
Defines functions preCoreFG .createTableInference .createTableRef .ontologyIndex .ancsFromPars .strAncsFromPars .readOntology .goPlusInfo .goPlusList .getCache .onLoad

Documented in preCoreFG

.onLoad <- function(libname = NULL, pkgname="fgga"){
  btc <- NULL
  assign('bfc',BiocFileCache() , envir = .GlobalEnv)

.getCache <- function(url, nameGO){
  verbose <- has_internet()
  rid <- bfcquery(bfc, nameGO, "rname")$rid
  if (!length(rid)) {
    if(verbose) {
      message("Downloading ", nameGO)
      rid <- names(bfcadd(bfc, nameGO, url))}}

  if (!isFALSE(bfcneedsupdate(bfc, rid))) bfcdownload(bfc, rid)

  return (bfcrpath(bfc, rids = rid))

.goPlusList <- function(relationship, goPlus) {
  goRelation <- lapply(goPlus, FUN = function(x) {
    (x[intersect(intersect(grep( relationship, x$pred), grep("GO_", x$sub)),
                 grep("GO_", x$obj)), ])})
  indexList <- which(lapply(goRelation,
                            FUN = function(x) (length(x$obj))) > 0)
  goRelation <- do.call("rbind", goRelation[indexList])
  goRelation <- apply(goRelation, MARGIN = 2, FUN = function(x) {
    (gsub("http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_", "GO:", x))})

.goPlusInfo <- function() {
  message("Read  GO-plus")
  url <- .getCache(
    "http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/go/extensions/go-plus.json", "goPlus")
  if (length(url)==0) stop("Neither internet connection nor cached GO data")
  goTermInfo <- fromJSON(url, simplifyVector = TRUE)
  codeRelations <- c("is_a", "BFO_0000050", "BFO_0000066", "RO_0002211",
                     "RO_0002212", "RO_0002213", "RO_0002215", "RO_0002216")
  nameRelations <- c("is_a", "part_of", "occurs_in", "regulates",
                     "negatively_regulates", "positively_regulates",
                     "capable_of", "capable_of_part_of")
  goPlus <- lapply(codeRelations,
                   FUN = .goPlusList, goPlus = goTermInfo$graphs$edges)
  indexGOTerms <- seq(2, length(nameRelations))
  goPlusEdges <- lapply(seq_len(length(nameRelations)),
                        FUN = function(x, y, z) {x[[z]][, 2] <- y[z]
                        return(x[[z]])}, x = goPlus, y = nameRelations)
  goPlusMatrixEdges <- do.call("rbind", goPlusEdges)
  goPlusMatrixEdges <- cbind(goPlusMatrixEdges,
                             matrix(0, dim(goPlusMatrixEdges)[1], 3))

  goTerms <- vapply(goTermInfo$graphs$nodes, FUN = function(x) {
    (gsub("http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_", "GO:", x$id))},
    FUN.VALUE = character(dim(goTermInfo$graphs$nodes[[1]])[1]))
  goDomains <- vapply(goTermInfo$graphs$nodes[[1]]$meta$basicPropertyValues,
              FUN = function(x) {y <- grep(
              "biological_process|molecular_function|cellular_component", x$val)
                  if (length(y) > 0) {return(
                    switch(x$val[y], "biological_process" = "GOBP",
                  "molecular_function" = "GOMF", "cellular_component" = "GOCC"))
                  } else {return("")}}, FUN.VALUE = character(1))

  goTerms <- cbind(goTerms, goDomains)
  goTerms <- goTerms[-which(goDomains == ""), ]
  rownames(goTerms) <- goTerms[, 1]
  goTerms <- goTerms[intersect(union(
    goPlusMatrixEdges[, 1], goPlusMatrixEdges[, 3]), rownames(goTerms)), ]
  indexGOTerms <- 0

  for (i in seq_len(length(codeRelations))) {
    goRelationLength <- length(goPlusEdges[[i]]) / 3
    indexGOTerms <- seq.int(max(indexGOTerms) + 1,
                            goRelationLength + max(indexGOTerms))
    goPlusMatrixEdges[indexGOTerms, 4] <- vapply(goPlusEdges[[i]][
      seq_len(goRelationLength)], FUN = function(x, y) {y[x, 2]},
      y = goTerms, FUN.VALUE = character(1))
    if (i == 1) {
      goPlusMatrixEdges[indexGOTerms, 5] <-
        goPlusMatrixEdges[indexGOTerms, 4]
    } else {
      goPlusMatrixEdges[indexGOTerms, 5] <- vapply( goPlusEdges[[i]][
        seq.int(2 * goRelationLength + 1, 3 * goRelationLength)],
        FUN = function(x, y) {y[x, 2]}, y = goTerms,
        FUN.VALUE = character(1))
    goPlusMatrixEdges[indexGOTerms, 6] <- paste(
      goPlusMatrixEdges[indexGOTerms, 4],
      goPlusMatrixEdges[indexGOTerms, 5], sep = "-")

  colnames(goPlusMatrixEdges) <- c("Son", "Relationship", "Father",
                                   "Domain_Son", "Domain_Father", "Domains")

