesample() from x rather than 1:x
rp_tableA data.table to manage cow status related with rectal...
save_fileExport a cow_table or the list of parameters to a file.
set_i_monthSet the variable i_month in a cow_table
set_init_chamber_idInitial assignment of 'chamber_id'
set_paramOverwrite default parameters with herd specific parameters
setup_area_tableSetup of 'area_table'
setup_cowsSetup of 'cow_table'
setup_movement_tableSetup of 'movement_table'
setup_newborn_tableSetup of 'newborn_table'
setup_rp_tableSetup of 'rp_table'
sex_newbornsSex ratio of newborns
simulate_blv_spreadSimulate spread of BLV
simulate_onceBody of the simulation
susceptibilityCalculate susceptibility of newborns to the pathogen
table_routeSummarize infection routes
table_statusSummarize infection status
tether_roaming_cowsAssign cows roaming in a tie-stall to empty chambers
tie_stall_tableA data.table to store status of a tie-stall barn
translate_msgTranslate plot title and labels
validate_categoryValidate that categorical columns contain valid categories...
validate_cow_tableValidate cow_table
validate_paramValidate parameters
warn_double_sepCheck whether input contains doublewidth separator
warn_invalid_colCheck whether input contains invalid column(s)
fmsan51/blvibmjp documentation built on Sept. 2, 2020, 9:04 p.m.