
#' LibraryFactory
#' The goal of the LibraryFactory is to instantiate a set of models given to
#' it. This factory will automatically expand any gridsearch-like grid passed
#' to it.
#' @docType class
#' @importFrom R6 R6Class
#' @importFrom purrr cross_df
#' @include ML.H2O.R
#' @include ML.XGBoost.R
#' @include ML.NeuralNet.R
#' @include ML.Local.lm.R
#' @include ML.randomForest.R
#' @include ML.SVM.R
#' @section Methods:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{\code{initialize(ML.models.allowed = c('condensier::speedglmR6', 'condensier::glmR6', 'ML.H2O.gbm', 'ML.H2O.glm', 'ML.GLMnet', 'ML.H2O.randomForest', 'ML.randomForest', 'ML.SVM', 'ML.Local.Speedlm', 'ML.Local.lm', 'ML.NeuralNet', 'ML.XGBoost', verbose = FALSE)}}{
#'     This method is used to create object of this class. It expects a
#'     \code{ML.models.allowed} as a list which describes all of the models
#'     that are allowed for fabrication.
#'     @param ML.models.allowed (default = c('condensier::speedglmR6',
#'     'condensier::glmR6', 'ML.H2O.gbm', 'ML.H2O.glm', 'ML.GLMnet',
#'     'ML.H2O.randomForest', 'ML.randomForest', 'ML.SVM', 'ML.Local.Speedlm',
#'     'ML.Local.lm', 'ML.NeuralNet', 'ML.XGBoost', verbose = FALSE)) the list
#'     of ML models allowed to create objects for. The default is a list of all
#'     models in the OSL package.
#'     @return a new instance of the library factory.
#'   }
#'   \item{\code{fabricate(SL.library)}}{
#'     Method that fabricates the models in the provided \code{SL.library}.
#'     @param SL.library can be either a list of ML models, for which we will
#'      then choose the default hyper parameters, or a more specific
#'      specification of the models. This is in the form of a list and should be
#'      specified as follows: \code{list(list(algorithm = 'the class of the
#'      algorithm', algorithm_params = list(hyper_parameter1=c(1,2,3)), params =
#'      list(nbins = c(39, 40), online = FALSE))))} in which
#'      \code{algorithm_params} are the hyperparameters for the learner, and
#'      params are the hyper parameters for the density estimator.
#'     @return list a list of fabricated ML models encapsulated in \code{DensityEstimator} objects.
#'   }
#'   \item{\code{fabricate_grid(SL.library) }}{
#'     Function that will fabiricate a grid of SL estimators. See the
#'     specification of how to define an SL grid in the documentation for the
#'     \code{fabricate} function. Note that this function is usually not
#'     called from the outside, and merely used by the fabricate function
#'     @param SL.library list the grid of SL estimators to use.
#'     @return a list of fabricated SL models encapsulated in \code{DensityEstimator} objects.
#'   }
#'   \item{\code{fabricate_single_estimator_from_grid(entry) }}{
#'     Function to fabricate a set of estimator instances based on a single
#'     grid entry. These are all the instances of a specific type of ML
#'     algorithm. The result of thie function is a list of instances of ML.base objects.
#'     @param entry list the entry of the grid for which an ML object needs to be created.
#'     @return list of objects of the actual machine learning algorithm (ML.Base objects).
#'   }
#'   \item{\code{fabricate_single_density_estimator_from_grid(entry, algorithm_instances) }}{
#'     Function to initialize a density estimator objects based on the list of
#'     algorithms created in for example the
#'     \code{fabricate_single_estimator_from_grid}. Note the difference between
#'     an algrithm and a \code{DensityEstimator}. The density estimator object
#'     encapsulates an ML algorithm. These density estimators can also have
#'     parameters (e.g., the number of bins). These are specified in the
#'     \code{entry} argument.
#'     @param entry list of details (name and number of bins, for example) used
#'     for initializing the algorithm.
#'     @param entry list of hyperparameters used to generate the density algorithm.
#'     @param algorithm_instances list of \code{ML.Base} objects which need to
#'      be injected in \code{DensityEstimator} objects.
#'   }
#'   \item{\code{fabricate_default(SL.library) }}{
#'     Function used to generate a list of densityestimator objects from a
#'     simple list of estimators. This will use the default settings and not
#'     apply gridsearch in any way.
#'     @param SL.library  a vector of strings with the names of the ML algorithms to use.
#'     @return list of \code{DensityEstimator} objects
#'   }
#'   \item{\code{check_entry_validity(SL.library.entry) }}{
#'     Checks the validity of an entry when specified as part of a gridsearch
#'     initialization. It throws an error if the entry is not valid.
#'     @param SL.library.entry the entry to check for validity.
#'   }
#'   \item{\code{check_entry_validity_of_character(SL.library.entry) }}{
#'     Checks the validity of an entry when specified as part of a list of ML
#'     estimators (no grid). Returns a list of errors if not valid.
#'     @param SL.library.entry the entry to check for validity.
#'     @return vector containing the errors detected (if any)
#'   }
#'   \item{\code{check_entry_validity_of_list(SL.library.entry) }}{
#'     Checks the validity of a list entry in a SL.library. This checks whether
#'     the arguments are correct and whether the provided values are in an
#'     excepted range. Returns a string of errors if not valid.
#'     @param SL.library.entry the entry to check
#'     @return vector containing the errors detected (if any)
#'   }
#'   \item{\code{inject_names_in_estimators(fabricatedLibrary) }}{
#'     Injects the names of each estimator in to a Density estimator object.
#'     @param fabricatedLibrary the list of fabricated elements.
#'     @return list of fabricated elements, now with their names injeced.
#'   }
#'   \item{\code{get_validity}}{
#'     Active method. Method to determine if the object is in a valid state.
#'     The method will throw whenever the state is not valid
#'   }
#'   \item{\code{get_allowed_ml_models}}{
#'     Active method. Returns a list of valid ML models.
#'     @return list of names of ML models which are deemed valid.
#'   }
#' }
#' @export
LibraryFactory <- R6Class("LibraryFactory",
  public =
        initialize = function(ML.models.allowed = c('condensier::speedglmR6',
                                                    'ML.XGBoost'), verbose = FALSE) {
          private$allowed_ml_models = ML.models.allowed
          private$verbose <- Arguments$getVerbose(verbose)