.readOntology <- function(file, nameOnto, relationshipsOntology) {
  minimal <- FALSE
  goTermRegexp <- "^\\[(Term|Typedef|Instance)\\]"
  tagRegexp <- "^(relationship: |intersection_of: )?([^ \t]*[^:]):?\\s+(.+)"
  rawLines <- readLines(file)
  m <- regexpr(text = rawLines, pattern = "^([^!{]+[^!{ \t])")
  lines <- regmatches(x = rawLines, m = m)
  termLines <- grep(pattern = goTermRegexp, x = lines)
  if (length(termLines) == 0) {
    stop("No terms detected in the Ontology")}
  taggedLines <- grep(pattern = tagRegexp, x = lines)
  tagMatches <- regmatches(
    x = lines[taggedLines], regexec(text = lines[taggedLines],
                                    pattern = tagRegexp))
  tags <- vapply(tagMatches, "[", 3, FUN.VALUE = character(1))
  values <- vapply(tagMatches, "[", 4, FUN.VALUE = character(1))
  allTagTypes <- unique(tags)
  useTags <- if (minimal) {
    intersect(c("id", "name", "is_obsolete"), allTagTypes)
  } else {allTagTypes}
  propagateLines <- which(tags %in% relationshipsOntology)
  parents <- unname(lapply(FUN = unique, split(
    values[propagateLines], cut(taggedLines[propagateLines],
                                breaks = c(termLines, Inf),
                                labels = seq(length(termLines))))))
  tagLines <- which(tags %in% useTags)
  properties <- mapply(SIMPLIFY = FALSE, FUN = function(vals, lns) {
    unname(split(vals, cut(lns, breaks = c(termLines, Inf), labels =
           seq(length(termLines)))))}, split(values[tagLines],
           tags[tagLines]), split(taggedLines[tagLines], tags[tagLines]))
  simplify <- intersect(names(properties), c("id", "name", "def", "comment",
               "is_obsolete", "created_by", "creation_date"))
  properties[simplify] <- lapply(properties[simplify], function(lst) {
    #   properties <- lapply(properties[simplify], function(lst) {
    vapply(lst, "[", 1, FUN.VALUE = character(1))})
  names(properties) <- gsub(x = names(properties), pattern =
                       replacement = "\\1_OBO")
  simplify <- intersect(names(properties), c("id", "name", "is_obsolete",
  properties <- properties[simplify]
  do.call(what = .ontologyIndex, c(list(ontology = "PO", version = substr(
    lines[seq(termLines[1] - 1)], 1, 1000), parents = parents,
    id = properties[["id"]], name = properties[["name"]],
    obsolete = if ("is_obsolete" %in% names(properties)) {
      (!is.na(properties[["is_obsolete"]])) &
        properties[["is_obsolete"]] == "true"
    } else {rep(FALSE, length(properties[["id"]]))}, ontoRelation=
      properties[intersect(relationshipsOntology, names(properties))]),
    properties[  -which(names(properties) %in% c("id", "name", "is_obsolete",

.strAncsFromPars <- function(id, pars, chld) {
  stopifnot(all(vapply(list(pars, chld), function(x) {
    is.null(names(x)) | identical(names(x), id)}, FUN.VALUE = logical(1))))
  int.pars <- c(split(as.integer(
    factor(unlist(use.names = FALSE, pars), levels = id)), unlist(
      use.names = FALSE, mapply(SIMPLIFY = FALSE, FUN = rep, id, vapply(
        pars, length, FUN.VALUE = 0L)))), setNames(nm = setdiff(id, unlist(
          use.names = FALSE, pars)), rep(list(integer(0)), length(
            setdiff(id, unlist(use.names = FALSE, pars))))))[id]
  int.chld <- c(split(as.integer( factor(unlist(use.names = FALSE, chld),
              levels = id)), unlist(use.names = FALSE, mapply(
              SIMPLIFY = FALSE, FUN = rep, id, vapply(chld, length,
              FUN.VALUE = 0L)))), setNames(nm = setdiff(id,
                                                                                                                             unlist(use.names = FALSE, chld)), rep(list(integer(0)),
                                                                                                                                                                   length(setdiff(id, unlist(use.names = FALSE, chld))))))[id]
  setNames(nm = id, lapply(.ancsFromPars(int.pars, int.chld),
                           function(x) id[x]))

.ancsFromPars <- function(pars, chld) {
  ancs <- as.list(seq(length(pars)))
  done <- vapply(pars, function(x) length(x) == 0, FUN.VALUE = logical(1))
  cands <- which(done)
  new.done <- seq_len(length(cands))
  while (!all(done)) {
    cands <- unique(unlist(use.names = FALSE, chld[cands[new.done]]))
    v <- vapply(pars[cands], function(x) all(done[x]),
                FUN.VALUE = logical(1))
    if (!is.logical(v)) {
      stop("Can't get ancestors for items ",
           paste0(collapse = ", ", which(!done)))}
    new.done <- which(v)
    done[cands[new.done]] <- TRUE
    ancs[cands[new.done]] <- mapply(
      SIMPLIFY = FALSE, FUN = c, lapply(cands[new.done], function(x) {
        unique(unlist(use.names = FALSE, ancs[pars[[x]]]))}), cands[new.done])

