

gm <- read_csv("data/all_data_gm.csv")

x1 <- rstan::summary(out1)
write_csv(as.data.frame(x1$summary), path="data/x1.csv")
x1_sum <- as.data.frame(x1$summary)     # as.data.frame() preserves rownames
x1_sum$parameter <- rownames(x1_sum)
x1_sum$parameter_type <- gsub("([^[]*).*", "\\1", x1_sum$parameter)

x <- x %>% 
    mutate(prob = y_r/n,
           prob_se = sqrt(prob*(1-prob)/n)) %>% 
    bind_cols(x1_sum %>% 
                  filter(parameter_type=="pred_prob") %>% 
                  transmute(pred_prob = mean, 
                            pred_prob_se = sd)) %>% 
    group_by(variable_cp) %>% 
    mutate(vcp_mean = mean(prob)) %>% 
    ungroup() %>%
    mutate(diff = prob - pred_prob,
           diff_se = sqrt(prob_se^2+pred_prob_se^2),
           diff_t = abs(diff/diff_se),
           well_predicted = diff_t < 1.96,
           diff_vcp_mean = prob - vcp_mean)

r2_by_item <- x %>% 
    group_by(variable_cp) %>%
    summarise(rmsr = sqrt(mean(diff^2)),
              rmsr_item_means_only = mean(abs(diff_vcp_mean)),
              r2_by_item = 1 - (sum(diff^2)/sum((prob - mean(prob))^2)),
              prob = mean(prob), 
              pred_prob = mean(pred_prob),
              diff = mean(abs(diff)))

overall_fit <- x %>% 
    summarize(rmsr = sqrt(mean(diff^2)),
              rmsr_item_means_only = mean(abs(diff_vcp_mean)),
              by_item_r2 = 1 - (sum(diff^2)/sum(diff_vcp_mean^2)))

qcodes <- x %>% group_by(variable) %>%
  summarize(qcode = first(qcode),
            r_n = n()) %>%

rcodes <- x %>% group_by(variable_cp) %>%
  summarize(rcode = first(rcode),
            r_n = n()) %>%

kcodes <- x %>%
  group_by(country) %>%
  summarize(ccode = first(ccode),
            firstyr = first(firstyr),
            lastyr = first(lastyr)) %>%

ktcodes <- tibble(ccode = rep(1:max(x$ccode), each = max(x$tcode)),
                  tcode = rep(1:max(x$tcode), times = max(x$ccode)),
                  ktcode = (ccode-1)*max(tcode)+tcode) %>%
  left_join(kcodes, by = "ccode") %>%
  mutate(year = min(firstyr) + tcode - 1)

b_res <- x1_sum %>%
  filter(parameter_type=="beta") %>%
  select(parameter, mean, `2.5%`, `97.5%`) %>%
  mutate(rcode = as.numeric(str_extract(parameter, "\\d+"))) %>%
  left_join(rcodes, by="rcode")

a_res <- x1_sum %>% filter(parameter_type=="alpha") %>%
  select(parameter, mean, `2.5%`, `97.5%`) %>%
  mutate(rcode = as.numeric(str_extract(parameter, "\\d+"))) %>%
  left_join(rcodes, by="rcode")

t_res <- rstan::summary(out1, pars="theta", probs=c(.1, .9)) %>%
  first() %>%
  as.data.frame() %>%
  rownames_to_column("parameter") %>%
  as_tibble() %>%
  mutate(ktcode = as.numeric(str_extract(parameter, "\\d+"))) %>%
  left_join(ktcodes, by="ktcode") %>%
  arrange(ccode, tcode)


t_res1 <- t_res %>%
  left_join(lgbt_rights1, by = c("ktcode", "ccode", "tcode", "country", "year")) %>%
  transmute(country = country,
            term = country,
            kk = ccode,
            year = year,
            estimate = mean,
            lb = `10%`,
            ub = `90%`,
            law = ifelse(marry, "Marriage",
                         ifelse(civ_union, "Civil Union",
            crim = ifelse(!ff_legal, "All Relations",
                          ifelse(!mm_legal, "Male Relations",
                                 "None"))) %>%
  arrange(kk, year)

# for ab
t_res1 <- t_res %>%
    transmute(country = country,
              term = country,
              kk = ccode,
              year = year,
              estimate = mean,
              lb = `10%`,
              ub = `90%`) %>%
    arrange(kk, year)

# Plots:
#   1. tolerance by country, most recent available year: cs_plot
#   2. tolerance trends, estimate plus raw data, eight countries
#   3. trends in all countries: ts_plot
#   4. probability of tolerant answer by tolerance (alpha and beta), selected items (modelled on McGann2014, fig 1)
#   5. bar chart of alpha and beta for all items?
fsolt/dcpo_gayrights documentation built on April 18, 2024, 4:59 p.m.