        fabricate = function(SL.library) {
          ## If we receive a list, assume that we have to create a parameter grid for each model
          if(is.a(SL.library, 'list')){
            fabricatedLibrary <- self$fabricate_grid(SL.library)
          } else {
            ## if it is not a list, assume it is a vector or string
            fabricatedLibrary <- self$fabricate_default(SL.library)

          # Set a name in each of the fabricated estimators.

        fabricate_grid = function(SL.library) {
          ## We have to fabricate a grid on two levels, 1st for the algorithm, then for the density estimation
          ## algotithm_params contains the params for the algorithm
          ## params contains the params for the density estimation

          ## Create objects for each of the objects
          ## algorithmname-paramname-param
          instances <- lapply(SL.library, function(entry) {
            algorithm_instances <- self$fabricate_single_estimator_from_grid(entry)
            result <- self$fabricate_single_density_estimator_from_grid(entry, algorithm_instances)

        fabricate_single_estimator_from_grid = function(entry) {
            name <- entry$algorithm

            ## If no params are provided, treat the list as a vector
            if (!('algorithm_params' %in% names(entry))){
              name <- paste(name, 'vanilla', sep = '-')
              algorithm_instances <- list(create_object_from_string(entry$algorithm, args = list()))
              names(algorithm_instances) <- name
            } else {
              algorithm_param_list <- entry$algorithm_params %>% purrr::cross_df()

              ## Initialize the actual algorithms
              ## We iterate over the numbers, we we still have a datatable when indexing.
              algorithm_instances <- lapply(1:nrow(algorithm_param_list), function(i) {
                current_params <- list()
                params_name <- paste(name, 'vanilla' , sep='-')
                if(nrow(algorithm_param_list[i]) > 0) {
                  current_params <- as.list(algorithm_param_list[i])
                  params_name <- paste(names(current_params), current_params, collapse='_',sep='-') %>%
                    paste(name, ., sep='-')
                result <- list(create_object_from_string(entry$algorithm, args = current_params))
                names(result) <- params_name
              algorithm_instances <- unlist(algorithm_instances)

        fabricate_single_density_estimator_from_grid = function(entry, algorithm_instances) {
          result <- lapply(algorithm_instances, function(algorithm_instance) {
              ## We shouldn't do gridsearch when no parameters are specified, just use the defaults
              if (!('params' %in% names(entry))){
                result <- list('vanillaDE' = DensityEstimation$new(bin_estimator = algorithm_instance))
              } else {
                param_list <- entry$params %>% purrr::cross_df()

