#' Worker pool
#' The worker pool functions are independent of the event loop, to allow
#' independent testing.
#' @family worker pool functions
#' @name worker_pool
#' @keywords internal
#' @importFrom R6 R6Class
worker_pool <- R6Class(
public = list(
initialize = function()
wp_init(self, private),
add_task = function(func, args, id, event_loop)
wp_add_task(self, private, func, args, id, event_loop),
get_fds = function()
wp_get_fds(self, private),
get_pids = function()
wp_get_pids(self, private),
get_poll_connections = function()
wp_get_poll_connections(self, private),
notify_event = function(pids, event_loop)
wp_notify_event(self, private, pids, event_loop),
start_workers = function()
wp_start_workers(self, private),
kill_workers = function()
wp_kill_workers(self, private),
cancel_task = function(id)
wp_cancel_task(self, private, id),
cancel_all_tasks = function()
wp_cancel_all_tasks(self, private),
get_result = function(id)
wp_get_result(self, private, id),
list_workers = function()
wp_list_workers(self, private),
list_tasks = function(event_loop = NULL, status = NULL)
wp_list_tasks(self, private, event_loop, status),
finalize = function() self$kill_workers()
private = list(
workers = list(),
tasks = list(),
try_start = function()
wp__try_start(self, private),
interrupt_worker = function(pid)
wp__interrupt_worker(self, private, pid)
wp_init <- function(self, private) {
wp_start_workers <- function(self, private) {
num <- worker_pool_size()
## See if we need to start more
if (NROW(private$workers) >= num) return(invisible())
## Yeah, start some more
to_start <- num - NROW(private$workers)
sess <- lapply(1:to_start, function(x) callr::r_session$new(wait = FALSE))
fd <- viapply(sess, function(x) processx::conn_get_fileno(x$get_poll_connection()))
new_workers <- data.frame(
stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
session = I(sess),
task = NA_character_,
pid = viapply(sess, function(x) x$get_pid()),
fd = fd,
event_loop = NA_integer_
private$workers <- rbind(private$workers, new_workers)
wp_add_task <- function(self, private, func, args, id, event_loop) {
private$tasks <- rbind(
stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
event_loop = event_loop, id = id, func = I(list(func)),
args = I(list(args)), status = "waiting", result = I(list(NULL)))
## We only need to poll the sessions that actually do something...
wp_get_fds <- function(self, private) {
sts <- vcapply(private$workers$session, function(x) x$get_state())
private$workers$fd[sts %in% c("starting", "busy")]
wp_get_pids <- function(self, private) {
sts <- vcapply(private$workers$session, function(x) x$get_state())
private$workers$pid[sts %in% c("starting", "busy")]
wp_get_poll_connections <- function(self, private) {
sts <- vcapply(private$workers$session, function(x) x$get_state())
busy <- sts %in% c("starting", "busy")
function(x) x$get_poll_connection()),
names = private$workers$pid[busy])
wp_notify_event <- function(self, private, pids, event_loop) {
done <- NULL
dead <- integer()
which <- match(pids, private$workers$pid)
for (w in which) {
msg <- private$workers$session[[w]]$read()
if (is.null(msg)) next
if (msg$code == 200 || (msg$code >= 500 && msg$code < 600)) {
if (msg$code >= 500 && msg$code < 600) dead <- c(dead, w)
wt <- match(private$workers$task[[w]], private$tasks$id)
if (is.na(wt)) stop("Internal error, no such task")
private$tasks$result[[wt]] <- msg
private$tasks$status[[wt]] <- "done"
private$workers$task[[w]] <- NA_character_
done <- c(done, private$tasks$id[[wt]])
if (length(dead)) {
private$workers <- private$workers[-dead,]
worker_pool_size <- function() {
getOption("async.worker_pool_size") %||%
as.integer(Sys.getenv("ASYNC_WORKER_POOL_SIZE", 4))
wp_kill_workers <- function(self, private) {
