
 #Pearson or polychoric correlations with confidence intervals

 "cor.ci" <- 
function(x, keys = NULL, n.iter = 100, p = 0.05, overlap=FALSE, poly = FALSE, method = "pearson",plot=TRUE,...) {
corCi(x=x, keys = keys, n.iter = n.iter, p = p, overlap=overlap, poly = poly, method = method,plot=plot,...) }

 "corCi" <- 
function(x, keys = NULL, n.iter = 100, p = 0.05, overlap=FALSE, poly = FALSE, method = "pearson",plot=TRUE,...) {

 cl <- match.call()
 n.obs <- dim(x)[1]
 if(is.null(keys) && overlap) overlap <- FALSE  #can not correct for overlap with just items
if(poly) {  #find polychoric or tetrachoric correlations if desired
  ncat <- 8
  nvar <- dim(x)[2]
  tx <- table(as.matrix(x))
	if(dim(tx)[1] ==2) {tet <- tetrachoric(x)
	    typ = "tet"} else {  #should we do mixed correlations?
	    tab <- apply(x,2,function(x) table(x))
       if(is.list(tab)) {len <- lapply(tab,function(x) length(x))} else {len <- dim(tab)[1] }

dvars <- subset(1:nvar,len==2)   #find the dichotomous variables
pvars <- subset(1:nvar,((len > 2) & (len <= ncat)))  #find the polytomous variables
cvars <- subset(1:nvar,(len > ncat))  #find the continuous variables (more than ncat levels)
if(length(pvars)==ncol(x)) {tet <- polychoric(x)
	    typ = "poly"} else {tet <- mixed.cor(x)
	    typ="mixed" }	    
    Rho <- tet$rho    #Rho is the big correlation of all of items 
 } else { Rho <- cor(x,use="pairwise",method=method)    #the normal Pearson correlations
  #now, if there are keys, find the correlations of the scales       
   if(!is.null(keys)) {bad <- FALSE
         if(any(is.na(Rho))) {warning(sum(is.na(Rho)), " of the item correlations are NA and thus finding scales that include those items will not work.\n We will try to do it for those  scales which do not include those items.
         \n Proceed with caution. ") 
         bad <- TRUE
         rho <- apply(keys,2,function(x) colMeans(apply(keys,2,function(x) colMeans(Rho*x,na.rm=TRUE))*x,na.rm=TRUE))  #matrix multiplication without matrices!  
         #switched to using colMeans instead of colSums, recognizing the problem of different number of items being dropped.
         } else {
          rho <- t(keys) %*% Rho %*% keys} }  else {rho <- Rho} #find the covariances between the scales


 ##correct for overlap if necessary on the original data

 if(overlap) { key.var <- diag(t(keys) %*% keys)
  var <- diag(rho)    #these are the scale variances
   n.keys <- ncol(keys)
   key.av.r <- (var - key.var)/(key.var * (key.var-1))
   item.cov <- t(keys) %*% Rho #this will blow up if there are bad data
   raw.cov <- item.cov %*% keys
   adj.cov <- raw.cov
    for (i in 1:(n.keys)) {
    for (j in 1:i) {
         adj.cov[i,j] <- adj.cov[j,i]<- raw.cov[i,j] - sum(keys[,i] * keys[,j] ) + sum(keys[,i] * keys[,j] *  sqrt(key.av.r[i] * key.av.r[j]))
       diag(adj.cov) <- diag(raw.cov)
       rho <- cov2cor(adj.cov)
  rho <- cov2cor(rho)     #scale covariances to correlations  
  nvar <- dim(rho)[2]
 if(n.iter > 1) {
 	replicates <- list()
 	rep.rots <- list()
 	##now replicate it to get confidence intervals
#	if(!require(parallel)) {warning("parallel package needed for mclapply")}
 		replicates <- mclapply(1:n.iter,function(XX) {
		 xs <- x[sample(n.obs,n.obs,replace=TRUE),]
 		{if(poly) {
 		 if(typ!= "tet") {tets <- mixed.cor(xs)} else {tets <- tetrachoric(xs)}