.ontologyIndex <- function(parents, id = names(parents), name = id,
                           obsolete = setNames(nm = id, rep(FALSE, length(id))),
                           version = NULL, ontology = "GO", ontoRelation) {
  if (is.null(id)) {
    stop("Must give non-NULL term IDs: either as 'id' argument or as the
            names of the 'parents' argument")
  if (!is.character(id)) {
    stop("'id' argument must be of class 'character'")
  if (!((is.null(names(parents)) & length(parents) == length(id)) |
        identical(names(parents), id))) {
    stop("`parents` argument must have names attribute identical to `id`
        argument or be the same length")
  missing_terms <- setdiff(unlist(use.names = FALSE, parents), id)
  if (length(missing_terms) > 0) {
    if (ontology == "GO"){
      warning(paste0("Some parent terms not found: ",paste0(collapse = ", ",
              missing_terms[seq(min(length(missing_terms), 3))]),
                     if (length(missing_terms) > 3) {
                       paste0(" (", length(missing_terms) - 3, " more)")
                     } else {""}))}
    parents <- lapply(parents, intersect, id)
  children <- c(lapply(FUN = as.character, X = split(unlist(
    use.names = FALSE, rep(id, times = vapply(parents, FUN = length,
                FUN.VALUE = 0L))), unlist(use.names = FALSE, parents))),
    setNames(nm = setdiff(id, unlist(use.names = FALSE, parents)),
             rep(list(character(0)), length(setdiff(id,
              unlist(use.names = FALSE, parents))))))[id]
  ontoBase <- structure(lapply(FUN = setNames, nm = id, X = list(id = id,
              name = name, parents = parents, children = children,
              ancestors = .strAncsFromPars(id, unname(parents),
              unname(children)), obsolete = obsolete)), version = version)
  ontoBase <- c(ontoBase, ontoRelation)