lapply(private$workers$session, function(x) x$kill())
private$workers <- NULL
wp_cancel_task <- function(self, private, id) {
wt <- match(id, private$tasks$id)
if (is.na(wt)) stop("Unknown task")
if (private$tasks$status[[wt]] == "running") {
wk <- match(id, private$workers$task)
if (!is.na(wk)) private$interrupt_worker(private$workers$pid[wk])
private$tasks <- private$tasks[-wt, ]
wp_cancel_all_tasks <- function(self, private) {
stop("`cancel_all_tasks` method is not implemented yet")
wp_get_result <- function(self, private, id) {
wt <- match(id, private$tasks$id)
if (is.na(wt)) stop("Unknown task")
if (private$tasks$status[[wt]] != "done") stop("Task not done yet")
result <- private$tasks$result[[wt]]
private$tasks <- private$tasks[-wt, ]
wp_list_workers <- function(self, private) {
private$workers[, setdiff(colnames(private$workers), "session")]
wp_list_tasks <- function(self, private, event_loop, status) {
dont_show <- c("func", "args", "result")
ret <- private$tasks
if (!is.null(event_loop)) ret <- ret[ret$event_loop %in% event_loop, ]
if (!is.null(status)) ret <- ret[ret$status %in% status, ]
ret[, setdiff(colnames(private$tasks), dont_show)]
## Internals -------------------------------------------------------------
#' @importFrom utils head
wp__try_start <- function(self, private) {
sts <- vcapply(private$workers$session, function(x) x$get_state())
if (all(sts != "idle")) return()
can_work <- sts == "idle"
can_run <- private$tasks$status == "waiting"
num_start <- min(sum(can_work), sum(can_run))
will_run <- head(which(can_run), num_start)
will_work <- head(which(can_work), num_start)
for (i in seq_along(will_run)) {
wt <- will_run[[i]]
ww <- will_work[[i]]
func <- private$tasks$func[[wt]]
args <- private$tasks$args[[wt]]
private$workers$session[[ww]]$call(func, args)
private$tasks$status[[wt]] <- "running"
private$workers$task[[ww]] <- private$tasks$id[[wt]]
#' Interrupt a worker process
#' We need to make sure that the worker is in a usable state after this.
#' For speed, we try to interrupt with a SIGINT first, and if that does
#' not work, then we kill the worker and start a new one.
#' When we interrupt with a SIGINT a number of things can happen:
#' 1. we successfully interrupted a computation, then
#' we'll just poll_io(), and read() and we'll get back an
#' interrupt error.
#' 2. The computation has finished, so we did not interrupt it.
#' In this case the background R process will apply the interrupt
#' to the next computation (at least on Unix) so the bg process
#' needs to run a quick harmless call to absorb the interrupt.
#' We can use `Sys.sleep()` for this, and `write_input()` directly
#' for speed and simplicity.
#' 3. The process has crashed already, in this case `interrupt()` will
#' return `FALSE`. `poll_io()` will return with "ready" immediately,
#' `read()` will return with an error, and `write_input()` throws
#' an error.
#' 4. We could not interrupt the process, because it was in a
#' non-interruptable state. In this case we kill it, and start a
#' new process. `poll_io()` will not return with "ready" in this case.
#' @param self self
#' @param private private self
#' @param pid pid of process
#' @noRd
wp__interrupt_worker <- function(self, private, pid) {
ww <- match(pid, private$workers$pid)
if (is.na(ww)) stop("Unknown task in interrupt_worker() method")
kill <- FALSE
sess <- private$workers$session[[ww]]
int <- sess$interrupt()
pr <- sess$poll_io(100)["process"]
if (pr == "ready") {
msg <- sess$read()
if (! inherits(msg, "interrupt")) {
}, error = function(e) kill <<- TRUE)
private$workers$task[[ww]] <- NA_character_
} else {
kill <- TRUE
if (kill) {
private$workers <- private$workers[-ww, ]
## Make sure that we have enough workers running
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.