
Defines functions mvsusie_rss

Documented in mvsusie_rss

#' @rdname mvsusie
#' @param Z J x R matrix of z-scores.
#' @param R J x J LD matrix.
#' @param N sample size
#' @param Bhat Alternative summary data giving the estimated effects
#'   (J X R matrix). This, together with \code{Shat}, may be
#'   provided instead of \code{Z}.
#' @param Shat Alternative summary data giving the standard errors of
#'   the estimated effects (J X R matrix). This, together with
#'   \code{Bhat}, may be provided instead of \code{Z}.
#' @param varY The sample covariance of Y, defined as \eqn{Y'Y/(N-1)}.
#'   When the sample covariance is not provided, the coefficients
#'   (returned from \code{coef}) are computed on the
#'   \dQuote{standardized} X, y scale.
#' @param prior_variance Can be either (1) a vector of length L, or a
#'   scalar, for scaled prior variance when Y is univariate (which
#'   should then be equivalent to \code{\link[susieR]{susie}}); or (2) a
#'   matrix for a simple multivariate regression; or (3) a mixture prior
#'   from \code{\link{create_mixture_prior}}.
#' @param residual_variance The residual variance
#' @param \dots Additional arguments passed to
#'   \code{\link{mvsusie_suff_stat}}.
#' @export
mvsusie_rss <- function(Z, R, N, Bhat, Shat, varY,
                        prior_variance = 0.2,
                        residual_variance = NULL,
                        ...) {
  is_numeric_prior <-
    !(is.matrix(prior_variance) || inherits(prior_variance, "MashInitializer"))

  if (sum(c(missing(Z), missing(Bhat) || missing(Shat))) != 1) {
    stop("Please provide either Z or (Bhat, Shat), but not both")

  # Check input.
  if (anyNA(R)) {
    stop("Input R matrix contains NAs.")
  if (missing(Z)) {
    J <- ifelse(is.matrix(Bhat), nrow(Bhat), length(Bhat))
  } else {
    J <- ifelse(is.matrix(Z), nrow(Z), length(Z))
  if (nrow(R) != J) {
      "The dimension of R (", nrow(R), " x ", ncol(R), ") does not ",
      "agree with expected (", J, " x ", J, ")"

  # Check input N.
  if (!missing(N)) {
    if (N <= 1) {
      stop("N must be greater than 1")

  if (missing(Z)) {
    if (length(Shat) == 1) {
      if (is.matrix(Bhat)) {
        Shat <- matrix(Shat, nrow(Bhat), ncol(Bhat))
      } else {
        Shat <- rep(Shat, length(Bhat))
    if (is.matrix(Bhat)) {
      if (nrow(Bhat) != nrow(Shat)) {
        stop("The number of rows of Bhat and Shat do not agree")
      if (ncol(Bhat) != ncol(Shat)) {
        stop("The number of columns of Bhat and Shat do not agree")
    } else {
      if (length != length(Shat)) {
        stop("The length of Bhat and Shat do not agree")
    if (anyNA(Bhat) || anyNA(Shat)) {
      stop("Bhat, Shat cannot have missing values")
    if (any(Shat <= 0)) {
      stop("Shat cannot have zero or negative elements")
    Z <- Bhat / Shat
  if (anyNA(Z)) {
    warning("NA values in z-scores are replaced with 0")
    Z[is.na(Z)] <- 0

  if (!missing(N)) {
    adj <- (N - 1) / (Z^2 + N - 2)
    Z <- sqrt(adj) * Z

  if (!is.null(dim(Z)) && ncol(Z) > 1 && is_numeric_prior) {
    stop("Please specify prior variance for the multivariate z-scores")

  is_numeric_matrix(R, "R")

  if (missing(N)) {
      "Providing the sample size (N), or even a rough estimate of N, ",
      "is highly recommended. Without N, the implicit assumption is ",
      "N is large (Inf) and the effect sizes are small (close to zero)."
    if (!missing(varY)) {
      if (!is.null(dim(Z))) {
        varY <- cov2cor(varY)
    } else {
      if (is.null(residual_variance)) {
        if (is.null(dim(Z))) {
          varY <- 1
        } else {
          varY <- diag(ncol(Z))
      } else {
        if (is.null(dim(residual_variance))) {
          varY <- residual_variance
        } else {
          varY <- cov2cor(residual_variance)
    s <- mvsusie_suff_stat(
      XtX = R, XtY = Z, YtY = varY, N = 2,
      prior_variance = prior_variance,
      standardize = FALSE,
      residual_variance = residual_variance, ...
  } else {
    # The sample size (N) is provided, so use PVE-adjusted z-scores.
    if (!missing(Shat) & !missing(varY)) {
      # var_y, shat (and bhat) are provided, so the effects are on the
      # *original scale*.
      if (is.null(dim(Z))) {
        XtXdiag <- varY * adj / (Shat^2)
        XtX <- t(R * sqrt(XtXdiag)) * sqrt(XtXdiag)
        XtX <- (XtX + t(XtX)) / 2
        XtY <- Z * sqrt(adj) * varY / Shat
      } else {
        XtXdiag <- colMeans(diag(varY) * adj / t(Shat^2))
        XtX <- t(R * sqrt(XtXdiag)) * sqrt(XtXdiag)
        XtX <- (XtX + t(XtX)) / 2
        XtY <- Z * sqrt(adj) * diag(varY) / Shat
    } else {
      # The effects are on the *standardized* X, y scale.
      XtX <- (N - 1) * R
      XtY <- sqrt(N - 1) * Z
      if (!missing(varY)) {
        if (!is.null(dim(Z))) {
          varY <- cov2cor(varY)
      } else {
        if (is.null(residual_variance)) {
          if (is.null(dim(Z))) {
            varY <- 1
          } else {
            varY <- diag(ncol(Z))
        } else {
          if (is.null(dim(residual_variance))) {
            varY <- residual_variance
          } else {
            varY <- cov2cor(residual_variance)
    s <- mvsusie_suff_stat(
      XtX = XtX, XtY = XtY, YtY = (N - 1) * varY, N = N,
      prior_variance = prior_variance,
      residual_variance = residual_variance, ...

  class(s) <- "mvsusie"
gaow/mmbr documentation built on April 24, 2024, 7:12 p.m.