.createTableRef <- function(domains){
  if (domains == "PO"){
    ontoPlusRef <- matrix(c("","part_of","", "GOCC", "PO", "GOCC-PO"), 16,
                          6, byrow = TRUE)
    ontoPlusRef[, 1] <-
      c("GO:0090406", "GO:0043667", "GO:0090404", "GO:0043673", "GO:0048226",
        "GO:0043670", "GO:0043671", "GO:0043669", "GO:0043672", "GO:0043676",
        "GO:0043668", "GO:0043078", "GO:0043680", "GO:0043678", "GO:0035619",
    ontoPlusRef[, 3] <-
      c("PO:0025195", "PO:0025281", "PO:0025195", "PO:0025195", "PO:0025281",
        "PO:0025281", "PO:0025281", "PO:0025281", "PO:0025281", "PO:0025281",
        "PO:0025281", "PO:0009089", "PO:0000078", "PO:0025281", "PO:0000256",
    ontoPlusRef[c(12, 13, 15, 16), 2] <- c("located_in", "develops_from",
                                           "develops_from", "participates_in")
  if (domains == "ZFA"){
    ontoPlusRef <- matrix(c("","is_a","", "GOCC", "ZFA", "GOCC-ZFA"), 4, 6,
                          byrow = TRUE)
    ontoPlusRef[, 1] <-
      c("GO:0060417", "GO:0044301", "GO:1990032", "GO:0031633")
    ontoPlusRef[, 3] <-
      c("ZFA:0000084", "ZFA:0001711", "ZFA:0001713", "ZFA:0009198")
  if (domains == "HPO"){
    ontoPlusRef <- matrix(c("", "characteristic_of", "", "GOBP", "HPO",
                            "GOBP-HPO"), 457, 6, byrow = TRUE)
    ontoPlusRef[, 1] <-
      c("GO:0006954", "GO:0006954", "GO:0060073", "GO:0006954", "GO:0042703",
        "GO:0042703", "GO:0006954", "GO:0006954", "GO:0006954", "GO:0007605",
        "GO:0007605", "GO:0002526", "GO:0006954", "GO:0002544", "GO:0006954",
        "GO:0055127", "GO:0007608", "GO:0006954", "GO:0007601", "GO:0007601",
        "GO:0006954", "GO:0006954", "GO:0007601", "GO:0006954", "GO:0002118",
        "GO:0019226", "GO:0072350", "GO:0045136", "GO:0030252", "GO:0045136",
        "GO:0061696", "GO:0030252", "GO:0042703", "GO:0003008", "GO:0070977",
        "GO:0043473", "GO:0043473", "GO:0043473", "GO:0006954", "GO:0043473",
        "GO:0006582", "GO:0001503", "GO:0050890", "GO:0060004", "GO:0060004",
        "GO:0006954", "GO:0048513", "GO:0060004", "GO:0001503", "GO:0005739",
        "GO:0001503", "GO:0001503", "GO:0001503", "GO:0009790", "GO:0007565",
        "GO:0007567", "GO:0060047", "GO:0007565", "GO:0007565", "GO:0006954",
        "GO:0006954", "GO:0007565", "GO:0007565", "GO:0008152", "GO:0046951",
        "GO:0046323", "GO:0030097", "GO:0006954", "GO:0030421", "GO:0050892",
        "GO:0006954", "GO:0032098", "GO:0006954", "GO:0060464", "GO:0007585",
        "GO:0042065", "GO:0022010", "GO:0001964", "GO:0001764", "GO:0050881",
        "GO:0030431", "GO:0050881", "GO:0016049", "GO:0042465", "GO:0042747",
        "GO:0060004", "GO:0006954", "GO:0006954", "GO:0001503", "GO:0001503",
        "GO:0042742", "GO:0071746", "GO:0006955", "GO:0045728", "GO:0070227",
        "GO:0070977", "GO:0006954", "GO:0007585", "GO:0007585", "GO:0045453",
        "GO:0030282", "GO:0006954", "GO:0071754", "GO:0007585", "GO:0008483",
        "GO:0007059", "GO:0008203", "GO:0042592", "GO:0006629", "GO:0022011",
        "GO:0019226", "GO:0014732", "GO:0008203", "GO:0004494", "GO:0071743",
        "GO:0051319", "GO:0002185", "GO:0071736", "GO:0006281", "GO:0019172",
        "GO:0071746", "GO:0070288", "GO:0005739", "GO:0008152", "GO:0001958",
        "GO:0034435", "GO:0004658", "GO:0030424", "GO:0031594", "GO:0005604",
        "GO:0030261", "GO:0071746", "GO:0042552", "GO:0030424", "GO:0071754",
        "GO:0006555", "GO:0004333", "GO:0070527", "GO:0005622", "GO:0008482",
        "GO:0016137", "GO:0014734", "GO:0005739", "GO:0001503", "GO:0001503",
        "GO:0001503", "GO:0001503", "GO:0001503", "GO:0001503", "GO:0001503",
        "GO:0001503", "GO:0001503", "GO:0001503", "GO:0001503", "GO:0001503",
        "GO:0001503", "GO:0001503", "GO:0001503", "GO:0003010", "GO:0042571",
        "GO:0071736", "GO:0001503", "GO:0001503", "GO:0006520", "GO:0009072",
        "GO:0000096", "GO:0009235", "GO:0008152", "GO:0006687", "GO:0001573",
        "GO:0006144", "GO:0006206", "GO:0019752", "GO:0006551", "GO:0006801",
        "GO:0006631", "GO:0055074", "GO:0006568", "GO:0006096", "GO:0001659",
        "GO:0030203", "GO:0006954", "GO:0007608", "GO:0007608", "GO:0030282",
        "GO:0001503", "GO:0006012", "GO:0010960", "GO:0060343", "GO:0002544",
        "GO:0006954", "GO:0001503", "GO:0043473", "GO:0030183", "GO:0006955",
        "GO:0042113", "GO:0042110", "GO:0001503", "GO:0001503", "GO:0071743",
        "GO:0035265", "GO:0043473", "GO:0070977", "GO:0001503", "GO:0035282",
        "GO:0070977", "GO:0001503", "GO:0005929", "GO:0006094", "GO:0001503",
        "GO:0001503", "GO:0002544", "GO:0070166", "GO:0001503", "GO:0001503",
        "GO:0001503", "GO:0001503", "GO:0005739", "GO:0043209", "GO:0022410",
        "GO:0032289", "GO:0043209", "GO:0043473", "GO:0043473", "GO:0043473",
        "GO:0043473", "GO:0043473", "GO:0043473", "GO:0043473", "GO:0043473",
        "GO:0043473", "GO:0008283", "GO:0043473", "GO:0042552", "GO:0043473",
        "GO:0060004", "GO:0043473", "GO:0043473", "GO:0043473", "GO:0001503",
        "GO:0001503", "GO:0001503", "GO:0001503", "GO:0001503", "GO:0004565",
        "GO:0046544", "GO:0045136", "GO:0055069", "GO:0005739", "GO:0032286",
        "GO:0005739", "GO:0005739", "GO:0001503", "GO:0001503", "GO:0006776",
        "GO:0035878", "GO:0001503", "GO:0055127", "GO:0046543", "GO:0007283",
        "GO:0001503", "GO:0001503", "GO:0001503", "GO:0001503", "GO:0001503",
        "GO:0001503", "GO:0001503", "GO:0005746", "GO:0001503", "GO:0001503",
        "GO:0001503", "GO:0043473", "GO:0007605", "GO:0006954", "GO:0042695",
        "GO:0046543", "GO:0006783", "GO:0046903", "GO:0001503", "GO:0001503",
        "GO:0001503", "GO:0042571", "GO:0042571", "GO:0019230", "GO:0009081",
        "GO:0006558", "GO:0009069", "GO:0006544", "GO:1901052", "GO:0009066",
        "GO:0006566", "GO:0006555", "GO:0009064", "GO:0006541", "GO:0006547",
        "GO:0006560", "GO:0006553", "GO:0006525", "GO:0006549", "GO:0006573",
        "GO:0006570", "GO:0006534", "GO:0050667", "GO:0072507", "GO:0055080",
        "GO:0055067", "GO:0009112", "GO:0046110", "GO:0001676", "GO:0008152",
        "GO:0008152", "GO:0009437", "GO:1903509", "GO:0006664", "GO:0030218",
        "GO:0007598", "GO:0007597", "GO:0072377", "GO:0043648", "GO:0032787",
        "GO:0005976", "GO:0005975", "GO:0042593", "GO:0007049", "GO:0030261",
        "GO:1903510", "GO:0033559", "GO:0006693", "GO:0008015", "GO:0050878",
        "GO:0006000", "GO:0003014", "GO:0060073", "GO:0070293", "GO:0043209",
        "GO:0006954", "GO:0001816", "GO:0032602", "GO:0006954", "GO:0022010",
        "GO:0022011", "GO:0055064", "GO:0016477", "GO:0043473", "GO:0043473",
        "GO:0060047", "GO:0001503", "GO:0001503", "GO:0001503", "GO:0008152",
        "GO:0005753", "GO:0000052", "GO:0061116", "GO:0006591", "GO:0060004",
        "GO:0005739", "GO:0005739", "GO:0005739", "GO:0006600", "GO:0006954",
        "GO:0031514", "GO:0006563", "GO:0043473", "GO:0001503", "GO:0043473",
        "GO:0043473", "GO:0070288", "GO:0070085", "GO:0006486", "GO:0006487",
        "GO:0006493", "GO:0036066", "GO:0004095", "GO:0042552", "GO:0042552",
        "GO:0006954", "GO:0006954", "GO:0007268", "GO:0042696", "GO:0008283",
        "GO:0060073", "GO:0043473", "GO:0006954", "GO:0006954", "GO:0006954",
        "GO:0001503", "GO:0001503", "GO:0006954", "GO:0042713", "GO:0006954",
        "GO:0042756", "GO:0006954", "GO:0022011", "GO:0001503", "GO:0061696",
        "GO:0061696", "GO:0043473", "GO:0006954", "GO:0070227", "GO:0070227",
        "GO:0002250", "GO:0019221", "GO:0019221", "GO:0043473", "GO:0006953",
        "GO:0043473", "GO:0031052", "GO:0005739", "GO:0005739", "GO:0005746",
        "GO:0043473", "GO:0043473", "GO:0046903", "GO:0002185", "GO:0070288",
        "GO:0006954", "GO:0042730", "GO:0046323", "GO:0001503", "GO:0001503",
        "GO:0001503", "GO:0001503", "GO:0001843", "GO:0006954", "GO:0016234",
        "GO:0006955", "GO:0006766", "GO:0019852", "GO:0042359", "GO:0042360",
        "GO:0060073", "GO:0055062", "GO:0006954", "GO:0006954", "GO:0050890",
        "GO:0040007", "GO:0001503", "GO:0006954", "GO:0006954", "GO:0006954",
        "GO:0006954", "GO:0006954", "GO:0006954", "GO:0043473", "GO:0042755",
        "GO:0046541", "GO:0043473", "GO:0042373", "GO:0001503", "GO:0043084",
        "GO:0000819", "GO:0043473", "GO:0043473", "GO:0042110", "GO:0001503",
        "GO:0006954", "GO:0044307")
    ontoPlusRef[, 3] <-
