
#' Simulator.RunningExample
#' The running example from the paper simulation: if and with how much a binary
#' treatment (antidepressant usage) attributes to changes in  depression.  We
#' use  a  normalized  hypothetical  set  of  sum  scores  of  the  Inventory
#' of DepressiveSymptomatology  (IDS) questionnaire with  a  possible  range
#' of 0-100.  Anti-depressant  usage  is a  binary  variable  sampled  from  a
#' binomial  distribution.
#' Variables:
#' w1 gender 0/1
#' w2 quality of sleep 0/1
#' w3 level of activity (PAL value) between 1.4 and 2.4
#' A antidepressant = 1 no antdepressant = 0
#' Y IDS (Inventory of Depressive Symptomatology)
#' Block time block
#' Patient id patient identification
#' Y_Y influence of Y on Y in the next block
#' Y_A influence of Y on A in the next block
#' Y_w2 influence of Y on w2 in the next blok
#' @name Simulator.RunningExample
#' @docType class
#' @importFrom R6 R6Class
#' @importFrom dplyr filter
#' @import magrittr
#' @section Methods:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{\code{new()}}{
#'     Starts a new simulator.
#'   }
#'   \item{\code{simulateWAY(numberOfBlocks, qw, ga, Qy, intervention, verbose)}}{
#'     Runs the simulation using the parameters provided.
#'   }
#' }
#' @export
Simulator.RunningExample <- R6Class("Simulator.RunningExample",
  public =
      initialize = function(probability_w2 = 0.65) {
        private$probability_w2 <- probability_w2

      simulateWAY = function(numberOfBlocks = 1, numberOfTrajectories = 1, intervention = NULL, verbose = FALSE, ...) {
        # Calculate the first block
        simData_t0 <- private$generate_data0(numberOfTrajectories, private$probability_w2)

        # Calculate the lagged blocks blocks
        simData_t_df <- private$calc_blocks(numberOfTrajectories, numberOfBlocks, private$probability_w2, simData_t0)
        data <- rbind(simData_t0,simData_t_df)
  private =
      probability_w2 = NULL,
      noise_sd = 0.1,
      noise_mean = 0,

      get_w3 = function(w2){
        #if w2 = 1 (good sleep) the activity level will be higher then when w2 = 0 (bad sleep)
        if (w2 == 1) {
          min_val = 1.7
          max_val = 2.4
        } else {
          min_val = 1.4
          max_val = 2.0
        return(runif(1, min = min_val, max = max_val))

      min_max_scale = function(x, max_val, minx, maxx){
        round((x - minx) / (maxx - minx) * max_val)

      generate_data0 = function (n,prob_w2) {

        Block <- 0
        patient_id <- seq.int(n)
        # Initialize gender (w1) man = 1 or woman = 0
        w1 <- rbinom(n, size = 1, prob = 0.5)

        # level of sleep good = 1 bad = 0
        w2 <- rbinom(n, size=1, prob = prob_w2)

        # level of activity PAL <1.4 is almost doing nothing PAL > 2.4 is very active
        #Extremely inactive Cerebral Palsy patient  <1.40
        #Sedentary  Office worker getting little or no exercise 1.40-1.69
        #Moderately active  Construction worker or person running one hour daily  1.70-1.99
        #Vigorously active  Agricultural worker (non mechanized) or person swimming two hours daily 2.00-2.40
        #Extremely active Competitive cyclist >2.40
        # bad sleep is reducing the level of activity

        Getw3Vectorized <- Vectorize(private$get_w3)
        w3 <- Getw3Vectorized(w2)

        A <- rbinom(n, size = 1, prob=plogis(-0.4 + 0.1 * w1 + 0.1 * w2 + 0.15 * w3 + 0.15 * w2 * w3))

        noise <- rnorm(n, mean = private$noise_mean, sd = private$noise_sd)

        # calculate the initial Y variable
        Y_main <- (-0.1 * w1 + 0.4 * w2 + 0.3 * w3) + noise
        Y <- 1 + A + Y_main
        # Also store the counterfactual outcomes
        YA0 <- 1 + 0 + Y_main
        YA1 <- 1 + 1 + Y_main

        minx<- min(c(Y, YA0, YA1))
        maxx<- max(c(Y, YA0, YA1))

