
Defines functions FindAllMarkersIntersection SeurateToSingleCellExperiment Seurat_Meta_Counts Imprint_Scoring Cell_Cycle_Scoring Subset_Genes_Seurat Subset_Seurat Check_Seurat Process_Seurat


# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
#' Process_Seurat - normalizes expression and calculates PCA + tSNE
#' @param seu - Seurat object
#' @param regress - which variables to regress from expression (i.e. cell cycle)
#' @param tsne - whether to calculate tSNE (slows things down)
#' @param pcs_for_tsne - how many PCs to use for tSNE

Process_Seurat = function(
  regress        = NULL,
  tsne           = TRUE,
  pcs_for_tsne   = 1:20,
  genes_for_tsne = NULL

  source(file.path(lib.path, 'Seurat.R'))

  # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
  if(class(colnames(seu)) == 'array'){
    colnames(seu) = as.character(colnames(seu))

  if(class(rownames(seu)) == 'array'){
    rownames(seu) = as.character(rownames(seu))

  # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
  message('Normalize ...')
    seu = NormalizeData(seu, verbose = FALSE)

      message('Scale ...')
      seu = ScaleData(object = seu, verbose=FALSE)

    if(!is.null(regress) && all(is.character(regress)) && all(regress %in% colnames(seu@meta.data))){
      message('Scale Regress...')
      seu = ScaleData(object = seu, vars.to.regress = regress, verbose=FALSE)

  message('Variable genes ...')
    seu = FindVariableFeatures(object = seu, do.plot = FALSE, verbose=FALSE)

  message('PCA ...')
    seu = RunPCA(seu, do.print=FALSE, verbose=FALSE)

    message('TSNE ...')
      seu = RunTSNE(object = seu, dims.use = pcs_for_tsne, do.fast = TRUE, check_duplicates = FALSE)
      seu = RunTSNE(object = seu, genes.use = genes_for_tsne, do.fast = TRUE, check_duplicates = FALSE)

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
Check_Seurat = function(
  message = vector()
  if(nrow(seu@meta.data) == 0)
    message = c(message, 'meta.data has zero rows')

  if(!all(rownames(seu@meta.data) == colnames(seu@raw.data)))
    message = c(message, 'Cells do not correspond to raw.data')

  if(!all(rownames(seu@meta.data) == colnames(seu@data)))
    message = c(message, 'Cells do not correspond to data')

  if(!all(rownames(seu@meta.data) == colnames(seu@scale.data)))
    message = c(message, 'Cells do not correspond to scale.data')

  if(length(message) > 0)
    stop(paste(message, collapse='\n'))


# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
#' Subset_Seurat - subsets seurat object by cells
#' @param seu a seurat object
#' @param ind a named vector containing the indices of which cells to keep
Subset_Seurat = function(
  seu   = NULL,
  cind  = TRUE,
  gind  = TRUE
    stop('Seurat object is not supplied')

  # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #

    if(length(cind) == 1){
        cind = rownames(seu@meta.data)

            stop('cind must be a named vector')

        cind = names(cind[cind])
  if(!all(cind %in% rownames(seu@meta.data)))
       stop('cind contains unkown cell types')

  # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #

      if(length(gind) == 1){
          gind = rownames(GetAssayData(seu,slot='counts'))

              stop('gind must be a named vector')

          gind = names(gind[gind])
  if(!all(gind %in% rownames(GetAssayData(seu,slot='counts'))))
    stop('gind contains unkown genes')

  # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
  cind = rownames(seu@meta.data) %in% cind
  gind = rownames(GetAssayData(seu,slot='counts')) %in% gind

  meta.data = seu@meta.data
  meta.data = meta.data[cind,]

  raw.data = GetAssayData(seu,slot='counts')
  raw.data = raw.data[gind, cind]

  seu.sub = CreateSeuratObject(
      counts = raw.data,
      meta   = meta.data


# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
#' Subset_Genes_Seurat - subsets seurat object by genes
#' @param seu - a seurat object
#' @param genes - ENSEMBL gene id's of genes which to subset
#' @param what- what/remove - whether to keep the genes or remove the genes
#' @param process - TRUE/FALSE, whether to normalize the data after selection and
#' calculate PCA and tSNE (default TRUE)
#' @param regress - variables to regress during normalization
#' @param pcs_for_tsne - how many PCs to use for tSNE
#' @examples
Subset_Genes_Seurat = function(
  seu          = NULL,
  genes        = NULL,
  what         = 'remove',
  process      = TRUE,
  regress      = NULL,
  pcs_for_tsne = 1:9
    stop('Seurat object is not supplied')