      c("HP:0000024", "HP:0000031", "HP:0000103", "HP:0000123", "HP:0000140",
        "HP:0000141", "HP:0000230", "HP:0000246", "HP:0000265", "HP:0000364",
        "HP:0000365", "HP:0000371", "HP:0000388", "HP:0000389", "HP:0000403",
        "HP:0000405", "HP:0000458", "HP:0000498", "HP:0000504", "HP:0000505",
        "HP:0000509", "HP:0000554", "HP:0000618", "HP:0000704", "HP:0000718",
        "HP:0000762", "HP:0000816", "HP:0000823", "HP:0000824", "HP:0000826",
        "HP:0000837", "HP:0000845", "HP:0000858", "HP:0000871", "HP:0000927",
        "HP:0000953", "HP:0001000", "HP:0001010", "HP:0001101", "HP:0001106",
        "HP:0001107", "HP:0001216", "HP:0001249", "HP:0001265", "HP:0001284",
        "HP:0001287", "HP:0001338", "HP:0001347", "HP:0001362", "HP:0001427",
        "HP:0001507", "HP:0001508", "HP:0001510", "HP:0001511", "HP:0001561",
        "HP:0001622", "HP:0001635", "HP:0001660", "HP:0001663", "HP:0001701",
        "HP:0001733", "HP:0001735", "HP:0001928", "HP:0001939", "HP:0001946",
        "HP:0001952", "HP:0001978", "HP:0001997", "HP:0002019", "HP:0002024",
        "HP:0002037", "HP:0002039", "HP:0002090", "HP:0002101", "HP:0002104",
        "HP:0002171", "HP:0002188", "HP:0002267", "HP:0002269", "HP:0002304",
        "HP:0002360", "HP:0002375", "HP:0002446", "HP:0002487", "HP:0002494",
        "HP:0002522", "HP:0002583", "HP:0002586", "HP:0002663", "HP:0002703",
        "HP:0002718", "HP:0002720", "HP:0002721", "HP:0002723", "HP:0002731",
        "HP:0002750", "HP:0002754", "HP:0002789", "HP:0002791", "HP:0002797",
        "HP:0002832", "HP:0002840", "HP:0002850", "HP:0002883", "HP:0002910",
        "HP:0002916", "HP:0003107", "HP:0003110", "HP:0003119", "HP:0003130",
        "HP:0003134", "HP:0003202", "HP:0003209", "HP:0003210", "HP:0003212",
        "HP:0003214", "HP:0003236", "HP:0003237", "HP:0003254", "HP:0003258",
        "HP:0003261", "HP:0003281", "HP:0003287", "HP:0003287", "HP:0003336",
        "HP:0003349", "HP:0003353", "HP:0003390", "HP:0003398", "HP:0003400",
        "HP:0003451", "HP:0003460", "HP:0003469", "HP:0003477", "HP:0003496",
        "HP:0003524", "HP:0003536", "HP:0003540", "HP:0003575", "HP:0003643",
        "HP:0003649", "HP:0003712", "HP:0003737", "HP:0003892", "HP:0003893",
        "HP:0003894", "HP:0003897", "HP:0003914", "HP:0004020", "HP:0004051",
        "HP:0004052", "HP:0004053", "HP:0004233", "HP:0004246", "HP:0004254",
        "HP:0004257", "HP:0004274", "HP:0004280", "HP:0004305", "HP:0004313",
        "HP:0004315", "HP:0004330", "HP:0004331", "HP:0004337", "HP:0004338",
        "HP:0004339", "HP:0004341", "HP:0004342", "HP:0004343", "HP:0004345",
        "HP:0004352", "HP:0004353", "HP:0004354", "HP:0004357", "HP:0004358",
        "HP:0004359", "HP:0004363", "HP:0004365", "HP:0004366", "HP:0004370",
        "HP:0004371", "HP:0004386", "HP:0004408", "HP:0004409", "HP:0004605",
        "HP:0004606", "HP:0004915", "HP:0004921", "HP:0005089", "HP:0005231",
        "HP:0005263", "HP:0005275", "HP:0005336", "HP:0005357", "HP:0005374",
        "HP:0005384", "HP:0005419", "HP:0005451", "HP:0005474", "HP:0005479",
        "HP:0005484", "HP:0005599", "HP:0005616", "HP:0005623", "HP:0005776",
        "HP:0005832", "HP:0005885", "HP:0005938", "HP:0005959", "HP:0006016",
        "HP:0006257", "HP:0006280", "HP:0006285", "HP:0006454", "HP:0006598",
        "HP:0006607", "HP:0006628", "HP:0006789", "HP:0006808", "HP:0006979",
        "HP:0007266", "HP:0007305", "HP:0007406", "HP:0007440", "HP:0007513",
        "HP:0007542", "HP:0007661", "HP:0007680", "HP:0007703", "HP:0007730",
        "HP:0007832", "HP:0007850", "HP:0007894", "HP:0007922", "HP:0007988",
        "HP:0008000", "HP:0008001", "HP:0008002", "HP:0008034", "HP:0008087",
        "HP:0008103", "HP:0008108", "HP:0008134", "HP:0008142", "HP:0008166",
        "HP:0008185", "HP:0008197", "HP:0008277", "HP:0008306", "HP:0008311",
        "HP:0008316", "HP:0008322", "HP:0008369", "HP:0008371", "HP:0008372",
        "HP:0008383", "HP:0008477", "HP:0008513", "HP:0008647", "HP:0008669",
        "HP:0008747", "HP:0008785", "HP:0008788", "HP:0008797", "HP:0008820",
        "HP:0008828", "HP:0008829", "HP:0008972", "HP:0009105", "HP:0009106",
        "HP:0009107", "HP:0009887", "HP:0009900", "HP:0010280", "HP:0010314",
        "HP:0010465", "HP:0010472", "HP:0010514", "HP:0010656", "HP:0010660",
        "HP:0010675", "HP:0010701", "HP:0010702", "HP:0010831", "HP:0010892",
        "HP:0010893", "HP:0010894", "HP:0010895", "HP:0010898", "HP:0010899",
        "HP:0010900", "HP:0010901", "HP:0010902", "HP:0010903", "HP:0010904",
        "HP:0010907", "HP:0010908", "HP:0010909", "HP:0010912", "HP:0010914",
        "HP:0010917", "HP:0010918", "HP:0010919", "HP:0010927", "HP:0010929",
        "HP:0010930", "HP:0010932", "HP:0010933", "HP:0010964", "HP:0010965",
        "HP:0010966", "HP:0010967", "HP:0010968", "HP:0010969", "HP:0010972",
        "HP:0010988", "HP:0010989", "HP:0010990", "HP:0010995", "HP:0010996",
        "HP:0011012", "HP:0011013", "HP:0011014", "HP:0011018", "HP:0011019",
        "HP:0011020", "HP:0011022", "HP:0011023", "HP:0011028", "HP:0011032",
        "HP:0011033", "HP:0011036", "HP:0011037", "HP:0011038", "HP:0011096",
        "HP:0011110", "HP:0011113", "HP:0011115", "HP:0011123", "HP:0011400",
        "HP:0011401", "HP:0011422", "HP:0011489", "HP:0011509", "HP:0011512",
        "HP:0011675", "HP:0011836", "HP:0011849", "HP:0011863", "HP:0011922",
        "HP:0011925", "HP:0011965", "HP:0012021", "HP:0012025", "HP:0012046",
        "HP:0012087", "HP:0012102", "HP:0012103", "HP:0012113", "HP:0012115",
        "HP:0012261", "HP:0012278", "HP:0012293", "HP:0012306", "HP:0012319",
        "HP:0012320", "HP:0012343", "HP:0012345", "HP:0012346", "HP:0012347",
        "HP:0012358", "HP:0012359", "HP:0012380", "HP:0012447", "HP:0012448",
        "HP:0012486", "HP:0012490", "HP:0012535", "HP:0012569", "HP:0012574",
        "HP:0012590", "HP:0012643", "HP:0012647", "HP:0012648", "HP:0012649",
        "HP:0012791", "HP:0012792", "HP:0012819", "HP:0012875", "HP:0025439",
        "HP:0030082", "HP:0030151", "HP:0030172", "HP:0030290", "HP:0030338",
        "HP:0030339", "HP:0030493", "HP:0030683", "HP:0030886", "HP:0030887",
        "HP:0031404", "HP:0031406", "HP:0031407", "HP:0031605", "HP:0033331",
        "HP:0040007", "HP:0040012", "HP:0040013", "HP:0040014", "HP:0040015",
        "HP:0040030", "HP:0040031", "HP:0040075", "HP:0040081", "HP:0040133",
        "HP:0040165", "HP:0040224", "HP:0040270", "HP:0045001", "HP:0045002",
        "HP:0045003", "HP:0045004", "HP:0045005", "HP:0045073", "HP:0100299",
        "HP:0100326", "HP:0100508", "HP:0100509", "HP:0100511", "HP:0100514",
        "HP:0100519", "HP:0100529", "HP:0100533", "HP:0100537", "HP:0100543",
        "HP:0100555", "HP:0100569", "HP:0100577", "HP:0100584", "HP:0100614",
        "HP:0100646", "HP:0100653", "HP:0100662", "HP:0100669", "HP:0100738",
        "HP:0100755", "HP:0100816", "HP:0100831", "HP:0100856", "HP:0200023",
        "HP:0200024", "HP:0200064", "HP:0200098", "HP:0410035", "HP:0430013",
        "HP:0500006", "HP:0500032")
    ontoPlusRef[c(10, 37, 63, 64, 81, 83, 85, 106, 107, 141, 179, 181, 220,
                  358, 384, 385, 417, 435), 2] <- "characteristic_of_part_of"
    ontoPlusRef[c(15, 33, 34, 49, 66, 91, 258, 361, 418), 2] <- "towards"
    ontoPlusRef[c(25, 58, 112, 142, 405, 407), 2] <- "equivalentTo"
    ontoPlusRef[55, 2] <- "existence_overlaps"
    ontoPlusRef[c(105, 120, 127, 140, 373), 2] <- "capable_of"
    ontoPlusRef[c(139, 249), 2] <- "part_of"
    ontoPlusRef[c(158, 105, 113, 114, 120, 127, 137, 140, 245, 373), 4] <-
    ontoPlusRef[c(158, 105, 113, 114, 120, 127, 137, 140, 245, 373), 6] <-
    ontoPlusRef[c(31, 50, 92, 103, 115, 117, 118, 121, 122, 123, 128, 129, 130,
                  132, 134, 135, 139, 143, 160, 161, 200, 208, 218, 219, 222,
                  249, 251, 252, 268, 282, 283, 335, 351, 356, 357, 358, 361,
                  367, 395, 396, 408, 409, 410, 414, 415, 425, 457), 4] <- "GOCC"
    ontoPlusRef[c(31, 50, 92, 103, 115, 117, 118, 121, 122, 123, 128, 129, 130,
                  132, 134, 135, 139, 143, 160, 161, 200, 208, 218, 219, 222,
                  249, 251, 252, 268, 282, 283, 335, 351, 356, 357, 358, 361,
                  367, 395, 396, 408, 409, 410, 414, 415, 425, 457), 6] <-
  colnames(ontoPlusRef) <- c("Son", "Relationship", "Father", "Domain_Son",
                             "Domain_Father", "Domains")

