
Defines functions is.a get_file_location get_looping_function create_object_from_string .onAttach hide_warning_rank_deficient_fit_prediction hide_warning_rank_deficient_matrix hide_warning_probabilities_numerically_zero_or_one hide_warning_convergence hide_warning_high_h_ratio hide_warning_test hide_warning_replace_weights_osl

Documented in get_file_location get_looping_function is.a

#' General packages used by all of the other classes
#' @import methods
#' @import foreach
#' @import parallel
#' @import R.utils
#' @importFrom R.oo equals
#' @importFrom R.utils Verbose Arguments
#' @importFrom R.methodsS3 throw
#' @importFrom data.table data.table as.data.table is.data.table rbindlist copy shift setDT
#' @importFrom magrittr %>% %<>% %T>%
#' @import assertthat
generalImports <- list()

# General fixes, for usability
expit <- plogis
logit <- qlogis
#throw <- stop

# Helper functions
#' Checks whether an object is an instance of the provided class
#' @param obj the object to check the class from
#' @param obj.class the class which we expect it to enherit from
is.a <- function(obj, obj.class) {
  obj.class <- Arguments$getCharacter(obj.class)
  obj.class %in% class(obj)

#' Returns the file location for both windows and linux
#' @param name the file name to store
#' @param extension the extension of the file
#' @param dir (default = 'tmp') the directory to store the file in
#' @param subdir (default = '') the directory to store the file in
#' @param add_date_to_dir (default = FALSE) add a subdir with a date?
#' @param create_dirs (default = TRUE) create the dirs specified?
#' @return the location of the file, with the extension and the subdirs
get_file_location <- function(name, extension, dir = 'tmp', subdir = '', add_date_to_dir = FALSE, create_dirs = TRUE) {
  #if(.Platform$OS.type == "unix") {
    ## Linux
  #} else {
    ## Windows

  if (subdir != '') {
    dir <- file.path(dir, subdir)

  if (add_date_to_dir) {
    date <- format(Sys.time(), "%y%m%d%H%M")
    dir <- file.path(dir, date)

  dir.create(dir, showWarnings = FALSE, recursive = TRUE)

  filename <- file.path(dir, name)
  filename <- paste(filename, '.', extension, sep = '')

#' Returns the looping function to use
get_looping_function <- function(parallel) {
  if(parallel) {

create_object_from_string <- function(string_object_name, args=list()) {
  return(do.call(eval(parse(text=string_object_name))$new, args = args))

.onAttach <- function(...) {
  packageStartupMessage('The OnlineSuperLearner package is still in beta testing. Interpret results with caution.')

hide_warning_rank_deficient_fit_prediction <- function(the_function){
  h <- function(w) if( any( grepl( "prediction from a rank-deficient fit may be misleading", w) ) ) invokeRestart( "muffleWarning" )
  withCallingHandlers(the_function, warning = h)

hide_warning_rank_deficient_matrix <- function(the_function){
  h <- function(w) if( any( grepl( "the matrix is either rank-deficient or indefinite", w) ) ) invokeRestart( "muffleWarning" )
  withCallingHandlers(the_function, warning = h)

hide_warning_probabilities_numerically_zero_or_one <- function(the_function){
  h <- function(w) if( any( grepl( "fitted probabilities numerically 0 or 1 occurred", w) ) ) invokeRestart( "muffleWarning" )
  withCallingHandlers(the_function, warning = h)

hide_warning_convergence <- function(the_function){
  h <- function(w) if( any( grepl( "converge", w) ) ) invokeRestart( "muffleWarning" )
  withCallingHandlers(the_function, warning = h)

hide_warning_high_h_ratio <- function(the_function){
  h <- function(w) if( any( grepl( "H-ratio is very high", w) ) ) invokeRestart( "muffleWarning" )
  withCallingHandlers(the_function, warning = h)

hide_warning_test <- function(the_function){
  h <- function(w) if( any( grepl( "Test function was called!", w) ) ) invokeRestart( "muffleWarning" )
  withCallingHandlers(the_function, warning = h)

hide_warning_replace_weights_osl <- function(the_function) {
  h <- function(w) if( any( grepl( "The weights provided will be overridden by a random vector", w) ) ) invokeRestart( "muffleWarning" )
  withCallingHandlers(the_function, warning = h)
frbl/OnlineSuperLearner documentation built on Feb. 9, 2020, 9:28 p.m.