                ## We iterate over the numbers, we still keep the correct names when we pass the list
                result <- lapply(1:nrow(param_list), function(i) {
                  ## TODO: Extract this to a function
                  current_params <- list()
                  params_name <- 'vanillaDE'
                  if(nrow(param_list[i]) > 0) {
                    current_params <- as.list(param_list[i])
                    params_name <- paste(names(current_params), current_params, collapse='_',sep='-')

                  current_params$bin_estimator <- algorithm_instance
                  current_params$verbose <- private$verbose
                  result <- list(create_object_from_string('DensityEstimation', args = current_params))
                  names(result) <- params_name
                result <- unlist(result)

        fabricate_default = function(SL.library) {
          SL.library <- Arguments$getCharacters(SL.library)

          ## Create objects for each of the objects
          fabricatedLibrary <- lapply(SL.library, function(entry) {
            self$check_entry_validity(SL.library.entry = entry)

            bin_estimator <- create_object_from_string(entry, args = list())
            result <- create_object_from_string('DensityEstimation',
                                                args = list(bin_estimator = bin_estimator))
          names(fabricatedLibrary) <- SL.library

        check_entry_validity = function(SL.library.entry) {
          errors = c()
          if (is.a(SL.library.entry, 'list')) {
            errors <- self$check_entry_validity_of_list(SL.library.entry)
          } else if (is.character(SL.library.entry)) {
            errors <- self$check_entry_validity_of_character(SL.library.entry)
          } else {
            errors <- c(errors, 'Entry is not a character nor a list')

          if (length(errors) != 0){
            message <- paste('The entry', paste(SL.library.entry, collapse=' '), 'is not specified correctly:', errors)

        check_entry_validity_of_character = function(SL.library.entry) {
          errors = c()
          if (!(SL.library.entry %in% self$get_allowed_ml_models)) {
            errors <- c(errors, paste('The model', SL.library.entry, 'is not a valid ML model algorithm'))

        check_entry_validity_of_list = function(SL.library.entry) {
          errors = c()

          ## Check the arguments in the entry
          allowed_entries <- c('algorithm', 'params', 'algorithm_params')
          for(name in names(SL.library.entry)) {
            if(!(name %in% allowed_entries)) {
              errors <- c(errors, paste('Entry in SL specification:', name,'not supported!'))

          ## Check the algorithm validity
          if('algorithm' %in% names(SL.library.entry)) {
            if (!(SL.library.entry$algorithm %in% self$get_allowed_ml_models)) {
              errors <- c(errors, paste('The model', SL.library.entry$algorithm, 'is not a valid ML model algorithm'))
          } else {
            errors <- c(errors, 'Algorithm not specified')

          ## Create inner function, as this one is both used for the params and the algorithm params
          check_valid_params <- function(SL.library.entry, entry_name) {
            errors <- c()
            if(entry_name %in% names(SL.library.entry)) {
              if (!is(SL.library.entry[[entry_name]], 'list')){
                errors <- c(errors, paste('The', entry_name, 'entry should be a list'))
              } else if (length(SL.library.entry[[entry_name]]) == 0){
                errors <- c(errors, paste('If you add a',entry_name,'entry, also add params to it.'))
              } else if (!all(unlist(lapply(SL.library.entry[[entry_name]], length)) > 0)) {
                errors <- c(errors, paste('If you add a',entry_name,'entry, also add params to it.'))
          errors <- c(errors, check_valid_params(SL.library.entry, 'params'))
          errors <- c(errors, check_valid_params(SL.library.entry, 'algorithm_params'))

        inject_names_in_estimators = function(fabricatedLibrary) {
          # Not a very elegant nor efficient solution, but clear and simple
          for (i in seq_along(fabricatedLibrary)) {
  active =
      get_validity = function() {
        errors <- character()
        ## Check if all models are actually ml models
        ##are.ml.models <- sapply(private$allowed_ml_models, startsWith, 'ML')
          ##msg <- 'Not all provided models are ML models as models should start with ML, please only use ML models.'
          ##errors <- c(errors, msg)
        if (length(errors) == 0) return(TRUE) else throw(errors)

      get_allowed_ml_models = function() {
  private =
        allowed_ml_models = NULL,
        verbose = NULL,

        is_valid_ml_model = function(ML.name) {
          ## TODO: Test if files actually exist.
frbl/OnlineSuperLearner documentation built on Feb. 9, 2020, 9:28 p.m.