.createTableInference <- function(nameRelations, domains = "GO"){
  tableInference <- data.frame(unlist(lapply(nameRelations,
                                             FUN = function(x, y) {rep(x, y)},
                                             y = length(nameRelations))),
                               rep(nameRelations, length(nameRelations)), 0)
  colnames(tableInference) <- c("fatherRelation", "grandfatherRelation", "h")
  if (domains == "GO"){
    tableInference[c(seq_len(11), 17, 18, seq.int(24, 26),33, 34, 41, 42,
                     49, 50, 57, seq.int(60, 70), seq.int(73, 80)), 3] <- 1
  if (domains == "PO"){
    tableInference[c(seq_len(12), 16, 17, 21, 22),3] <- 1
    tableInference <- tableInference[-c(1,2,6,7),]
  if (domains == "ZFA"){
    tableInference[c(seq_len(12), 16, 17, 21, 22),3] <- 1
    tableInference <- tableInference[-c(1,2,6,7),]
  if (domains == "HPO"){
    tableInference <- tableInference[-c(1, 2, 3, 7, 9, 10, 11, 15, 17, 18,
                                        19, 23, 49, 50, 51, 55),]
    tableInference[c(seq_len(4), 10, 11, 12, 13, 21, 23, 29, 31, 37, 38, 39,
                     40, 47, 43), 3] <- 1