    stop('genes are not supplied')

    stop('genes have to be a character vector')

  if(any(!genes %in% rownames(seu@raw.data)))
    stop('unknown genes are supplied')

  if(what == 'remove'){
    genes_ind = !rownames(seu@raw.data) %in% genes
    genes_ind = rownames(seu@raw.data) %in% genes
  seu@raw.data   = seu@raw.data[genes_ind, ]
  seu@data       = seu@data[genes_ind, ]
  seu@scale.data = seu@scale.data[genes_ind, ]

    seu = Process_Seurat(seu, regress = regress, pcs_for_tsne=pcs_for_tsne)
    warning('The Seurat object is not processed - matrices contain wrongly normalized expression values')

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# ported from Seurat - they have mistake in if else = instead of <=
Cell_Cycle_Scoring = function(object, g2m.genes, s.genes, set.ident = FALSE)
  enrich.name <- "CellCycle"
  genes.list <- list(S.Score = s.genes, G2M.Score = g2m.genes)
  object.cc <- AddModuleScore(object = object, genes.list = genes.list,
                              enrich.name = enrich.name, ctrl.size = min(vapply(X = genes.list,
                                                                                FUN = length, FUN.VALUE = numeric(1))))
  cc.columns <- grep(pattern = enrich.name, x = colnames(x = object.cc@meta.data))
  cc.scores <- object.cc@meta.data[, cc.columns]
  assignments <- apply(X = cc.scores, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(scores,
                                                                 first = "S", second = "G2M", null = "G1") {
    if (all(scores <= 0)) {
    else {
      return(c(first, second)[which(x = scores == max(scores))])
  cc.scores <- merge(x = cc.scores, y = data.frame(assignments),
                     by = 0)
  colnames(x = cc.scores) <- c("rownames", "S.Score", "G2M.Score",
  rownames(x = cc.scores) <- cc.scores$rownames
  cc.scores <- cc.scores[, c("S.Score", "G2M.Score", "Phase")]
  object <- AddMetaData(object = object, metadata = cc.scores)
  if (set.ident) {
    object <- StashIdent(object = object, save.name = "old.ident")
    object <- SetAllIdent(object = object, id = "Phase")

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
Imprint_Scoring = function(object, paternal.genes, maternal.genes)
  enrich.name <- "Imprinted"
  genes.list <- list(Paternal.Score = paternal.genes, Maternal.score = maternal.genes)
  object.cc <- AddModuleScore(object = object, genes.list = genes.list,
                              enrich.name = enrich.name, ctrl.size = min(vapply(X = genes.list,
                                                                                FUN = length, FUN.VALUE = numeric(1))))
  cc.columns <- grep(pattern = enrich.name, x = colnames(x = object.cc@meta.data))
  cc.scores <- object.cc@meta.data[, cc.columns]
  assignments <- apply(X = cc.scores, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(scores,
                                                                 first = "P", second = "M", null = "X") {
    if (all(scores <= 0)) {
    else {
      return(c(first, second)[which(x = scores == max(scores))])
  cc.scores <- merge(x = cc.scores, y = data.frame(assignments),
                     by = 0)
  colnames(x = cc.scores) <- c("rownames", "Paternal.Score", "Maternal.Score",
  rownames(x = cc.scores) <- cc.scores$rownames
  cc.scores <- cc.scores[, c("Paternal.Score", "Maternal.Score","Imprint")]
  object <- AddMetaData(object = object, metadata = cc.scores)


# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
#' Seurat_Meta_Counts
#' @param seu Seurat object
#' @param col Meta data column
#' @param type type of the matrix (data, raw.data)
#' @param norm whether to normalize the matrix
#' @param log boolean, whether to log2(x+1)
Seurat_Meta_Counts = function(
    data.type = 'counts',
    norm = TRUE,
    log  = TRUE
    if(class(seu) != 'Seurat')
        stop('seu is not a Seurat object')

    if(!any(col %in% colnames(seu@meta.data)))
        stop('column is not in the meta.data')

    mat = GetAssayData(seu, data.type)
    cnams = unique(seu@meta.data[[col]])
    lmat = lapply(setNames(cnams, cnams), function(x){
        Matrix::rowSums(mat[,seu@meta.data[[col]]==x, drop=FALSE])
    dmat = data.frame(lmat)
        dmat = t(t(dmat)*(1e5/colSums(dmat)))

        dmat = log2(dmat+1)


# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# converts the seurat to single cell experiment
SeurateToSingleCellExperiment = function(
  annot = NULL,
  gene_subset = NULL
        stop('please supply the annot data.frame')

        gene_subset = rownames(seu)

    rowData = S4Vectors::DataFrame(
        gene_id   = gene_subset,
        gene_name = annot[match(gene_subset, annot$gene_id),]$gene_name)
     rownames(rowData) = rowData$gene_id
     colData = S4Vectors::DataFrame(seu@meta.data)

     counts  = GetAssayData(seu,'counts')[gene_subset, ]
     colnames(counts) = as.character(colnames(counts) )
     rownames(counts) = as.character(rownames(counts) )

     logcounts = counts    = GetAssayData(seu,'data')[gene_subset, ]
     colnames(logcounts)   = as.character(colnames(logcounts) )
     rownames(logcounts)   = as.character(rownames(logcounts) )

     scale_data = GetAssayData(seu,'scale.data')[gene_subset, ]
     colnames(scale_data)   = as.character(colnames(scale_data) )
     rownames(scale_data)   = as.character(rownames(scale_data) )

  sce =  SingleCellExperiment::SingleCellExperiment(
    rowData = rowData,
    colData = colData,
    assays = list(
      counts    = counts,
      logcounts = logcounts,
      scaleData = scale_data

  cnams = c('pca','tsne','umap')
  for (dr in intersect(cnams, names(seu))) {
    SingleCellExperiment::reducedDim(sce, toupper(x = dr)) = Embeddings(seu, dr)

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Should locate all cluster specific genes
FindAllMarkersIntersection = function(
  genes.use = NULL,
  logfc.threshold = 0.25,
  test.use = "wilcox",
  min.pct = 0.1,
  min.diff.pct = -Inf,
  print.bar = TRUE,
  only.pos = FALSE,
  max.cells.per.ident = Inf,
  return.thresh = 1e-2,
  do.print = FALSE,
  random.seed = 1,
  min.cells.gene = 3,
  min.cells.group = 3,
  latent.vars = NULL,
  assay.type = "RNA",
) {
  data.1 <- GetAssayData(object = object,assay.type = assay.type,slot = "data")
  idents.all <- sort(x = unique(x = object@ident))

  genes.all <- list()
  for (i in 1:length(x = idents.all)) {

    ident_a = idents.all[i]
    set_reduced = setdiff(idents.all, ident_a)

    genes.de <- list()
    for(j in 1:length(set_reduced)){
      ident_b = set_reduced[j]

      genes.de[[j]] <- tryCatch(
            object = object,
            assay.type = assay.type,
            ident.1 = ident_a,
            ident.2 = ident_b,
            genes.use = genes.use,
            logfc.threshold = logfc.threshold,
            test.use = test.use,
            min.pct = min.pct,
            min.diff.pct = min.diff.pct,
            print.bar = print.bar,
            min.cells.gene = min.cells.gene,
            min.cells.group = min.cells.group,
            latent.vars = latent.vars,
            max.cells.per.ident = max.cells.per.ident,
        error = function(cond){
      if (do.print) {
        message(paste("Calculating cluster", idents.all[i]))
    genes.de = lapply(genes.de, function(x)subset(x, avg_logFC > 0))
    genes.de = genes.de[sapply(genes.de, nrow) > 0]
    gnams = Reduce(intersect, lapply(genes.de, function(x)rownames(x)))
      tab = genes.de[[1]]
      tab$cluster = ident_a
      tab = tab[order(tab$p_val, -tab$avg_logFC), ]
      tab$gene_id = rownames(tab)
      genes.all[[i]] = subset(tab, gene_id %in% gnams)

  gde.all = do.call(rbind, genes.all)
frenkiboy/MyLib documentation built on Oct. 24, 2020, 11:01 a.m.