  	R <- tets$rho} else {R <- cor(xs,use="pairwise",method=method)}  #R is the big correlation matrix
 if(!is.null(keys)) { if (bad) {covariances <- apply(keys,2,function(x) colMeans(apply(keys,2,function(x) colMeans(R*x,na.rm=TRUE))*x,na.rm=TRUE))  #matrix multiplication without matrices!
  } else {
 covariances <- t(keys) %*% R %*% keys}
               r <- cov2cor(covariances) } else {r <- R}					
  #correct for overlap if this is requested
  if(overlap) { 
  var <- diag(covariances) 
   item.cov <- t(keys) %*% R 
   raw.cov <- item.cov %*% keys
   adj.cov <- raw.cov
   key.av.r <- (var - key.var)/(key.var * (key.var-1))
    for (i in 1:(n.keys)) {
    for (j in 1:i) {
         adj.cov[i,j] <- adj.cov[j,i]<- raw.cov[i,j] - sum(keys[,i] * keys[,j] ) + sum(keys[,i] * keys[,j] *  sqrt(key.av.r[i] * key.av.r[j]))
       diag(adj.cov) <- diag(raw.cov)
       r <- cov2cor(adj.cov) #fixed 03/12/14
 rep.rots <- r[lower.tri(r)]

   replicates <- matrix(unlist(replicates),ncol=nvar*(nvar-1)/2,byrow=TRUE) 
       z.rot <- fisherz(replicates)
     means.rot <- colMeans(z.rot,na.rm=TRUE)
      sds.rot <- apply(z.rot,2,sd, na.rm=TRUE)
      sds.rot <- fisherz2r(sds.rot)
      ci.rot.lower <- means.rot + qnorm(p/2) * sds.rot
      ci.rot.upper <- means.rot + qnorm(1-p/2) * sds.rot
      means.rot <- fisherz2r(means.rot)
      ci.rot.lower <- fisherz2r(ci.rot.lower)
      ci.rot.upper <- fisherz2r(ci.rot.upper)
      low.e <- apply(replicates,2,quantile, p/2,na.rm=TRUE)
      up.e  <- apply(replicates, 2, quantile, 1-p/2,na.rm=TRUE)
      tci <- abs(means.rot)/sds.rot
      ptci <- pnorm(tci)
      ci.rot <- data.frame(lower=ci.rot.lower,low.e=low.e,upper=ci.rot.upper,up.e=up.e,p =2*(1-ptci))
      cnR <- abbreviate(colnames(rho),minlength=5) 
      k <- 1
     for(i in 1:(nvar-1)) {for (j in (i+1):nvar) {
      rownames(ci.rot)[k] <- paste(cnR[i],cnR[j],sep="-")
      k<- k +1 }}

results <- list(rho=rho, means=means.rot,sds=sds.rot,tci=tci,ptci=ptci,ci=ci.rot,Call= cl,replicates=rep.rots)
#if(plot) {cor.plot.upperLowerCi(results,numbers=TRUE,cuts=c(.001,.01,.05),...) }  #automatically plot the results
if(plot) {cor.plot(rho,numbers=TRUE,cuts=c(.001,.01,.05),pval =  2*(1-ptci),...) }
class(results) <- c("psych","cor.ci")

 #written Sept 20, 2013 
 #adapted from fa.poly
 #modified May 1, 2014 to scale by pvals
 "cor.plot.upperLowerCi" <- 
function(R,numbers=TRUE,cuts=c(.001,.01,.05),select=NULL,main="Upper and lower confidence intervals of correlations",...) {

lower <- R$ci$lower
upper <- R$ci$upper
temp <- lower
if(is.null(R$r)) {cn = colnames(R$rho)
         rl <- R$rho[lower.tri(R$rho)]} else {
         cn = colnames(R$r)
         rl <-  R$r[lower.tri(R$r)]} #is input from cor.ci or corr.test
lower[rl < 0 ] <- upper[rl < 0]
upper[rl < 0] <- temp[rl < 0]
m <- length(lower)
n <- floor((sqrt(1 + 8 * m) +1)/2) 
    X <- diag(n)
    X[lower.tri(X)] <- upper
    X <- t(X) 
    X[lower.tri(X)] <- lower
    diag(X) <- 1 
colnames(X) <- rownames(X) <- cn
if(is.null(R$ptci))  {pval <- R$p} else {pval = 2*(1-R$ptci)}
class(X) <-  c("psych","cor.cip")
colnames(X) <- abbreviate(rownames(X,4))
invisible(X) }

frenchja/psych documentation built on May 16, 2019, 2:49 p.m.