preCoreFG <- function(ontoTerms, domains = "GO") {
  domains <- switch(domains, "GOCC"="GO", "GOBP"="GO", "GOMF"="GO","GO"="GO",
                    "GOCC-PO"="PO","GO-PO"="PO", "GOCC-ZFA"="ZFA",
                    "GO-ZFA"="ZFA", "GOCC-HPO"="HPO", "GOMF-HPO"="HPO",
                    "GOBP-HPO"="HPO", "GO-HPO"="HPO",
                    stop("INCORRECT DOMAIN; \"", domains, "\", ",
                         "SELECTED! --> INVALID OPTION"))

  ontologyPlusRef <- .goPlusInfo()
  nameRelations <- c("is_a", "part_of", "occurs_in", "regulates",
                     "negatively_regulates", "positively_regulates",
                     "capable_of", "capable_of_part_of", "equivalentTo")
  url <- .getCache("http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/go.obo", "goBasic")
  if (length(url)==0) stop("Neither internet connection nor cached GO data")
  infoOntologies <- .readOntology(url, "GO", nameRelations)
  tableInference <- .createTableInference(nameRelations, "GO")

  if (domains=="PO"){
    newNameRelations <- c("is_a", "part_of", "participates_in",
                          "develops_from", "located_in")
    url <- .getCache("http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/po.obo", "poBasic")
    if (length(url)==0)
      stop("Neither internet connection nor cached PO data")
    newOntology <- .readOntology(url, domains, newNameRelations)

  if (domains=="ZFA"){
    newNameRelations <- c("is_a", "part_of", "overlaps", "develops_from",
    url <- .getCache("http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/zfa.obo", "zfaBasic")
    if (length(url)==0)
      stop("Neither internet connection nor cached ZFA data")
    newOntology <- .readOntology(url, domains, newNameRelations)

