
## Run a simulation of full western data using time/area paramters

# Load Data
setwd('C:/Users/ben/Google Drive/PHD/COLLABORATIONS/SCRS_SIMS/')

print('loading fish data')
# load("C:/Users/ben/Google Drive/PHD/tagd/SENSITIVTY_RUNS/prelim_datasets.Rdata")

# subset PLRC for large fish only
bigidx = lprc$Length>=185
lprc = lprc[bigidx,]

# add Dsd to noaa data
noaa$Dsd = 0

tracks = lprc[,c('Day','Month','Year','TagID' , 'coords.x1', 'coords.x2', 'D', 'Dsd')]
names(tracks)[5:6] = c('Longitude','Latitude')

tracks = rbind(tracks@data, noaa[,c('Day','Month','Year','TagID' , 'Longitude','Latitude', 'D', 'Dsd')])
coordinates(tracks) = ~Longitude+Latitude


# make raster from box structure for inline query during simulation

rasbox = raster(box11, nrow = 26*5, ncol = 29*5)
extent(rasbox) = extent(box11)
# values(rasbox) = box11@data$ID

rasbox = rasterize(box11, rasbox, 'ID')

# fix the bay of biscay
rasbox[cellFromXY(rasbox, c(-2.5, 42.5))] = 8
rasbox[cellFromXY(rasbox, c(-2.5, 45.5))] = 8

# make a matrix for speed
boxmat = list()
boxmat$lon = unique(coordinates(rasbox)[,1])
boxmat$lat = sort(unique(coordinates(rasbox)[,2]))
boxmat$box = t(as.matrix(flip(rasbox, 2)))

plot(box11, add=F, border = 'salmon')
image(seq(-100, 45, length = dim(rasbox)[2]), seq(-50, 80, length = dim(rasbox)[1]), rot90(as.array(rasbox)[,,1], 3), col = tim.colors(12), add=T)
grid(nx = 29, ny = 26)
plot(map , add=T)
plot(box11, add=T, border = 'salmon')

## make a 3D array of parameters
## Month and 11 box area

tracks@proj4string = box11@proj4string
tracks$box = over(tracks, box11)$ID

missing = (1:11)%in%unique(tracks$box)

par2 = daply(, c('box', 'TagID', 'Month'), function(x) get.uv(x[,c('Day','Month','Year','Longitude','Latitude')]))
pnames = dimnames(par2)
pnames$box = as.character(1:11)
par_test = array(NA, dim = c(11, dim(par2)[2:4]), dimnames = pnames)
par_test[missing,,,] = par2
par2 = par_test

tagwts = daply(, c('box', 'Month'), function(x) nrow(x))
pnames = dimnames(tagwts)
pnames$box = as.character(1:11)
tw2 = array(NA, dim = c(11, dim(tagwts)[2]), dimnames = pnames)
tw2[missing,] = tagwts
tagwts = tw2

# advection
ubox = apply(par2[,,,1], 3, rowMeans, na.rm=T)*-1
vbox = apply(par2[,,,2], 3, rowMeans, na.rm=T)

### for missing months, use the most recent months value.. not using weighted values

fill.month.par = function(x){

  if(length(which(! == 0){
  } else{
  sn = min(which(!
  sn = -sn+1
  y = magic::shift(x, sn)

    for(i in which( y[i] = y[which(![max(which(which(! < i))]]

  if(sn != -1) y = magic::shift(y, -sn)

u2 = t(apply(ubox, 1, function(x) fill.month.par(x)))
u2[3,] = u2[4,] # if using NSFISH, make area 3 equal to area 4
u2[7,] = u2[8,]
u2[11,] = u2[10,] = u2[9,] # if using NSFISH, make area 10 and 11 equal to area 9

v2 = t(apply(vbox, 1, function(x) fill.month.par(x)))
v2[3,] = v2[4,] # if using NSFISH, make area 3 equal to area 4
v2[7,] = v2[8,]
v2[11,] = v2[10,] = v2[9,] # if using NSFISH, make area 10 and 11 equal to area 9

# advection variance
ubox_sd = apply(par2[,,,1], c(1,3), sd, na.rm=T)
vbox_sd = apply(par2[,,,2], c(1,3), sd, na.rm=T)

u2_sd = t(apply(ubox_sd, 1, function(x) fill.month.par(x)))
u2_sd[3,] = u2_sd[4,] # if using NSFISH, make area 3 equal to area 4
u2_sd[7,] = u2_sd[8,]
u2_sd[11,] = u2_sd[10,] = u2_sd[9,] # if using NSFISH, make area 10 and 11 equal to area 9
# u2_sd[] = 0 # if there are not enough obs for an sd, fill in zeros
for(i in 1:ncol(u2_sd)) u2_sd[[,i]), i] =  sd(u2_sd[,i], na.rm=T)

v2_sd = t(apply(vbox_sd, 1, function(x) fill.month.par(x)))
v2_sd[3,] = v2_sd[4,] # if using NSFISH, make area 3 equal to area 4
v2_sd[7,] = v2_sd[8,]
v2_sd[11,] = v2_sd[10,] = v2_sd[9,] # if using NSFISH, make area 10 and 11 equal to area 9
# v2_sd[] = 0 # if there are not enough obs for an sd, fill in zeros
for(i in 1:ncol(v2_sd)) v2_sd[[,i]), i] =  sd(v2_sd[,i], na.rm=T)

# Diffusion
d_month_box = ddply(, 'box', get.kfD)

dbox = daply(d_month_box, c('box', 'Month'), function(x) mean(x$D))
dbox_sd = daply(d_month_box, c('box', 'Month'), function(x) mean(x$Dsd))
pnames = dimnames(dbox)
pnames$box = as.character(1:11)
par_test = array(NA, dim = c(11, dim(dbox)[2]), dimnames = pnames)
par_test[missing,] = dbox
dbox = par_test

par_test = array(NA, dim = c(11, dim(dbox)[2]), dimnames = pnames)
par_test[missing,] = dbox_sd
dbox_sd = par_test

# fill in box/months with no observations
dbox = t(apply(dbox, 1, function(x) fill.month.par(x)))
dbox[3,] = dbox[4,] # if using NSFISH, make area 3 equal to area 4
dbox[7,] = dbox[8,]
dbox[11,] = dbox[10,] = dbox[9,] # if using NSFISH, make area 10 and 11 equal to area 9

dbox_sd = t(apply(dbox_sd, 1, function(x) fill.month.par(x)))
dbox_sd[3,] = dbox_sd[4,] # if using NSFISH, make area 3 equal to area 4
dbox_sd[7,] = dbox_sd[8,]
dbox_sd[11,] = dbox_sd[10,] = dbox_sd[9,] # if using NSFISH, make area 10 and 11 equal to area 9
dbox_sd[] = 0 # if there are not enough obs for an sd, fill in a global sd for that month

# Build the array: Box x Month x c(u, v, D, sd.u, sd.v, sd.D)
par_array = abind::abind(u2, v2, dbox, u2_sd, v2_sd, dbox_sd, along = 3, new.names = c('u','v','D','','',''))

# Starting points
ns =
ns = ns[,c('TagID','Day','Month','Year','Longitude','Latitude')]
spts = get.start.pts(ns, msims, months = 1:12, posnames = c('Longitude','Latitude'))
galuardi/SatTagSim documentation built on Nov. 15, 2020, 6:28 a.m.