
Raw data

This directory contains raw data that is subsequently processed into datasets bundled with the PrInCE R package, following Hadley Wickham's guide to including data in packages.

The example dataset that is included with PrInCE by default is taken from Scott et al., Mol. Syst. Biol. 2017 (doi: 10.15252/msb.20167067). The replicate included with the package is the heavy isotope channel from replicate #1 of the cytosolic interactome (i.e., the SEC-PCP-SILAC condition); it was chosen because it is the smallest of the 12 co-elution matrices generated in this study after compression.

To ensure complete reproducibility, the code included in this directory generates the data matrix that is bundled with the R package from an Excel spreadsheet that is included in the supplementary materials associated with the paper, and which is available for download from the journal website.

The package also includes a set of 477 "gold standard" complexes obtained from the EBI Complex Portal (downloaded December 17, 2018). These are included to demonstrate the prediction functionality.

fosterlab/PrInCE-R documentation built on Dec. 11, 2020, 3:51 p.m.