  if (domains=="HPO"){
    newNameRelations <- c("is_a")
    url <- .getCache("http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/hp.obo", "hpoBasic")
    if (length(url)==0)
      stop("Neither internet connection nor cached HPO data")
    newOntology <- .readOntology(url, domains, newNameRelations)
    newNameRelations <- c("is_a", "capable_of", "part_of", "towards",
                          "characteristic_of", "characteristic_of_part_of",
                          "equivalentTo", "existence_overlaps")}

  if (domains!="GO"){
    addTableInference <- .createTableInference(newNameRelations, domains)
    ontologyPlusRef <- rbind(ontologyPlusRef, .createTableRef(domains))
    for (i in seq_len(length(infoOntologies))) infoOntologies[[i]] <-
      c(infoOntologies[[i]], newOntology[[i]])
    tableInference <- rbind(tableInference, addTableInference)
    rm(newOntology, addTableInference)}

  allTerms <- c()
  for (i in seq_len(length(ontoTerms))){
    if (!is.na(infoOntologies$id[ontoTerms[i]]) &&
        infoOntologies$obsolete[ontoTerms[i]][[1]] == FALSE) allTerms <-
        unique(union(allTerms, infoOntologies$ancestors[ontoTerms[i]][[1]]))

  indexOnto <- c()
  for (i in seq_len(length(allTerms))){
    indexOnto <- union(indexOnto, ontologyPlusRef[
      which(ontologyPlusRef[,1] == allTerms[i]),3])
  for (i in seq_len(length(indexOnto))){
    if (!is.na(infoOntologies$id[indexOnto[i]]) &&
        infoOntologies$obsolete[indexOnto[i]][[1]] == FALSE) allTerms <-
        unique(union(allTerms, infoOntologies$ancestors[indexOnto[i]][[1]]))

  myTerms <- sort(c(allTerms, "Ontology:FES"))
  matrixOntology <- matrix(0, length(myTerms), length(myTerms))
  colnames(matrixOntology) <- rownames(matrixOntology) <- myTerms
  for (i in seq_len(length(myTerms))) {
    ontologyNodes <- infoOntologies$parents[[myTerms[i]]]
    indexTerms <- which(ontologyPlusRef[, 1] == myTerms[i])
    if (length(ontologyNodes) > 0) {
      for (j in seq_len(length(ontologyNodes))) {
        if (ontologyNodes[j] %in% myTerms) {
          matrixOntology[ontologyNodes[j], i] <- 1
      if (length(indexTerms) > 0) {
        for (j in seq_len(length(indexTerms))) {
          if (ontologyPlusRef[indexTerms[j], 4] !=
              ontologyPlusRef[indexTerms[j], 5]) {
            if (length(which(myTerms ==
                             ontologyPlusRef[indexTerms[j], 3])) == 1) {
              matrixOntology[ontologyPlusRef[indexTerms[j], 3],
                             ontologyPlusRef[indexTerms[j], 1]] <- 1
              relationships <- ontologyPlusRef[
                which(ontologyPlusRef[indexTerms[j], 3] ==
                        ontologyPlusRef[, 1]), ]
              if (is.matrix(relationships)) {
                for (k in seq_len(dim(relationships)[1])) {
                  hValue <- tableInference[intersect(
                    which(tableInference[, 2] ==
                            relationships[k, 2]),
                    which(tableInference[, 1] ==
                            ontologyPlusRef[indexTerms[j], 2])), 3]
                  if (hValue == 0) {
                    matrixOntology[relationships[k, 1],
                                   ontologyPlusRef[indexTerms[j], 3]] <- 0
              } else {
                hValue <- tableInference[intersect(
                  which(tableInference[, 2] == relationships[2]),
                  which(tableInference[, 1] ==
                          ontologyPlusRef[indexTerms[j], 2])), 3]
                if (hValue == 0) {
                                 ontologyPlusRef[indexTerms[j], 3]] <- 0

  rootGO <- c("GO:0008150", "GO:0003674", "GO:0005575")
  rootGO <- intersect(myTerms, rootGO)

  if (domains == "PO") {
    newRoots <- c()
    if (length(which(allTerms=="PO:0025131")) > 0) newRoots <- "PO:0025131"
    if (length(which(allTerms=="PO:0009012")) > 0)
      newRoots <- c(newRoots, "PO:0009012")
    matrixOntology["Ontology:FES",  c(rootGO, newRoots)] <- 1
  if (domains=="ZFA") {
    newRoots <- c()
    if (length(which(allTerms == "ZFA:0100000")) > 0)
      newRoots <- "ZFA:0100000"
    matrixOntology["Ontology:FES",  c(rootGO, newRoots)] <- 1
  if (domains=="HPO") {
    newRoots <- c()
    if (length(which(allTerms == "HP:0000001")) > 0)
      newRoots <- "HP:0000001"
    matrixOntology["Ontology:FES",  c(rootGO, newRoots)] <- 1
  if (domains == "GO") {
    matrixOntology["Ontology:FES", rootGO] <- 1

  matrixOntology <- matrixOntology[order(rownames(matrixOntology)), ]
  matrixOntology <- matrixOntology[, order(colnames(matrixOntology))]
  return(as(matrixOntology, "graphNEL"))
fspetale/fgga documentation built on Jan. 29, 2024, 6:53 p.m.