        Y   <- private$min_max_scale(Y, 100, minx, maxx)
        YA0 <- private$min_max_scale(YA0, 100, minx, maxx)
        YA1 <- private$min_max_scale(YA1, 100, minx, maxx)

        data <- data.frame(Block, w1, w2, w3, A, Y, YA0, YA1, minx, maxx)
        data <- cbind(data, Patient_id = patient_id)
        return (data)

      generate_lag_data = function(simData_t0, ptn_id, to_block, prob_w2, n) {
        # If we are int the first iteration, we need to use the t0 data.
        cat('Generating data for patient', ptn_id,'\n')
        simData_t<-data.frame(Block = numeric(),
                              w1 = integer(),
                              w2 = integer(),
                              w3 = numeric(),
                              A  = integer(),
                              Y  = numeric(),
                              YA0 =numeric(),
                              YA1 = numeric(),
                              Patient_id = integer())
        row_dag  <- simData_t0 %>%
          filter(Patient_id == ptn_id) %>%
        length_A_1 <- 0
        for(j in 1:to_block) {

          row_dag$Block <- row_dag$Block + 1
          prev_A <- row_dag$A
          prev_Y <- row_dag$Y

          ## calculate w2 depending on Y and previous W2
          ## if Y> 50 increase if Y<50 decrease probability
          delta_prob_w2 <- ifelse(prev_Y < 50, (prev_Y+1)/250, (prev_Y+1)/500)
          noise <- rnorm(n, mean = private$noise_mean, sd = private$noise_sd)
          prob_w2_max_1 <- prob_w2 + delta_prob_w2 + noise
          prob_w2_new <- ifelse(prob_w2_max_1 >0.99,1,prob_w2_max_1)
          row_dag$w2 <- rbinom(n, size = 1, prob = prob_w2_new)

          ## calculate w3 depending on w2
          ## categorize using the PAL scale
          ## function is neat, vectorization as in the first function is only needed when vectors are used
          row_dag$w3 <- private$get_w3(row_dag$w2)
          noise <- rnorm(n, mean = private$noise_mean, sd = private$noise_sd)
          row_dag$w3 <- row_dag$w3 + noise/10
          ## The use of A
          ## When A is 1 the chances increase that A will become 1 again
          ## after a period of A = 1 the chances increase that A will become 0 
          noise <- rnorm(n, mean = private$noise_mean, sd = private$noise_sd)
          if (prev_A == 1){
            if (length_A_1 < 10) {
            row_dag$A <- 1
            length_A_1 <- length_A_1+1
            } else{
              A_prob <- 0.1 * row_dag$w1+ 0.1 * row_dag$w2 + 0.15 * row_dag$w3 + 0.15 * row_dag$w2 * row_dag$w3 + prev_Y/100+noise
              row_dag$A <- rbinom(n, size = 1, prob = plogis(A_prob))
              length_A_1 <- 0
          } else { 
            A_prob <- -0.3 + 0.1 * row_dag$w1+0.1 * row_dag$w2 + 0.15 * row_dag$w3 + 0.15 * row_dag$w2 * row_dag$w3 - prev_Y + noise
            row_dag$A <- rbinom(n, size = 1, prob = plogis(A_prob))
          ##n=1 when single patient_id is used
          noise <- rnorm(n, mean = private$noise_mean, sd = private$noise_sd)

          ##counter factual
          ##the longer A is used the higher Y becomes
          Y_main <- (-0.1 * row_dag$w1 + 0.4 * row_dag$w2 + 0.3 * row_dag$w3) +length_A_1/10+prev_Y/100 + noise
          row_dag$Y   <- 1 + row_dag$A + Y_main
          row_dag$YA0 <- 1 + 0 + Y_main
          row_dag$YA1 <- 1 + 1 + Y_main
          simData_t <- rbind(simData_t, row_dag)

      ## Perform the min-max scaling at the end so we have all values,
      ## and thus can easily rescale the values
      minx <- min(c(simData_t$Y, simData_t$YA0, simData_t$YA1))
      maxx <- max(c(simData_t$Y, simData_t$YA0, simData_t$YA1))

      simData_t$Y <-   private$min_max_scale(simData_t$Y, 100, minx, maxx)
      simData_t$YA0 <- private$min_max_scale(simData_t$YA0, 100, minx, maxx)
      simData_t$YA1 <- private$min_max_scale(simData_t$YA1, 100, minx, maxx)
      return (simData_t)

    calc_blocks = function(n,to_block_val,prob_w2_val, simData_t0){
      simData_t_df <- data.frame()
      for (ptn_id_value in 1:n) {
        temp <- private$generate_lag_data(simData_t0 = simData_t0,
                                        ptn_id = ptn_id_value,
                                        to_block = to_block_val,
                                        prob_w2 =prob_w2_val,
                                        n = 1)
        simData_t_df <- rbind(simData_t_df, temp)

frbl/OnlineSuperLearner documentation built on Feb. 9, 2020, 9:28 p.m.